HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/31/2007• B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: John W. Stinson City Council members: Assistant City Manager Harold Hanson, Chair David Couch Ken Weir SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE of the City Council -City of Bakersfield Wednesday, October 31, 2007 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Discussion regarding Educational Incentive Program - Lozano, Stinson 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding the Medical Insurance Renewals -Lozano, Stinson 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT • ,~ B A K E R S F I E L D „ ~ ~~^ Harold Hanson, Chair Staff:PJohn W. Stinson David Couch Assistant City Manager Ken Weir AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING of the PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Tuesday, September 4, 2007 9:00 a.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 1. ROLL CALL Called to Order at 9:16:10 AM Committee members Present: Councilmember Harold Hanson, Chair Councilmember Ken Weir Absent: Councilmember David Couch Staff present: Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Rhonda Smiley, Assistant to the City Manager Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Javier Lozano, Human Resources Manager Nelson Smith, Finance Director Patrick Hayes, Detective -Bakersfield Police Department Bill Ware, Sergeant -Bakersfield Police Department William Hughes, Detective -Bakersfield Police Department Kevin Stokes, Captain -Bakersfield Police Department Retired employee: Margaret Ursin Others: Marlene Valdez and Chuck Waide, SEIU Local 521 Miscellaneous members of the media 2. ADOPT APRIL 23, 2007 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Approved as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Military Leave Policy ~~qFr This item was placed on the agenda at the request of Councilmember Couch. Human Resources Manager Lozano reviewed the memo that was included in the packet on this subject. City Manager Tandy stated that the goal is to have a written policy that is uniform and applicable to all employees. There are two employees being deployed this month. It is appropriate to put this on the next Council agenda. Detective Hayes noted an issue with the current compensation, which is set for 12 months. The new rotations are set for 15 to 18 months. Human Resources Manager Lozano stated that the City is legally obligated by State and Federal Statues to pay 100% of the employee's salary for the first 30 days of deployment. The employee will be given the option of receiving COBRA type benefits, paying 100% of the premiums plus an additional 2% administrative fee up to 18 months. Should the employee decide not to receive differential pay, the City's health benefits will continue and the 20% premium will be waived. Committee Chair Hanson stated that he is fully supportive of the military, and recommended setting the term for differential pay at 15 months and providing the same medical coverage as employees currently have. The employee would continue to pay what the currently amount, which is 20% of the premiums. Committee member Weir voiced his support for the military, also, but suggested using a fund whereby employees contribute vacation or sick time to pay the differential rather than using City funds. Mr. Lozano reported that the City currently has a Catastrophic Leave policy whereby employees can contribute vacation or compensatory time to another employee specifically named should there be a catastrophic event that causes him/her to use all existing benefit accruals. He asked staff to look into funding alternatives that would not incur additional cost and burden to the City, and would not use taxpayer dollars in a way that taxpayers did not intend. SEIU Representative Chuck Waide said that he does not believe such a fund would work because there would be a need for a large amount of donated time, and some employees are comfortable only contributing to others within their office or department. City Attorney Gennaro said that staff will write the Administrative Report and note that two Committee members were present and offered different suggestions. The full City Council can decide the issue at the next regular meeting of September 12, 2007. S:\Council Committees\2007\07 Personnel\September 4\September 4 ASR.doc Page 2 QR~:FT B. Discussion regarding Educational Reimbursement Human Resources Manager stated that this item was placed on the agenda as a result of a request to review the legality of having employees who take advantage of this benefit sign a Promissory Note. Based on advice from legal counsel, this option is not legal. An alternative would be a Pledge Note whereby the employee would promise to reimburse the City for educational benefit should they leave the City's employment within two years following receipt of such reimbursement. Further, Mr. Lozano gave an overview of the memo dated August 30, 2007 that was included in the packet on this subject. City Manager Tandy stated that this issue arose from recent discussions regarding recruitment and retention efforts. Many employees cannot reasonably attend California State University in Bakersfield (CSUB) because class schedules conflict with work shifts. Staff suggested enhancing the program to increase compensation for attending other universities, such as the University of Laverne or the University of Phoenix, from a maximum of $4,500 to $8,000 annually and $32,000 lifetime. The cost is higher for these universities compared to CSUB, but the reimbursement maximum will be based on CSUB tuition levels. Committee member Weir recommended a reimbursement of 100% to CSUB students. Other students would receive 100% up to the CSUB tuition level, with the City paying 75% of any amount above that, with maximums of $8,000 per year and $32,000 lifetime for undergraduates, and $10,000 per year and $20,000 lifetime for graduate students. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:26:51 AM cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:\Council Committees12007\07 Personnel\September 4\September 4 ASR.doc Page 3 EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM GED or Related Education • 100% reimbursement for GED or related High School completion equivalent programs • 100% reimbursement for job enhancement related educational programs (not to include work related training) (Example: English, Grammar, Math, Typing classes, etc.) • Maximum annual benefit is $500 • Total lifetime maximum benefit $2,000 Undergraduate Benefit • 100% reimbursement of tuition, required fees and books (employee keeps books) equivalent to the CSUB tuition, fees and books • This dollar amount is based on the CSUB tuition and fees structure This dollar amount is based on the CSUB tuition and fees structure (approximately $4,800 per year for 2007-2008) so is subject to CSUB structure changes • so is subject to change accordingly • For educational cost greater than this equivalent, employees are eligible to receive an additiona175% tuition, required fees and books for a total annual maximum benefit of $8,000 • There is a total lifetime maximum benefit of $32,000 Graduate Benefit • 100% reimbursement of tuition, required fees and books (employee keeps books) equivalent to the CSUB tuition, fees and books • This dollar amount is based on the CSUB tuition and fees structure This dollar amount is based on the CSUB tuition and fees structure (approximately $4,800 per year for 2007-2008) so is subject to CSUB structure changes • For educational cost greater than this equivalent, employees are eligible to receive an additiona175% tuition, required fees and books for a total annual maximum benefit of $10,000 • There is a total lifetime maximum benefit of $20,000 • 100% reimbursement of required books (employee keeps books) S:UAVIER\2007 Files\Recruitment & Retention\Tuition Reimbursement(5).doc Approval Criteria • Must be Full-Time, Regular employee having successfully completed hiring probation period • Approval by Dept Head prior to enrolling in course(s) • Completion of Tuition Reimbursement Form and Pledge Note for each course prior to enrolling in course(s) • The employee receiving reimbursement for specific coursework shall agree ~'2~/~f ~ to a pledge note willing to repay the City, with the understanding that the ~`'L City will not pursue repayment if the employee remains a City employee for a period of two (2) years after the reimbursement for that coursework has been given. • The amount of repayment shall be a 24 month prorated amount based on the entire City reimbursement amount. • Course and/or Program must be directly related to employee's current position or determined to add value to the City of Bakersfield • Reimbursement will be for only course(s) and/or program(s), of either traditional or non-traditional course(s) including on-line clas(s), which meet the following or equivalent accreditation: o Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) o Council on Higher Education (CHEA) o National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) o American Bar Association (ABA) o California Department of Education • No reimbursement for mail order, correspondence or non-accredited schools will be allowed. Reimbursement Approval Criteria • For undergraduate program, completion of approved course(s) with a grade of "C" or better is required. • For graduate program, completion of approved course(s) with a grade of "B" or better is required. • Pass/Fail or Class Auditing will .not be reimbursable. • Completion of Tuition Reimbursement Form after completion of course(s) S:UAVIER\2007 Files\Recruitment & Retention\Tuition Reimbursement(5).doc • Submission of all receipts for tuition, fees and books. • Approval by Dept Head and submission of form to HR and Finance for payment. S:UAVIER\2007 Files\Recruitment & Retention\Tuition Reimbursement(5).doc # of F.F.c iTtili~ed F,ducational Reimbursement 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fire 37 31 33 41 23 Police 37 36 28 31 20 Misc 39 58 38 37 28 Total 113 125 99 109 71 # of F.F.c iltilized F,ducational Reimbursement and Terminated Employment 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fire - - - - - Police 1 2 1 2 - Misc 1 3 4 1 4 Total 2 5 5 3 4 PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Personnel Committee Committee of the Bakersfield City Council Committee Meeting Date / 6 - 3~-6 ~ You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limitedto three (3) minutes per speakerwith a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair: Harold Hanson Name: J ~ ~ ~ a/'1 P'o ~ Cogmpany/ /~ Or anization: C /S ~ ~~ E--~ rP Address: Phone: Fax/e-mail: Subject: PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Personnel Committee Committee of the Bakersfield City Council Committee Meeting Date You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair. Harold Hanson Name: ~" Company/ Organization: q /~ Address: / ~ ~ ~ ~~ Phone: ~°?~ /~~ / Fax/e-mail: Subject: _~~~.,P~a--~./~ ~~-~ ~„io PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Personnel Committee Committee of the Bakersfield City Council Committee Meeting Date D ~ You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair: Ha//rold Hanson Name: `~~R G' 1.~ ~~1i~l~'P Company/ Organization: ~f ~ Address: aQ' ` ~'-~' Phone: 3Z ~ 7 Fax/e-mail: Subject: ~i¢~~ ~~ f PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, October 31, 2007 ATTENDANCE LIST Name c E b~ Organization 1~~RE~ Contact: Phone/ E-mail 588 4517 ~.~ ~ - ~~ w~ C,i -F- ~~-e~ ,..,,. - .SEI V ~ 3 L~ 3 30 ~..~ ~a-z,~- F~ 3 2~- 3~ 5 I ~~„,,e f GeI~,Sn Ca ~ Ir Fo ~~ ~ a~ `3 R S --7 3 z O ~.~~ ~ ~3~5 -~ ~. - - 3 -7 rtr ~a r ~ ~,~~~ 54s~ /GG / Jr~ >kS ~ (~ y 77 o, ~~ CC 6~ - a ~ -~~ ~ ~ Cog Z -3 3