HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnual Inspections "r" 1,~35 UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST ;;' ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPI' Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 210 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 872-2171 ~~~,','';'':' ~.,~~Ii;.V.l?r'...'JIlI',O.i;1.\WJ:~,,';i:,"~l'..;;' i;c<:(f.Ji':";';"::'- -, !-"j' :,;;."~~,:,,.~~,,',,; :~:;!;-"':,,'7'::'.):'.: ':;">~'l.> .,,' ~'Ii""""~""", ~ ....,,<..'.... ..f~'>:;" '/.' roo. .-,.'~', ";.-;_'- ~ "".:" _~~',:l"";',~ :_:n.' ~'..j : SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ADDRESS NSPECTlON TIME o OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT USINESS ID NUMBER r 1/ J 15-021- :7 I' o ROUTINE Section 1: Business Plan .nd Inventory Program lA"'" COMBINED '0-'- JOINT -AGEN-CY-------O- MUL TI-AGENCy-'O'COMPLAINT ORE-INSPECTION C V (C-COmPliance) V=Violalion OPERATION COMMENTS ApPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND Business PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE VISIBLE ADDRESS CORRECT OCCUPANCY VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ENTD MAY 3 0 2007 VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES VERIFICATION OF LOCATION PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY VERIFICATION OF HAl MAT TRAINING EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED HOUSEKEEPING FIRE PROTECTION [J"" 0 SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANV HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITI\' ,I ...4~ 0 NO EXPLAIN: t}l(l~ t)~-~t~ "^- t..\)tl Ins White - Prevention S.rvic.... Y.llow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy FD2049 (Rev. 02/05) -:/ ~ INSPECTIONS BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 BUSINESS PLAN & INVENTORY PROGRAM UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST Page 1 of 1 FACILITY NAME: INSPECTION DATE: 7;/ '3r/fJ ) Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program D Routine ~mbined Type of Tank Type of Monitoring ~~oCY 0 M".i-Ageocy Number of Tanks ..- 1-lU.... Type of Piping '3 Complaint @JllF D Re-Inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file ~ Proper owner / operator data on file ~ Permit fees current /' Certification of Financial Responsibility /' Monitoring record adequate and current /' Maintenance records adequate and current /' Failure to correct prior UST violations / Has there been an unauthorized release? DYes o No / Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program Tank Size(s) ,gO~<3~ c;t;o Type of Tank Aggregate Capacity Number of Tanks v, OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available ./ SPCC on file with OES v' Adequate secondary protection V Proper tank placarding/labeling V Is tank used to dispense MVF?) 1/ If yes, does tank have overfill/ overs pill protection? V C = Compliance cr;L~ Business Sit~sponsible Party Inspector: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White - Prevention Services Pink - Business Copy KBF-7335 FD 2156 (Rev. 09/05) ~ . ~.' .' ".: " ~', . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME---Ulk)tt_W(,l~r ClL, Wa" INSPECTION DATE~L3/~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~ombined 0 Joint Agency 0 Multi-Agency Type of Tank ---I1.JJF<:S Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring e (.../1t\ Type of Piping 3D Complaint DwP ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file \.I / Proper owner/operator data on file V / Permit fees current / V Certification of Financial Responsibility V /' Monitoring record adequate and current V / Maintenance records adequate and current / V Failure to correct prior UST violations L- / Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No 1/ - I I I, Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S)12);,lr;t) ~"L'L O~( Il}cuk Type of Tank -Ll L {LlJ. AGGREGATE CAPACITY ~on Number of Tanks ' OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available ,";"f .' SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? Inspector: Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Fnv, Svcs. Pink - Business Copy C=Compliance Y=Yes N=NO -.-.t"- . ., UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield. CA 9330 I Tel: (661)326-3979 FA:'LlT~:=-1J)l~ _ ADDRESS Business ID Number 15-021- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine mbined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection C V ~ ( C=Compliance ) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS ApPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND --.--..-r-----.---..-.------~------~------- -----------.----.-------.. -....- -.------.....-...--------..- - .. ---- -----..- \0/' 0 BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE --ti/6-~~~SIBLE -:,~RESS------------------ -- ---------..---------:.- . - ------.--- -~- .. CORRECT- OC~~PANC~------------------n---------.--- ---.....- 1------------- -. -..-- - -- - -------- .---.----- - ~- VERIFICATIO~- OF-~~~NTORY :TE~IAL;--------------- --+.----.------ - __m__ --. .------.------- - -- -..- .. --------.. - ~--- VERI~~~~ON OF ~:~NT~;~~-----m----------- ------------ _n_____ -- ---------- -.-------- -- ---------..-.----.----- ~- -~ERIFI~A;;ON OF _~~~I~~--m----------..-- ___m __________m____ --..-.--...------ .____.m___ -.. .m_.___m._ -------/--------------------.----------------------------------- I- --- -----------..----. --.-- - .-..----..-.. -----. .-- --. -- --... --. .--.-...-- ..- ~ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL --_...-/~._______._______~-_.---.--- ...__..___________.__....______ __ ___.__..._______.. ...........__ __.. .. _m____nn_____ _______ _____ __.___......n._ ~ 0 VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABIUTYE -~-V~~;I~~TION OF-H-~--M~T ~~~~I~~--- ____m_____.____H._ ___u_____________u___ -- . __unu__u_._m_u_______ n ------- g?O-~-RIFICATIO~~-~~~TE~;~;U-;~;~~-~~D- ;~~~~~~~~-I---m-------- -- ___~--m---u.. - ..-----..-- . ..______.u - -~-~~~RGENC~- PR~CED~;~--~DEO:TEn-----_----n------- _____.______________n____ -- _u_____u _nn__________.______ -.. .._mm_ u --~----C~~TAI~~~~-~~~~;~~~-~-~~~~~-------m----------.-- _____+______________u___u________ - 'U'" - --- ---- .... --- -- .----- --~-------- ---- _n___~________ ________ _____ - --1----- _______.__ n_______ ~ 0 HOUSEKEEPING 1 -~-- -~~~-~R;~~;;~~ ---------------- u__ -- __h_ ------ ----------- ------- -- -- _________u ____u____ ------- -~--- SI~~[;;_;~~~M-A~~~~~~~ -&-ON -H;~-~- ---- ----- -------- ..--.--- --.--- ----- -- - -------- -- -- - -----.-------.--- . ..-------- I ...n ______..._ - EXPLAIN: Q)os-k 0 (I ~YES (] No "'cJ ~L ~~O P ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: White - Environmental Services Yellow . Station Copy QUmZ~NG T. IS Inspector PECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 I Badge No., ,¡,Î' .. ~ r ,i .,i~ e e FACILITYNAMEJ.AJV1\~ Wbte." ~ [¡{jib+' INSPECTION DATE7/z?jm- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave,. 3rd Floor. Bakersfield. CA 93301 Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine -~ Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank _þ V\J F êÆ "S Type of Monitoring (\/Lvv\ o Multi-Agency Number of Tanks Type of Piping o Complaint S Þ lit) F ORe-inspection OPERA TlON C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile Proper owner/operator data 011 tìlc Penn it fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No 'f- Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? [I' yes, Does tank have overtill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO White - Fnv. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy ponsible Party e UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept, Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield. CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACI~~~N_~~E IAlh !It~__kV~. ___CtDV'___w'g~h_.__._______·u________n____m !IFI)~~iZi?r_-~~:~:TI:~~~:E-m- ADDRESS q' PHONE No. No. of Employees ______. -¡ g} ~}]~___~JJ~_________________________ ru.:'131ß__f¿Q~?º__.__ FACILlTYCONTACT Business 10 Number 15-021- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program LJ Routine ~ Combined LJ Joint Agency o Multi-Agency LJ Complaint LJ Re-inspection c V ( C=Compliance ) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS J(__. LJ ___.Ap~RO~~~~~E~~~~~~_~AN~____ _____________________ _ ."__ ______ __ ._______________. _ _mm_._. ~ LJ BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE --._-" "---. -...--......-.-..... ---_._--~~._-------------- ---------_._--- ~ ------_._~ --~_.__. ----~- - -...-..--.------ ....-.--....------.--.. . ....---....-..--.... ...--. -.-.."--.'- d LJ VISIBLE ADDRESS -~--_:~~-------_..__._--_._._---_.._._-------_._--,_.-...---..--------- LJ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ... ._...____..___. _.__w__ m. ____ _.__..___ ..____....___.___._ .__ _ _.~.. ._.. _.. ---.---.----------.--.---.---------------.-.-.---..-----.----- ..___.__....__..____.. _._._.___.._._ ___...._____.__.__..__..._.__.._.._. .__ __. .__..__.. _..____.._._ no_.__.... __~-~-_~ERI~~~~~ON OF ~_~=NT~~~_MATE~~~=-.u____n_ ____u______________ __ _n_____u_ _u_______.. ___ _________.. ____ _____ i..' LJ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES _____.___..___.. ___~.._____________u___.._..______ ...M.________....__._...__ ..___ ____._.._____.____.____.. __.._.__........_.__._______._.__.____.._.___...__ _._ __ __".d'.._ .__ _._ _'í-_9.____~~~~~AT':!~ OF _~OC~~I~~_______________________...._. ______._______________ .._______________ _.0____ ~_~~~~~_=_EG~~GA~I~~_~~~~~:~~~__._______n___________ ___nm_______u______ __ _ ... __________.___________ ________ ... ~__ LJ__~=~~~~TION OF ~_~~~ AV~~L~~~~~_~___.__m____. _____ ____u.____________._.__ _ .. _____.u__n ___...._..._ ____ . ._____ ~~_~~IFICATION o~~~M~~ TR~~~~~________________ ____________________________.______________u_____ _ __u_ _____ ~ LJ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ~-a--~~~RGENC~- PR~CE~~;~~-~DEQ~~~~...----·n---m---n n_________________________..__ Un' _u _._m_m_______________ -.. ..__m__n.. n ___________._____.__.____._________.__m.._..n___._...._______._.________.____+.___.__.__ .___._ .. ._.____.._.__.._____nn_._ _ .___ _.... _ _.. _. _.._. _.. _ __.._ _.___._. ~_~__~~NT~N_E~~ PRO~E_~_~~ _~~~~=~____ _ _________ _ _ --1------------ . _h_______nm__ m_'_ __ _______n_ . ______ __ .. _______ ~ LJ HOUSEKEEPING. 1· _l\m_~_n~I~~!~~:~c~~~_____m________________ _____n___ ________.______ ____________.__ ____ ..____ _ _ __ nn______... _ __ ___. ~ LJ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND I I ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: )( YES LJ No EXPLAIN: U5J 0;/ ð ._~..__...._-------_._-. -------- (/ Badge No., ..--.--.- G THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 arty White . Environmental SeNices Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy UNIFIED PROGRAM If:-~ECTION CHECKLIST · SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield. CA 9330 I Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILITY NAME __~LÙlÅ~w "-~{C__._SAL__WwL___._______ ADDRE~S ---1 ~ q ( (,t)/~L~L----------------__ FACILlTYCONTACT INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME -()q '"0 3 - -~. --....-------.----- ..'-. ~------.-.----.--.-..---- PHONE--·Nõ~----+·--·'---·-n- No:-õfëmployees"----- _____.__.____._____________ - _:lll{~__ __)'6________ Business 10 Number 15-021- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine r1. Combined D Joint Agency D Multi-Agency D Complaint D Re-inspection c V ~D ( C=Compliance ) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS ApPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND -~--------~------_._-~-------_.__._-_._--_._----- ____. __.____ ...__ ____.__u____.__.______ _. .....___.______.._. .___.nn.n._____._____.... _.... _ _.... ._....._...___ __ ____m_·..____·····___ ..... .-.--..-- ci/6 BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE _____~_____________________"_______..___~__._____..__ ..__.__,_.____.n.._.____._. . _ .___._..__._._____ .._._...__._._.__._,~.... _..___...._..__ ....__.. _...._..__.._....._... cl/"D VISIBLE ADDRESS _._.____c-'-___.__.____.___.___.______._._____._._____ _. ___.._______.__...__ . _ . _ .__. ____.___. ......._ ....... .____ _ _____. ,,________ .___._._...._.. _. u .___._. ... . ...__ ._. _ __.._ cD/'D' CORRECT OCCUPANCY __._m._._______________._._______.______._._ ...___.__________ ...-. _ . -.-f-----.------.--.-- _ ,,---.--. ---,,----.-...--...- .-.--.-- ---.-. --. ----. ..----...... .--' . .. 0./ D VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS -?o-- VERI~~~~~ON OF Q~~~;I~;~~______m___...________ ---- -- ------...- --. ---- -- --------- ...____m__.. -------------------..-- __._.__~..__..._____.____._________.._.__._____ .....____..____..._ ... __ .........__. _.___._____..____._.___. ~..____._..._._ ____._____________.____.._.___...__ __. _.m..._..__ ___. ..n. .___.._ ro/"D VERIFICATION OF LOCATION .--.--/-----------------.-----------------------------.-- rtV' D PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ..... r-----.------.- ---.----.--.-- ..+. _._..____._.. ______.m_ .~. _____...____._ ___....___.._ _. _... .__._ -_._----~----------_.._-------_._._._._- .....--.----------.---....-....--.---.- -- .-.---..------.-..-.- ..--_..._.-_..._~. ...--.-.------.---.----...--..-------. -..------..--.-- C/'D VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILlTYE __._.__.__~~____._______________.__________..________ ._n.. .______...._.___.. ._.__...___ _ __..______.__.______._.... .__ _._. _.__...____.__...n_____ n___._____.._.. ._.._________ - --..--.----..- m/' D VERIFICATION OF HAT MAT TRAINING (i/6~~IFICATION OF -~~~TE~;;;-;~;~~;~~-~~D- ;~~~~~~~~~- r------------ -- ---~---------.. - u________ .._._u__.. ----- -~--E~~RGENC~-~;;CE~~;~--ADE~~~TE --- --- - --- - - -- u__ -- ----- -- -- -- ----- ---- --- - - - --- ---- -- --- - ---------- --- - -- - --- --=-7..-- ------- - --- - - - -- ------- - ----- _m_____ ----- -------- -- ~- --- - -- - -- -- - --- -- - --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---. _~¿__~ONT~N_EHS PRO~E_~~~~B~r=~_ ______________ ---J---- ______ ____ ______ __ _ __ ___ ______un u_ _ _______ ~;,:;s:::~~~~------------1----.---- _____________u____..._____.______.__._________ -. - ---- -.......---.---. r;~/o---SI~~D~~~~-AM -A~~~~~~~-&-ON--H~~~----- ------------ -------.----- ----.---- ----------- .-- --- u_ _______._u_.· . . - --- u .--- i ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: qVES D No EXPLAIN: W&.Jt () It ~ \ lÁ-ir ~ '1- v\tk~I'-( frr ~ L White - Environmental Services Yellow . Station Copy QUESTION~f, EGARD~/TH/fSPECTI~N? PLEASE. CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 . - ~-- - -~------- --- Inspector Badge No., - --_._._---------~.._----- Bus ess Site Responsible Party - e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave.. 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME W\".\c.. CÙtltcv-- tll( LUl~" INSPECTION DATE 9 ~ 1- 0 1 Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~ Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank D(l)R'.5 Type of Monitoring ð U1J\ o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks ""3 Type of Piping (JWç ORe-inspection OPERA nON C v COMMENTS Proper tank data on file V / Proper owner/operator data Oil tile L / Penn it fees CUITent V Certification of Financial Responsibility L.- / Monitoring record adequate and current L.;' Maintenance records adequate and current ,/ Failure to correct prior UST violations /' Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No i.-/ Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERA nON Y N COMMENTS spec available spec on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispcnse MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? White - fnv. Svcs. Pink - RlIsiness Copy c~c"mp¡;,"~.e /'ÍV=Vi()l~tion, Y=Yes I I~ ~ Inspector: _ /, .J L .Lt.Jrkl'_ / Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 N=NO -- . . CITY OF BAKERSFIEI,D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd f'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME N (/1 fft ~ tel r WfJ.J.k. ADDRESS ')fq ( wh.ck &í FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE to -;}. of) c- PHONE NO. . R-~~73«g BUSINESS ID NO. 15-2 10- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Co 0 Section I: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~ombined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand \.. / Business plan contact infonnation accurate L.. / Visible address L- / Correct occupancy \...... / Verifkation of inventory materials V ./ Verification of quantities V /" Veri fication of location '- ./ Proper segregation of material ./ v J Verification of MSDS availability t,. ./ Verification of Haz Mat training ./ ~ Veri fication of abatement supplies and procedures \.. ./ Emergency procedures adequate l.. ./ Containers properly labeled / v Housekeeping ,/ ......... ./ Fire Protection "" Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand l. / C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazar~oudaste on ~e?: Explain: t,s c th-tlJ r l)~ Yes 'Ø No White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 , t' · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME f(1f19/{Il'å t4V- (jj(J st\ INSPECTION DATE 10 ~f) ~Ol_ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ljg Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank þ')CLH~ Type of Monitoring f!J t...l/V\ o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks .3 Type of Piping Dw,- ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file Proper owner/operator data on tile Perrnít fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monítoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Faílure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorízed release? Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AOGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file wíth OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/Jabelíng Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspilJ protection? I 0 :~~,:~~I~71J¡&;; N=NO J U .7 Office of Envíronmental Services (805) 326-3979 Bu" iness S~esponsible Party White - Env. Sves. Pink - Business Copy e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME Ntð-f4.ú'â étlr V.)f1('~ INSPECTION DATE ,ç- t {-Of Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~ Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank ,(l1l>Fr ~ Type of Monitoring èLM.. o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks 3 Type of Piping (Jl1J(==- ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file I\.- / Proper owner/operator data on tile t...- /' Permit fees current \....... / Certification of Financial Responsibility V/ Monitoring record adequate and current t .J Maintenance records adequate and current ,,_.)1 Failure to correct prior UST violations ,- V Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No l - ./ Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? [[yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=CompJiance V=Violation Y=Yes In,peolO'~' ~4a¡pt) Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - rnv. Sves. N=NO \ Pink - Business Copy . e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKl..IST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Ji'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME Hf,LJ~ ~~~ Wo..~ ADDRESS 7'1'l{ \ FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE ö-l!1-0! PHONE NO. tõ 3J .. ì 3 '('6 BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 7.Ç Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~ Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand L V Business plan contact information accurate \ li Visible address t- V Correct occupancy l,... V Verification of inventory materials L.- V Verification of quantities V / ¡,- Verification of location IV Proper segregation of material Iv I Iv ,r Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training L / V crification of abatement supplies and procedures L" / Emergency procedures adequate Iv / . Containers properly labeled l,.. / Housekeeping v I Fire Protection V I / Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand Iv C=Compliance V=Violation Any ~azardoutwasti o~si ~?: (j-Yes 0 No Explam: l.JJa,tr.. (h_. 1l tft.r~ r- , White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979