HomeMy WebLinkAbout01322 :1' -- '~' f'. .4 -,0' . APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PERMIT NO.EN-01322 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect, use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. 1, Full name of applicant and complete address including phone number: CEJA MIGUEL 3312 WENATCHEE AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 Phone No.873-8945 2, Nature or decription of the encroachment for which this application is made: 4 FT HIGH WROUGHT IRON AND BLOCK FENCE ALONG BACK SIDEWALK IN FRONT YARD 3, Location of proposed encroachment is 3312 WENATCHEE AVE 3312 WENATCHEE AVE 4, Period of time for which the encroachment is to be maintained, INDEFINITE Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will idemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands, whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative, quasi-judicial or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with or caused by applicant's placement, erection, use (by applicant or any other person or entity) or maintenance of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to mantai~ the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked, Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly as that in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep all liability insurance required by the City Engineer in full force and effect for however long the encroachment remains, Applicant shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insuance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability of both and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(s) of insurance coverage is, Applicant acknowledges the right the permit at any time. O'JJk~~':'d_'''~' Signature of Applicant eAgent) Code Chapter 12.20 to revoke Date:04/15/1997 PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT ,(1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE: SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED), Said permit shall expire ...,"""'~.,""'" S1gnature of City Engineer Date:04/15/1997 09110196~ TIJE 10: 03 FAX 805 325 9162 ' ~ ...'t' ; 11 CITY ATIORNEY ISI uu~ ::... APPUCATION FORENCROACHMINT PERMIT TO THE CllY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CAUFORNIA: '<t 11 ~- ~ t/!) Pursuart to the pnMsions of Chapter 12.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Codei,the underIIgned\.....Jara permit ' to ptace. erect. use and maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way- th8fllin;...,ed. 1. Ul~~ 2. Nature or deICrIptIon of the encroachment for which this application is 11I8CI8: Iv(lJ7;O(O k1l~ ~ ~c:fE:.. 3. Location of the proposed encroachment: 4. Pertod at lime for which the encroachment is to be maintained: Applicant agrees that 1f1h1s application is granted. applicant shall, indemnIfY; def8nd,anct;....h8mdl J I ~CIly. its oftian. agera:andetnplcyees'againIt arI/ and aU liability. claim.; aCtions. C81l....,of acliaftiGC>j........,wIUItIoevef' againSt ~ ,waRy ofthem~ bsfaIe,administraUVe. quasi-jUdicial, orjuclicial,trtbllnalS;of,..,rldnlt."tAt~-'VIIrt'arising , out aI. connected with or caused by applicant's placement. erectiOn; use, (br'8PJIIcant'or'..,........-~entiIy) or rnaInt8n8nC8 of said encroachment. The applicant further agrees to maintMltI1e afaresaiIl'~,:durtng, the rife of the said encroacIIment or until such time that this permit Is revoUd. AppIian btt8'agrees that upon the expiration of the permit forwhichthis,appIc..... is ~'if g....or,ugn ~... ~ .-..,'Y... CIty !II"". a_lcant will at his own cost .nd........'...... ......,hlll' .... ..~ ~ or right of way where the same is located. and restore said pubic propeltyClfrigN,of'WllYta the condIIIon as nearty as that In which it was before the placing, erec::tian, maifttenance~;or;"exl_nClt,of said enctOaChment. Applicant further agrees to obtain and keep aU liability insurance required b)" the CRy Engineer In fuI farea;Md'etred for however long the encroachment remains. Applicant shall fumish the City RIsk MaruIgIII..wiUt'a CertifUte' of Insurance evidencing sufficient coverage for bodily injury or prapelty damage 118b1111y,' or balli' and' required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The type(s) and amount(l) of Inlumnc8 coverage-is: Applicant acknowledge. thengtR of the City engineer. pursuant to Bakersfteld.MunicipIIU:ode,ChIpter'12.20 to revoke the permit at any time., ~ , Date: If-16- 9'1 r~_ s~gnature of AppliCant (Owner or RepresentaIJve) / PERMIT I HEREBY CERnFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTlGAnoN OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE.>~NTENANCI!' OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTlALL Y INTERF&RI! WITH THI! USE OF THE Pt&.JC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED 1M) (2) WIU. (NOT) CONSTITUTE, A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBUC PLACE: SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). SAID PERMIT ~ EXPIRE Date: ~-r:::. -'7~ ~ Signature of City Engineer No. ......- T .... 5, ,.. - '..-::0....... ..::.<.;;;"'~-;;: ~"'"'~. ... -- CALCULATION SHEET ERVICE CO. INC. JOB OR AUTH, NO, PAGE I=:fi BY , I I tiHc~~ , ...,_",m i '. '. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or behind the sidewalk on: "_)'-Sir---l;-~"' , >>-- n, ,~______ I Jy tt:-,rIU ~ -If c ~ 7J:-::" ,,<:- (r- _ I< f-.- j~ '/,/-(~-~ _-.~.~.~ By;" 1~er.-~~~P'-~ d (Street) of 7J~J~ (Address) Phone: ~;;; ",//1-:-<... ~- ,.y ~/5 I . Date: Ci--/S -17 t/-/~'-97 2) Name Address Date: AVe Date: 'it - j 5" ~~ 7 4) Name Addre Date: it -- I }'./ 9 7 - 5) Name Address (, I. 6) Name (}~ Address '3:3 z--,( ...u /?'71 ~T(.'''IY ,y-- riat~:'..-' ' 'i -tD~q7 Date '1"'" 15;.. 71-;' ~a; \?J {\~ J- J~ J f . - - - - " ~A- 'w CLTA Standard Covemge Policy of Title Insumnce Fidelity National Title Insurance Company A STOCK COMPANY POLICY NUMBER 27-01-90- 91810 CLTA STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STlPULATlONS,-F1DELlFY-NATlONAL- TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 'an 'Arizona corpoi-a/io~" h;;;i'; called Ihe Company, insures, as of Dale of Policy shoh'1I ill Schedule A, agaillslloss or damage, 1101 exceeding Ihe AmOUflf of Insurance slaled in Schedule A. susltJined or illcurred by Ihe insured by reason oI I. Tille 10 Ihe esltJle or imeresl described ill Schedule A beillg vesled olher Ihan as slaled Iherein; 2. /111)' defecl ill or liell or ellculllbmllce Oil Ihe lille; 3. UlllllarkeltJbililY of Ihe IiI Ie; 4. l.uck (~l u ri~hl of access /0 and frolll Ihe lalld; (///(1 ill ((ddilioll, ((S /() all illsured lemler ollly: 5, The illl'alidilY or ullellfo/'(:eabilily of Ihe lien of Ihe insured lIIorlgage upon Ihe lille; 0, The priorilY (~l ally liell or ellculllbrance OI'er Ihe lien of Ihe illsured 1II0rlgage, said morlgage being "I/Oh'1I ill Schedule B ill Ihe order of ils prioril)'; !. 7. ' The ill\'alidi/,l' or ullel!/orceabiIiIY of all)' assigllmelll of Ihe illsured mortgage, provided Ihe assigllmeflf is shoWII ill Schedule B, or Ihe failure of Ihe aSSI~lIl11elll showlI ill Schedule B 10 vesllille to Ihe illsured II/Or/~a~e ill Ihe lIallled illsured assigllee Fee alld clear of ((II liells. The COlli/III/I.\' lI'ill also pay Ihe ('OSIS. al/orneys' fees ((I/(I expellses illcurred ill .,c/:fe,!se o,(lhf (il/eor Ihejiell of I ~/{' ill~III~:('-IIIOI;t,l!((,l!e, as ..illsured. /JUI ollly 10 I he eXlell1 pim'it/ed ill I he COlldiliollS and ,Stipulalions. IN IVITVESS WJlERl:.Or; FIDELITY NATlOl'/AL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY I/Us c(/wied this Policy 10 he siglled ((I/(I s('I//,,(/ by ils duly awhori::.ed oj/iccrs as of Dale of Poliq shOl\'1I ill Sdledule A. Hdelit)' National Tille Insurance Company Countersigned: u "'7fk;::!iT ( Presiaent ATTEST ~t'EX~ ,~=i\CUNL--J ~ Secrlllaly - Authorized Signature FORM 27"()1-90 (Reprinted) 10-94) California Land Tille Association Standard Coverage Policy Form - 1990. ~~ c8) "~'II FIRE POLICY DECLARATIONS , . ;' CENTURY,NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY CALIFORNIA A Capillll Srock Company NEW POLICY 12200 SYLVAN STREET . NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91606 (818) 766.6500 DIRECT BILL. ~SCROW WESm\N OENEIIAL AODlCY - HOWfOIVNfIl D1V1S1CJo1 POLICY NUMBER 1011967 NAMED INSURED CEJA, MIGUEL & PATRICIA PARTIDA FLORES HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS YOUR AGENT IS: MARBLE INS. SERVICES, INC P.O. BOX 250 MORGAN HILL, CA 95038 (800)650-5833 MAILING ADDRESS 3312 WENATHCEE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 PROPERTY LOC. #1: SAM E pQLI~Y TE~: ~.oN:I'INUOqS FROl-1 J1.~1;l9L96j,P_: 01>> ~O~ "Tl:]-1E) t,JNTI1 _Ql.NCE~:L~P_ O~ NONRENE_~D INSURANCE IS TO BE PROVIDED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THE LOCATIONISI AND/OR COVERAGEtSffOR WHICH A UMIT OF LIABILITY III SnCIfIED. -aUB./ECT TO AU CONDITIONS Of THIS I!OIJQ\'; ...---, SECTION I .. DWELLING PROPERTY COVERAGE LIMITS ABC D SEPARA TE PERSONAL DWELLING STRUCTURES PROPERTY LOSS OF USE SECTION II . LIABILITY LIMITS PROPERTY E F DESCRIPTION BODILY INJURY & MEDICAL NO. OF OCCUPIED PROPERTY DAMAGE PA YMENTS UNITS BY; LOC. #1 $116,000 $11,600 NONE $11,600 $300,000 $1,000 1 OWNER FLOSS~JijlUqTI'J4I: ~OPNT:. $400 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING FORMlSI AND ENDORSEMENTlSI ATTACHED AND/OR REVISIONlSIINCLUDED. MADE PART OF THIS POLICY AT THE TIME OF ISSUE: COVERAGES FORKS PREM:IUKS DWELLING PROPERTY - SPECIAL FORM WG DP300(7/91) DWELLING PERSONAL LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT WG PLE100(7/91) LIABILITY NEW HOME / NEW LOAN CREDIT W-306(3/84) ANNUAL POLICY PREMIUM REPLACEMENT / REPAIR COST PROTECTIONWG H0302(7/91) LENDER'S LOSS PAYABLE ENDORSEMENT 438BFUNS(5/42) $184.00 50.00 234.00 I,'..,,' TOTM ~~,9HP~' ., "~~:i1.(lpl FIRST MORTGAGEE LN # 8568877 ACCUBANC MORTGAGE CORP. ITS SUC. & ASSIGNS ATlMA P.O. BOX 809048 DALLAS, TX 753809048 SECOND MORTGAGEE NON E .AI>DITI()~ ~~S~G~(S) :, " , '. '. ' ..' '.. , IMPORTANT ,..EARTHQUAKE COVERAGE IS NOT INCLUDED; PLEASE CONTACT,AqEWrFO~ J4()~ THIS POLICY DOES NOTqINCLUDE BUILDING CODE UPGRADE COVERAGE. '. ' " , ' COVERAGE INCLUDES EXTENDED ,REPLACEMlmT COST PROTECTION ON THE NEW HO~ 1,",'~W, :LOAN CREDIT APPLIED. ' ' ,,",' '" ' ,',' ' .. ... - ...d MB878/01540/59/./03 CNP /.150/0002 CEJA, MIGUEL & PATRICIA PARTIDA FLORES MAI.L 3312 WENATHCEE AVENUE TO: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 1005 (5192) INSURED'S COPY DATE PRINTED 06/19/96 12. SUBR~TIt'mUPON PAYMENT OR SETILEMENT 13. ARBITRATlO~ -. (a) The Company's Right of Subrogation. Unless prohibited by applicable law. eilher lhe Company orlhe insured may dc- Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this policy, all mand arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any a(,1 of the insured Arbitration Association, Arbitrable matters may include, but are not liqtited to. any claimant. controversy or claim between the Company and lhe insured arising outllf or relating The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies to this policy, any service of lhe Company in connection w~h its issuahl;e or the which the insured claimant would have had againsl any person or propeny in respect breach of a policy provision or other obligation. All arbitrable mailers when the 10 the claim had this policy not been issued, If requested by the Company, the in- Amount of Insurance is $1,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated atlhe option o~either sured claimant shall tr.msfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person lhe Company or lhe insured. All arbitrable matters when lhe Amount of Insurance or propeny necessary in order to perfectlhis right of subrogation, The insured c1ai- is in excess of $1,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Com- mant shall permit the Company to sue. compromise or settle in the name of the in- pany and lhe insured. Arbitration pursuant to lhis policy and under lhe Rules in ef- sured claimant and to use the IUllre of lhe insured claimant in any transaction or litiga- fect on the date lhe demand for arbitration is made or. at lhe option of the insured, tion involving lhese rights or remedies. the Rules in effect at Date of Policy shall be binding upon Ihe parties. The award If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover lhe loss Of the insured may include attorneys' fees only if lhe laws of the Slate in which the land is located claimant, the Company shall be subrogated (i) as to an insured owner, to all rights pernut a coun to award attorneys' fees to a prevailing pany. Judgment upon the award and remedies in the proponion which lhe Company's payment bears to the whole rendered by the Arbitrator{s) may be entered in any coun having jurisdiction lhereof, amount of the loss; and (ii) as to an insured lender. to all riglus and remedies of The law of the situs of lhe land shall apply to an arbitration under lhe Title In- the insured claimant alier the insured claimant shall have recovered ils principal, surance Arbitration Rules. interesl, and costs of collection, A copy of the Rules may be obtained from lhe Company upon request. If loss should result from any act of the insured claimant, as stated above, that 14. LIABILITY LIMITED TO THIS POLICY; POLICY ENTIRE act shall not void this policy. but the: Company, in that event, shall be required to CONTRACT pay only that pan of any losses insured against by this policy which shall exceed (a) This policy together wilh all endorsements. jf any. attached hereto by the Com- the amount. if any, lost to the Company by reason of lhe impairment by'the insured pany is the entire policy and contract between the insured and lhe Company. In in- claimant of lhe Company's right of subrogation, terpreting any provision of this policy, this policy shall be cOJ;lStrued as a whole. (b) The Insured's Rights and Limitations. (b) Any claim ofloss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which Notwithstanding lhe foregoing. the owner of lhe indebtedness secureJ by an in- arises out o~ Ihe status of lhe lien ofth~ insured mongag~ or of lhe title to lhe e,state sured mortgage, provided the priority of lhe lien of the insured mongage or its en- or Interest ,covered hereby or by any aCllon assenmg such clatm. shall be resmcted 1'='-..:,.=fon::eability.is=notoaffected,::.may'~retea.~~_s'L~~!!!M.e",$,e ~S(~lliability of any to thiS pol~cy, , ' ' , I debtor or guaralUor. or extend or otherWise modily the terms ofpaynicfit,' of rel~~""'" ={ct:~CJ.!~~~i!$f ~~ endo~~nt ..00, ~ JlOlIcy ~ ~ made e~~ by a WrllIng , a portion of the estate or interest from the lien of lhe insured mortgage, or release endorsed ~ereon or at~cliea he~eto slgna:llly ,el,lher lhe P.e)lde~ll.a-VI~e'Presldent,___. any collaleral security for the indebteJness, the Secretary. and AsSistant Secretary. or valtdallng officer or authorized signatory When the pemlitted acts of lhe insW'ed claimant occur and the insW'ed has knowledge of lhe Company, of any claim of title or interest adverse to the title to the estate or imerest or lhe 15. SEVERABIUTY priorily or enforceability of the lien of an insured mortgage, as insureJ. the Com- In lhe event any provision of the policy is held invalid or unenforceable under pany shall be required to pay onlr ,that pan of any losses IOsured agamsl by thiS policy applicable law. the policy shall be deemed ootto include that provision and all olher which shall exceed the amount, II any, losl to th~ Company by reason of the Impalr- provisions shall remain in full force and effect. mem by the Insured claimant of the Company s nght of subrogauon, 16. NOTlCF..8 WHERE SENT (e) The Co~pany's Rights Against Non-insured Obligors. , All notices r~uired 10 be given lhe Company and any statement in writing re- The Compan~ s nght of subrogation agamsl non-lOsuredobllgors, shall eXIst and quired to be furnished lhe Company shall include the numberoflhis policy and shall shalllOclude. wuhoutllmltatlon. the nghts oflhe Insured to mdemmtles. ~uarantles, be addressed to the Company at: ' other poliCies of Insurance or bonds. notwlthstandmg any terms or condulons con- tained in those instrumems which provide for subrogation rights by reason of lhis policy. The Company's right of subrogation shall not be avoided by acquisilion of an in- sured mortgage by an obligor (except an obligor described in Section I (a)(ii) of these Conditions and Stipulations) who acquires lhe insured mortgage as a, resuh of an Indemmty, guarantee, other pohcy of Insurance. or bond and the obligor Will not be an insured under this policy, nOlwilhstanding Section I (a)(i) of these Conditions and Stipulations, Fidelity National Title Insurance CompanY National Claims Administration: .17911 Yon Karman Avenue. Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92714-6253 SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and lhe Company will not pay costs, attomeys'fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: PART I 1, Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing (eins by the records of any laXing authority that levies laXCS or assessments on real property or by lhe public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessmems, or notices of such proceedings. whelher or not shown by lhe records of such agency o,r by the public records. _ ~ _-.2", A"ny fast~!!~hts.J~!~rests or d~il11s which are not shown by lhe public-records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of lhe land or which may be assened by persons in possessiontl1eroof. -=-~~-==.,~~~~=<" .-.----..= , ,~ ,;:::, ~c,_- ~'-.. ' , , ' 3, Easements, hens or encwnbrances, or claims lhereof. which are not shown by lhe public records, - ,- ,~, - - <7" .,.,' 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines. shonage in area. encroachments. or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose. and which are DOl shown by the publ ic records, 5, (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in AC1S authorizing the issuance lhereof; (c) water rights, claims to title to water. whether or not the matters excepted under (a). (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. ,,---,I I I I Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 17911 Von Karman Avenue, Suile 500 Irvine. CA 92714-6253 / 1:) .. " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or behind the sidewalk on: -=:s ~ t L. lJ GIV ~~ OIL , (Street) By: fJv t G:;;. U 6Z-- ~.e;:r~ (Owner's Name) , Phone: S '7 3 - ~4 s of (Address) I.. - SIGNED: I)Name~~ Adjr-es~3?-i"\ "- - . ,- . - ~-~- Date:5/h ! 9 7 2) Name Date: Address 3) Name Date: Address 4) Name Date: Address 5) Name Date: Address 6) Name Date Address J- j~ J -1..- I'll,) It) ~_.....- / /~~\\ \ ~~\ '\ \~~ ~ \~ \ ~ ~ J.\\ 9 \ t). y~"2~ II ~ J \I I ( " f'\' It i I , .\. " . ~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 1% ,1 ,/ v ~~;} \~,/' 1'j)1' ! ,Y" TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: f (Jacques R. LaRochelle, Engineering Services Manager DATE: May 13, 1997 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for 3312 Wenatchee Avenue Miguel Ceja Installation of 4 Foot Wrought Iron Fence in back of sidewalk Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the installation of a four foot wrought iron fence in back of the sidewalk. The site has a single family dwelling upon it and is located mid-block. The applicant has provided proof of appropriate insurance coverage to the Building Department representative, and has provided signatures of all immediate neighbors stating that they have no objection to the proposed construction, Based on their review, staff recommends approval of the permit. M:\PERMITSIENCROACH\3312WEN,WPD xc: Reading File Project File Marian p, Shaw :Ji,- J 322 ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Brad Underwood, Civil Engineer III, Traffic FROM: t Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer III, Subdivisions DATE: April 21, 1997 SUBJECT: Encroachment Permit Application for 3312 Wenatchee Avenue Miguel Ceja Installation of 4 Foot Wrought Iron Fence in back of sidewalk Please review the attached encroachment permit and return it to me with your comments at 'your earliest convenience. Tf-,:S ; s (l,. _I'd J,/o ,,/c. fo1.4 /''v,,- . (!J.f.-, e.-,f' n l'trttA-ff/c... r-<'71AA;,."-,,.....,,,.,l-f. 4kL<-U t..,r.) M- JVlO~ cf!~( (,1 ~~~ ,.. /-' ,,,'" mps:M:\ENCROACHlMEMOlR,WPD xc: B7? .. ot1 'f~