HomeMy WebLinkAbout01353 APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PERMIT NO.EN-01353 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12,20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined, 1, Pull name of applicant and complete address including phone number: MOSS DAN CONSTRUCTION 415 MONICA ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 Phone No.366-0447 2, Nature or decription of the encroachment for which this application is made: 4' HIGH BRICK &. WROUGHT IRON FENCE 5' 6' FROM CURB 3, Location of proposed encroachment is 2829 ~..( 1 sr S-r. SE CORNER BEECH ST &. 21ST ST 4, Period of time for which the encroachment is to be maintained: INDEFINITE Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will idemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands, whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative, quasi-judicial or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with or caused by applicant's placement, erection, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment, The applicant further agrees to mantain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked, Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment, Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains, Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liab~~jty of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required, ~. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance coverage is: STATE FARM LIABILTY 1000000 Applicant acknowledges the right of the City Engineer. pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 12,20 to revoke the permit at any time, Date:09/18/1997 Signature of Applicant (Owner/Agent) PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED), Said permit shall expire Date:09/18/1997 Engineer tgJUUiI: ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect. use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. 1. 9'330/ 2. Nature or desa1pt1on of the encroachment for which this application is made: 3. Location of the proposed enc:roachment: 4. ' Period of time for which the encroachment is to be maintained: ' , . " - Applicant agrees that If this application is granted, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hotd ham1lesa city. its officers. agents 8nd employees agaInSt any and aU Uability. claims. actions, causes of action or dema~, whatsoever against them, or any ofthern. before administrative. quasi-judicial or judicial trlbunals Of any kind whatSOeVer, arising out of, connected With or caused by applicant's placement eredlon. use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroactunent during the rife of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. , , Appfica.nt further ag~ that upon the expiration of the pennit .for whieh this application is made, if:gr8r1teca,"&- .YRml the rWoc:atIOri thereof..y the Qy Engineet~ aDpllcant will at his own coM"andexpensA remoVe the same from --.... DUbIiC-DrD~~On1ghtOf~~r8;the"Same'is 1000000,-and,r;estore'S8Id'pub~C.'~~fty~,~~ :af-way to.the".. , , condltl~rf'.u' n8al1Y as that in, which it was .before th~placing. ~rBction, maintena~.. or ,exi~i;e' of:saicl eneroachment' ; , ", ' ,.,"'.. , ;-';'c~","", " " , App6cant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a Certificate of Insurance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability or both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of Insurance coverage is: . Applicanlac:knowtedges, the I1g1T1 of the City EngIneer. pu~ui~ ,to BakersfaeJd Munici~ COde Chapter 12.20 to . .:tIte$};;~' ....:..Cy.at:~~RLve):;'..> '. PERMIT I HERmv CERnFYl"HAT I HAVE MADE AN 'INVESTIGATION OF '.THE ~Ac;'I'S STATED IN , 'THE' FOREGOING APPUCATION AND FIND, THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID _", ' . ~ 0" ' , " ~.,'. ., . ~ " '1> :1'" ~ -. . ' ... -" . ,-". ' , " . . , .~~~~~,.Etl,T; (1)"f'!+ (NOT)SUBS~~N~~~ Y I.N~R;~.Wll'H :rHI,! U<!,~.9f.JHE , , . ~ ~WH~.~ ~ SAME IS TO BE L~TED AN,Q,(2):WtLL (NOT) CON;91mnE A HAZARD, TO, P~SONS USING SAID PU~lIC P~c:E;' SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). SAID PER~IT s~ ExPIRE ~~/2 ' ~h' Signatdie of City Engin~. Date: No. .. ..,.... - T .... 5, ,- driveway edge and edge of the sidewalk closest to the interior property line, or the street right-of-way line in the absence of asidewalk, and a line connect- ing them at points ten feet from their intersecting point. C. Motor vehicle driver site distance at con- trolled intersections shall be maintained in accord with the following design standards: Desjgn Speed MPH 20 30 40 50 60 Minimum Comer Intersection Sight Distance Feet 200 300 400 500 600 Comer sight distance measured from a point of the minor road at least fifteen feet from the edge of the major road pavement and measured from a height of eye of 3.75 feet on the minor road to a height of object of 4.5 feet on the major road. The location of the object to the left of the minor street is to be measured at twelve feet from the nearside edge of the major road with parking or six feet from the nearside edge of the major road without parking. The location of the object to the right of the minor road is to be measured at one-half the major street width plus three feet from the nearest edge of the major. road. (Ord. 3169 ~ 1, 1988: Ord. 2883 ~ 1, 1983: Ord. 2696 ~ 6,1982). 17.08.180 Fence, walls and hedges. A. In the R-l, R-2, R-3 and R-4 zones, no fence, wall or hedge located in the rear or side yards shall exceed a height of six feet unless a greater height is required by city or state regulations for noise attenuation or sight screening. On all through lots located in these zones in which the rear lot line abuts a state highway, major highway or'secondary highway and is below the grade of the roadway, at the roadway grade, or less than ten feet above the roadway grade, a masonry wall as defined by Sec- tion 17.04.462 shall be provided. B. In the R-l, R-2, R-3 and R-4 zones, no fence, wall or hedge located in the required front yard shall exceed a height of four feet, except in the 17.08.180 following situations, in which such fence or wall may be higher but shall not exceed a height of six feet 1. Where, as determined by the' planning commission, a side yard is adjacent to an arterial or collector street and a higher wall is necessary to fin- ish the required subdivision wall. 2. Where, as determined by the city council, planning commission, or board of zoning adjust- ment, a higher fence or wall is necessary for pur- pose of noise attenuation. C. In the R-l, R-2, R-3 and R-4 zones, no fence, wall, or hedge located within ten feet of the rear line of a reversed comer lot between the street and the established setback line on the key lot to the rear shall exceed a height of four feet. D. In the R-l, R-2, R-3 and R-4 zones no barbed wire shall be used or maintained in or about the construction of a fence, wall or hedge along the front, side or rear lines of any lot, or within three feet of said lines, and no sharp wire or points shall project at the top of any fence or wall less than six feet in height E. In the C-O, C-C, C-l, C-2, M-l and M-2 zones no barbed wire shall be erected, installed, used or maintained or caused to be erected, in- stalled, used or maintained on, in or about any fence, wall or hedge along the front, side or rear lines of any lot, nor shall any barbed wire be erected, installed, used or maintained or caused to be erected. installed, used or maintained, for fencing purposes, or as a barrier across or around any lot, or portion thereof,or around any building or stnlc- tore upon or along any street, alley or public way, unless the lowest strand of barbed wire is installed not less than six feet three inches above the highest adjoining grade on either side of such fence; where barbed wire is erected, installed, used or maintained in accordance with this sub~on, it-shall not ex- tend over or into any abutting propertY or public right-of-way and shall, in all cases, either extend in toward the owner's side of such fence or directly vertical. 568-3 (Bakersfield 9-94) 17,08.170-17,08,175 adjoining are undeveloped, the minimum rear yard shall confonn to the front yard setback for the zone in which the property is located, (Ord. 2696 ~ 4, 1982: prior code ~ 17.52.150), 17.08.170 Yard encroachments. Where yards are required in this title, they shall be not less in depth or width than the minimum dimension specified for any part, and they shall be at every point open and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as follows: A, Cornices, canopies, carports, eaves or other similar architectural features not providing additional floor space within the building may extend into a required front, side or rear yard not to exceed three feet. B. Open unenclosed, uncovered porches, platfonns or landing places which do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building, with the exception of guard rails as may be required by the building director, may extend into any front, side or rear yard not more than six feet, C. Detached accessory buildings may occupy side and rear yards as provided in Section 17.08,130. (Ord. 2817 ~ 1. 1983: Ord. 2696 ~ 5, 1982: prior code ~ 17.52.160). 17.08.175 Clear sight view. A. On all comer lots located on uncontrolled intersections, no obstruction to motor vehicle driver views in excess of three feet higher than curb flow line grade shall be placed on any comer or reversed comer lot within a triangular area fonned by the intersecting street curblines and a line connecting them at points sixty feet from their intersection point. B. On all lots abutting an alley or driveway, no obstruction to sight view shall be permitted within the triangular area fonned by the alley or 568-13 (Bakersfield 3-94) " . A=6'(1.8m) WITHOUT PARKING (ALWA YS USED ON ARTERIALS AND COLLECTORS) A=12'(3.6m) WITH PARKING DESIGN SPEEDS 60'(18m) R/W 76'(23m) R/W 90'(27m) R/W 110'(33m) R/W 25 MPH (40KPH) 55 MPH (90KPH) 65 MPH (105KPH) 65 MPH (105KPH) CENTERLINE OR MEDIAN EDGE ~ -L 3'(0.9m).J MAXIMUM ENCROACHMENT D=S x C C=10 FT/MPH C=1.89 m/CPH 15' ( 4.5m) CURB LINE ! i I , I I S=CRITICAL SPEED (85th PERCENTILE) OR, 'IF NOT KNOWN. DESIGN SPEED ON THRU STREET. D=SIGHT DISTANCE (SIGHT LINE ASSUMES AN EYE AT 3.5'(1.05m) HEIGHT LOOKING AT AN OBJECT AT 4.25'(1.28m) HEIGHT) CONTROLLED INTERSECTION CURB LINE / UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTION NOTES 1. BOTH CRITERIA GOVERN AT AN UNCONTROLLED T -INTERSECTION. 2. SIGHT LINE REQUIREMENTS PER SEC. 17.08.175 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. STANDARD 1M'll 07/97 ..- B.I) GEG - B.I) SCALE NlS SHEET NO. SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR INlERSECllONS AI'PRCMD CITY OF BAKERSFELD CALFOfW'i>IIA T-7 an' ENGIEER PUBUC WORKS FRQM } '.. ' ~J" l I'." ,.... A DBCLARATIONS We will provide the insurance described in this policy in return for the premium and compliance with all applicable provisions of this policy. .".uu..C\ 87-KD-1486-0 Jtolicy Number -------------------------------------.-. Hamed Insured and Mailing Address MICHABL BANDUCCI & STACI BANDUCCI, HUSBAND AND WI PH, AS JOINT TENANTS 2829 21ST STREBT BAKBRSFIBLD, CA 93301 P. 002 ---------------~--------------------- Coverage afforded by this policy is provided by: STATE FARf.1 GENERAL INSURANCH COMPANY 900 OLD RIVER ROAD BAKERSFIELD CA 93311 A Stock Company with Home Offices in Bloomington, Illinois. ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Policy Period begins and ends at 12:01,a... Standa~d Time at the residence premises. 08-25-97 Bffective Date 12 months-Policy Period 08-25-98 Bxpiration of Policy Period ----------------_.------------------------- Limit of Liability - Section 1 $ 289,800 Coverage A. Dwelling ~ 100. 0Cb UJ..;t:YUI(;. e: L. "'= ~ "'- J.., A&(...I fVl ------------------------------------------- Policy Type Homeowners Policy Dwell Repl Cost - Similar Construction Option ID - Increased Dwelling Applies ------------------------------------------- Location of Premises ' Same as ma~ling address Automatic Renewal - If the Policy Period is shown 89 12monthB, this policy will be renewed auto- matically subject to the premiums, rules and forms in effect each succeeding policy period. If this policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance with the ~licy provisions or a8 req\l1 red by law. ----------------------------------- Deductibles - Section 1 $500 ALL LOSSES In case of loss under this policy, the deductible will be applied per occurrence and will be deducted from the amount of the loss~ Other deductibles may apply - refer to your policy. ----------------------------------- Porms & RndorSelEDts PP 7955.CA, 438BFU, OPT OL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Policy Premium $970.00 ~.,; :'. ';:~~: ;" H'." - .'". .", .' -----~-~-----------~-------------_._-------~---_._---------~--------------------- Mortgagee ,d"..,' ,'.' , , AgentRam8& Address WMC MOR.TGAGB CORPORATION, ,Michael ',Boyer .. , , ITS SUCCBSSORS AND ASSIGNS, . Agent;'i,ic~'I0804662 ATlMA' , 4550 Coffee Road Ste J P.O. BOX 54089 Bakersfield, CA LOS ANGBLES, CA 90054-0089 93308 (805)588-1140 Loan Number: 10029762 _ _ _ _ _ _' -'- _ :,; _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ 04, _ Countefsigned: Au~st25, '1997 '"BY' .t ';, .' 559-916.2 ---------------------------- 1883/F784 . ,'.,., "., Agen,t/AFO Code 5/97) ~IOlI COpy.' . F R O.M , J t, ,.""-t- f 'AM tNIV_ANtl Fire Policy Status -'?: 0 0 I SEPTEMBER 17. 1997 H Ph. (805)324-7872 FIRE Policy: 87-KX-1758-5 F Yr issd: 1996 BANDUCCI, MICHAEL & STACI 2631 21ST ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93301-3336 ~------ /' ----'...., Pe: PERS LIAB UMB Coverage information " L-PERS LIAS 1000000 , I Term: CONT Premium: 130.00 -----.. "- ---- ..- /' -' -,- Amount paid: Date paid: Bill to: 130.00 JAN-24-97 INSD 130 Prev prem: Prev risk: o Auto liab: LOWER Messages: Rate class: Automobiles: Rec vehicles: Farm vehicles: Drivers: 02 Underage drivers: Rentals: Territory: A PREFERRED I 02 Comprehensive Business Office Employee Watercraft liab: Y liab: liab: liab: liab: Family farma, corp, or part liab: Farm comp, pers liab: Renew date: FBB-28-98 Forms and ~~ements FP-7950.1 ...., LIAB UMB .....:.. .;~t-,' lJ~bI u-M oJ 1O~L, I~ 0'- D\,JVt.V 0 ~O \ lOO, , , , . -:_ I ~>1'{" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or behi~d the sidewalk on: ~K2-?' r;,17f -5f /~ , (steet) . :: of ~~2-9 ;P17f .~ (Address) By: /!Jlch~1 +S~j i>A11~ (Owner's Name) Phone: '-:a~ti-T'8 ?? r- > . li .~ Date: ~/;, . ~~!~', . ~ ~ 'J.<~;,~;,;.,.,:::.,~:,~~~.:H;,:" .~ _ ~~,~,iti~:':.qcJ''1':' <-(1-,"",'<' v'I,""""'''.'''' " .~~.,/~, /77./ Date: Date: '.-; Date: .;..~'V? 17 I ','::jjif::~~~ . ' . . '.I '~',~~';3'\'. ,:,~ Date: f 9tJ 7 '" ;tt;i? ",;:.. '5)-Name Address 6) Name " Address ." ~\i,~1: "Cl" '-','" ..~ " Date ~ .. . !-<<: ItJ~~ '(tSZ!.~.'.' /1 i X: i" '/...", _~ 1.:!,i_~11,. ---L---t r0~ I . 'f;;, :;,~,I . ..... . . ~. ../.'t. I .",' ."'" '''''fl, , \' 1,.,. 3-29 ' s ,CITY OF" BAKERSFIELD SCHOOL OIST. I-I 3-29 @ . .." " "". "f L , " ,J..',.. . -i~ r , ' ... ST. ... ;j ~ 11.$ u.s II.S I I ,;--1 ;'1 'I, ' I I r-w I I '" ' I I I I I N N I I (I) I I I ' 1,- , (I) CI) I ~ I I I ' I I I I S I I I I I I ,,;1 10' 1-:101 I@I;., 1918 I 6 I oS I 4, I,,'C":V' ~5 ~ I U I 15 I 16 11 I' 1,9 I 20 I@l I :@, '01 ty' " ,I I I I ~ ,~ , ~ I I I I 1 I .~ I I I I I I I lB ~ ~ I 1 I I I I I I I cti I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I " I '1.' I~.S II.S .i" ... ST. ... ;j 20 TH. ~ r ..J -, @ Nel., TIll. _ I. ,., -... "'~. l1li,. It II ... Ie M oeMlruM . ,.,.,.,1.. ..... _,..., fit .M.... 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Four Foot High Brick and Wrought Iron Fence 5 '-6" From Curb Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the installation of a tour foot high brick and wrought iron fence 5'-6" from the curb. The site is located at the intersection of Beech and 21st Street and has a single family residence upon it. Due to the II Clear Site V iew II provision of the Bakerstield Municipal Code, the brick pilasters may be no more than three feet (3'-0") taller than the curb tlow line in the area that is 60' or less from the curbline (see the attached memo from Traftic with the applicable standards). The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to the Building Department representative, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction. Based on their review, and subject to the comments stated above, staff recommends approval of the permit. S:\PERMITS\ENCROACH\2829beec,wpd xc: Reading File Project File Marian P. Shaw " #-/35 3 .. ~ . - B A K E RS FIE L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: September 23, 1997 MEMO TO: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer III, Subdivisions FROM: Sandy L. Bergam, Civil Engineer III, Traffi~ SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for Dan Moss Construction 2829 ~2\~T ST. Four Foot High Brick and Wrought Iron Fence 5'-6" From Curb Upon review of the referenced application, City of Bakersfield Standard T -7 (attached), and the Municipal Code 17.08.170 and 17.08.175, the application is acceptable except that the pilasters may not be taller than 3' (three), measured from the curb flowline, within 60' (sixty) of the intersection of the curb flowlines. It is permissible to allow the wrought iron fence to extend within the area noted, provided that the spacing of the fence members be 6" o/c within this area. P:\WP\MEMO\EP 2829 Beech,wpd cc: Steve Walker Bruce Deeter Site Line File