HomeMy WebLinkAbout01095 r'<"-.~;--~""7:'~ d;F~:"'""Y"'~f"'7;'-':~, ~ ~v ._ ,~~. _._ ~'~..:..~?""~'~~ '~ _ d .~~_. '~ - -:-4 r- " .....~~_~':'_ .. . -.- ~ ~ .. ~i ',' 'jJr' )eEA- ' ~ /~? ~~~ "* .,. ,/ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of ~ Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: @olbek Construction '.8; i8~ i8al~ ~i~~f~fie1d, CA- ~JJ~Y The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: foot Cedar Fence- adj acent to sidewa1ke on corner 0 S ~ste e ow ....,. /) e \,IY\ 01\ \. r 0 r i) ; d-/';'1 i!( f,G ,"CIIA,/(l"vr\-"0 (I~ ~J,o(.J\, Cr r,t1(,v.rvl\ __,___-- v l~_ .;)unset Can,on, fJ'O~l~.;?':.: '. . The location of the )2roposed encroachment is: Sunset Canvon. 3616 Alegre ~ '3k\1,./\',i"9rc. . ~6i~ H1 Hogar, 3617 El Hogar, 3616 Cumbre, j61/ Cumbre,TT4860- 3612 Via Cap1l1a 3617 Via Capi11a, 3~m.Di &3612 Paseo Airosa,3616&3G17 Puebloll1dtV3 C(l(hi~_ d- COI\OrL, Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant w111 inaewnify, , c!f"'/rP1/ r~ and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and . employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for-which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of s"aiq encroachment. 12/27/89 a 77~~ Signature of Applicant was Date: I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will same said (not) substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the is to be located and (2) will (not) constitute a hazard to persons using public place; said application is therefore (granted) (den~ed). cR. '- .J...) ( P." (: ,_.l Signature of City En~eer A^,.;;z \ '- " Cf ) I q C1 Q -/~ Date: No. 1,095 TR/RR:mro M:041390 Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV. 2/88 APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PA I D DEC2~~ ~er.;;;/? ..: I I . I . I TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: Co1bek Construction P.g. ~ox 10419 Bakersfield, CA Y33~Y r ' The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: 6 foot Cedar Fence- adj acent to sidewalk on corner ots ~ste e ow -1' d. m'{)f\" If) "C ,'J I (\\ OV\~ :)/0""'[,(,' ,II\ln j T Sunset Canvon. 1 J The location of the proposed encroachment is: Suniet Ca~yon. 3616 Alegre. 3617 A1eo-re 3616 E1 Hogar, 3617 E1 Hogar,3616 Cumbre, 36 7 Cum re, T4860- 3612 Via Capi1ta 3617 ViA Capi11a, 3501 ~361~ Pas~o A~ro$a,3616&3617 ~ueb1oo10~13 Cqmino El Canon App~1cant agrees tnat 1f th1s appl1cat1on 1S granted, app11cant w1fl 1ndemn1fy, dsr-~nl! ~aVe and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield; its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of sa encroachment. ~ was Date: 12/27/89 Signature of Applicant I V5~ Date: I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (I) will (not) substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will (not) constitute a hazard to persons using' said public place; said application is therefore (granted) ( ). I ~iZ. \. \.-, C1 lqqO '.) No. 1,095 TR/RR:mro M:041390 Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV. 2/88 / i' . A=12' WITH PARKING A=6' WITHOUT PARKING 1" CENTERLINE OR MEDIAN _ EDGE ~ _ MAXIMUM ENCROACHMENT LA D D=S X 10 CURB LINE DESIGN SPEEDS 60' R/W 35 M~H// 76' R/W 35 MPH 90' R/W 45/MPH 110' R/W /55 MPH / ' D=SIGHT DISTANCE (FT) S=CRIllCAL SPEED (MPH) OR DESIGN SPEED ON THRU STREET. CON TR OLLEDI N T,ERSECTI ON CURB LINE -./ UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTION NOTES ,. 80TH CRITERIA GOVERN A T AN UNCONTROLLED T -INTERSECTlON. 2. SIGHT LINE REQUIREMENTS PER SEC. 17.08.175 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. DATE SUBDIVISION DESIGN MANUAL ORA'IlN IGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENT BJO QfEa<m FOR INTERSECTIONS SCALE TS APPROVED SHEET NO, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAUFORNlA T-7 CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERING L :3' t ,- . ?C'1 ;;J/;f~ S ~6~- /~a.? ,~--.-+=t+ttR' I l.~ \ lti' '+~"":-~-i-.;_L~+,..:....;.-+.ttt. :I-lli: I.L+L~+~...,_.'__ _._+..;...:. I' I I . I I I I. ,1' I I 'L I I j : I ' '-:'--'--+-+-, ILl 1 'I I ,-tt, r-+~-~-+-t-, ,-H-c-. +-r--;-ut-:-1'-'r-~"~'+-'--"-" ::', - I' I . I \ I ""-1 --+-t-r-~-+-l +,.....;.- - .I...l-I-.+ -+-1._+..-'-+ i ..~l I\-+~. ,:+1 J:: ~:I:I i!I' 'I' ~~fj~-;}l1T ;:lJ~:Flf;~~;-r: -ij~i~jl~ r': '; ;F;nL.-~: ~~'~~'.. , +-~I-..I-- - :_+ 1-T-~-r----- - - ~--+-.... +~-t - 1--1 -l.;. + --I - :/)/L.l--./.; i4 ' ... ~ ; ~_.- .-==~r-t~7-+11f~L~_~~":~~~-: ~~~" '. t~~'./~:~-~-~?'~~';t:., C(?~+' 'u.~ c'?' -t - ~- \':- I : I ~.'. -, 1'-; j"l t . ) r I ~ ;: ~ , i ~ ; --i-;- - ~ -, r - t -- -_.~ -,' - - . ~= ~~L:=:-.-j-l-l~;;=~I-~-1~'.r:~'~ ~.j.-~.i=:-~.Ju~-!.-:=-j'r: -~._:.~--:~'. . '-', .-, : .. +--~ +, -i- i- +-+,.-t-r,' --t-t--t +:'-1-~-~,:-'-~,I-~ ~-~- !. -~--+, t- L - r.~-t-~ -: ,--;- I r- 0 ~ I ,,- - ~ r- - --T- '; / +-'-~--t--+-~-t-++_12~&-;-~Jf 6-+-'-' .. '7':"+' t +'6J.l/+ :- --~ T t' -; 'e' " " ,~ . H u.' 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