HomeMy WebLinkAbout01053 . . '~:f=:-:;:;~::::;':"~:~:;:.:;,:,~ :'~:'::"-c,-~ h:~,,,~<~::'~--:r~ ,:;;,~:: .~':~:'-:", ",,:~::,J'~~r.::;;;j;~;,~~,y~~,...2;:,J.:" "~Y' .,::}~,: ::N;~~~~ ~::;-:~J,~ '7"~:,,~, ,.,"'~' i "'", ~~-\. -;.-; 'I v APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ftzl,>>',,; T,O THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: 1 I Pursuant to ,the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, ,the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or righ~:of way 'as' ,therein defined. < f 'f ,." , , iJ' 'IJ ,( The n,?~e and addres~ :of ,app.licant; is: 7 I /It/JI/M/l /(/' /./.j , ..": '2 # / "r" J. ; I' ' 1'. ,v -"); , .. \' I vI I 7' <~ '/, r ]tJ .ii,a /7->'1,(/ it (" t'/-t,,,A':?1' ' l ,\ i i /. : J jroJ. I.... The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is/as follows: 'j,.' ,;, /,: /:1,', ,1;/' .t-,'q" ,,{ ",if;""..., ,)." (~'1",t" -r" . "."; I ,. ,,_)<.,./1 .,._.~_.j:' .i~ /././/1 kt~l/l "/,)/ ,dr ~/'/?,.,.-.-./,/~_AI! ' ," .J / I '/ (/ ),\: ) ( ) The location of the proposed encroachment ~s: ~ IJ. ('....,..,-1 . /, 1 :>. J " V ,,~;.~ ...- Applicant agrees that if this application.~s granted, applicant '~'ill'-.....~ndemnify, cI"/t':;>,,/ ~ve- and hold?,armless the' City of Bakersf4eld, its agents ',,9!ficers,ahd ,'"" employees agaies,:/and f::o.~ ~\H~lmages, judgments ~ c~a~ms ,p~~a!!.d'~, le~penise,s,l 'J costs and expend"l.tures, 'atfl agal.nst all loss or habl.ll.ty whl.ch the C1ty of I :' Bakersfield or s'u~h ,offic'e:rs fcfgent,s' or, lo,yees may suffer, or which may be recoverable frOlh/~r' obtai:rtable against .,t! < c~ity of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the :&~resaid encroachment during the life of the said enc~oach~:nt or until suc~ ~~~~hat this permi~ is Irevo~ed. Applicant' furtner agrees that upon the e~,e:tration of the perm{di for j~hi;ch this applica~ion is made, if granted, or upon-' the revocation ther,eo'f. ,by tll'e City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost aW~.expense remove the same'fro~ the public property or right of way where, the,',n\lle is located, iind; res,tore '~aid public property or right of way to the co~~ition as nearly may be In'w~i~h it ~as before the placing, erection"maint;~nance 'or' existence of said encroachmeht. '7 /1r / >. ,} 1 t.' , i .- 7'-_"'- c.,' - / I .,-'" Date: _ vJp.Jc,'>;'-" '.J ,,/ '0 / ('b'-"'!/(?'-1\."/{,,,:S 4,'J'l)". , I ',,- I I' l ~~",-- 4f}J Date: I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will (not) substantially interfere with the' use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will (notl:~~trsiitute a hazard to persons using I said public place; said application is therefore (granted) (den4ed~. -./~ . uJ .C-,V rOA~ ~ Signature of City Engin~ -;;:;;> -- I I - ~ Cf \ No. 1,053 TR-RR:mro M:03l789 ~ve~ ~ "''::::''~-''"----'' li." - Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV. 2/88 0'.-....- i -j- .1, _ J- -, I . , , - ,--.,--... , ' 0_;-. _._ ',' I .. -7 .~ 1 ~- T ""'r --.' -r I ' , ~_~'., _'.' o! __ _.) : ~ -j 'T"~o; =, I . i- t-. 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I I I' ~_~ _.-...._-_ "r-~__; _ ~ I ."" . i -:- ...-.....,-......,.....-,;..- -.......~ ---. ..-~~~--~;...,- --~--'''- ~-~.. --...",- ..~-~""---->----,... -...~~.,... ..~~ ..:.'->"" - -... -~ ,~- . '>,. -.,:<-...,.,. ~~-,,:;:-. -- ,. ,,,"':";;> '. CITY OF BAKERSrIELD DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS To Whom I t ~Iay Concern: We, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or wall behind the sidewalk on: ~3 ~CV-. p. (Street) qqAIdres~~1 k~~ Phone llc~Na~ 7~I//tI3 / By: of SIGNED: Nfu'IE: .~ ~~~ ADDRESS:'cY .c:.: 5t- /1-<ul I{~ 111? I DATE: 1) DATE: 2) NAl"lE: ADDRESS: 1 3) Ni-\ME: I. - ADf)RESS: 4) NAME: ADDRESS: 5) NAl\IE: ADDRESS: 6) NAl\IE: ADDRESS: DATE: DATE: . DATE: DATE: '-4 ~- r" ~- - \,