HomeMy WebLinkAbout01035 -,,--;::::, ,',. ~ -'7" ;..;...;~~-",..-: .... -_ -..... :'- -~.!:f. ~ -"\ .-''1- "......... . --~,>-: - ,',.~"..-- . -~ \ I .., .. ' " . "- APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ~Jf TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: I I~ ! Pursuant.to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: Dean Gay Associates, 1830 "Ii''' Street, Ste. 4, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ../ ............& r:--- .. 0" The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: Encroaclunent into right of "ray for landscape. 7(::(;, (" ~ 0"-/ /,..,,-/, '"' 'r'(- 1'),/1 hI' aC'6,r/u'l. J" ",,<;;~,,;d 1"1,/1,,'1",,/),,,/ 1",-,*" (-1..,,,,1,, IZ,I{C v- , , _ ~ The location of the proposed encroachment is: NEC 22nd Street and Eve Street I Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, :J!"l'utll'~,&v~: and hold harmless the City of Bake,rsfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, JUQgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation the,reof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense/remove the same 'from the public property or right of way where the same is Yocatet, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition is neatly/may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or exi/tence;lot said encroachment. Date: 0/-(, ~ i:> /1);; / . '1 Sigt~ure f Applicant I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of foregoing application and find that the maintenance 0 will (not) substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the is to be located and (2) will (not) constitute a hazard to persons using public place; said application is therefore (granted) (.demiJe:&);;- -l yo..;.":, (" r-::) . l ....{ )":--,.- 0 ,~ Signature nf City Engine~ e facts stated in the said encroachment (1) same said /' Date: 4~ ,"--:JC r (:-? t::"-rL -;;...~ / 1'1~15 1 , QJ5 No . .,,c"-' . RR:mro 102088 tpJ..b"Cl&'D __ .-- j~ Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV. 2/88 , 1 ~, i" ; . ......., ".,. ""'1~ . '.t ,":: ...~; :~ ~~ -.~~:_., "'--:"." ~~~~, ..,'Y:. "'( " I. I I /- \ \ .\ \ ,~-" '~ < 1 '" ~ ,~; . : ::<>;:,.\,:~~~. ..... .. :,.... ~',~.. .' . ... ': '~:~.:'.. <Jii:': ,'~<~. "j .. .~; ~'~~~~:~. .,'", "'. I "':'(r',-" , .. ;, DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE . .... 1;; '. ".:.~ \,". ._'.'.:,' "'o!. ,- ". .. . -. '....... ~ ... . ". .:.:'....-,. ." ..~.. ...;': ,........:....~'.:.,-';:....,.. ...:.' .. . . ~- .' '. ,'.. ' . ..' .; : ':'; '. .... ,. .... ....,:.1 '....:." l.'. ._"'" . ..~-.. '.. . -. .. . OCTOBER~6,~1988 r~ I ~ ~.,' ':.. . I~ REGULAR MEETING 4:00 p.m. Economic Development Conference Room, 515 Truxtun Avenue, . ., -. ' . '~.,"~;: Application by Dean Gay Associates for a parking, lot at 22nd and Eye Streets. ."J: l:. ~. .-.. .. .. Application by Rhea Stewart for an Encroachment Permit for three trees in the sidewalk at 908 21st Street. C. Continued review of Design Review Guidelines. . ..:.. , " .., ' , , M..... . m-H:~~~-: DESIGN REVIEW COMMIT~EE COORDINATOR " i - krs B:DRCA10688 " ":,. I" :. ' a. 0 a: ffi a. I- fiJ lL ~ ~:10 . u 0:1 C!l O<to. H<tI ""n . ~H .<t 3:~tii to a: (03: ~~~ I- C!l~ . OaJ C!l(f)(f) OH ZW ZH , (f).J ::J.JO WH([(!) ~~(f) (0, U a: >1- Z U.J .Jo. OcnWH O(f)W 3:ZS ~SlL ;:EHO> mHO W~H<t ~8lL ZlLO a: 3:0. a:~~ ARE A I I I 1 I , I I 1 ,1>__ I I,' I: '~ I I ,> \.-, A N A L Y S I S SITE AREA: 13, 154 SF = 0,3 ACRES LANDSCAPE AREA: 1, 782 SF COVERAGE: 13,54 % ZONE: C-2 PARKING PROVIDED: 34 SPACES "lI'- ~ '\ I, ~j' I ,I j 1/'1 , \ I 'I .'f~ I 1""-' "I 1 I REVISIONS BY /:- TRIM PLANTER WI 2x RWO. HEADERS , TYPICAL NEW PLANTER D __ D_ D_ D D D l:il~11 hill ii~~h~ I~U~ IUI~U ti5h ~:H~I~~ ~Uli n~hh; !lli ~ illl~lh hul, liluelli:llll ~llq; II~ 5! ili~i:il'~!I;i~ Iplh~ I~i~il !ilal!!IIHh ~ ~' H~I , f~ I ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ I ~ t 'd ~I ~ --I' ,~ Hi Z~ O~ Ul~ .-J~ O~ \ (\j I " ... -~ ,...- -- \. r '.[' ? "1 'Iv . , v r~f/ w ,,'II 1: I t" ~\-l\ 1::"~ 1 ),1\ Y', Lf~ 'I .~ ;f:l ..R:' " , , .. I in A NEW PLANTER \,-'" , ~ I NEW PLAI>(l.:ER ~./. - -......... ~ "'~ -"" I 5'0" l'o"l~ , I \ I bl 1..-1 , ,I JrI1 I I '. /" ' b~~} , \ /-1 I f I ~/~~~ /,. ~ " ~5h/ CJ, // , pck wJf J'~a/e WI OU H<t 3:0 a: . lL ?~ (0 l'1W > 3:H wa: ZO /4/""<7"'" ' al ~ t5ff I- en w >- w 0, \' i'l ~J I WI OU H<t 3:0 a: . a.' 00. . <t (0 l'1W > 3:H wa: ZO . s . I I . -~t - ;0.. , I r\", /~, , ':\. J4'-1O'J v /I 9'-4" ro I " ... f'-10"f 14'0" II .... . I - ~ ~,f, I k~ v/ " NEW ELECTRIC METER () I T ~ I . (\j , NEW SUBTERRANEAN IRRIGATION CONTROL , . ~ . d I I ~ . d . ~ ~ Iii \ \ j2. EXISTING WATER METER \ '\ ~ >- W --1 --1 <( ... l'1 . If NEW \ ". PLANT~ 't NEW PLANTER ^- ,r-'( EXISTING POWER POLE NEW METAL PIPE BALLARD EXISTING BOTTOM END OF GUY WIRE J~" 5'0" '0" 5'-811 o OJ ... 5'-8" ~ (\j I I I 1 " I I NEW~ PLA TER I . I ~ .l f ""1 , I 1 f I I l i I+;, III I.l\- ,I I 'j '\ I I _.J , WUJ<t >-wH W z ~rr ~<(o lL. "(JHH cU--1 C\lO<t C\lUJU CQJUJ <( - r- 0 0>---1 z --1<(W <( H -1 l!)l'JlL. D... Z (f) Hzrr w ~<(w r- ITwY:: H <( <t (fJ CLOrn OATE 09/27/88 PlOT 09/27/88 OATE SCALE 1/8"=1'0" DRAWN CAP JOB 8845 SHEET S01 OF SHEETS NEW PLANTER >. o OJ ... '\ '; \'1 , 1, :\ A ,;\.. -I.. ,.., - -'1 I I} \ :he, ~ I \i, - of J ~ - ....",-:: ~ - - ~ ,'\.. ...,,1" / .. I I -- '11- 7 I ........ ..(- - "r" 0 122' · l " /).. ~ "< -y. , ..; ... ,.,.., _/ /,., 1"_,,\- //' ./,- ~':::..... .. '\ EXISTING 6'0" WIDE SIDEWALK EXISTING POWER POLE EX [STING PO~ER POLE / I EXISTING 5'0' WIDE RESURFACED PAVING STRIP REMOYf \ EXISTtNG x ORIVE APPROACH ~ REPLACE WI NEfoI 'CURB, GUTTER & AIC PAVING REMOVE , ) EXISTING/x ORIVE APPROACH REPLACE WI NEW CURB, GUTTER & AIC PAVING NEW PLANTER CUTOUT AT PAVEO STRIP 22nd ST. E I r- 1/8" l' 0" [[ = 0 I I I Z 0' 4' 8' is' p L A N