HomeMy WebLinkAbout00976 - ------::r r: I I I I I' ~. ;~", ~~ ~. I;, ~ 'f ~. 1v ~ f:. A < ~ . ~., ~...:..' ~w -64"4'OjO <;.. ,.. ~' .'4. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT -- .. ~ /. . . TO T~E' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 9F BAKERSFIELD, CA:LIFORN:IA': Pursuant to the' provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby Hpplies for a permit fo place, erect and lor maintuin an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. LUPE RODRIGUEZ '\ (:~7:. .~,) ~-~. -:~..- The name and adqress of applicant is: L. 13201 Lyn,et;t ,W<;t);, \ f'..) /~ iT ) /. ..~ _..../ ..~ '\ ' I ,..;., I - '" I -. The nature or de~cription of th~ encroachment. for' w]:lich t.llis' application is made is as follow.s:. . .' " ),5'; hlgh ~rought lron fence w1th bnck pl11ars (12' x' 12') back of the sldewalkf, , ~. , -', .I / I:~ _!-/".' . ;~/j:. '. __) ,~~.~. /~I '1 / .:. '. '" /)'. /' - ';:-.'" /,~.Ic t-:." '. J (. i ....j ; '.,. I ':# l; . ," (. I. ,~, ,c." -s ( \? .)( \2~'J. he.\. c--k Q F +c. ~ ick ,-..)Q..Qr,( . 13201 Lyn~tt The location of th~ proposed encroachment is :'-'. ,:,:.7 (.,! '- .. I ]' fL -:;', Applicant desires..to maintain the' a:foresaid encroachment during the following time: Indefini tely / .,. ..' . ..,: , ,/ .1',7 .t./.c..../ .1,1 ..,f I IF .;;". /. ~.~ , Applicant agrees that if this application is .granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the 'City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments; claims, . Q.emands, expenses, costs :and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or , sucfi~6fficersTagents'or em'ployees may suffe!:, or which may ,be recoverable from, or obtainable against the;:City alf'Ba:kersfield or such officers, Jag.ent8 otemployees"proximately~caQsed_by-,:.:gr..9wi;ng out of or in any W'ay connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. ' Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense .. remove the same' from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to t.he condition 'its n early may be)n which it was before the placing, erec- . tion, maintenance or existence m said encroachment.. 9-5-87 '\., . Date: / /,' " LU G, ~B8~~~'JE~fApp , ant . I hereby certify that I have ,made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that, the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and. (2) will not constitllt~gqazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted~) , i. -.' I i - -". / ': 9 - 15 - 87 [.'-r"!. '- L' ' i-" Date:' ,,.; . ! ~ ~ . .--/ J ,DA'LE HAWLEfity Engineer I hereby certify tl1at the foregoing application was (granted) :(~) ,by orde, of th.,e City Council ,/~ ""., ,.,.",. j-- !:>, ~-,,-" ./"';~':'/I"/.;~' -",' ,,~"'__.. r' .:0'; dated. September 23, 19a7 , Cr...;~./..(,/r-/> ,,~C'(//J: ,/ /// //:?-.? Carol\Jfiffi2~l!fk , , 'ii , 1\ \, LUPE RODRIGUEZ TO"..' .: . 13201 Lyne~l: iiay , . Bakersfield, . CA 933~~2 Your apPlicationdated9/S/87 No. 904 New Series, was (granted) 976, 9/30/87 Date for an enc roachment permit under the provi~ion of Ordinance '" 1987 ~)' . ... September 23 by the ~ity~o:1n~~~~7' /1, . ~,.:' 'I ' .. ,,I- 'I J f.;, \ I J {....,. ..~"'........ J... ~~ liAwtBY,' C'tYlt . \ .. 1 .,../ ngmeer . ",iii., __'" ".~;~:.., ,....~:'. No. ',(. -'1":..' roro '?';i.!;". ~1:tf't~'-l"+'ll"..~-:~j~1t'# - -l-ftfttrr,t:~t~'*~i~1~+=~'-tltI'.JL.~!t+OOI ttt~q~j~t~t ,L 1-" - - - - +T=+--- -+~-I'::t1 f,-' -t- , f_+. " t 1- -ri-l'f-J'i- --.., - +-t~{ - - t I- -. ~:" +- .+T..- 'I.:t - .. - -i'~~ =:11- - -~.t ,j..- - - . ~__-=-r..:r J:: -~tt1- '1:" ", 1, ' , r" ' ,'-,-1: ri-,' ,---.. --+, - " r - .., ~r -1- ,- -1' , l+t . - R: -t. ~ ~. flJJf!)-' . t,. ", - ~ J.tFJ ~ r.t ::tf - -. -1-- 1 ~.:,~ ~=Ffff'.iS-T\ ~ t .1~1rtrt fl ++-* ~ f--- -f---, .+t:tdl 1~f' ..:~.::t . ~ __ .~~ '[i" - - - 1-'" - JJ \tt _: I..:t -I::' 1 ,~tt3: +t -- 'f~t- -. : .1t--..-. ~-1= ~~ - f--- ,~/ 4fftcC'c 11' , ~ 4 ,.., - -" f--- '-1-' -; c:-- .~ n. +.:-1 l,.1:t:f ~ l' rtr;: 1 _.~f~ !If: ~~ltfUffi1f.Jf .: ~4;~ l.j=( " '- .. -'-'ittrlfElt~I':H" ~ e+":'~#1:t+iVf ~ t++ .- --J-1 - - ~t li tt ~=rl" O,'f I " -- ,; --ritc=t;r: =-t 911 _,Cft t.- - :r1-J...11 +l.r-. ~tl H-k _ _ +' " l,r~lr~trU -,~Jt I ',~. - "ltB'ltr _ 'f~ lltt . I -:-~ . t. ~ t-~: 'i~+ ++. .-L-H+- F~/';d~R= --trrrf- 'T ;-, Trt.. -J. j:.:rr '[/;+j iDt ,I; TT '~~i~~~J .-tt-ti. EraiEYtf'Q-i2[' ,:+.t:ti~ 'ii~ 'lTM' j: ' " T 1 t - J_ HA bfi;f::~-=~~r4~ -.4'-TI'-tl~i' EEl ,-: '-1 I - - J. 0+ , +~tf. -71 :t-Lf....f:::L "- j,.t-'t T'-' t.ft'--C ::LJ- '. ~ - - --f-c..f,..ll= +- tt 41: StbFr-l ,i~l-l,~~':' -"1'+ t;: 'd~.;J .-., + ~f~~ =~ ~itft ~PP ~:-rt41+)'4-=!; r~L .ITt ,l.1+,L r-r =1= 'I:?- --t- --;-fj"~ q:::- 'ttfa'Y'-' ;ti4~/.-rt .+. '. j--l ~-l,+j. ' ,-l- - 'l1,.t.zJ - +'11/ +4-i-tJ:.l--tJ,;' ., , -1- '-l--, '"1 tl 'l..-l '-1 , A 4=-4/r++-, -r::iJ ~ - ' ! . ' I .]:/tTI::tJ iY!t+::J71:::tt:; - ,- . ;-t: - '. ~4IJ7tt:rllIJj ~ 1l}(+t 1''N;1 r: -.. ,t- . - ItWl~ Ilrll!,}~~H-+t~~ 'i .:.+" ,+,- j,~H-fr'~-OOtH14fr~j::tttt'Rt ,.,;t 'I 1'~ttp,~~- -, L1 ~_t -'~l-jJ4'.tr-1:',,?f' tj! :', - \,,~Jt~ 1..1 lrh::'tJ'7rlfZ~tt,t?r1-- +'1 "'.ff1'- ~ 1 l,t't t-:'Y I--:r-V_Y=-+/I j Ij--H+0LJ.-t+A ~ ,L 1 T I W TiTT/, , ,YT, , , 'u.- - -:t. -'r f :J ' ~I T:Tl ITDTr:rI:~-Lll :J.:J:J.JZL -', '-, +-1-.-.... . I I.' L ~4:ti-J$l~fTT 1 1 n , r4.lf-Fi:;T:tr:-,.,k lIh ,;Y iil",-r-.L 11 T fff~+ttti1 LU.' "!-'t-l- :tt'. "r -y-, 't""].-'4'tfu'1i - . 'BlE' :..J rrr -1- ~- ,,+++. r+t:':--+l ' : 1 -:'l- -Wgf:-. . . ...1.1.1. 'U-l+ '"' d. -~"-,. "'4+(-'+-, Ii, ..(.'" Lj J~' 'H+++ jr4 +!e-'--+-" --,--,-'. cr +-N~ Lf-.; .-1-1'1 ' ,I -+ 1 '~l--hL rlJ::ttr1- -".+l--:.+LU.,;_' H:' ~tr= +,~,-: _ -- ++-1-, tltl~1'~F-l'.Fi- ; :'1It-" -:t i+t:xJiT1 J:;~! t: ,r:..T1-' J +;ct.:.. cj' ,-+'ri:ti,+.[,q-w ++iH . I-.-t~!+.l.',i-1--.r.,.Jr 10"+0j- "'rtiU~-LJI +tr=-l-T+'k- f-H,"H-U -n-L, --+ -rtt----r--r-+,-r,1- , -./.-- , .~. t'~,.+ +~+- ,-+- .' +~++ fJH-t.. I" +rm-, TI-,T-r, + 1-1' [-: 1+ :_..L ,+ -- '. \.-.:.L;.- ,-Lt- +_. Ii ,'T1'~ti-,,--r;-~- : ,...., J.;.....j. ,- +-1 -H, 1-:-"+ -; .L' n .'~ -t-, -+', t L++-~ t , , ~:; '^i;:>~'-\\;;;~,,,~ >, . "G:l (;~.~ ~ . ."~' .fit ;~': . ;' - , ">:~~:'(' .~~. ...~~~, ." . '1, ~. ,_!,t . ~~.," '. '^',~C ITY, OF BAKERSr.)YELD' DEPARTMENT OF PUBL1C'!:lO~KS " . . . ' ... ''''~q~~:...", , . . ...... . ; To l~hOln I t ~fay C,oncern: ~.~ <. :::.\ ,~, . . . . '-.,.,---~~~.:"" ~. - ..... -. . ' . "',:-~:;:~"_.',, >.' . ': ,We; the ~ndeis:igned" ,have no" obj'ei.~tion~t(Lthe'(:onstruction' ofa,:/:'. ,fence" or wall behind,the side-walk on: " . ":,i,,;~~:; , . .... . . - ~~t!-..~ .. /. V' 11/ ~ ~ :ft lJ./t:Jl ,~/ ", ^ _ / , ,(Street) I, " I. ,,', ~, ' .:- " \'-!:"'- '"of'<I<~j;o.r:1-9:j[)e~tt{V~'r' ..... .. .>;"::,,.c~ddres 5 ~ : ", ' :<,":'-' .,." 7 SIGNED; '. fJtf!g~fler/ ~f2/r7 Ii 1) NAl-iE :O(~tJlf~~Q /YU'-..,DATE~~~;t Of -<:gf II~T":'?)'1~~~i;~~~~~.-'.b~...~-.~;~,-,. "~~~;~;Jtl:)i/Jil:-::~"'.~~~' I;' .;"Af)DRESS:' :''?''rtI~:J;..(jlf..J/tLf/If' .. .~ . ,,',;, ",::'~: ...,,'i' . , I.' '. 3) ..NAM~:81;S-5:AJ~~()eL'~~~A~~:__$./H4)' ..... _ , " .... .... "<,. ..." ... ..j. .. . ADOHESS:'J-;it rf~ . - . 'k .. .... .' .... :'>4{.~I~: loilu ,~.q; .-?;~~~TE:VY~;l1 :ADDRESS'~' ,- (j ",... "",, .. >",', $) '-NkIE! .[jATE:_:~X-f!j/__..... I,. ,,~~,~ :,' ',~' .:'A~ri~~S~.: . ,.:;.':\-~,<.':, ,,' .' "'>.:.?5:.,: :'~.~E,).':"'>' " 1'0": . ,<,,..,' . ADDRESS ::'.; .,~'\ " .- '''.. ' . :, .,' '-. ,. , . ,.,\,' " ,.'\. -, ." ':/> ..... ," '. -" .'. .$$..9"--' :"JO /+ ': ,>-" -. i .1 ., .1 :1 I ., " . -- DATE: ,...c;.,';;;:i"h,,~'i=z. ..'.. ,,'-'. -' . .... .. " . ,;J:~\_J' , '.' If ,,:l.. 1'" .'. ',,/' J~~; t.-yn,;/( " . - l: :.J" <, ;""':,. , \ , ' <. ~'~t .= /) , . ..,.' /. ..' ...~"c. .'. -~-~~~I(,Y~I'~~:' ..' .11 ''''',', 't: ')..~ ,"~. :,.:' , ,,} .. ': ,.;J J ,;:-,'.' ~ "' L" ,. - ~~r;~ ~".~.."" .,: ,II' . ~ '. ", .':?:5:~', . '" . ~ I, . '.-~ . '." ' ',: ",,>,:?:,~}\c;"':'~. "" '. \.;.~~ ,.,,'_..r:~ ~~ .: --r-: ''-' ~-,~~ . '-. :~. '. . . ~ L' , "If!t,~;j<:'~o -: ~ :- " ~~I ~~ l - -.."J~"""._," -f.y". , . ~ '.. ~ ~ .~~ ._..,,:~ 'i -.:. ..~" -----". lc!) t z. 7 Trao+- ~~ U IVl-r' A .."... I I I '\ \1\ I f#=l=J. \ 7~\ , I t r \\ ~. -< \\ L - l.\ ~-'. 1 4\h\~h M~' U1rJ1(d I" ~ f'\C..trOa c f'-eV~; +- ~ I \).,. I [' VJ ':~l' ->' ~~d.e Wf'JO I~...' . - ' ~ - -'r,,- "-> --.'" .~{v~5-:'~t7J!~ ;~;~):i.'''~~~t;'":'" J A ... ~ r . ~..;,.cE SH[,E, .3 13 I \ , . f----';. ;"1; ? -h"..llO? i A'Ot;v;-..e'w ..,.,Sa::s9 . fz'!~::;J- --I f! --+---i L'~'~ .e\::,D/7..c,;is;>' \3 ~T_~.37Y~ .Wd ~ ~ i~ I~ (j I I~ ~ I '. I, ~ j 45' \ 'I ~ '11,D.....n.. J ~ --1:'/P'L...n f'ol"a..IOP J,Q co;..rw. . --.....Tl...".~l STREET -1! g56'Il" - - -.-.-----JlaO ,'~ ~~ :ii.. '---(, ~ ~'~...~, ~~ .., .-::i, ii T RAe T -N 0 UNIT 4421 A COHfA I HS 11.414 ACRES U LOTS RECORDER'S CERTifiCATE ' "'CUI'IED fOR RECOil!) ,"'''0 fiLED IN BQo~_of W"'f'S.~_. I" IIlE OffiCE Of fill cQullln fI;(CQROEII Of Hit. (OuNH Of IlK~~ IHI$_OoH Of__. Ii_. H___.__W. "'" '~, COUMn IUCOiUllR uf 111f touMr, Of I:(lhl ~_.-......- "---------~~ ~"---- COU"'TY lIHOIlOfR ..iEGE@_ @ . " Ii:" llU Cv.'h;: IlIlUM UGGlO 1I'[.lf',,", SfI t.,1' "",[011(( "1'11 hdMO Clt/ltC ",HI U linC~lllO HUIID Z.'.P. &$ OULIIllllO (lHIClAl .['~ftl)' ~~ BEARING TfiE- kE-COkO eG"'~IN'," OF r~ ,-,l...."IS'40"fr vF TIIC' ':"'()'j"fllGA'~"( e.DU"'OA~Y l.fN~ OF T~ACT ,",0 :se,<;.~ . l'IJI"j' "t,", Ai.... ~l-,:OI<:l,:..L[' IN e.DOlL': ,e f~A6'" 44 Of' MAPG IN 1ij~' OFFI':l: ,IF l'th:' ~~~Ti ~~c~t~.raN~F ~:i8~~ ~TH~~ ~';f;. U~"'~ A':" Tl1t~ lU lM$I"CU "MI) OiIlUI~O"5 ""i. ~n"'" 1M tUI A.dl OlCllll"Li InillfJf 'loll lUll IOal)U IMO.C.uU Tnt j;)U'WUIU Of 1m l'Mil ~jl)l~!ll[t .. '"15 ..,. ." Al l.\Shill' t 11(1' III II'IV'" J. II. lOll. Pi.1l 0.1. CD '___ ____.i-___ flU"') J N ig~~&3' 4S.[ O.OI'I~". .~ SHEET 2 OF 3 5 ilL'/' T5 .;, .....'...~~.,":'-. ,..~",.>4~.'l'''_''''',,,,,,,~,,>~,~ ......~...._.... , .~.... .1~>'. "- ~..,~:'h ,- - -'~..".. , ~, I . DISTRICT 122~-02 ~. " SECTIC).I 2, TOWNSHP 30 SOUTH, RANE 26 EAST ~ 012345678910 u u ~LE~&~' I NORTH Ill) .! CD . ..... , ~ . ., ., ~ u .. Q . a: " ;,.~ ~,t, ,~ ~ ~. ll'." .. .... C'i )/~":J 6 i u<?,;, 6. [ 9.\ ..- ..,,~ ~~-. ~ -:0,." t. ~.c~-~ r ..; ~ ~~"'- ._~..,. CAL'-~ 589 - 7 '3 7-:;;; 4~ . PW -64.' .31' 5rfr~30/<I r~A I r""~ iT' .8 I ~'YI-.~: ..-.' S."'ED ...... .....I..J.' " i'. . ~ "'" :1'''''1 Per, t!~; n~~/{ . .. II .. .. .. " ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 'll TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby f,pplies for a permit to place, erect and ,lor maintnin an enrroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. , The name and address of applicant is: . L i.' P IE- 'f~) ~.D Q." ("~~ II E... 'z- , I '3 20 \ L '{ .v IC-TT LJ f~ .'( The nature or description of the encroachment for. which this application is made is as follows: -, . :z . ~ III G 14 {"U /ZoU (.., 1-1 r / )E.,( ,v r.~ .x./C~1E lJ I TH 1.3 R I C ~;. PI L l.. A /Z-? (\2'X \~ r) ba.c.k i t(, $l"ck G.J~. The location of the proposed encroachment is: .( '3 Z 0 , L YA./ j;.. T1 Applicant desires to maintain the a:foresaid encroach ment during the following time: I' /;uOIf~/A.// T/EL Y Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or wh ich may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in . any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expirati on of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by th~ City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public prope-ifyor rIght cirway-'wneietIie same IS locatecr;---aiid'restoi'e-"said public property or rlgntOf way to the con-difiOi1as ri'earIy-mayoelil'7WTiiCl1It was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance or existence m said encroachmp.nt. j.J Date:9'-.)--g'7 /,1' 1 \~_ (~cL'c t Signature of Ap .Icant I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted~~ L.)..J Date: ~ -I'-~I ~~~ ....-{IV" ~eer I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) 7~) by orde:- of !he;. City, Council ~ ./1, /7 /... (J/ dated. c::e:.ptE'mhpr ?1, 1 qR7 /" ~~'~0?;;"/ ~,>'/~-:~//;;'~P'~'7 ~, , City Clerk TO: LUPE RODRIGUEZ 13201 Lynett Way Bakersfield, CA Your application dated Date 9/30/ 87 93312 9/5/87 for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance No. 904 New Series,. was (granted) (-NM~ No. 976 /{'~. .~~ ;::: -ie;'.;.:./ ....~-4," ~, Jroppsul Page No; of Pages ~$ (?,(<<d- -....~ ,~' .. 1l\.J J /r ~ (IV fro ftef[ ~L/? 7!iUJ DATE OF PLANS , I ARCHITECT JOB PHONE orth on both sides. aslollows: i:., ..! .J . r 100 I ',cl[-\ ev .y-\ I o]?~~y . i\ .) l' ~: ,\.,:" ,} . J -" ': ~J . ! i ( \ j .,.. t , ~\ "'. r)~ ~ c;:7Yv J,./ lVV """ .... /' (Read Reverse Side) - Ill' 'rapP1It hereby 10 furnish material and labor - complete In accordance with above specifications, lor the sum of: dollars ($ NOTE Thl' p,op~," may be wl'hd,"wo by"' I.' 00' accep.ed wllh'o .---_._--tf\-- r . AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE W Seller days. ACCEPTANCE AND CONTRACT !\rrrptrb: The above prices, specifications' and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You areaulhorlzed 10 do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. SIGNATURE Buyer SIGNATURE DATE Buyer --, .., '-<ili-iiilf liiillllllf'!ll1f __ ~, _.L.__. .. "~"" ;';1':"-';-"''''111+ "':" .~l: . "' .~\;;--- /.._.... of' . .;; ~~ Jrnpnsal JAGUAR ,tv'i"fWFACTURING Page No. of Pages '_.' i: Contractors License #307741 300 Union Avenue BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 Phone (805) 323-5015 ,} B NAME AND LOCATION LL11-JpH L0Q ~ . DATE OF PLANS t'.: ~. f, It ( f. t ~! DRESS }~L-OJ ' OPOSAL SUBMITTED TO ARCHITECT JOB PHONE ) hereby submit specifications and estimates. subject to all terms and conditions as set forth on both sides. as follows: ''Xb '0 {) I \ ./ // (Read Reverse Side) 111' 1Iroposr hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications. for the' sum of: dollars ($ NOTE Th;s p,oposa may be w;thd,"wn by :~;Hn~~:c::P:::~~~nAE-cB=-~ Seller days. ACCEPTANCE AND CONTRACT Arcrptrb: The above prices. specifications an(l conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. SIGNATURE Buyer DATE SIGNATURE Buyer ._ ,._._..,._.."":.,_.....~,____..;~.,.K..<,......\~._,.....,-.;,.~~,-.-...'~,""'--otC.'~,.,...,.;_!""ll".).;O:I\It,."-t~~...~~_j~~~~P""'4i..,J1, ~ TELEPHONED CALLEDTOSEEYOU WANTS TO SEE YOU /<- PLEASE CALL x. .~ ~ I i . .~ ~ I ~ . ~ To R. ti. 00, e. l- 8 Time \"f~'i1 bate WHILE VOU WERE OUT M [J..r-:t..fllY 'Rc->n('L\~\..k'-~L- of Phone SSL-73/~ Area Code Number Extension WILL CALL AGAIN URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Message r=c.., t='c.>"-- ~, cSvCJ2QA ~ , P c;t2./'-/l. l-'f . . ~ ~ Operator a AMPAD EfFlCIENCY(j) 23-000 50 SHT, PAD 23.001 250 SHT. DISPENSER BOX -,