HomeMy WebLinkAbout3100 19TH STREET .... .' 4 / b~ zA: '-z,:il ~ro . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: December 5, 2003 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for 6 decorative light posts within RlWalong 19h Street ' Wilson Revocable Trust - David R. Wilson 3100 19th Street ' Engineering and Traffic staff has reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the installation of 6 decorative light posts within R/W along 19th Street. The site is located at 3100 19th Street. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to Risk Management, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction. Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. --::::;:::= S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\02-03 Permits\3l 00 19th Street.doc tt- 03-' 2'LO[ g Jun-19-03 10:07A .- ---- P.02 PAGE 1:12 :lltJl..1<.11'\L.E I~ ... -- '-vxf..? I ~~- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DA1C~V) OIlUJ~:! ....oDllCM nt_ OfltnACA're" 18SUED'" A. MAnu Of IlPOAIIAfION fteeJt4.1e I... (BIt.ncs oeUca) ONLY AMO COMma NO AlQHYS UPON TN! CUTIPICA'f Lles... 'octl1S1 ttOI..NJL nftI {,o....n~ATE DOl. NOt' alltND, EXftNO 011 ~ BuK lOut ALTiA TN. COYIfWIE AJlPOtKWJ.V TMa POUCIII 8I:LOW. a.k.r8~le14 CA '111'-02'. J ~..fl-)2'-J321 Faa,'.l-)a'-Jt,O MUltlU AF'~DING CUVERACIe I NAIC . ~;;-"- "." INIUMII 0I1U1\1fl A: ...ote IJutv"". C~ .' .. ~ec n!!O'" :trill ~e. ----"...- 1. r~e ~ 1 IS301 ~~D: . ,. JIIIIlJllIa .' COVERAGU ,.1IOl.1ClEI0I.~....... -.ow ""'" lUIJ.uwo to ~ ~&O NAIIG ~ ~ ncli lIOI.JC" ""100 1NDIt4_0. NO'MItNS~AIIliJlNO 111ft ,,~. tflIIIOIII CCltlDIftOII 0-0 UlV CIClN'f'IUCY 0lII 0fIlIII DClCUIC)n w,,",...er", \!IINDt'hl"~" _l1li ~~ ""'I IIIJIrAlN. fIlS IMIU'lAoCl ~ IV n-.lOOUOtU ~D ~ IS SlIalIr.T 10 _.. ""ITeIll'G. GX' .~ ~ ce-01Oll 01' SUOl POUCIU.llGOIIfOAft Utm'1 8IoOWWMAY HAVI! _II RIDUCID IlW' 'aO CUIUI ' 'OU8Y ...-.. LM9. A ~nOU2U 03/10103 . It.~OOOO I 100000 .5000 , 1000000 '3000100 I JOOOOOO MIlfiO .u-ros NOIIloO'NNtD ","os ~:--l.IIIIIf . lIODlI.y....v . (h.-I IDDILY --.v . (Jer ......) ~T\' QlIl/oIjlOf . I....~ 4II1l'oo..,.u.~ . O_T_ ~ lICe . AUfOOM.", .... I 6ACtt OCCUIIII5Na ACICJ'l&GIA YI /MMGC V,aatn' ~.. IllITO IltOUCTI..E ~TlON . ___CGWeIUTDf oIIIdl 1lIAanM' UA8IlIf'f ~===r~W! ~~...... O'ND -- "ONIIA""/I.OCA""/vPllC\a/lllCL~ ..V ISNGlAL !'be elty of aueren.la.lta 1IaJ'CW. COImaU AG_t., -.wIore-. ea4 Yol_t..... ~ li.ced .. .44ic!oael i..ureA De~ CG aOl0 (13J attacbe4. Ct!RTII'ICATE HOLDM CAHCI!LlA'nON ernwa .aulOlMY~"" -. ~-... - cw<;rr .MIIIJIDlIII ftC u.- DAft TNMDI'. nil........ __It _" 1JI000&"'O'I1O 11M. !!.- 1NrIS""" II01IClI '0 fill! csr~~ _IIM......:P TO ftC LMIT. .!Ir JWWllIl '0 DO_IINAI.&. .otIitlOOIIltllal1Olll OIlI.lMLl'f1' OJ'.' JUNO "'0lIl NI........IT,MIIII'. OA ........,.'_. Cie~ of aek.~fle14 nos lJ'ruat.ua AYe aake~.fie14 ~ ']301 ACOftO a (2110''') Ju~-19-03 10:07A --. _.. ____ _~..w ""4 "'V-UO ~ IlJU(.LJALt. INSURANCE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIA~ILITY Policy No.: &OPl04324l 'f1l~8 1&HDORaamll'1' e~.s IfIIJI .OLICY. PL&AS& IlaAD X'1' CAUJ'ULLY. ADI)I'I':toaL XN8VRJUJ - 0WRd.8. LEsszd OR COII'rMCTOU (,.Oml B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COIIIII:RC:IAL QBllllRAL LXABILXW COVBL\GB PU'!' SCHEDULE Name ot Person oX' Org~;.%a.tion! City of Bakersfield. It~ Mayo~, Council, Agents, Employees and volunteers RE: All California Operations: project Location 3100 19~h st Bakersfield Ca (If no entry appears above, information required to co~plete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endors=ment.) is amended to include organ1~ation.hown in respects to liability operations performed for WHO XS AN xu8UUD (Seetion 11) as an insured the person or the Schedule. but only with aa:ising out of your ongoing that insured. The Lim~t5 of liability for the adaitional tosur.a qr~ thoSQ speclfled in ~he w~icten contract of agreement, or this policy, whicheve~ is 186&. These l~its are inclu5ive of and are not in addition to the limits ot in.urance ebown in the declaration. Cancellation Cla~8.; It is further un4exatood and agreed that the ottached certificate bolder wilt be g~ven thirty (30) days written nocie. before any reduction of coverage or cancolla~ion of this 1nsu~anee is ,-ffeeeive CC 20 10 110"31 Copyrl,ht. In,,ur''''':;4 tl4rvl=t!15 gU.i.ee. Inc., 1192 P.03 PAGE 03 APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a pennit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right-of-way as therem defined. ' "'\, 1. Full name ofapp' t and complete address including phone'number: 17AV l D fZ. l() I l-C;of'J , ~'\~ ~\OD \9~ '~7 2. Nature or descnp . e encroachment for which this application is made: C)I2../,,/ ,q.L!DE~ TAL- &-1~ffr'(N~ POUS. 3. Location of the proposed encroachment: /q[J:1 G7//!...6(rr- 4. Period of time for which the encroachment is to be maintain~: --1lJ Of: Y" I N Ira Y Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, clanns, actions, causes of action or demands, whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative, quasi-Judicial, or judici,al tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by applicant's placement, erection, ;use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees'to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of said encroachment or until such time that this pennit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that u'pon the expiration of the fennit for which this application is made, if granted, or Y12Q!l the revocation thereofbv the Cltv emrineer. applicant wi! at his dwn cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore s'aid public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keel' all liability insuranc~ required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remams. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a Certificate of Insurance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily mjury or property damage liability or both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance coverage is: , Applicml;t adm, ow~edges the right of the City Engineer, pursuanttl, ~rsfi~d unicf;' al Code the penmt at any yme. ( , : / /J Date: [Rt (1l {) ~ ,K Signa1nre of Applicant (Owner or Representative) PERMIT I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN ~STIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). SAID PERMIT SHALL EXPmE ' Date: No. Signature of City Engineer G:\GROUPDA1\FormslEncroachmcntPennitApp.wpd Jun-27-03 11:44A t, . P.02 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, the undersigned I have no objection to the constru:ction of a fence behind the sidewalk I or other encroachment as shown on the plot plan: ~\OO \91LS~.JU.+ (Street) ~y: L,.J\ \son ~\lOr~ll, ~vd- (Owner's Name) of Phone: ~ 'LS S S 06 (Address) SIGNED: ~ s.fJ~ I) Name ~'J - -, vne <::;uJwY\ Date: lQ. - LL\- -.03 tt~ : Address..3l00 l ~ ~~ -\t" ~(,~Q , C'.,t\\\ _ \ \ 'fflt1lVC- .- 2)Name ~~\~ D~n Date: L-;1l{-O'f:) Address 3\00 \~~2.L 3)Nam.~/W"'~ Address~t '61 I0f&f-. 4)Narne ~~}.fhA ~/ Add_~I~J . 5) Name ~14f/ Address c'lco ( ()a.lrS-hc 6)Nam.t~ Address /tPo ,f 0 ~K :J /-f-- Date: , /1"'5~e?'=J Date: ( I-~,- 63- Date:~ l- s~ C>~ I Date: -1[ ,,<;" , 0;, D _u_~t locallon X ) l JJ x x x x Nov 21 03 10:03a Skarphol Assooiates p.2 FRO~l K.C.D1SCOUl"'lt llgktli"'l9.. FAX NO. (661J334-2743 No", 2e 200~ 06: 22PN PI ---.. .---- frtl 1'l,lJt0' 1Yv)...lJ '/~ . e. /rjitUfJ X rvt 3;g:. IJb / cUi 1-05.. g r 1# ~ I' .'. ,. " rT 1 I , 1 , Ii II \ .11 [I , I .LL, Standard o JJ.' {Y-jI-j. - u'.i~~tu~~ ~eti-' 3M'~ :;.713 JWu., ~ f ~ (tkl./ -tieL tJ)LJ /:1 I "1".1 /::, !J)LiA:h ~~ ~L/ . d .UJS-- J' f/.;<< ~ .'f'l-U /u;vJl a A.Jf ~ w/uY-AJ _ Anellor Bolls & Temn!alll~ ir\c:luoP.d an 1l.111,:l1or bll!ll! modelli. ":'" ~reellwfl"l pales 1~lud..1a. inglTJ\Af\d wiUl...if\!W~V nolo: ~:r from bottom 01 !)OSlo ,'':' PoIO$ have belln wlndload l\!~le<;f for 120 m.p,". PQIo'," ACC4Sl'i Willi OveraU Helg~ NO. " Door $hAtt OD 'nllettnBliti Base Dl:i, Base HeIahl Abow Gro...nd St.llndArd N.O 4"-.3" :'25 - . - l)'lj". 6'6"'10'''" , ' A TaperfJd ' 2'6",14'6",'G'6. " . i~Nlth ,'S" Incl'Oundl Sl-~ oJ \Ie.,. A" ._- 12" 33" 9'.10'.12' iii' --- ',4'-'6'.111' - "'. 1i>I""""J'd VES .1~~ 10V-t,oI 33" II~" -, I " (! Sl~ YU 3. .125 12" 26" 8'.10'-'12' ) o i, 14',1$'-18' " I. rt=.s 3"- . ."'" "'...... ...E V. . s'.lb':tt' I;. ,,'.16'.,8' , StandW YES ~. ..125 12" L,~Vt" 6'.10'.12' F~ ~.4r_'6Ie18' f iP.4P 2 Pleeell l,oe" 1.0e~ 13" /IoflCasl .W ..' 'I Yl<S ,6.8 CBS' All Cast Alll!'T'iro\lm ',....- . Aluminum Aluminum .. F1nizh Avllilable: BllIdI. While. Bronze. Swedish, Vardi Grven. AnliQlle a,~GoSo, 1',ntiCl\jq Copper, P..chil~U..dl Bronze, (110150 available .n dccor31ive CXlIQI'~) TI/ 1-", ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Pat Flaherty, Risk Manager FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: November 19, 2003 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for 3100 19th Street. Wilson Revocable Trust - David R. Wilson Decorative light fixtures within RIW along 19th Street, 3' behind sidewalk. Please review the insurance certificate with the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. f)J S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\lNSURANC\3100 19th Street.doc / ---,,'., ,,' -- c\ 1 ~ . - ,B ~t\. K E R S FIE L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Ryan Starbuck, Civil Engineer III FROM: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: November 19, 2003 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for 3100 19th Street. Wilson Revocable Trust - David R. Wilson Decorative light fixtures within R/W along 19th Street, 3' behind sidewalk. Please review the attached encroachment permit and return to me at your earliest convenience. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\TRAFFIC\3100 Oak Street.doc ll/Ufo'} O.t> CUi ~.--"- //- ~-~ '/ ~~ '1r~~ ~'O-- ~,r .~ 'O\Y