HomeMy WebLinkAbout01262 ,,,. ro 4 . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director FROM: Jacqu.. R. LaRochelle - C;vil Eug;.... IV # DATE: August 24,1995 9:52am () SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR 820, 822, & 824 18th Street THORP'S HARLEY DAVIDSON INSTALLATION OF A NEW AWNING ********************************************************************************************* Engineering staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit application to allow replacement of an existing awning with a barrel vault awning, to be a minimum of 7' above the sidewalk, encroaching 4' into the right of way. Staff recommends approval of the application and issuance of the permit. Idw:u:\<ubdivisjonlencroachI822.18Ih.Sl2 ~:.;~.L.>>,~d,,: .' APPLICATION FOil ENCROACHMENT PERMIT -..' TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The / I ? S' 0 J 0;zo The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: /lw A.J I u/r; ---.....; Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify I deiend and hold harmless the City oi Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon t:le expiration of the permit for which this application i~ made, if granted, or upon by the City En ineer a licant will at his own cost e remove the same from the public property or right of way where th restore said puolic property or right of way to t e be in which it was before the lacing, erection, ~ain encroachment. ------ Date: PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: Signature of City Engineer No. (lhZ-, Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public W~it~jj2Q.bi). _____ 125.00 07/20/95" 4'" 7-.! REV6/90 '1 " --; f ~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director y FROM: Jacques R. LaRochelle - Civil Engineer rvrJ-. DATE: August 16, 1995 8:34am ~ SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR 820, 822, & 824 18th Street THORP'S HARLEY DAVIDSON INSTALLATION OF A NEW AWNING ********************************************************************************************* Engineering staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit application to allow replacement of an existing awning with a barrel vault awning, to be a minimum of 7' above the sidewalk, encroaching 4' into the right of way. Section 4506 of the UBC states the following: 1 awnings may extend over public property no more than 7' from the face of a supporting building; 2 no portion shall extend nearer than 2' to the face of the nearest curb line measured horizontally; 3 in no case shall the awning extend over public property greater than two thirds of the distance from the property line to the nearest curb in front of the building site; 4 all portions of any awning shall be at least 8' above any public walkway, except that any valance attached to an awning shall not project above the roof of the awning at the point of attachment and shall not extend more than 12 inches below the roof of the awning at the point of attachment, but in no case shall any portion of the valance be less than T in height above a public way. The drawing attached to the application doesn't show a height from the sidewalk, but the written request states the framework will be 8' above the sidewalk with the fabric being T from the sidewalk. The drawing also shows the awning extending 9' from the building face. The existing canopy shown to be covered doesn't seem to fit the idea of a valance, so it should be no less than 8' above the sidewalk. The curb to property line distance is 14' w' m the curb, so the I ~~ I I tdw:u:\subdivi~ \ ~- - ---- '~- ,,1"--. ;.-'. -- -"- ~~::,:,,:_,,':~~~'-- ~-~~.,,~~ - ~- (C2ROUTIN~&RESUElsr~ Please... To: -rO ,D DRead , .21' Handle P[} Approve gd... 'Forward From: Return o Keep or T~ss o Review with Me [ PosH!" 7664 lOOM 1993 ....- -~~ Date: 7 ZCJ ' \ i. 'fit,' 4504-4506 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 4506-4507 Clearance above grade over 8 feet-l inch of projection is permitted for each additional inch of clearance, provided that no such projection shall exceed a dis- tance of 4 feet. (d! Clearances. All portions of any awning shall be at least 8 feet above any public walkway. EXCEPTION: Any valance attached to an awning shall not project above the roof of the awnmg at the point of attachment and shall not extend more than 12 inches ~low the roof of the awning at the point of attachment. but in no case shall any por- lion of a valance be less than 7 feet in height above a public way, Doors Se~, -4507. Power-operated doors illld their guide rails shall not proje\:l over public property. Other doors, either fully opened or when opening, shall not project more than I foot beyond the property line, except that in alleys no projection be- yond the property line is pennitted. Marquees Sec. 4505. (a) General. For the purpose of this section a marquee shall include any object or decoration attached to or a part of said marquee. (b) Projectioll and Clearance. The horizontal clearance betwecn a mar'luee and the curb line shall not be less than 2 feet. A marquee projecting more than two thirds of the distance from the property line to the curb line shall not be less than 12 feet above the ground or pavement below. A manjuee projecting less than two thirds of the distance from the property linc to the curb line shall not be less than 8 feet above the ground or pavement below. (c) I.ength. A marquee projecting more than two thirds of the distance from the property line to the curb line shall nut exceed 25 feet in length along the direction of the street. (d) Thickness. The maximum height or thickness of a marquee measured verti- cally from its lowest to its highest point shall not exceed 3 feet when the marquee projects more than two thirds of the distance from the property line to the curb line and shall not exceed 9 feet when the marquee is less than two thirds of the distance from the property line to the curb line. (e) Construction. A marquee shall be supported entirely by the building and constructed of noncombustible material or, when supported by a building of Type V construction, may be of one-hour fire-resistive construction. (f) RoofConstrllction. The roof or any part thereof may be a skylight, provided glass skylights are of laminated or wired glass complying wilh Chapter 34. Plastic skylights shall comply with Section 5207. Every roof and skylight of a marquee shall be sloped to downspouts which shall conduct any drainage from the marquee under the sidewalk to the curb. (g) I.ocation Prohibited. Every marquee shall be so located as not to interfere with the operation of any exterior standpipe or to obstruct the clear passage of stair- ways or exits from the building or the installation or maintena~ce of electroliers. AwnIngs Sec. 4506. (a) Definition. For the purpose of this section: I'.,. AWNING is a shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building. (b) Construction. Awnings snail have noncombusti"le frames but may have, combustible coverings. Awnings shall tie either fixed, retractable, folding or col- lapsible. Awnings in any configuration shall not obstruct the use of a required exit. (c) Projection. Awnings may extend over public property not more than 7 feet from the face of a supporting building, but no portion shall extend nearer than 2 feet to the face of the nearest curb line measured horizontally. In no case shall the aw- ning extend over public property greater than two thirds of the distance from the " (..., property line to the nearest curb in front of the building site. 748 Chapter 46 NO REQUIREMENTS 749 " . J ""11 1991 UNIFORM BUilDING CODE 4501-4504 Chapter 45 PERMANENT OCCUPANCY OF PUBLIC PROPERTY General Sec. 4501. No part of any structlll'c or any appendage thereto, eXl:Cpl signs, shall project beyond the property line of the building site, except as specified in this chapter. Structures or appendages regulatcd by this code shall be conslructed of materials as specified in Seclion 1711. The projection of any structure or appendage shall be the distance measured hor- izontally from the property line to lhe outennost point of the projection. Nothing in this l:ode shall prohibit the l:onstruclion and use of a structure be- lween buildings and over or under a public way, provided the structure complies with all requirements of this code. No provisions of this chapter shall be construed to pennit the violation of other laws or ordinances regulating the usc and occupancy of public property. Projection into Alleys Sec. 4502. No part of any slructure or any appendage lhereto shall project into any alley. EXCEPTIONS: I. A curb or buffer block may projecl nOI more Ihan9 inches and nol exceed a height of 9 inches above grade. 2, Footings located alleast 8 feel below grade may projeel nol more than 12 inches, -'-..., '-...", / Space below Sidewalk Sec. 4503. The space adjoining a building below a sidewalk on public property may be used and occupied in connection with the building for any purpose not in- consistent with this code or other laws or ordinances regulating the use and occu- pancy of such spaces on condition that the right so to use and occupy may be revoked by the city at any time and that the owner of the building will construct the necessary walls and footings to separate such space from the building and pay all costs and expenses attendant therewith. Footings located at least 8 feet below grade may project not more than 12 inches. ..//' Balconles, Sun-control Devices and Appendages Sec. 4504. Oriel windows, balconies, sun-control devices, unroofed porches, cornices, belt courses and appendages such as water tables, sills, capitals, bases and architectuflll projections may project over the public property of the building site a distance as detennined by the clearance of the lowest point of the projection above the grade immediately below, as follows: Clearance above grade less than 8 feet-no projection is pennitted. / ,., <..~, 747 r. . 7' ~j ~~~ '-\J't;>~ld\~~_ . ~ ., . ~. " 'B~.." X.. NOTe ne FA~~ ~~1DC If) ~ r ,. O~. << A~ ~ AU:lN6 f1Woe ~~ W/~<<TN& ")TJI.JC~ ey ~ A ...... NMe &TTACtteft'~.... tcaI.e MT.~ ......... ~.. F R .... rDN:') ~'nI: ~ I'I..tN IfO e.cvA1IlN v ~"'T.~ A~ A9NINa c~ .....HlN6 rtt....1l: HeAD Od Tee ~Gft. ....01t1G: ~LlNHa.w. ,..c')ln TCG ~"U ~~~ > m ro c A........ ATTAQMNf~.... Ci) . > 'JiC.IoLe N.T."- ...__ b.__ ~ ~ FLe Aof"ROTC:O.a.r -<<!on ~~ D ..... r~ ATTIDtCNf AT.... 8M~"'" "XoILe NoT." ... IT r I5<ln~ ~ ACADEMY AWNING 10S. GIFFORD A Vi. LOS ANGELES. CA 10011 'OOS' (213) 277-831' ......-r..fty ~TIOIII UGr~jSW =n.=~. r4m '.;' ,(;,~' _~. __ _ _ __.~.~____~ _ .-::__--.:t.;>>' -. .~_.-:o~._ .- -~ ~(, VAl){.,T" AWtJ aJ~ oJe~ ~ ~ ..... -~ rL t ~~ +1 t21 1I .:;;r(P et4~ ~ ~~ C'f- AW~l~ Aw~tJ4 '~9i<\~f" ee to.J~ 1~~r .. f~6 AWN\Ntt fa ~ ~~o'l&. ~~ ~et f~ COtO~1"D ~ f>UFqot-V'( " , -I/lfe lelll/'}, ~ ~~ ~U ~W AWt.J'N~ -. --_ -_0_- _____. ____ .__