HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSPECTIONSWe ......................... ......... . . ..... — ..................... ................................... . .......... . ...... .............. . .. ......... ........ .............. ............ > ii SI) C3 I I9 Ov Ol > vi :v uj 00 —41 ................... . . . ............. ..... ................. ......................... ........ .......... ............ . ... ................................... . ..... 3 LI'll m 22 rul Ml z rD e- ao W ru ..... ...... .... ... . ..... ro fT, zF ft. V.- VI fik 77 all ('D m zi IM elY, 7-1 ru n z fD (D 8"D ... . ........ rj N tQ -r u'l Vi. Lrl U,) LAI tQ -4 :17 PlIj 67.7 ,J NJ lr G) S. ............. ............. .....,. :, :,NM;_.... . ........... ................................... ........ ............ ............ ... ............ .......... -- — - - - ------- ................................. ...................... .............. ............ . . . . . . ... . ........... I v 17D ................... ............................. . . . . ... . .. ....... R �� �, ;y ,_, +�r .� r +�r r► w UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1: Hazardous Materials Business Plan Insaection BMERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. -- Prevention Services » tr R s F r D 2101 H Street FIRE Bakersfield, CA 93301 rNfl. Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 FACILITY NAME INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME V =Violation; 1,11 Minor Violation COMMENT ADDRESS PHONE NO. NO OF EMPLOYEES 1-N Q C, APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND (BMC:15.65.080) FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER onsent to Inspect Name/Title 1010008 }s }z Section 1f> Business Plan and Inuento Pro ram rJ! 9 WROUTINE ❑ COMBINED ❑ JOINTAGENCY ❑ MULTI- AGENCY ❑ COMPLAINT ❑ RE- INSPECTION C V ° ompiance OPERATION CERS V =Violation; 1,11 Minor Violation COMMENT APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND (BMC:15.65.080) 3010001 BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE (CCR: 2729.1) 1010008 VISIBLE ADDRESS (CFC: 505.1, BMC:15.52.020) CORRECT OCCUPANCY (CBC: 401) VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS (CCR: 2729.3) 1010004 VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES (CCR: 2729.4) 1010006 VERIFICATION OF LOCATION (CCR: 2729.2) PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL (CFC: 2704.1) VERIFICATION OF SDS AVAILABILITY (CCR: 2729.2(3)(b)) v'l3 Ar VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING (CCR: 2732) 1020002 A}�4 VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES & PROCEDURES (CCR: 2731(c)) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE (CCR: 2731) 1010010 CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED (CCR: 66262.34(f), CFC: 2703.5) 3030007 HOUSEKEEPING (CFC: 304.1) FIRE PROTECTION (CFC: 903 & 906) 3030032 .,p SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND (CCR: 2729.2) 1010005 ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ❑ YES ❑ NO Signature ofRecei t Explain: ( A-iCGS iAr9AAJS>0AJ i' wt pp-r-VtQus CW- 3im . J1 3 (_"L4 j t' A- jrtr_14tZ71V; CNiNA�vT "IFU'VOi QC Inspector: 5 k-`c 4) E- POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Correct the violation(s) noted above by • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H Street, California 93301 White - Business Copy Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Prevention Services Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date FD2155 (Rev 8//14) Prevention Services UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST:. rAR n 9ooTruxtu Ave., te210 Bakersfield, Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Fax: (661) 872 -2171 - NSPE ION ATE NSPECTION TIME FACILITY NAME _-- -r.- -- HONE NO. NO OF EMPLOYEES ADDRESS ✓" r USINESS ID NUMBER p "� FACILITY CONTACT 15.021. ! J 77 77777777777 Sectlion 1 Business flan and Inv ®nto`ry Program ❑ ROUTINE OMBINED El JOINT AGENCY ❑ MULTI - AGENCY ❑ COMPLAINT 171 RE- INSPECTION j C= Copliance) OPERATION C m \ V= Violation -- [X ❑ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ❑ Business PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE (�'' ❑ VISIBLE ADDRESS ❑ CORRECT OCCUPANCY [L/'❑ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES [�}.�❑ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION lY ❑ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL �❑ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY �❑ — VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING �! VERIFICATION O AF BATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ❑ (�,Y EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ❑ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED E?-"* ❑ HOUSEKEEPING ❑ iK FIRE PROTECTION ❑ ❑ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ❑ YES ❑\-W EXPLAIN: C" "I t 11 i it l� COMMENTS QUESTI S REGARDINP THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326.3979 Business ite / esponsible Pa y (Please Print) Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 15S In /Shift of Site /Station # White — Prevention Services Yellow - Station Copy Pink — Business Copy ME FD 2155 (Rev. 09/05 FACILITY NAME: ins �- A j BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 Page 1 of 1 INSPECTION DATE: fZ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program / ❑ Multi-Agency ❑ Complaint ❑ Re- Inspection ❑ Routine CY Combined ❑ Joint Agency Number of Tanks Type of Tank 5 Type of Monitoring y�'�- Type of Piping C V COMMENTS OPERATION Proper tank data on file Proper owner / operator data on file Permit fees current t� Certification of Financial Responsibility V Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations LJ Has there been an unauthorized release? O Yes NO No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program Tank Size(s) Type of Tank OPERATION SPCC available Aggregate Capacity Number of Tanks SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding /labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF ?) if yes, does tank have overfill / overspill protection? C = Compliance V = Violation Y = Yes N = No Inspector: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326 -3979 White — Prevention Services KBF•7335 Y I N COMMENTS Business Site Responsible` arty Pink - Business Copy F0 2156 (Rev. 09105) .... ....... . . r CORRECTION CQ NOTICE 001595 BAKERSF{ELD FIRE ri CEO DIVISION PREVENTION i 600 TR UX AVENUE, SUITE 401 (661) 326 -3979 .r t l A Location: take the following action at the above ROCEED; You are hereby required to Q CORRECT & CORRECT &CALL FOR RE {NSPECT{ON I y Cam 6, INA C. - vlC� f � C6 5 CLl5 cu t 14 "'T Completion Date for Correc tions: Received by: Steve Underwood Initial \ Date: !.1- Inspector: (from B:OOam to 8:30am) Desk Phone: (661) 326 -3190 KBF -9229 Prevention Services U . NIFIED. C RAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST;; 8 E R s F I D 900 ZYuxtun Ave., suite 210 --- --- - -- M - - --- =—w -� - I FIRE Bakersfield, CA 93301 SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory P 111 "Rr"' r Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 ry ro g ram U Fax: (661) 872 -2171 FACILITY NAME INSPE TlON DATE INSPECTION TIME A. _ : 11-�'Z0 C3� ( C= compliance) OPERATION V= Violation ADDRESS 0 0 o A� HONE NO. O OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER 15-021-/ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program % 1 ❑ ROUTINE COMBINED ❑ JOINTAGENCY �❑ MULTI - AGENCY ❑ COMPLAINT .❑ RE- INSPECTION C v ( C= compliance) OPERATION V= Violation C O M M E-N TS 0 APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND 1 ❑ Business PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE r"El ❑ VISIBLE ADDRESS ❑ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ❑ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS i ❑ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES 9 =7 ❑ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ❑ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ❑ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY ❑ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING � I ❑ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES i ❑ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE i ❑ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ❑ HOUSEKEEPING ❑ FIRE PROTECTION ❑ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND i I KBF 6013 ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ❑ YES - NO EXPLAIN: QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661)'326.3979 Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1" In / Shift of Site /Station # Business Site / Re White — Prevention Services Yellow - Station Copy Pink — Business Copy FD 2155 (Rev. 09/05 INSPECTIONS 0 .: .. . . ..... _« BUSINESS PLAN & INVENTORY PROGRAM UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST FACILITY NAME: & A,s rj -9 NOC B E R S P L D Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, , CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 Page 1 of 1 INSPECTION DATE: ❑ Routine ® Combined ❑ Joint Agency ❑ Multi- Agency Complaint ❑ Re- Inspection Type of Tank err- ,.eke -I c G Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring Type of Piping u,- &L.t OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper owner / operator data on file Permit fees current Proper tank placarding /labeling Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? ❑ Yes No Is tank used to dispense MVF ?) roc Ot A fjnr.. a 1 a If ves. does tank have overfill / overspill protection? C4 c+r t Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program Tank Size(s) Type of Tank Aggregate Capacity Number of Tanks OPERATION SPCC available Y N COMMENTS SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding /labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF ?) If ves. does tank have overfill / overspill protection? C = Compliance V = Violation Y = Yes N = No Inspector: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326 -3979 White — Prevention Services 5 1 \.ti �1 Business Site Responsibl Party Pink - Business Copy FD 2156 (Rev. 09/05) KBF -7335 Prevention Services UNIFIED- PROtRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST, a E R 5 F , D 900 Truxtun Ave., suite 210 `-: __ — - .- ---- -- -- -�---- - - - - =i ARM Bakersfield, CA 93301 SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ;1 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 U Fax: (661) 872 -2171 FACILITY NAME INSPE P TION DAj•E INSPECTION TIME G lam l� -` �► 1 �'2C� I ❑ ADDRESS HONE NO. O OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER 15 -021 - Section "1: Business Plan and inventory Program ❑ ROUTINE COMBINED ❑ JOINT AGENCY ❑ MULTI - AGENCY ❑ COMPLAINT ❑ RE- INSPECTION C v C= Compliance OPERATION V= Violation C O M M E-N TS j ❑ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND I ❑ Business PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE * �1 ❑ VISIBLE ADDRESS ❑ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ❑ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ❑ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ❑ ❑ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL 'L" -Q ❑ ❑ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING i ❑ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ' i ❑ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE I ❑ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ' ❑ HOUSEKEEPING ❑ FIRE PROTECTION ❑ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ❑ YES -(Z NO tAr LA! N; QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) "326 -3979 Fire Prevention / 1s` In / Shift of Site /Station # Business Site / R Inspector (Please Print) White — Prevention Services Yellow - Station Copy Pink — Business Copy 'arty (Please Print) FD 2155 (Rev. 09/05 INSPECTIONS Gryk s -Nls> BUSINESS PLAN & INVENTORY PROGRAM UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST FACILITY NAME: �s Aj SNOC. B E R S F �L D Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 Page 1 of 1 INSPECTION DATE: CL hr/ U 6 ❑ Routine ® Combined ❑ Joint Agency ❑ Multi- Agency ❑ Complaint ❑ Re- Inspection Type of Tank �►r�- a.�-ke �,{ c 0 Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring Type of Piping62Ec,�ti OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file Proper owner / operator data on file Permit fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current co p Maintenance records adequate and current C4 51." Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? ❑ Yes No l V� Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program Tank Size(s) Type of Tank Aggregate Capacity Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding /labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF ?) If yes, does tank have overfill I overspill protection? C = Compliance V = Violation Y = Yes N = No Inspector: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326 -3979 White — Prevention Services Business Site Responsibl Party Pink - Business Copy KBF -7335 ' FD 2156 (Rev. 09/05) � LD 1 = �f'4 lac �, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT �� V__ ��; OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES � �! UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST �r� gti,,� 1715 Chester Ave., 3" Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME� INSPECTION DATE J nz_� Section 2: underground Storage Tanks Program ❑ Routine mbined ❑Joint Agency ❑ Multi- Agency ❑ Complaint ❑ Re- inspection Type o ank Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring Type of Piping OPERATION Proper tank data on file Proper owner; operator data on file le Pen-nit fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERATION SPCC available: SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding /labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? if yes, Dees tank have overfill /overspill protection'? C= Compliance V °Violation Y =Yes N =NO Inspector: �►� office of Environmental Services (661) 326 -3979 White - F.nv. Svcs. LM® COMMENTS Yes No AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks y N COMMENTS Pink - Business COPY Business Site esponsible Party N UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST". rAF, T SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program BAIRPMRSFIELD FARE DEPT Prevention Services goo Tnnftim Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 - Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 872-2171 Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ----JOINT AGENCY ❑ MULTI-AGENCY ❑ RE-INSPECTION ❑ ROUTINE MBINED ❑ ❑ COMPLAINT C_ V INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME FACILITY NAML S S. v �- `� t ADDRESS PHONE NO. NO OF EMPLOYEES ❑ VISIBLE ADDRESS USINESS ID NUMBER FACILITY CONTACT 15-021- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ----JOINT AGENCY ❑ MULTI-AGENCY ❑ RE-INSPECTION ❑ ROUTINE MBINED ❑ ❑ COMPLAINT C_ V C=Compliance) - OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND .0 Business PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ❑ VISIBLE ADDRESS ❑ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ❑ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS El VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES Lo ❑ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION DD ,gr ❑ Er ❑ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY Do ,0' ❑ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING DD ,0- ❑ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE /119-0 CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ❑ HOUSEKEEPING 0 FIRE PROTECTION ❑ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ❑ YES ❑ NO -1 EXPLAIN: v.4 --- 6%, 0U TIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 2q (Please Kilo Nu­swiqss Site/School Site ;R esponsibli Party Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1" In / Shfft of She/Station # White — Prevention Services Yellow - Station boov, Pink — Business C013V ;- Prevention Services UNIFIED P=R~RAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST: H . E R 5 F , 0 90o Truxtun Ave., suite 210 .- -____-____ __________ -__-- . _. _~ _.- _~ `-~_ _ry _~ 9 _ .__ -FIRE Bakersfield, CA 93301 II ARTM T Tel.: (661) 326-39'79 SECTION 1: Business Plan and Invento Pro ram Fax: (661) 872-2171 . FACILITY NAME ~ INSPE TION DATE INSPECTION TIME ADDRESS ~~ O ~d1 I O~ {~~ ~ PHONE NO. NO OF EMPLOYEES 7-'f ~~~ FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER ! 15-021- `G~ /~ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~~ ^ ROUTINE COMBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION I C V (c=compliance OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS ^ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ^ BUSIneSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE !~,~ l"J ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ~ ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL ^ VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY I ~® ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING j i ,,,., TJ ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED - ^ HOUSEKEEPING ~~ ^ FIRE PROTECTION iG3 ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE 8 ON HAND .` ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? EXPLAIN: QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTIONQ? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 Inspector (Please Priht) Fire Prevention / 1~` In /Shift of Site/Station # Business Site / F White -Prevention Services - Yellow -Station Copy Pink -Business Copy ^ YES -'~ NO FD 2155 (Rev. 09/05 ~_ INSPECTIONS BUSINESS PLAN & INVENTORY PROGRAM UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST FACILITY NAME: ~ Pis N ~ ~~ C / !~ B E R S F I®L D F/RE ARTM T Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program INSPECTION DATE: CL `Zr U 6 ^ Routine ® Combined ^ Joint Agency ^ Multi-Agency ~mplaint ^ Re-Inspection Type of Tank ~=+«- Ske ~I c C~ Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring Type of Piping -~~~u.a~ St,.. / L~ ~L~ OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file Proper owner /operator data on file Permit fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current v ~ e Maintenance records adequate and current a~ Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? ^ Yes ~ No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program Tank Size(s) Type of Tank Aggregate Capacity Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF?) If yes, does tank have overfill I overspill protection? C =Compliance V =Violation Y =Yes N = No KBf-7335 Inspector: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White -Prevention Services BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 of 1 t~~ Business Site Responsibl Parry Pink -Business Copy FD 2156 (Rev. 09/05) ~~ i ~+ - v w ~~ d~ 1 ~C ~n ~W y~1 ~e ~ ~~ ;~ ~i - E FACILI"I'Y NAME ^~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF 1~:NVIRON!~'IEN'TAL fiERVIC:ES UiV'IFIED PROGRAM [NSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3~`' Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 •- INSPECTION DATE~`~.O Section 2: L,~nderground Storage Tanks Program ^ Routine ~mbined Type oP'fank Type of Monitoring _ ^ Joint Agency ^Mu1ti-Agency Number of banks ~ Type of Piping ^ Complaint ^ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on the Proper ownerloperatnr data on file Permit fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations V- Has there been an unauthorized release? YeS ~ ~ NO Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITI' Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on the with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding,'labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overtilli'overspill protection'? C=Compliance V=Violation l'=Yes N-NO Inspector: ~ /~" Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 1'1'hitc - Fnv. Svcs. Pink - Bu~incss Copy Business Site e~ble Party ,-i ~ .- - .r UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~' p ~Itl _. . .SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 - Fax: (661) 872-2171 FACILITY NAM , NSPECTION DATE NSPECTION TIME ADDRESS HONE NO. O OF E-~IjPLOYEES ` ~ ~ / / i 2 l -1~0 ~ ~ FACILITY CONTACT USINESS ID NUMBER 15-021- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ------ ^ ROUTINE MBINED ^ JOINT AGENCY ^ MULTI-AGENCY ^ COMPLAINT ^ RE-INSPECTION C V (C=Compfiance~ OPERATION V=Violation COMMENTS .._._ ~~ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND . ^ BUSItI@SS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ^ VISIBLE ADDRESS ^ CORRECT OCCUPANCY ^ VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ^ VERIFICATIQN OF QUANTITIES ^ VERIFICATION OF LOCATION Il~ V f ~ ^ ^ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL - ------------------------ -- --- ----- - VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY hh~ ~. V _______ _ ~~ ,~v ^ VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING D6 ~` ^ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ^ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE /~~ ^ CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED t~ ^ HOUSEKEEPING ^ FIRE PROTECTION ~/ ^ SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? ,",.~^ YES ^ NO EXPLAIN: ~v~ecJ ~~IEa4 Ls~~~ s~~ ~~~_~'?-- -------- ----- - QU TIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (881) 326-3979 r ~~ Inspector (Please Print) Fire Prevention / 1" In / Shift of Site/Station q Busin ~Site/Schoo~te esponsible Petty (Please Pri>h White -Prevention Services Yellow - SlaGon Copy Pink - 8uainese Copy FD2049 (Rw. ~/O5t 'I - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME GA-s r-J ÇA./(S INSPECTION DATE <1/'1. 7 /~ ~ (() REcE\v¿ ~uE(.. ~ ~ALtBaA.ÏlON Underground Storage Tanks Program ~~TefY1 t 1C5¡;"'G- ONLY, Nor Föa.. SA<..éS... o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint ~Re-inspection Number of Tanks Type of Piping $VJS - Po.$. $'H-trí ~F' o Joint Agency Section 2: o Routine 0 Combined Type of Tank ¿,,.,¡-C..t;) Type of Monitoring A'ÍG- OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile /' fLC-ASe ~g"" II TA-"'~ ~/&o,S .-/ Proper owner/operator data on tile "...,....., PL..C...Ase SJßt11 ,..,..- '\".o...1IJK. ro{trY\S ( ~ Penn it fees current V Certification of Financial Responsibility ~ rLC...J.).:>E hI\,). -;<~sP, - SJß.M. ,r(" /' Monitoring record adequate and current .J Pæc.-.sE CA(.'&?..A T€ tyl16({ "'[ò ç/^,A.<.. SuJ IT"CHEP c)¡.J ./' 'PLG1.S¡¿ kéGP CA"i1-t~ f'Rd'Í~ CJN A'T A"- Maintenance records adequate and current txJ<2.IIV& INsPGL.n&J Failure to correct prior UST violations Co<Z-íté<.",,<=e> ~/"'G- V 5E'c.u f2é ßLC-N'DING-- \ÍAl.:VG:. ~ I~P~-r7cN Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes ~ p.c-,e ?t~S€ Section 3: C!.AU- 'P~ö<l.- 10 oc:r: 14/2ðc.ú Yða- F=/NA<... IIúSPB:...7ZdrJ ð -PezMI1'" ~ O-PEaA'(l;. Aboveground Storage Tanks Program SPCC available AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SI Type of Tank N COMMENTS SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfilI/overspill protection? C=CompJiance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO Inspector: 0.... ) IN (?.s Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Sves, jJ~t Business Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Copy