HomeMy WebLinkAbout01493 ji APPLICATION FO~ ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PERMIT NO.: EN-01493 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. I. Full name of applicant and complete address including phone number: GRANADO PHILIP & BERTHALICIA 1613 WILSON RD 93304 Phone No.837-l695 2. Nature or decription of the encroachment for which this application is made: 4 FT FENCE IN FRONT Y ARD- OUT TO SIDE WALK 3. Location of proposed encroachment is : 1613 WILSON RD BAK l613WILSON RD 4. Period of time for which the encroachment is to be maintained: Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will idemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands, whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative, quasi-judicial or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with or caused by applicant's placement, erection, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to mantain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. . Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance coverage is: ACCORD 300,000 Applicant acknowledges the right of the City Engineer, pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 12.20 to revoke the permit at any time. ~ ~ Date:05/03/2001 .~..... ..~a..c/e:J-- Signature of Applic t (Owner/Agent) PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLIC~ THEREFOR (GRANTED) Im~~~Said permit sh~l ~xpi/) /~ Date: 05/03/200 1 . ~t:f!!Lr:::(('3..~ ~ure of City Engineer ~ ~ Rod H"c'H1 ~~~ ~;O'l ".." . 4"1_ " E/ (;t4,..d,... ../ ~, / ":', . / " -L: ~\ " I r ; Ir " " ,/ \~ Q-- - ;C , ..:~...~ "" <;) (L '?-vel r Y'Dn , Ce.r'I ~ ~1.:~ ~ ~ ~tL../"\' c, 1 :'r .... ~ ~\, , ( , - ..-...- ~ t:::: I !~ \ ~~ . ~ h -~ - i ~J \ , i ( ~.t::, \ I , -] ---. 1 ~ -+i ~\:) '\- () \Jr::L .... ~' ~ ~/I'\ \.. ' }i~_ l~ ,. If\-:- -. fI/ fhC~ :...'-;,.;'. T~'" - \0 --::. ,.' WHAT IS AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT? An ENCROACHMENT is ddincd us uny permanent or temporary fixture such as a fence.ur any uthel' I'acility which intrudes into, upon, over or under any strcet, alley. sidewalk or puhlic way now open or dedicated or which will be dediculed to puhlic use or any property helonging to the City but does not nccessarily prevent public travel. (NOTE: Signs in the city righI-of-way are illegal per the City Municipal Code. No encroachmcnt permits will he issued for signage.) ;~ ~. REQUIREMENTS FOR . ENCROACHMENT PERMITS <\. ...... ~I. - Plot plan showing location of pro- posed cncroachment. To he included: Male- rials.used, height of encroachmcnt.lypc of encroachmcnt. (IE - 4' high chain Ienglh kncc alung hack of sidewalk.) Show dilltl'nsionlo l'lIrh linl'. ~.~l ,r\~\ \ \ \ -----".-~-..."-~ ~. IIISIII,lIICC:"' ) II Olltl'UW Ill'" --- pol icy \\ i I h $ -'O() ,(lO() Ii ahi I i I ~ C"IIIIIII'rr;'d-4~J,I.lUl.LW~~+iI.)2 1'1I1iq' III hc rcvic\\cd II\' I{j"k 1\1:tnagelllCnI. '\. Expilati(111 datL'. if :ll'plicahle. (If nol ~Iillilc) ~2. Signalllles flOIl\SUITOllllllillg lleiglJllllls SI:\I,i!lg They have 110 llhjeclioll to the prupowd enCloachlllellllocated at (,;ddn~ss of en- clOachlllclIl). (Suggestion Oil who Ilecds to sign: If thcy can sce it frolllthcil prupcll y, 1I1CY necd to sigll.) 'nuil h'e. I'ellllit ",ill stay with tIe " Illlt the lI\\fIL'l. IIlhc prop- el ty is sold, Ihc Ill'\\' (l\\IlL'1 S \\ill have sallie Icspollsihility 1m lllailllailli'1!',elll"ln;tl'lllllcllt; thc lonller OWllL'IS. <! ' (i. ^pplicalillll will Ill' rcviewcd hy Puhlie Works. ^ltl'l llle l\lcatioll has hCl'1I Ii l' It! ill spcc tnl, I'll h I ic \\' PI ~ s st alllllakes all) COlllllll'lltS OIlcsllielitlllS, I\ltel IL'vicwing 1111 IL'COllllllel1llaliollS ;11111 \'L'I il iL'alinnltnlll Risk tv1:lIlar,l'Il1l'llt tIll illStll alllT. till' application is Sl'llt III thL' I'uhlie WOlks I )iIL'l'tOI 1111 linal apl1l0\al. <~~._,;::r \ / '<r~;!". / / ~,," 'I! ", . .../ i -. -._.--.; APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakerstield Municipal Code. the undersigned applies for a penn it , to place. erect. use and maintain an encroachment on public propeny or right-of-way as therein defined. vp Ci f{(\ Ce 2, 'Jature or descriPtion of the encroachment for which this application is made: , Location of the proposed encroachment: l h l ~ w a<;aV'\ ~cl -k Period of rime for which the encroachment is to be mainrained: _re rvYI e/\ r1x?v1-r-- Applicant agrees [hat ifrhis application is granted. aoplicant shall indemnify. defend and hold hannless City, its officers. agents. and employees against any and all liability. claims. actions. causes of action or demands. whatsoever against them. or any ofrhem. before administrative. quasi-judical.or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever. arising out oL connected with. or caused by applicant's placement. erection. use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment dunng the life of said encroachment or until such rime that this penn it is revoked. Applicant funher agrees that upon rhe expiration or" rhe pennit for which rhis application is made. if granted. or u on the revocation thereof b the Cit en ineer:l Ikant will at his wn c an x v from the public propertv or right of way \vnere the same is located. and restore said public property or right of way to the concition as nearly as rhar in which it was ber"ore the placing. erection. maintenance or existence of said encroacnment, _-\Dpiicant funher Jgrees to obrain and keeD allliabiiit\' insurance required by rhe City Engineer in full force and erfect ror however iong the encroachment remains. .-\Dpiicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a Certificate or" Insurance evidencmg surTicent coverage ror Dooilv injury or property damage liability or both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. T~e type! s) and amount( s I of insurance coverage is: .-\ppiicant aCKnowiedges the right of the City EngIneer. pursuant ro Bakersrield Municipal Code Chapter 12.20 to ::,:Ke ,he ~":' ;:: '~el . ~V~1A<JftIttdo /,43 " -1lta~d s i ~nature 0 t A DP I icant (Owner or Representativ~ . PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE :\1ADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AI~D FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID Ei'.'CROACHMENT (I) WILUNOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OFTHE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOn CONSTITl'TE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USIi'.'G SAID PUBLIC PLACE:SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTEO) (DENIED), SAID PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE Date: Signature of City Engineer No. / .. .,''=-: i -.. I' t' ./ / CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT ~lA Y CONCER.'J: We. the undersigned. have no objection to the constrUction of a fence or behind the sidewalk on: \ 6'0) w;l S()1l') 'kd Bv: (Owner"s Name, Phone: {,61 837 - t b q 5 ( Street) or \ b \'~ ( Address) SIGNED: ~ # 1 ) ~ame '- ..,.' ~ddress . ~1I:1 ~ :l~ame ~ ~ ..;,ddress '? /~ '. ( . o)~ame~;'~~~ ~,::s5;b/fll~N: R~ ~ddre7it4 ?:tft/:;riCP-. 5 ) ':'oame ..J[1:;;r{J~~-r8 i(;p[~ \ - ' .-\ddress . /,' d--- Date:.........; J ~/ /0 / / . Date: 5......- 2 - () / Date: ,~'?l/~J Date: fJ&.v -2,YAl,j I J . fJ}~ame . \ddress Date: rn fflf;:(7 ":::2/ ~ Of) I Date '0.r/~ , / -:/'/'// ///1.' / ,// /,/,/1 , / '//' / /' /1 \...._" , ,,/ / //....1 / I I jji r , ' I . I ; I -1-/- -! - .4.. ~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ryan Starbuck, Civil Engineer III Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer VI, Subdivisions May 9, 2001 Encroachment Permit Application for 1613 Wilson Road Philip & Berthalicia Granado 4' wrought iron fence in front yard at back of sidewalk Please review the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\TRAFFIC\1613 Wilson Rd.wpd ~/t{)('I. (). Ie- . I ~1 .. ~ . - B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: May 9, 2001 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for 1613 Wilson Road Philip & BerthaUcia Granado 4' wrought iron fence in front yard at back of sidewalk Please review the insurance certificate with the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. OIL 1;vJ RECt\\l!DENCROACH\INSURANC\1613 Wilson Rd.wpd t1A'( 1 0 2.001 R\S\<. MGM1. I~~P;V"E.R ""'ERAGl!SIIllM':" OF "1AB1""":':"" 110 rom.. j A. DWelLING .s. OTHER' C. PERSONAL " STRUCTURES PROPERTY ,~ '., ~"l Q.W;'~~.fjR~]:Q;gY!~9,~$.!~l:!Mtt~gFt~A~!QF(:m: ...... A. DWELLING B. OTHER C. PERSONAL D. RENTAL VALUE STRUCTURES PROPERTY $ ,~. $ $ - ' . FIRE FIRE & EC FIRE, EC & VMM BROAD SPECIAL l#=r~~!~~~~~P!~1!~,;.~,,:~:::%_M______ 1 PRIMARY # UNITS IN TERR pREM pROTE]C DISTANCE TO 'V'TlNG# SECONDARY: '..,_, FIRE DlV CODE GROUP CLASS FIRE -.-------'-------.... ___ SECONDARY HYDRANT .STATtON' CLASS ROOF TYPE ..... ~EAS~~AL ,. _ _FT _.__~I . SPECIFIC FIRE/EC RATE FIRE DISTRICT/CODE NUMBER WITHIN CITY LIMITS SPRINKLER WITHIN FIRE DISTRICT pppp ppt,_~' D. LOSS OF ~SE . . , E. ADDITIONAL EXPENSE $ 300000 :m:m: ~PI.;J?Q~;ttl$.ijg: ......... ALL PERIL $ --'---"'- $ --.---.-- $ $ . 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NAMED 1/lSURED ' rOl#: HMP-6G2442,OO Granado, Phil ip 'M;CT#: -I NSu.QeO; NAME AND MAILING ADDReSs: IF CI1ANGED---------------u-'--.~-~--~ _~~~~C~;~~~:: :F-CHANGEL"~:~:~-~;EOF_~O~:r~. EXP:A~;N D~Te-:~~ 1613 wilson Road CHANGEBllllNGP~NTO: PERMISSIBLE "TYPE OF CHANGE" CODES: Ni8@tg;ij~iinijmn:j~N.ro$g.~fili.j.j.: ",:;:::::::???":,..::<:.:;:::~:'::'::::>' ."... f>::'. :>::::/,::..>.:...::::::::::::::::::,...(~>.<~~~':::(.:.)>.::~.~~GE, (D) DELETE ._.0''',"' "M nP' '''W"'''nR~''''~ _ ___ I"': 'lr~f SYMBOL TE MILE 1 WAY DAYS USAGE PERFORM MULTI. CAR OM. ODOME1En ANNUAL DaVERN DRIVER USE % (Each veh must equoI100%) C COST NEW AGE GRP RR WKlSCIfL WEEK CAR POOL MED _.BMD!lli!-_ MILEAGE DRIVER 1 2 3 4 5 ,., __6 LASS ------ - --- ~-- ----~---- --,- - -'-~._--- ~~;~~rJ~l; '~~!J):~~H ::m~~ ANTI-THEFT D~VICES ~;E-"~~; AND ~;;-;C~I';~~~ ::$AOA.g$.:.#9gAl.9N:(!fijl.m~riijHij@fflij(M9#.#~r~~~) '...: TYPE OF VEH CHAI/GE # ~M ..'~~ _____.,_~~~.v~~A~~__ CHANGE VEH #: . , _.__________,______________________.___ Cl!Aligl;_ VEH ~____u___._________, ___________, ~!'!~':!"~!~!~.UAB.~~_ ___ ~________~~~ENT_______~________ ____ ~__,__E'.II~(?IDENT _____, ____.____. B_()_~~.~.'r.~J.LJ_~________ ___ _~____,____~A PERS~t':!_._!_________._!'~~~~~E_N.:__ _____ _$______~II.!:.E~ON.~,_~ ,____~_~~~~EN._~ !~~?_"_E~!.:':~II~IIGE____ _____ .!_____,___~ A~CIDEN!....$____.h_.____~~[1~~~!.!~~~ _______!_____,____EA ~CIDEN:r....!.._,_ ,_,___.P.~.t:!.C;_:r.IElL.F,. 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' ~~~~~~~~!!~~~!!~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~:!~ii!"!!lWI~~~~;::( If IACCIDENT/CONVICTlON DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENT on CONVICTIOII ACCIDENT/CONVICTION YES NO PIlOPERTVOAMAG' '.'--.---r...--..-.------ -.--------..-----'-----'T--n-..-'--------.-----.-- ---------- - ... ....- ------...,. ~~~lt14~~';ii~"'.. ..... .. m ... .... ....... &$NgMij'Mf9RM*!~gN(fJiij!~jn:!mW~Ml~p~#i#~i(~.'~fuir!~t?%':.: .'..., ... ...... P' ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... .................. 1. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ANY ENCUMBRANCES, ARE ANY VEHICLES NOT SOlELY OWNED BY AND REGISTERED TO THE APPLICANT? YES NO .!."~_~~~.!'~BEING ADDED, ANSWER~~ESTIONS_~l~___ 6, ANY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER IN MILITARY SERVICE? (Driver number) ------.- --- 7, ANY DRIVERS LICENSE BEEN SUSPENDED/REVOKED? ----- 8. ANY DRIVER HAVE PHYSICAUMENTAL IMPAIRMENT? NOT APPLICABLE IN WI ,_~. ANY FINANClAL~~SPONSIBILlTY FILING? (Driver number and dal: of filin~_ YES NO IF A VEHICLE IS BEING ADDED, ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-5 ..~~.N..~~.II~ MODIFIED/SPECIAL EQUIPMENT? (Include customl~ed vans/pickups) _~~~.N!,5~I:;TI~~ DAMAGE TO VEHICLE? (lnclud~damaged gl~~L__________ .. _4~~~_~~f!._'2~.r2. AT SC~OOL]_____..__--..---,.---.------ ____ _ 5. II.NY CAR PARKED ON STREET? REMARKS 10, ANY COVERAGE DECLINED, CANCELLED OR NON.RENEWED DURING THE ,_~~ST 3 YEARS? NOT APPLICABLE IN D.C., MO OR OH PRODUCER'S SIGNATURE l -\ ;' lJ)z . p,Ao.fiE.,o.~ R~s.U~e .'. ,', lli~4~~ AqgRR.iQ{4i~~);.:} ." -' ~ . 1~ ~ ~tro ,- '- - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Interim Public Works Director J;t/3 FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: May 23,2001 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for installation of a 4' wrought iron fence with brick pilasters Philip & Berthalicia Granado 1613 Wilson Road Engineering and Traffic staffhave reviewed the attached encroachment permit for installation of a 4' wrought iron fence with brick pilasters. The site is located at 1613 Wilson Road. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to Risk Management, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction. Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. S:IPERMlTSIENCROACHI200l PennitsllG13 Wilson Rd,wpd xc: Applicant Reading File Construction Inspection if /493 ~\b\tJ~