HomeMy WebLinkAbout01018 _ '~'-')'i'-"J~~'~~'~.;Z~~' ~~.,..,.,:~..:=-_~~.~.~,~~:: ,,".. .- ''''t -;;... -;_~ ~~,...-~--,.-;. '~~ :7~~~ ~.,.I!.......,~ ~ ..........l'?.. ;.r--',,~,,~, ~'Pl"-.<~~ . . ;..r'r___"'_' ~ r'~ . Jill. ' . l~o.,:.F;..:.-.\.~A~~~~: -- '-:;,' ,{~-,it' +1}" .......,.... ,_ .1"--' < ...-- > ~-""'---"...-;-.......~-.. ." '.'k ..... ," .......~.. " Y' l' " ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: ;/.11. Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and add re s s nf applicant is: H DIORite! , Jo q cr; C)'ill.. ~ 7, .:<oM lJ-iJl1.l-'l "'."'0 V W. ,1/:-<,-': '1)(.., The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made 1 . ""IJ'I is as follows: A /2Jlro-..:.....L,IAoc.. t,)/.1IL c.{I(Jv,-"/, S H-LC." . I I I j " The location of the proposed 'encroachment is: 0),1 IM;/ r; ;?,L /L~ ./J",lr I'l~)", it 17..., '0_.''/ /'\,~/, ',\ . -, . ' \~". - Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, tI'lrncl 8"8'Ye- and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the--:placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. 12a.(,'A fJ ,....'-+ I // (17"" ? ; {/ -' Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was ' before the placing, erection, maintenance or e~istence of said encroachment. Date: S /2--3 / )If( I I t I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the. facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will same said (not) substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the is to be located and (2) will (not) constitute a hazard to persons using public place; said application is therefore (granted) (~nnied~~ --lUtdE' '~ 1188 ~,\ J. \.c--Lo...~ Signature of City En~eer J . ~~, ~.D~te: No. 1,018 TR-RR:ml'o ~\f)U~ j p Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV. 2/88 t t. . - .. ---. CITY OF BAKERSr-IELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - JEN (80S) 872-2756 -, SEN'S CONS .. TRUcnQ~ Mervin Jensen c - L. ,ontracto Icense #307742 r 3212 Pasadena Bak "F" . '. 'ersfield, CA 93306 om DesIgn to Finish ' , F ' Qua/,ty Work at a Re. '------ 'REE ESTIMATES 'ilSonable Price," ~- ---- To \'Jhom I t ~Iay Concern: --~~__r We, the undersigned, have no fence or wall behind the sidewalk on: J2~ ~ f (Street) objection to the construction of a By tlowM-d Q~ (Owner's Name) . of JoDI (A~YvLau.'1 '\)y, Phone S7/-ss8<f SIGNED: .A p:/. -./ 1) NAME: 7~ z:: ?~ DATE: <; - 7-}- '3 9' ADDRESS: '3~. i "3 Jl pv1 P ;4/<-, 2) NAME:~~7".1u2t4~ DATE: <oS -.;JI-CP~ ; f/ ADDRESS: &'/ ( / 3) NAME: DATE: l S -A -!fir 4) DATE: . -)~,.J l- ~ 5< ADDRESS~~2~0€7~~ 5) NM1E: Pi-6 _ , ADDRESS: e2C/1J? ,1/#J//~A/y17/ 6) NAME: DATE: 5- ;2/-g;g DATE: ADDRESS: j J J~ . n___. - - - \ l ..., KERN COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMEf 1t01 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CAL1FORNIA ;' ._~ PHONE: (805) 861-23911' j. I TYPICAL RETAIN ING WALL DRAWING 110" 4 . 9-14-73 -fEET 2 of 2 o ETA I L I'n.~ 5BO 2620 180 (7-76) U:VEL CRoll DE CAP I" DESIRED z- ... f , ( CONCRETE ~ ~.. MASONRY,. WALL-ALL CELLS i. ."7t. "'UEO SOLID . .~.t WITH GROUT !,',.: I -. 8 AR S i ~~U :j ~.:- ~ OMIT ~ EA 0 :;. I ii JOINT At'.. FIAST .,..r.-.. COURSE AT 3z-0.c. ~ . 11 l~ " FOR WEEP HOl.El.. t. " II RAOE \ 'Er]-,-t ~ 3 '~ . - . ; ~. ..: . . - --f"--r-:....-.L."""'f :-.v n. I I .-:/' ':'., .: r ". ~~RS. co~r. . ~ f.' .',' ::z:: :I . to (!)UAS ..0 UR "DOTING A OAINST UNDISTURBED NATURAL SOIL Typical section over 5'-0" ~" = 1'-0" @ G) @ 0 aliAS 0 aARS )' " ,'-10. 8) A~ )z"o,c. - .' " 2"- " -. AT .'"o.c. - $' s' 3'''01' 84 A" 2."0.C, - s' 12" JI-5" -..-- 8. AT '2." O,C. 7' I z" .'.e" - 8. AT Ie' O.C. s' 12' ~'- ]" - 8$ AT III' O.C.' Design for lo\'el grade above wall ~ NOT~- CONCR!:T!: IN FOOTING TO TEST ZOOO L8S, P!:R ,Q, IN. AT Z8 OATS CONCRtTE In.oc... - c:nAO& "^" UNITS .11,$,'1',". c.,o CROUT' t PART CEMlNT, 'PARTS SAND. Z PARTS P!A CRAYEL WO"TA" . t 18ART aMENT, ',I. PART l.IME PUTTY, .'" PARTS SAND @ 8 A R S 2 OMIT H [AD 'JOINT IN FIRST COURSE AT 3Z"O.C. FOR WEEP HOl.t " ~)( . -...,. ~~-) POUR "OOTING AGAINST UNDISTURBED , ~ NATURAL SOIL L. Typical section 5'-0" max. J~:' -r=,l~~llt.4'-.-"1__,"~~,. -, -~~~:t.":;...,.,. @ @ CD @ @ BARS (!) BARS )' e" 2' - ,III .~ A'T 2.~0.C, - .' ," J' -s" 8.Ai2."0.C. - ~' e- 4P.'. o. ..~ AT 16 O.c. - " 12" .' -t- - .s AT 2.'O,C., 7' 12" ~'-e- - .0 AT 's"o.c:. 8 ' 12- 6' -.- - ., AT I'"O.C. Design for sloping grade above grade MAXIMUM STRESSES f. . 18.000 P,$,1. fM . 225 P,$,I. SHI:A" Y S IS P,S,1. BONO U. 100 P 5.1. SOIL P"l$SURE. 2.000 Las. PEA SQ. ~T. :} .~ '01:: The above drawing is intended as a guide for those desiring to prepare their own plans. Because of varying conditions, from one project to the other, details as shown may not meet the requinmtents of the Buildina Code. A nmrp.sp.nt~tiv", of rn.. K_.. r.,,"nN F .~ ~!< I KERN COUNTY I BUILDI NG INSPECTION DEPARTM[ 1101 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PHONE: (805) 861- 2391 TYPICAL DRAWING I ~O.4 9""4.~-73 ~t._ t I of 2 RETAINING WALL D ETA I L :lll.lnsp. 580 2620 180 (7-76) --) ~. CA" .,. DESIRED Note: Retaining Wall not to be used a foundation for building., Building Set-back: Level Grade - H 2:1 - 2 x H 3: 1 - 1. 5H 1 i: 1 - 3 x H LEn'- CRADE 2 -.. It, A It S ~ ffi -. . , , . . , . . , " , . . . .~ ~5' p;,?' - -- · - - .:. '~1' - VlIn'CAL ... ..UtS ,~.- AT 2.- o.c. , --'" ~ .<M ~ , - .. BARS o .ARS 11\ 1> f"..) u - c;()NC.JtCTE WASON "., WAlL' AU. aLLS "'LLCD , SCUD WITH GROUT "2" T'CS AT ..- Cle. :z: 2- a :.:.... " :: 3 -. ~ I ~ ..... . .. ." "OUR "OOT'" G AGAI"ST UNDISTURBED NATURAL SOIL " . .::. ~. ,~. !,. " .'~'I Typical section over 5'-0" ~" = 1'-0" @ @ @ @ BAAS (!) 8AAS 3' o' ,'_0'" -3 AT 32' O.c. - .' ." a'-z- "c AT caHo.e. - 4' a' 2'-.- 1t4 AT 2.'o.e. - .' 12" 3'':3" - .6 AT 26' o.c. 7' '2" 3'-'0' - .c AT 16' Cle. e' 12" "~-e. - Its AT I." o.e. Design for level grade above waIl NOTE-CONCRETE IN "OOTINC TO TEST 2.000 L.BS. ..tR sa. IN. AT 2a OATS CONCRCTe BLOCK -CRADE "A' U"ITS A.S. T..... C-.O CROUT- I PART CE"'ENT,3 "ARTS SAND. 2 "ARTS PEA GRAVEL: MORTAR - I "ART e'EMENT, If, ..AIIlT LIME "UTTY, . ~I ..AIIlTS 5ANn SLO..ING @ .AItS I -4 .""S JC/ c .~ C,DNCItETE.' IIASO". R"~ WALL-ALL. CELLS . 'ILLED SOLID W'TH, GROUT " o ;" O"'T HEAD JO'NT I" "IItST COURSE AT 32- O.C. ,. 0 R WEE P HaL E :z: "OUR 'OOTING iAGAINST UNDISTURBED NATURAL SOIL B Typical section 5'-0"-max. ~n = i'-O" @ '<!) @ @ BARS G) BARS 3' e' 2'-3- -3 AT 2.' D.C. -. .' e- "-0. -. AT 24.0.C. - 5' a' ' 3'-e" -5 AT Ie' O.C. a:--- e' IZ". "'-0" - -5 AT 2c'0.C. 7' 12- .'-.- - . e AT ro'D.e. a' 12- .s "- e . - · 7 AT 16- C).C. Design for sloping grade above wall MAX'WUW STRESSES fa = 18,000 p, S. I. f",. 225 P.S.I.' SHEAR V . 15 P.S~I. eOHD u' = 100 ".S.I. SOJL PRESSURC = 1,000 LBS. ..tR SQ."T. CONCRETE TO 501 L ,.,ueTION COEP'P'lCIENT . D.. 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