HomeMy WebLinkAbout01483 M>PLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PERMIT NO.: EN-01483 .. TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a pennit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. 1. Full name of applicant and complete address including phone number: SENIOR SERVE/ BRIDGE BUILDERS 1517 19TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 Phone No.661-631-1258 2. Nature or decription of the encroachment for which this application is made: INSTALL BICYCLE STAND IN FRONT 0 BUSINESS 3. Location of proposed encroachment is : 1517 19TH ST BAK 1517 19TH ST 4. Period of time for which the encroachment is to be maintained: INDEFINITE Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will idemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands, whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative, quasi-judicial or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with or caused by applicant's placement, erection, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to mantain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this pennit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the pennit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate ofinsuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance coverage is: TOPA INS COMPANY XL-I0541 1000000 Applicant acknowledges the right the pennit at any time. City Engineer, pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 12.20 to revoke Date:02/26/2001 PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS . THEREFORE ~T~g:m'TIE!)). Said pennit shall expire Date:02/26/2001 ... ...g~ 0 R ' G ~ NA l ature of City Engineer , , -- I . " SUMMARY OF INSURANCE FOR BRIDGE BUILDERS TYPE OF POLICY: Commercial Umbrella CARRIER: Topa Insurance Co. POLICY NUMBER: XL10541 POLICY TERM: 09/01/00 to 10/09/01 LOCATION: 1517 19th St., Bakersfield, CA 93301 Limits: $2,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Each Occurrence Excess of: Underlying Commercial General Liability. Exclusions: Refer Policy and Endorsements. DISCLAIMER - THE ABBREVIATED OUTLINES OF COVERAGE USED THROUGHOUT THIS SUMMARY ARE NOT INTENDED TO EXPRESS ANY LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE NATURE OF COVERAGE. THEY ARE ONLY VISUALS TO A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF COVERAGES. PLEASE READ YOUR POLICY FOR SPECIFIC DETAILS OF COVERAGES. \1 ORIGINAL .----" .-~_+_...-liI. EXCESS LIABILITY POLICY ~~~ INSURANCE COMPANY 1800 AVENUE OF THE STARS, LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 In consideration of the stipulations herein named and of the premium hereinafter s!ated, the Company does insure this: Policy Number XL -10541 RENEWAL OF NEW DECLARATIONS Item 1. Named Insured Address BRIDGE BUILDERS SENIOR SERVE 1600-19TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Named Insured is o Individual o Corporation o Partnership [XJ Other NOT FOR PROFIT ORG. Producer's CRUMP E&S OF SAN FRANCISCO, INC. Name, Address 160 SPEAR ST. 16TH FLOOR & Zip Code SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 The operation of the Insured is: NON PROFIT SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION Item 2. Policy Period: (mo. Day Yr.) From: 09/01/2000 To: 10/09/2001 12:01 A.M., standard time at the address of the Named Insured as stated herein. Term: 403 DAYS Item 3. Premium $ 1,900. CIGA $ N/A Minimum Retained Premium $ 1,900. Audit Period: Annual, unless otherwise stated. Adjustable at: Flat Rate Item 4. Description of Coverage: N/A Following Form Excess Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability and Non Owned Automobile Liability Item 5. Limit of Liability: (applicable only where designated) ~ $ 2,000,000. Each Occurrence $ 2,000,000. Aggregate, (see definitions) in excess of limits shown in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance. o Difference between $ Each Occurrence $ Aggregate, (see definitions) and the limits shown in the Schedule of Underlying Insurance. o Other - As per attached endorsement number: Item 6. Type of Coverage SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE Insurer/Policy Period Limits or Amount of Insurance General Liability TRAVELERS Policy Term: 10/09/1999 TO 10/09/2000 Policy Number: X-660-355X8861 $1,000,000. Each Occurrence $1,000,000. General Aggregate $1,000,000. Products Completed Operations Aggregate Automobile Liability HARTFORD ( :!>fl.i.fl'v) Policy Term: 08/21/2000 TO 08/21/2001 Policy Number: TBD $1,000,000. BI/PD CSL Each Accident or Occurrence ORIGINAL I Date of issue 09/05/2000 XL-1 (Rev 12/94) ,>)iP Sen/v'y s:~~ 1701; IJ;dj /S-/7 /r- ~ef e- ? II ~ ~ 6/1-7 ~/{JIJ -7 D 3 f'4~e f.;Jlctfcle I /rele/{ \IJ ,( 'f 1,1 i~ ~ . ..1''' I""" I L__ (b"t clel' J tt'rlt1~ A I /rd/J 1'! fnfe J t-- {I i ~e4Ju/~ /S/7 , 1(. /7' S--b-tc f- ORIGINAL APPl ' CAnON FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA: 3. L091Iion of the propose d()p r - .... Period of time for ~hiCh the encroachment is to be maintained: C;;;; ~h U~ <<../ ~ / Applicant agrees that if this application is granted. appiicant shall indemnify. defend and hold harmless City, its officers. agents. and employees againSt any and allliabiiity. claims. actions. causes ofaerion or demlllds. whatsoever against them. or any of them. before administrative. quasi-judic:ai.or judicial aibunaJs of any kind whatsoever. arising out ot: connected with. or caused by applicant's placemenL erection. use (by applic:am or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroacnment. The applicant funher agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment durmg the life of said encroachment or until such time that this pennit is revoked. t!af ;1 1711 Y ., Appiicant further ag.rees that upon'the expiration of the Dermit for which this application is made. if granted. 01" u n the revocation ther b the j en eer:J ica will wn from the nublic oroDertV or right of way where tne same IS located. ana restore said public propeny or right of way to me conaition as nearlY as that in which it was before the placing. erection. maintenance or existence of said cncroacnment. ADplicant further a:;rees to obtain and keeo ail liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and erfect for however long me encroacnment remams. Appiicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a Certificate of Insurance eVldencmg sufticent coverage ror ooaily iniury or property damage liability or both and required endorsements eVldencmg the insurance reauirea. The typet s I and amountts) of insurance coverage is: Date: ~ - )~-(!)I Y/I j" ) / "/.-:1' A pplicant aCKnowledges me right of the City Eng.m r. pu suant to Bakerstieid MUOIcipal Code Chapter 11.10 to revoKe me oermit at anv time. _ ignature or Aoplicant . Owner or Representative) PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE i\1ADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID E:'lCROACHMENT (I) WILLCNOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OFTHE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOn CO:'-/STITl'TE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE: SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED), SAID PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE Date: Signature or City Engineer ORIGINAL No. , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT ylA Y CONCERN: We. the ljIldersigned. have;no objeJtion to the consuuctiop.J>f a fenS5'or beqip~ the sidewalk on: / /ttc IJ ,a Pi 1 c k r,de k tJl7 ,;;r. S/ ty c Itltl /"r. 13/7 If!f s7 Bv>c:::::;:-,.S;;:;!8/.fdliJ (Street) (Owner"s Name) or/].);;J;iJ.( z:-.tf 133CJ/ Phone: 6// 65/ /.?",~y I (Address) SIGNE~ ~--- l)~ame ~/.-/ -. .~dmess~ - X~+- Date: Izl'~ "? / , , !.-t<'~' :. ::) ~ ame A.ddress Date: ~ "I ~ ame Address Date: ":'I~arrie .-\ddress Date: Date: 5) )lame Address f));-.iame , \ddress Date ~~/;.>/ /// ~ / ~ /,/,.///1 / -U/ /// /j o RiG , ~, A 1 .. ,'-~ r , i i I _i-,L- I .. I Y; Ifl i dUr - _/A-J f /tP/1 dcU - . ... ,. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ~ . - B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Ryan Starbuck, Civil Engineer III Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer VI, Subdivisions February 28,2001 Encroachment Permit Application for 1517 19th Street. Senior Serve/Bridge Builders Bike Rack in front of building. Please review the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. ()~I ~ 2,/2.'6!fJl S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\TRAFFIC\ISI7 19th Street.wpd Oi<iGiNAL ;, i~..... ' ~ ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: February 28,2001 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for 1517 19th Street. Senior Serve/Bridge Builders Bike Rack in front of building. Please review the insurance certificate with the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. OIL ~ r(3 S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\INSURANC\1517 19th Street.wpd ORIG!Nt\l. ~ . - B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ~ A ,/1lp'- 2 ~ {2.B TO: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Interim Public Works Director FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: March 1, 2001 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for Installation of a 3'x2', 3 space bike rack at the north west corner of the building. Senior Serve/Bridge Builders 1517 19th Street Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the installation of a 3 'x2', 3 space bike rack at the north west comer of the building. The site is located at 1517 19th Street. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to Risk Management, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction. Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. S:IPERMlTSIENCROACHIl5l7 19th Streel.wpd xc: Applicant / Reading File \J Construction Inspection Ifi' tt-14-83 ORIGINAL