HomeMy WebLinkAbout01419 ~. .. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PERMIT NO.: EN-01419 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. 1. Full name of applicant and complete address including phone number: BAKERSFIELD MUSIC THEATRE Phone No.661-325-6100 2. Nature or decription of the encroachment for which this application is made: SIDEWALK ENCROACHMENT/TABLE ON SIDEWALK 3. Location of proposed encroachment is: 1931 CHESTER AVE BAK 1931 CHESTER AVE 4. Period oftime for which the encroachment is to be maintained: Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will iderrmify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands, whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative, quasi-judicial or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with or caused by applicant's placement, erection, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to mantain the aforesaid encroachment during. the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance coverage is: Applican~ acknow~edges the right of the City Engin. eer, pursuant to Ba. kersfield MuniC~' . Code pter 12.20 to revoke thepenmtatanytrme. ~. '. _ 0tLll(\a. J (] Jd · . ~~ Date:07/19/1999 . ........ ....G:::)...........~ ~ Sign oLApplicant (Owner/Agent) \j PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE"AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) toil H:g})). Said permit shall expire Date:07/19/1999 ...........~~ Signart?;;" "~"f" cio/ "E~~i~~;r "" Aug-02~9~ 06:4SA ._- .-",'-' ~-,..~':" \_ ~,f;,~!JFl~:~I~,:"9,F",!t~,BY"M~s.,, PRODUCER Certtl1678 BAKER. ROMERO 8. ASSOCIATES, INS. BROKERS, INC. 7SO TERRADO PLAZA #Z38 . COVINA. CA 91 m (626) 332-2258 FAX (626) 3.':!3-El921 ISSUEOATE ""","'""_"~",,,,",,..~,, ...",,_,__' ",.".."..._" SEP 1798 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. P_02 ....1 I I COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY I ~TRAVELERS COMPANY I~ COMPANY C COMPANY D l.c.qyeRA:(i!ES:(':",,,' ,.<5.""::':'::;'::;::,,:"':";:""'::''''';'''''':;",,":"::':;'!'i,,~";';:';::":;:;:<:':~:":;:': :"," .,:~::.:,.:":', ,".:..:~''':.::'''''.: :' ", "'.' ""',, ','" '.:':~' " ::.--., THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE poLICIES OF INSURANCE usTED BELOW HAI/& BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NNotED ABOVE !'Oll THE POLleY PERIOD INOIC...TED. NOT\lll1THSTANCING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDmoH OF ANY CONTRACT OR oTHER DocUIIl&IiTWIni RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE l$SUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE ,.FFORDED II'" THE poueU.S DESCRIbED HEREIN 18 SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEf\MS, EXCLUSIONs AND CONDITIONS Of SUCH POLICIES. LIMi1'S SHOWN I'MY HAVE BEEN REDucED BY PAID Ct.o.IMS. INSUllED .. BAKERSFIELD MUSIC THEATRE 324 BERNARD STREET BAKERSFIELD" CA 93305 . , L .0 ! ..... -- -, ,- ,-- -. -- -. 1- POLl~V EXPDV.T10N r --., -., _.~._..." TYPI' OF INSUR,OoNcE POLICY NU~BER pOLlCV EfFECTIVE LIMITS TR' DAT~ (MINDDIYYl DArE (PoIIIoIIDDIYYl ~ENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL. ,AGGREGATE S 1 ,CXX>,em . ~ """""""'....... .....'em 6EO-453J397A..98 SEP 9~ SEP 9 g:) .-". ,,- PRODUCTS.c:OMPIOP ,ll.tilG. s , .COO.CXC -. ft.o.lM$ MADE IX] OCCUR. .:....:.-. -. _._~-, A~ oWNER'S" CONTRACTOR'S PROT PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ , ,coo,em - ..- -.- --. EACH OCCVRR~CE S , ICXXl.~ I j f--- .-- -1--- fIRe DAMAGE(M't' One Fire) S 75,CXX> j ~. WSNSE(M). One p~;;;;; -, s s,em JAUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COM8""ED SINGLE LIMIT S ; ') ANY AUTO I --., .__. .. 'M_' ,. , ' ....Ll OWNED ....UTOS BODIl.Y INJURY .J' '. '1 SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per Peraon) \ ,- ---- ~ HIRED AUTOS eOOILY INJURY S NO~WNED "UTOS (per A"oIclen1) r. .-- ,- --_. i- I PROPERTY OAMAGE $ i GARAGE LIABILITy' AUTO oNLY. EA ACCIOEIiT S I .--- .---. ......n ..--....1 I -~! ANY AUTO OTHER Tt-1IloN AUTO ONLY: --., .---. ,...-.--.. I E"eH ^CCIDEIiT S \--1 -,. - .- -.. .-. AOOREGATE S I EXCeSS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S l~cUMBRELLAFORM ..._- ..-. ....OGREGATE s lorllER THAN UMBRELLA FORM --. ,- .....--. 'WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND STATUTOflY LIMITS ,.........--1 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EACH ACCIDENT rr- . ~. 'l'lNCL -- ,-. - .- ..-- THE PROPRIETOR! DISEASE,POLlCY LIMIT !:.-.' p~RTNERSIEXECUT1Ve DiSEASE.eACH EMPLOYEE OffICERS ARE: eXCL Lf?THER ~." _... ._-- _. _. -. ._..- ,- '-' .- r. D~SCRIPTlO" OF OPERATIONSlLOC.A.T10NSNEtiICLESlSPECll'ol ITEMS RE: PROOF OF COVERAGE '. ,: ..--..... ," .:..:', '",,~..':,:~..:~';":".::.:~ U(jAlIf~~~l;ATION,":.~~:-.""" ..... '-_.'.=~.- '._"J SHOULD ANY 01' THE ABOlle DESCRIBED IlOLlClES BE CANCELLED lllOFORE ll1E EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. 1'HE ISSUINCO cONPANY WILL EMDEAVOfl. 1'0 tMIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NQTlCE TO THE CERTIFICATe HOLDER N,&IlotED TO ll1E LEFT SUT FAILURE TO MAIL sUcH NOT1C6 SHALL IMPo8E NO OBLlG....TlON OR lII'lIllUTY OF AHY KIND upoll THE COMPI'NY. ITS "OENTS OR REPFlESeIiT"TIIIIlS. , [qeI3TIF\C~Ie'HQ\;:~eR ':. JOHN USERY ....:.-~._"-.,,.~;.....'''.'..~...,..''...~'_."'' . . ';:."::~~:':';':'_ ":lIe. nm'. :.~~. ~."7:','::'"::,,.:,..,,':',:';;T;:';.'.'.~~""" AUTliORIZI!Jr~8eliT""TlVE _ .. ~~L-: ,..,----..;.----. \ " ,I OUTt::>&O~ AFl-EA --:~ I /' . ;7 &A"1'e i . ~/" I ' L.__.____J/ >'1.1- __-._.-. I _~~~WtHT '-- I' . ,.,~ f~f'( J,....,~ , '//-~ / . ~dt~5 . I ' I \ / fc.uP-a \,~_______// '~I " ~,l ~ . . 't .. , + .' "" , .J LO~E 7H~--rEf2- '~ '-., "", , '.-J I:-.a.. b r-~J I I \ I I /----- \ / I ' I \ ": t ~ '""'" "' '" ~ ~~ ", " " , .,," , I' . . n_:~.=? :r~.s=::'~HJ?/S:~~~~:~' g:cuSjA~gg,-At{t~~~~CQ1'pOO~_.,~~ eA:t iC:l:"~~:: ~...~'~.. -:_'~.''''-':-~:~':,--:=-:~_-~:-.',:'_'~':.':J/ a:.-==f~::Gi~~~..~:~~~.:.::'~_:::=~."::~.'~'=~=:~~~ \ n-~,_ /--~.... /' .' 1~/1 ' i, I . \ ~ -===-~~:~===:.,-=.':::'~ :~~. T~.'=rfJll!1!.'-=:-==:=::'-==::=:=-:.-=-=' " ' ',. ," 'l.. ... 'l~ "',"", '''~. ", I' " .~ '"', "'-.'-., '-.. '""'...... "~ ;- 08/12/2005 16:12 FAX 661 827 3311 ee/12/2~e5 10:55 661-325-6354 KHSD PERSONNEL BMT I STARS 141002 PAGE 61 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID :~ DATE(MM~ SRFC;l-l oe/10/05 PRDDUI;ER THIS CERnACATE IS ISSUED NS A MATTER OF INFOIUft.T10N ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIQ~ UPON THe CERTIFlCATt!i C::li:ffo~d & ~4OJ;C'd :Ins ~ey HOLDSt. THIS CERl1l=1eA.n DOES NC'f AMEND, EXTEND OR 15J.5 .20eh St~t: ALTER THJi COVMAG'" AFFO~DJ!I] BY THE POUCIES BELOW. tiakersf:i.e1d CA 93301 F:ban8:6G~-283-elQg ra~=661-~e3-81~~ INSURERS ,Af'FORDING COVERAGE NAIC . INBlIREIl INSURER^' uniam::d In!luranoe Comcany ~B; Bakera~:i.e:ld Civoi,.Q L,i.ght:. ~::L IlI8UMat ~ 193J. 0 est:.@: ~~nue '''SUReR D; Bakarsfi@1d CA 3301 ~SUlUl:I' s: THI! I'OUClES or INSURANCE uS'TI;g II!lJJW I-iIWE: BeI!N ISSUI:D TO THElr\lSUftED I'W.4ED ASOVl! FOR TH~ PO~IQ'l' pli!FUOD I!CllOA'T~. NO'IWffilSTANCING Af'l'I fleQUlRENENT, TERM OR CONDITION QF Art' C:Ot.rmACT lJROTHIlR DOCUMENT 'jI/1T1oI REIOPE:CT TO WHICM THIS ~TI! MAV BE ISSUEtl ~ MAY peRTAIN, 'TliE INSUiW'lCE AFfOADfl) BY THE f'OUl:IIES DESCRIEEi Hl!FI51111 JS SU8.lEC1' TQ.IoLl. 'l'liE. TeRMS.. ~U5IONS AND coraTlCINS OF SUQt PCL1CIES, ol.G~EGll.TE IJMITl'l :sHOWN MAY HAv!! BEEN REDUcell1'1 PAID ClAIMS. ~ 1'IP~ OF l..sIJIIlANCI! POll r;y truM8ER ~d"ATE iMMIDPIWl- D"TE'/MM/tI~ ~1IlllT9 .!.....91EM1. LJA91UT"1' 6ACM oecURRENCI! S 1000000 A X ~ 3MMERCIJ\L GEI'la\I\I. U/'oIlI\..JTY CMOO3G~!I 09/09/05 09/09/06 P~MISIi!l ~ """""'''''1 1100000 CLAIMS fo,I.Lm; ~ OCCUR MEn EXP (M)/ Cln" pSr!;On) ~ :l0000 - - P~Al.. &MJV INJUflY S 1.000000 e-- GENS_ A_EG."'l: So 2000000 ntll. MalRn UNIT Al'l'n I'Sl: PRODUCTS .CClMJOIOI' AGG S 2000000 000l1C'Y ~ LOC ~1JI'OMOh.lI.IABll.r'IY COMBINED SINGlE UNIT S ANY ALJ11:l lea .cdtlenl) '-- ~ ALL 0\IIJI0IE1:I AUTOS BODILY INJURY s: 3CHEDULEC AUTOS (Per PBlDCln) -.....- - HIRElUJ.JTOS Ur;ltlll. Y IN.JIJRV s NOl'U.1WN6l ",uTClS IPt. ei;ddomU - PROPERTY DAMAGe S IP~ accident) ........c:e UABIUJY AIIl'Q ONLY - EA I'ICClI;/StT II; ~ ANY AlITO OTHIOR 1'HAN !!Alice . AI,IT~ ON~ '1'; AC-.G S IllClCE$SAIN8fcEU.A UA6lUTY l;/\t;M QCCURRENCE S 5-QIXUIII 0 CIJ\IMS ~llE AGGREiG"''''' I S ==l oeouCTIBLa $ RETeITICN I oS ~~ER$~QMPEM9ATIONANg ITQRn'Urr$1 . I"~- EIIPLO'l'SlS' LIAl!IUT"/' 1!5.\" ~ ACCIDI;NT N<N I'ROPR1~TN~cunve S CF~lc:IiiRl!.iEA.lBER EJ<<:Wgli'" e,~o glBEASei -eo<. ElAP\.OYfE $ ~~~~~NSbebo< E.L DIseASE. pOUCY LIMIT S OTHER A I'ERliIONN:. PRCl'EIt'rX' ~O!699 09/Dg/05 09/09/0'; x.Da:~ $200,.000 OF o!t'BEM DE];) $;J.,OOO' DI!Sc:RP1l"" m:: OI'ERA'nQNg I J.QCA T1O~ /Vl;ljlQ.S I EXCL.LI$IClMIO A"~ BY E"'~Gll"EICT I SPeCIAL I'ROV~Nll *10 DAY NO'l'~CE OF ~!t':tO:I!I WILL ~LY n:r ~ OJ' ~ 01i' PJilEl'[ItJlo!. ""pRO.n:,CmD ,COVERAGJi:S AT TD gIS/OS POLtCY RBNliiWAL.... P: REHJilAR!MlS AND PE:RFOBMANCES ".~ THE BAQJlSFnlLO B;tGH scaOOl;" - HAlWEY A1;JJJ~!t'oa:ItJH1 IQilJiUf HJ:GH SCBOOt. :btS!JUC~ 'J!O BE ~ JW1'l:ITIONAL DTSURED nil ~ ~o _ ISSUED BY 'I'HE ~ANY WON' RENEWAL. RRSONAL E'aO:PERfi 01' O'l'JlERS $200,000. COlt'ERAGES l<E:RN ElJ:GH sCHOOL t3:tsora:tCT 5901 ~ AVS BAKERSFXZLD CA 93309-2924 CANCiL.1.Al1ON KERNSSD SHOULD AII'J' olf"nll! AIKlVI! llII!__ pouca: !!II: CANI:IlL~~n Il~Ml '"'" ~1lA DA'II! 'TtIERECF, THE IGCU...13 INSURER. WlUolOl4lll:AIIQFl, TO IU\lIoo .. 0 '* Dill'S WIlI'"1ZN ~ TO '"Ie eE~Tli HOLDER NAMED TO 1'lE 1oI>l'T, bur l'A1l..lJRE TO DD $0 S"^LI. IMI'OSE NO Olll.lGl"TlCl" OR I.lADlI.II'l' ClP pM'( ICIHD Ul'O"T>IIil'''9Ul;cEfi,1t$ ABE;o\T5 OR ~I'IU!.IlEHTA1lVES. AVlHIJRIiZD ~ CER.nFlCATE HDLOER ACORD 25 (ZOO11D8) @ ACORD CORPQfiATION 1988 08/12/2005 FRI 16: 10 (TX/RX NO 5369] 141001 08/12/2005 15:51 FAX 661 827 3311 ,.lERSFIELIJ MUSIC THEATRE . . . . . . . . . . Bonrd of DIrectors Slle Geissel P"sidcnr [(men DeWalt like' f'rC$idCnl Ka/ldi~ Peake Secn!ral',l' Jet.. Newman T remurer lim FillbI1lDdt ~cU1ipe Producer Kl;Il.lCni Brandon Bube Burke Pam GillDJlllTa Randy Jebnini Jan Petrini An Rockoff Mllrvi1) Stellll!J1 KHSD PERSONNEL August 12, 2005 Ft~~ Stars Theatte l':!J - James R. Fillbrandt, Executive Producer To: The City of Bakersfield RE; OUTDOOR EATING RAMP 141 002 Bakersfield Music Theatre - Stars Theatre Restaurant · 1931 Chester Avenue · Bakerstleld, CA 93301 (661) 325-6100 · FAX (661) 325-6354 · Email bmtl@ncinternet.net · www.bmtshowtiks.com We would ilke to add, to Terry GOJ;cl.on's work and to our current encroachment permit, the platform. for the outdoor eating area in front of the Stars Celebrity Lounge, part of the Bakersfield Music Theatre. Thi.s platform should be built according to agreed upon specifications and placed on the CUITent easement. JF:tb [bmt\05 06 Terry Grn:don J l;'larform stars] Aug 12 05 01:51p ~,'f.RSfIElIJ musIc THEATRE . . . . . . . . . . Board of Directors Sue Gelssel President Karen DeWalt Vice President Kandls Peake Secretary JelTNewmlln Treasr..rer Jim Fillbrandt Executive Producer Rogers Brandon Bebe Burke Pam GiumalTa \ Randy Jelmini .Tan Petrini Art Rockoff Marvin Steinert p.2 August 12, 2005 Terry Gordon 1100 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, Ca 93304 Re: OUTDOOR EATL\IG RA~>ilP Dear Mr. Gordon: Please complete the platform for the outdoor eating area in front of the Stars Celebrity Lounge, part of the Bakersfield Music Theatre. This platform should be built according to agreed upon specifications and placed on the current easement. Sincerely, JF:tb [bmr\05 06 Terry Gordon - platform stars] Bakersfield Music Theatre - Stars Theatre Restaurant · 1931 Chester Avenue . Bakersfield, CA 9330 1 (661) 325-6100 · FAX (661) 325-6354 · Email bmtl @ncintemet.net · www.bmtshowtiks.com \, " " t q~2 ek.eS-r~ \. l. ( 'lb~ - ( -z;.3S" :;. "'1,-r;- s ~ t:> ~ 1~1t .~ bd' eN!:> .4TV'1::>, / x~ r; ~lC u../~ G-N'1-& t' ,Ai-' ~ ~Vl41( 51;;>1 e f (gN'T~~)'" '1z'~4 " ... . .... ......;. ,~, " .- --\-' ,- ~blU'd' Ff' 4t" j )It 42! ...-. ,~,~w~,-lL -? ...-.~_._-,.._..---".-.- ~ - /. ......... c..~"iTce-'-" ( 9'{" ~,~ e" . , .s"'lO ~_.. , I .........:N o~ S>Q8" I-e.r"r'l bordrJ/.) 747 - ').. fJ 03 h~~ ~ r i 51 "" ~0~~~ ~k eww Bob IN ~ \ .l.. .~. \, q 32 C '^-~ st;;-- . ,1" ( "t"'o," - ( ( fr" r.'" ,~~ 2:.3JlI 1~1t . j '..,. )It if't lit pd' 15'1/1 '~ ," ~~;,r ~ . ~ ~ ~ t<<J ')..'1'1 ~~ J.-~ "- -? . - - (, .1 " I' \I!I'I \ DOORS Ii WINDOWS Ii PATIOS \ TERRY \ 8m: 588-8748 I Cell: 747 _2803 I ~-'-- - - --- ,- ~-----~-- G~'6 General Maintenance & Remodeling CA State Lie. 785963 Q,. . I ! . ' ~ ~ " .........N ELECTRIC PLUMBING -.. 0;: ?Q~ I Fax: 588-6732 ' -i- "-'.l. .\ ~ . - BAKERSFIEL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM D TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: August 10, 1999 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for Bakersfield Music Theater 1931 Chester Avenue An outdoor patio area located on the sidewalkfor the theater restaurant ~A rt1: Acid ON ~_''2--05 'r Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the installation of an outdoor patio area located on the sidewalk for the Stars Theater Restaurant. The site is located at 1931 Chester Avenue. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to Risk Management. Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. Re +Ur}J to S:IPERMITSIENCROACHI1931 Cheslef.wpd g sse J'I'€w-t 130D Wtl! $'e /Vi d leH-.er ~ xc: Applicant Reading File ConsttuCtiOIl Inspection :It- I Lf I c; -- -- -- . .- " . ~ . / - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM RECEIVED AUG 0 3 1999 11/\:>1\ IVIC..:iMT. TO: Scott Manzer, Risk Manager SUBJECT: John Ussery, Engineering Tech. 1, SUbdi~ August 2, 1999 ~~},",-ct\~d C'\\().nt ~eeAre...- Encroachment Permit Application for StQFS 1 flQa181' Re3iul1J 'tHlt 1931 Chester Ave. An outdoor patio area located on the sidewalk for the theater restaurant FROM: DATE: Please review the insurance certificate with the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. 6K Rlt[~i ~,~ S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\INSURANC\1931 Chester. wpd TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ... ~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Ryan Starbuck, Civil Engineer III John Ussery, Engineering Tech 1, Subdivisions August 2, 1999 Encroachment Permit Application for Stars Theater Restaurant 1931 Chester Ave. An outdoor patio area located on the sidewalk for the theater restaurant Please review the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. Fl/6 '//19 0. (e. J-f (tJ Tfl.tfFPtC {2.fE/:}1A1 r1f:.fo-'1 ~ S ~ S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\TRAFFIC\1931 Chester. wpd ~/<=- ~91<t/1'I