HomeMy WebLinkAbout01379 07/20/98 MON 11:56 FAX CITY OF BKSFD BLDING DPT @002 ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PERMIT NO.EN-01379 TO Tim CITY ENGINEER OP THB CITY OF BAJtIl]lSPIBLO CALI I1'ORNIA: Pursuant to the provieions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakerefield Municipel Code, the undersigned appliee for a permit to place. erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. 90280 Phone No.5&2-928-0l00 ~Q;~ Q/~ 0 fj Cj, 'v yJ ~~ J. <;/0 (jI'/ fAY! 1. Pull name of applicant and complete address inclUding phone number, WORLD 0 II. CORP 9302 S GARFIELD AVE JOmf RUNDLBY VP E:NVIR SOUTH GATB CA 2. Nature or decription of the encroachment for which this application is made. TBNPORARY. LOCItBD OIAINLIHK PENCB AROUND CITY MANHOLE & PSRMIT 'I'O OpEN CITY MANHOLB 'I'O DISc:JIARGE REAPPROVED 630,000 GALS OP PRB- TREATBD INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER 3. Location of proposed encroachment ie I 2152 COPPBB RD CITY MNlHDLB LOCATBD Cll'l EL 'I'ORO ao. (DIRT) SOUTH OP SANTA PB RAILWAY 4. Period of time for whiCh the encroachment is to be maintained, 8/1/98 - 8/31/9B Applicant agrees that if thie application is granted, applicant will idemnify. defend and hold harmless City. its officers. agents, and employees against any and all liability. claims. actions. causes of action or demands. whatsoever against them. or any of thsm, before administrative, quasi-judicial or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with or caueed by applicant.s placement. erection. use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agress to mantain the aforesaid encroachment during t~e life of the s&ld encroachmsnt or until such time that this permit is revoked, Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as ne~rly as that in which it wae before the placing. erection. maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance coverage is: Date:07/20/1998 of the City Bngineer. pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal .......~~P,..... Signature of Applicant (owner/Agent) Code Cbapter 12.20 to r@VOke Applicant acknowledges the right the pe=it at any time. PSRMIT I HBRBBY CBRTIPY THAT I HAVE MADK AN IllVBSTIGATICll'l OLP THE: FACTS STATIlI) IN THe PORllGOING APPLICATION AND PIND THAT THE MAINTBNANCB OF SAID ENCROACIlMIlNT (1) WILI.o (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERPERE WITH THE USE OP THE PUBLIC PLACB WHSRB THI!l SAME IS TO BB LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOTl CONSTtTUTB A HAZARD 'I'O PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE, SAID APPt.ICAT!OR IS TlIBIlBPORB (GRANTED) (DBNIBD). Said permit Oate.07/20/1998 07/20/98 MON 11:57 ~AX (;1'l'Y Ui' til\:Si'U tiW1N\O V1'T If6I U U ,) ,. ~ PERMIT INFO Permit No..,..: EN-01379 Permit Type..,: ENCRO Status........: PENDING LOCATION Job address,..: 2152 COFFEE RD Description...: TEMPORARY, LOCKED CHAINLINK FENC PEOPLE Owner.......,.: WORLD OIL CORP Applicant.....: WORLD OIL CORP Arch/Engr.....: Contractor, . . . : FEES Total Due...........: 135.00 FEES TO BE PAID TOTAL Due...........:$ COMMENTS: Initials Date ... Insurance Criteria for Typical Encroachment Permit The permittee shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insurance and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. These must be approved prior to the issuance of the encroachment permit. Type and Amount of Insurance: $1,000,000.00 Per Occurrence for Broad Form Commercial General Liability for commercial or residential Q.R $300,000.00 Per-Occurrence for Homeowners Policy for residential Required Endorsements: Additional Insured: The City of Bakersfield, its mayor, council, employees, agents and volunteeI$ 3!e added as additional insureds with respect to the installation of a 6' wooden fence behind the sidewalk. Cancellation or Change: All policies shall contain an endorsement providing the City with thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or material change in policy language or terms. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A:VII. Any deductibles, self-insured retentions or insurance in lesser amounts must be declared prior to the approval of the insurance documents and the issuance of the encroachment permit. ~1t<C1tllwm:. / JUl 2 0 \998 WASTE WATER DlVlS10/ll CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\_ TYPIN-l. WPD .n. I ',' ACO ..oe ' , "IIIUD1O ""111'''1'' 'BUiIIilIIlS'IIII..ee..'............,..........,....."...., DATE(IIMlDD(YY) i:\::,:::,:,:,::,::,::,:,::,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:.:,!.~.:,:L:;:::;:;;;::::;;;;:~;:::J:::I;::}::::;:::::}\:;;\;:::::;;:;:;:;;;~::;:::;:::::::l::::;:j:i:::;::::::;::i:;:/i:~;:i:;:::::::;::::::::::i~;*x;x:LL:::::::::::;::::::::::::::~;:::i::::::::::::::):::::,::::;::::::!::::::::::::;:)t:;;:':;:~;<:;::;:::::::;;::::::::;;::::;::;::i.~:::::~::ii<iEI::i:::Qit::i::;i2Ii2~uL-1998 PRDDUCER . 8951 6 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Willis Corroon Corporation of Los Angeles ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 801 N. Brand Blvd. #400 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR Ca. Dept. of Ins. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. License #050751 6 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Glendale CA 91203 COMPANY American International Specialty Lines Ins. Co. (818) 548-7500 Kathy A. Housel A INSURED COMPANY National Union Fire Insurance Co. of Pi1tsburgh.PA B - World Oil Corp. COMPANY 9302 South Garfield Ave. C South Gate CA 90280 COMPANY , 0 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED. NOlWlTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEAMS. EXCWSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POUCIES. UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. co TYPE OF INSURANCE POlICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POlICY EXPIRATION L.IIIIT8 LTR DATE (ll1I/DDIYV) DATE (ll1IIDDjYY) A GENERAL LIABILITY GL2670009 01~UN-1998 01~UN-1999 GENERAL AOOREC3ATE .._--, $ -2 ,000 . 000 f-'--- - 1 000 000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL UAalUTY PAOOUC~IOP AGO : $ , , 1(< I ClAIMS MADE [KJ OCCUR PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1 . 000 , 000 OWNER'S & CONTRACTars PROT EACH OCCURRENCE ,$ 1 . 000 . 000 f-- 50 000 ARE DAMAGE 'Anv one lire' $ . f-- 5 000 MED EXP ,Anv one D8tSonl is . B ~OMOBILE LIABILITY CA7202020 01~UN-1998 01~UN-1999 1 200 000 COMBINED SINGLE UMIT $ . . ,..!.ANYAUTO : f-- ALL OWNED AUTOS BOOlL Y INJURY $ (Pet person) - SCHEDULED AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS BOOIL Y INJURY $ - X NON-OWNEO AUTOS (Pili accident) - - PROPERTY DAMAGE $ ~RAaE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY . EA ACCIDENT $ - ANY AUTO OTHER THAN' AUTO ONLY: ~;",:,:<::,:;,:, - EACH ACCIDENT $ AGGREGATE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ ~ UMBRELlA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELlA FORM s WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I~~~llirs I Iwr .:,;::;:':";',:::' EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ EL EACH ACCIDENT THE PROPRIETORI PARTNERSiEXECunVE RINCL EL OISEASE-POUCY UMIT $ OFFICERS ARE: EXCL EL OISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE S OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONSlLOCATIONS/VEHICLES(SPECIAL ITEMS S E E ATTAC H ED SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY W1U. ~lt. MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CEAT1F1CATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFl. - Bakersfield Publio Works Department IIUIC lFlUUIUX1lX_lBUClHU..YKVUGIlC lIDIll9IlI JlICIC..llIIllUlONllClRl UQIIllI1Nl X x 1501 Truxtun Avenue 0lIl X QYX lMUIIX lIJIIIaNC x.. x XXMCXJC....XKlax__I_IiI~XX World Oil Corp. 9302 South Garfield Ave. South Gate CA 90280 PRODUCER Willis Corroon Corporation of Los Angeles 801 N. Brand Blvd. #400 , Ca. Dept. of Ins. Ucense #0607516 Glendale CA 91203 (818) 548-7500 Kathy A. Housel I 'I INSURED THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING AtN REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POUCIES. UMITS MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCY NUMBER POUCY EFFECTIVE POUCY EXPIRATION DATE DATE UIIITS DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/YEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Re: Request for Temporary Discharge of Industrial Wastewater ~rom Sunland Refinery/North Tank Farm. 2152 Coffe Road. Bakersfield. CA ~-Industrial Wastewater- DiSCharge Permit - Permit to Use City Manhole for Discharge - Temporary Connection Fee and Sewer Surcharge Additional Insured: The City of Bakersfield. its mayor. council. employees. agents and volunteers are added as addtional insureds as required by permit. '.9m__llqum'f1JMMkJ.t.t%Jf@HWlltM%&U@m@MlmMdMfWdL~~::;>}L.,,~;::'.f@Mt~MftmiJJ&fmUMMM}@11TnlfMltM%mlMm!tljjii SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COIIPANY WILL ~ltl MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAilED TO THE LEFT," Bakersfield Public Works Department IliIXlCf'U.lCl'UINIC8Qt(II.~If<IIJQWXBX.'~XBlICeMlUftXX 1501 Trwctun Avenue Bakersfield CA 9330 1 A~ORIZ REPRESEIll' E ititimY.J...iMB.fjf.'.,.,.,' Jl*~ur~wmfiiUttiiJiMt.1MNHm%tgjmt]ji~&.bti:df.#.t.4*;,M,.jii:; ;,,;J;4#Jf.M~fjijjBi'.]MrMnJ A' '.-. IlANXOF AMElUCADISBURSEMENT ACCOVNr BANK OF AMERICANT&SA CITY OF COMMERCE CBC saoo S. EASTERN AVENUE CITY OF COMMERCE. CA 90040 FIRST UNION BANK CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA '2555 SUNLAND . REFINING CORPORATION · .' P.O. BOX 1345 BAKERSAELD, CALIFORNIA 93302-1345 J805) 589-9615 66-156 531 "PAY,~ . 'J;" \fArT'ivt:ia . ,: , '. LlIfH....'f,;,,'e.::T ' 576 AN/):clOcts TOniE, - ,OR,D~.O~Gity:of Bakersf~elQ"';;';PtiblicWorks Dept. . ,DATE _ -', ' AMOUNT .; ****$575~OO*** =~H.(i?ODOO 2SSSJ!~ _,I:OS'~ I.OI.Sb ~I: ,~-?qq~S~':~qqbSII., -- -.-_...... ..:....:...-:. -.. . -~"'- .----- ',_:-_-:.':!::'::- ,-- --.- ~.- ".-=:-.;;~.:::..':'.-" ..'-. -'--. - -:--- - --;---~--=-=----:---- --- ---::-: -"'-- ~-------....,...-- --:..-:-- -- ---,- --~-- - -_.:.:... -_:..-... ----------- -- - --- -< .'::':' :.,,>~~;~~... . . --.:=:,~ .-, -.:~:.\~~:;~-~:::<~:='.:.~-.~.2-555 -_-:. - -=-:- I. .-=:. i~ i:=:- H;:::: t: ::::: ~ . -.:. ~ , . I r ,. .,.. -- I ~ - - , :: -..d.Ac;CO~N"'-:'-.':l '-'-. ~. -.AMOUNT SUNLANDREFlNING CORPORATION " -.. ---- ---. -..~ -~.' , BAKER~.~RNIA., --: ..::." ...- :,: -.. . : DATE :::-.i!:.~:- :'; REFERENCE - . ~ . .-- . "-~, -~. ~'.- ' .. -' " DESCRIPTION ':; -=~ ~~t - ~ ~~ !0:~' ::;~. ':::' , "=:!ll:~:~.:;f: l~~~~fcf,~~:~~.~ .*.~,~.~. i ';~~~.].~ .'~:~"~'f '~,'~:~' .~?;~ :O,9::'~'. , 0.(~6).1'f:, .m" .CFr;y,~C~"C'iJ;: d!!?:5~;-,}~27"'f =_ ': -- " --" - , I II >1 t III I ' I : II . , '. - .' .. _-. : ;: =:- ; :' == i ~ j -= ': ,c' '- 'II V-C, f"=:pj' "..,,' '-':;,' C, ,:;;. ~~ .~ . >-m j;; ii~~:*-K~~:Wi:~~ ~="~ '. '.. ',. _",'" =:'!=,":: ='~,o: --- '" --,'" -- ", - fa l ~=t. '1~.i"'''--''t- ' -..' -'-- --:::::-:~:::'=:~;'-=.Ii'--:'.- \J :'t.i~t~l; \i-.-.H....::!..-....,... . =~', j : ~ =--.' .:.:-; == ii; = i - -' H!' := ,.: -:=' ~:: .~:;. : . I-ble: -,.-A__CC)<.N'\ '1.;:;-"- ,- ,..", ---.-:::-AS: :w~~!bi~i~;opf>-' '., '-- N<<Mc- IS u...CQ.U) OtC... (XV'.~ ..' W_. . . -- " "RSAf'o -- __ ___ - -, -c_,: ~ ,::-_:,,_:.: C~T.~ OF.:SAKE,_. L __ ,_ ~:=~-':~'~-.~.__<5~UW)fl&WIN~.-~~-j~-';':,=-:'~--' ,_ --- '._ __ ,,; __ J~~ _ ; _ It, _ _ ,;i._.,:'._ .' -7 /24798',;< ~'0'~~55!f::-:-~ . '-' ---.~ ; ::=~iT~~=)T::~<: --- :'~~"~:~:~:~ ~ ~_ . I. _ , -- ~; -! ; - . - .- -. --', -:::. : ,! _-::- _ .!l '._.., . :'::-' ;:! -_: PLEASE DETAC'H THIS REMrrrANCE ADVICE BEFORE DEPOSmNG CHECK THE 'ATTACHED CHECK " IS IN PAYMENT OF THE ':_' ITEMS LISTED ABOVE -=- ~ . . " 1.JT400E03 City of Bakersfield Miscellaneous Charge Entry Customer ID: 15353 Name: WORLD OIL CORPORATION Location ID: 4274 Addr: 2152 COFFEE RD Cycle/Route: 01 01 Initiation date 8/01/98 Termination date: 0/00/00 Type options, press Enter. 2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display Opt Code Description Charge Amount Reference P3 WW DISCHARGE PERMIT 440.00 8/03/98 11:25:00 Amount due: $,00 Pending $440,00 Customer/Location status: A Customer status: A F3=Exit F6=Add F20=Cst/loc functions F12=Cancel Date 8/03/98 '" } i "'. "." .. .:~. ~ WORLD OIL CORP. ~ ..'- ,-, July 28, 1998 Ms. Lara Kimm Public Works Department City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 P.O. BOX 1966 SOUTH GATE, CA 90280-1966 TEL (310) 928.0100 FAX (310) 928-3234 Re: Temporary Discharge oflndustrial Wastewater from Sunland Refinery/North Tank Farm 2152 Coffee Rd., Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Kimm: Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in approving the Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit for the above referenced facility. World Oil Corp. (World) has reviewed the tentative Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit and determined that modifications to this permit are not necessary. World therefore kindly requests the Public Works Department to issue an official Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit. Enclosed are the following: . Executed copy of the Application for an Encroachment Permit, . Certificate of Liability Insurance, and . Check # 2555 in the amount of$575.00 for annual permit fee & encroachment fee. If you have any questions, please call me at (562) 928-0100. Sincerely, WORLD OIL CORP. ~~' --~ John P. Hundley Vice President of Environmental Affairs ill ~ CC~ 11 W~IQ) 'JUt 3 1 "we cc. Phil Kinney, SECOR (w/o attachments) WASTE WATER DlVISjO~4 cln OF Sft..KERSFIELD * I~ 1<1 9302 S, GARFIELD AVENUE, SOUTH GATE, CALIFORNIA 90280-3896 / ~'~~ . ~ "#S ~ ~ L; ~ 0 I '-...../ "'" C/) ~ ~ ~~ ~ l \)~k- JL ~tct- ~ ! ~ wW- rYl-O ~ ~~.. p~ , ~,~ vr/ frA.L ~ [JW- ~ M i, j" --~ r I """,,,. , .- , -' City of Bakersfield TRANSMITTAL SLIP Dafe.,A<J.,~r"~'.J..ffl$. : I, To ....l~AfY.AIV."..,SHA,~."...."..........,..,....".....,.,."..,..,.....,... - F rom ,....k,A~,A,..,..l4.M,"1...,........,.."...,.,..,.""."'.,....,.."........... ~For Your- o Signature ,tAction 0 Information 0 File I 'Prease:- o Return 0 See Me ?"FoIIOW Up 0 Prepare Answer Co py to: ".."".."....,......"..,..,"",..,.. ,....,..........".,...,..,",....,..,. ,..,....' ,..,....,.. Memo: ..,~~(;..""~l,~"..~."..,~..:..,~..".."".,,, ,.~."."~#.q,QA.~~..,.,~,rr.,.,~'",,, ...Af.'f!!J,~).~..., ,:"~S.Q.,)".p',~~e.,.....p.~V'~9.,E:.,.,,Y9,~~ I ,..Aq;r..~....,:To.."~...J~4~P..~~.....1!\~..,~,r~,,,..._... ....H.'.....,~"""..AN.O."."ro.,~..,TQ..,.,F~~,~... ,....I.f....,yo.c)....~,.....AHy,.....()~rnQN,~,I....","...,.._..,.. ' f.~f;~He:ofl...~:::~HL .....~.~."..~"..,"~.?-~.,~"..,..,',Df.AN~~.~.......,.....,...._...., i _ ~l _, . ' -f.x,. - I ...............,......,................,.....,',.....,...,................."........,...."."'..,.......,..........'........- I __ _____ __ I ~ l' '.. !- ~ sUNLAND REFINING CORPORATION P.O. BOX 1345 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93302-1345 (805) 589-9615 BANKOF AMERICA DISBVRSEMENT ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICANT&SA CITY OF COMMERCE CBC 5800 S, EASTERN AVENUE CITY OF COMMERCE. CA 90040 FIRST UNION BANK CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA 2555 66-156 531 PAY EXAffitffj fr:7 ,F =,~,gm pat ~ r'l"'("' U .f.I.J ~~i'!Lf W 4tJ ~L, / <;~;i DATE AMOUNT TO THE ORDER OF City of Bakersfield '- Public Works Dept. ****$575.00*** III 0 ? 0 000 2 5 5 51~ I: 0 5 ~ .0 . 5 b ~ I: ? q q B 5 2 q q b 5 III -~ -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- .- - -' -- .-.. -- - - 2555 SUN LAND REFINING CORPORATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION - ACCOUNl! NO,- AMOUNT __. .}:=7"h"-":'-' 7/24/98 2555 ,- Annual permit fee ': 0_:.1:;7\.'U.~I'(.Lj Encroachment fee iL~,'if:~'J..i;-';'i.I,"",i.) $440.00 135.00 _ .:. ; ! j ..:";. l, _..:~ _ "j' .._ . t .- $575.00*** , ! i ! OlD) /'1 JO Cr T'/ ACCi-e -:. :: :.:-::l; =. /$353- 4Z74--~--'~ .-::-:; t(;:: )J~:-=~-: :::- :~! =:-11:::::- m~:,J~~~~D .. -::-: I' = 'ill'='Jj ,',=', {j L~ytJ99a_' \;;> Uti) II Ib U T1 ACc.;r ti: -- .". /J)\c:: ACc~Ll'J\ /J4L1f IS v...Q2.W OIl.. CotY.~ ::"WAS -.wATER'DIVISIO~ : , CIT,V OF_i3AKERSFIELO -, ..i I I ~ QJtJuw:.:> Q8'1tJlNb ~U. - 1 : t PLEASE DETACH THIS REMITTANCE ADVICE EFORE DEPOSITING CHECK -- :.~,;-\~:?;t:~;~~~ ~: ,;", _ _ - 'rTEMD USTEO ABOVE If you have any questions, please call me at (562) 928-0100. . ,.1 Sincerely, WORLD OIL CORP. <:W\e; - John P. Hundley Vice President of Environmental Affairs 1 0) ~CC1ZTI\r~TU) d~ ~! 'JUL 3 :'998 cc. Phil Kinney, SECOR (w/o attachments) NAS7E 'NATE.=l :'UISiO'1 .:,::( OF 2.~.;<.=RSF;::i...D ._ _ _. .__. . _ a -rr I'" A I 1r-l""\nr..11 ^ """0" ,)QO~ O~/20/98 MON 11:56 FAX CITY OF BKSFD BLDING DPT " APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PERMIT NO.EN-01379 TO THB CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BA~ERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. 1. Full name of applicant and complete address including phone number, WORLD OIL CORP 9302 S GARFIELD AVE JOHN HUNDLBY VP ENVIR SOUTa GATE CA 90280 Phone No.562.928-0100 2. Nature or decription of the encroachment for which this application is made: TEMPORARY, LOCKED CHAINLINK FENCE AROUND CITY MANHOLE & PERMIT TO OPEN CITY MANHOLE TO DISCHARGE PREAPPROVED 630,000 GALS OF PRE- TREATED INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER 3. Location of proposed encroachment is . 2152 COFFEE RD CITY MANHOLE LOCATED ON ilL TORO RD. (DIRT) SOUTH OF SANTA FE RAILWAY 4. Period of time for which the enoroachment is to be maintained: 8/1/98 - 8/31/98 Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will idemnify. defend and hold harmless city, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all liability. claims. actions, causes of aetion or demands, whatsoever against them, or any of thsm, before administrative, quasi-judicial or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with or caused by applicant's plaoement, erection, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant furthsr agrees to mantain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this psrmit is revoked, Applioant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as ne~rly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the city Risk Manager with a certificate of insuance evidencing sufficient coverage fer bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidenoing the insurance required. The type(sl and amount(s) of insurance coverage is. Applicant acknowledges the right the permit at any time_ of the City Engineer, pursuant to Bakersfield Municipsl Code Chapter 12.20 to revoke .......~~.,..... Signature of Applicant (Owner/Agent) Date,07/20/1998 PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED'IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USB OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE TilE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTB A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE/ SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORB (GRANTED) (DENIED). Said permit shall expire Date:07/20/1998 ~002 07/20/98 MON 11:57 ~AX <':1'1'Y U1' HMj}<J) HLUINu J)l'T IfI,JUUol ." .' PERMIT INFO Permit No...,.: EN-01379 Permit Type..,: ENCRO Status.. ......: PENDING LOCATION Job address...: 2152 COFFEE RD Description...: TEMPORARY, LOCKED CHAINLINK FENC PEOPLE Owner... ......: WORLD OIL CORP Applicant..,..: WORLD OIL CORP Arch/Engr. . . . . : Contractor. . . . : FEES Total Due.. ....., ...: 135.00 FEES TO BE PAID Initials Date TOTAL Due. ,.. .,.....:$ COMMENTS: Insurance Criteria for Typical Encroachment Permit The permittee shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insurance and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. These must be approved prior to the issuance , of the encroachment permit. Type and Amount of Insurance: $1,000,000.00 Per Occurrence for Broad Form Commercial General Liability for commercial or residential OR $300,000.00 Per-Occurrence for Homeowners Policy for residential Required Endorsements: Additional Insured: The City of Bakersfield, its mayor, council, employees, agents and volunteer!) ~e added as additional insureds with respect to the installation of a 6' wooden fence behind the sidewalk. Cancellation or Change: All policies shall contain an endorsement providing the City with thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or material change in policy language or terms. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A:VII. Any deductibles, self-insured retentions or insurance in lesser amounts must be declared prior to the approval of the insurance documents and the issuance of the encroachment permit. mlM~ltlIW)]:,. / JUl 2 0 1998 WASTE WATER OIVISIOlli CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C:\ WINDOWS\TEMP\_ TYPIN-l.WPD [~~~!!g~:j.i:IIII!lillllll:::::II!I::iill:II!I:I!.':'i,1:llil'III:II!.i:.ii:':i.lllliili,i~!i:'III.II!ili'll1'-1," . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . - . . -....................- DATE (MMfDDfYY) 24--.1UL-l 998 -' PRODUCER 8951 6 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MAneR OF INFORMATION Willis Corroon Corporation of Los Angeles ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 801 N. Brand Blvd. #400 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR Ca. Dept. of Ins. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. License #050751 6 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Glendale CA. 91 203 American International Specialty Lines Ins. (81 8) 548-7500 COMPANY CO. Kathy A. Housel A INSURED COMPANY National Union Fire Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh.PA B World Oil Corp. COMPANY 9302 South Garfield Ave. C South Gate CA 90280 COMPANY I D :::#.Qyjjii.i!(It:!:::::J:IJ:::!:!:it:;::!:i:t:::i::::::J:JiI:!:!:::i:Jm:!:!:!:i:iJ:J!:::i:::!:!I:::j::I:::mJ::lr:m:::Jm:Jm:::J::::Jt:::J:::tJ:::::;!J:tm:::J::::J::m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t::t:::mJ::::::::::::Jt::::::t::::::rr::r:J:::r:::::::::!:J:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Jmt::::J:r::::t:t!::::t'!::t:m::::mt::::::::::::::::::!:%!:! THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE (MM/DDfYV) DATE (MM/DDfYV) A GENERAL LIABILITY GL2670009 01""UN-1998 01""UN-1999 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2 . 000 . 000 ~ X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY - PROOUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 1 000 000 . . y I CLAIMS MADE [K] OCCUR PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1 . 000 . 000 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 . 000 , 00 0 ~ FIRE DAMAGE (Anv onelirel $ 50 . 0 00 ~ MED EXP (Anv one "eISon' I", 5 . 000 B ~TOMOBILE LIABILITY CA 7202020 01""UN-1 998 01""UN-1 999 1 200 000 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ . . ~ ANY AUTO - ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ (Per pelSon) - SCHEDULED AUTOS ~ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ ~ NON.QWNED AUTOS (Per accident) I-- PROPERTY DAMAGE $ ~RAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT I", ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: :::/:: ::::':::: I-- I-- EACH ACCIDENT $ AGGREGATE I", EXCESS L1ABIUTY EACH OCCURRENCE $ R' UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM It IWC STATU. I I~~H- : ,,:;::: ,:::::" WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I TORY LIMITS :::::::::': , EMPLOYERS' L1ABIUTV ACCIDENT $ R EL EACH THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE INCL EL DISEASE-POLlCY LIMIT $ OFACERS ARE: EXCL EL DISEASE .EA EMPLOYEE I~ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONS/LOCA TIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS S E E ATTAC H E D fp'$.j~f.iHjb.tijat~:~:::!H~:fffff~:ff!:rfr::::!:::::~t:!:::~:::rlt:::::::!:t::::~:!:::!:::::~:;:::::::m:rt:::~:!t:::t::::r::rmt::::r:t::DiIilWtiiimN:ttt:::::I:::!:fl:t::::!t:!:::::::t:::rttm:t::t::r::::::!tt:rrItr::::r::!::tt:::::::::::r:::tm:t::r::::r!:rr::::t::: SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ~lt~ MAIL 30 DAYS WRmEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFl. - Bakersfield Public Works Department &me JllUlllX'la ltNMlll8UCftCNlraxsullIX IMlUllIllC lIlll(.llllrllAlf1OM Xl'RC I(WlIllm( X X 1 501 Truxtun Avenue ~XlM.X~N'X~X~X Xmll<Xl41IlN1IlilCX~~XX Bakersfield CA '93301 A~O~::~RE.."RESEN~E ::iearibaj~~lniiWrlfI;:r::l:r:::::::::Itr@r:::{:I:~tfj:::::!fr!f:n!::~K:t!tm::i::m!:ttm::]n:!:t::::::!r::tlt;ii{H:::fflmmm1@mi:J@~mr:rln~iiahBlfaRi8iitlai;hi:iWf:::: t.,W,~~~~~N""",I",,'\j:::II,III:llllllji:::jlil:::1:1:lil,I:IIII:I:!:::",:!:::i:il:::li:!:i:!::ii'lilll1,:::lil~ii:I':'li:~'il~::I:I::I' nU~~~~~~~~~ THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF lNfORMA1ION ONLY.AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIF CATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 89516 INSURED World Oil Corp. 9302 South Garfield Ave. South Gate CA 90280 PRODUCER Willis Corroon Corporation of Los Angeles 801 N. Brand Blvd. #400 · Ca. Dept. of Ins. License #0507516 Glendale CA 91203 (818) 548-7500 Kathy A. Housel I i:~WiAiiii:':'::fi:i:i::r::rrr::rmmI:ff:i:r:t\:::t::\:t::\:::\:\:\:t:i::ttt\'\:\:ftt\:Erri\::iff:l:n\:i::ltil:\:MiI:HitfH:\:\i\l;iH::i:r:i\:ttttttlttt:;lll;llrttirl:::ttt:::::i]::rr:i::ri:rr:i:t:::i::t::t:rit\r:it:ii:ii!l::itii:lrll:i'i:i:t:{r:::i:::::::\::::if:'\::::,:r::: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I POLICY NUMBER I POLICY EFFECTIVE I POLICY EXPIRATION I TYPE OF INSURANCE DATE (MM/DDNYl'\ DATE /MMJDDNYl LIMITS DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Re: Request for Temporary Discharge of Industrial Wastewater f~om Sunland Refinery/North Tank Farm. 2152 Coffe Road. Bakersfield. CA - Industrial Wastewater- Discharge Permit - Permit to Use City Manhole for Discharge - Temporary Connection Fee and Sewer Surcharge Additional Insured: The City of Bakersfield. its mayor. counci,l. employees. agents and volunteers are added as addtional insureds as required by permit. IP~.;I.!f.tfl9'_IIrr:ti::r:::t:m:\i::!mmrrr:\:Ht:\::m:H:::\ii:ttHt:::t:m::t\i::\:\:\:\:::!'!:!:H:::::t!:::\:\:tttWtltAI.;Utl.n9,,:::\:tm:;:!:!ittttHlttl@ftt:!:mr:t:::lIt:::::t::::!i:r::rImftmIi::t!i:::i:::::::i:riitmt::t:::IIi::(:::: SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ~lt. MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,. Bakersfield Publio Works Department IlIBJAlUIUXWXlMflIlCl&UQt(".~~INllQ$Il(JXlX.'~lCIft(tuJJJln xx 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 ' A~H~':;~D R:PRESEN~VE Wlti'li::ii.#.lfiQQlIfiifdUlitiit::i:;;tmimm::;:I:n::::::::::::i::iitiUtii.i:rir:lI::lii:i:1Il::::;imWW:ni:lfii::::Bii::il(t::i.,:(gft~~:mWi:1Wl@iIi_ijtjij\rj.{{{:ffm{:?f ~.' BANKOF AMERICA DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT BANK OF AMERICANT&SA CITY OF COMMERCE cec 5800 S, EASTERN AVENUE CITY OF COMMERCE. CA 90040 - FIRST UNION BANK CHAPEL Hill. NORTH CAROLINA :2555 . ' .-'SUNLAND REFINING CORPORATION P.O. BOX 1345 BAKERSFIELD; CALIFORNIA 93302-1345 ';~.-': '::(805) 589-9615 66-156 531 "_',J - -.' -- - ,- ..t:& -...', -: _,., '^'~-EJ(ACTtYJ:i!fI"'~_' PAY - ^:.. --_' ,-,.: -, ,-=: ' :;7& ANfieio'€ts . TO-r;;E : -:::' ;ii :~.. ;i: =:- . ~:,:_-=-~~~ l:. --, ,C?R,DE~P~_':,: City::''-of -Bakers~~e~d::~~ :}~blicd ,Works Dept~' , ,::.~. ; :; ::::I?ATE ". ' AMOUNT . . . . . ,.,' ...v : \ ...:..:. i ,; :=~_ . ~ ~ .:::::. 1 '0:i,~6?(ro602 5 5 5~ -1:05 :t~O~ 5 b ~I: .-7 11 ~a 5~i2 1111 b Sill -.- " . "--~ ., -p- . 1 . ..~ . ~ -- ~ . ' '. . ' '. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - .." . SUNLANDREFiNING'CORPORATION " _' ," __'",' d' .:::;,'~~:";~~- ' ... _..- _. . ... . ",-,AKERSFI~LQ. C~LIt:~RNIA_, --'..,' - , __n ii,' :-.. . '. I. _:-. , " :;',l..;::.:-..~:,:.>~.:...::.~>i-:~,::::.:"2.5 5 5 - .-.~.;: .-.... 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PLEASE OET AC~H THIS REMITTANCE ADVICE BEFORE DEPOslTlNG CHECK -~-~. ::! -=: ; i _._ -- ~~ ~ UT400E03 City of Bakersfield Miscellaneous Charge Entry Customer ID: 15353 Name: WORLD OIL CORPORATION Location ID: 4274 Addr: 2152 COFFEE RD Cycle/Route: 01 01 Initiation date 8/01/98 Termination date: 0/00/00 Type options, press Enter. 2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display Opt Code Description Charge Amount Reference P3 WW DISCHARGE PERMIT 440,00 8/03/98 11:25:00 Amount due: $,00 Pending $440,00 Customer/Location status: A Customer status: A F3=Exit F20=Cst/loc functions F12=Cancel F6=Add Date 8/03/98 , , "ft" City, Attorrj[, ' y~ _S F' Ice TO" i~ V\. cw1~<VJ DEPT~-- Q (A; "- For your information return to me For your information For your handling Let's discuss Sign and return copies Investigate Approval Please Advise Your File Extension #3721 DATE 6"-((-<:(8" () rc. , .~ e rIl<, From ' .k5 ~ 9 ~~..\. WJI) . /' WORLD OIL CORP. July 28, 1998 P.O. BOX 1966 SOUTH GATE, CA 90280-1966 Ms. Lara Kimm Public Works Department City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 TEL (310) 928-0100 FAX (310) 928-3234 Re: Temporary Discharge of Industrial Wastewater from Sunland Refinery/North Tank Farm 2152 Coffee Rd., Bakersfield, CA ': O:--~\ (-' ~,~ rr:i j; -- :. (,'.,.,-S t.i:;:.i /2', ;i \\!,'.I, i;;;, /... -.,' , I ,A' __ _ .. ; \! 1/ ,r '" lI\J/ A~G 1 0.'1---9' 9'~ 8:-~) / ) ; , J ,"-/, ,~" ,/ ~ J ~ \ ~liil< -,;-- :: ~)~ ,~ if ~~" A >' .. .. .. t: '.. !-':' >:: ! "::'~~:-,rr',: Dear Ms. Kimm: Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in approving the Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit for the above referenced facility. World Oil Corp. (World) has reviewed the tentative Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit and determined that modifications to this permit are not necessary. World therefore kindly requests the Public Works Department to issue an official Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit. Enclosed are the following: . Executed copy of the Application for an Encroachment Permit, . Certificate of Liability Insurance, and . Check # 2555 in the amount of$575.00 for annual permit fee & encroachment fee. If you have any questions, please call me at (562) 928-0100. Sincerely, WORLD OIL CORP. ~\~ - . John P. Hundley Vice President of Environmental Affairs m~CC~llW~IQ) 'JUl 3 1 -1998 cc. Phil Kinney, SECOR (w/o attachments) W~STE WATER Di'lISiO'j cr,( OF SAi<::RSF:ELD * \:?1~ 9302 S. GARFIELD AVENUE, SOUTH GATE, CALIFORNIA 90280-3896