HomeMy WebLinkAbout00868 ~~ ',~, yo: __ >> . ::>~4{//' ~ F'AJD JUN 2 5 1fi';>!.1 APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Per..~~." TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELP, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and lor maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. PW-644030 The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: ~ 0 '-V\-vCX ~ 'Y -V\~, 0JU0.--. \ ~'T-~ ~C~>{~) The location of the proposed encroachment is: licant desires to maintain the a:foresaid encroachment during the following time: ft ." Applicant agrees that if this plication is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City oIf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as n early may be in which it was before the placing, erec- ), tion, mainte, nance or existence of said encroachment. ~ ~ r-" - '6 Date:~ JtJ.-d';' I )q'(s;- ~A(~lJYU.;(\'\Q. J\ fYV1 ffi_ ~' Signature of Applicant I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application.and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the u~: o~l)the,... public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using' said ,pub- lic place; I therefore ~ecom_mend that said application be (gran~ditr1=' ,/ t Date: -'} 2, ~r; ~ ~ I City gineer I hereby certify that the foregoing application w as (grante~~b" dated. July 10 J 1985 ' ,,,., , City(Cle . (.~~.'/' '/1: / /;.;..., if /./ /l,~:#l'''i>ate 7/15/85 ,,/ j'jt/ / L { .... .-.- ...~, I -, it ~ '\" ',\ :o~ ,-:.,. I'l'- ',' TO : Prank' & Lorraine 2530 16th Street B6ke-r,-Fielrt, C'.A Your application dated Hernandez Q~~Ol 6!?r:.!Rr., for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance No. S6S (~ by the City~85 Oi n~ tt ".~ , .., No. 904 New Series, was (granted) I ! t ( ~ : :'1EL~~'1Y':FL~','" ,1, f ' I f r I r~ I - :::! I -; i I ! i ! I \,l) o "2- U) A - ~'~.:'~: ' -~j:,~;;'3b~(g;~:-:;~'t. j' '''":;1: ~ 0" w' \.!) <r cl- a: \J) -~,': it r" .'~,: (f) 5 V) I. .., i i I I I I j \, \u I < .j, i,~tl;'>T:~~i::j _ - -, ~. r ._-_.,~ -:-- . c. ~l I r '-7' ,.'1..,.. -,- "'~-'1' , , ,. ~. ';'~-:~':"':;-_:.r"" ...__....,.._....'.~- - -'.._~'''''---''----'p- 1 . " . ~ ... -~~. " ;... " t ';] '1'",1,: , :} -. '1 :;?-yr/ #.:.?~r'r;l>v:7ry:?S- . . '-~ . ....; >- ~ ;"'-'-:~"":' "?~f~j)~Lj;;~t~.~: t ~.t~T~'~~> F>~:~- <~ - -.':'! ~. ~ ....: -1: E- O~.~',C- :-1 ' -! ii1ii~ ~~.bitt~ ;.~trt Lt~1~~! ~ I \t .~J.::;;:;::.:~::':~r:': . ';f?':-f.:';i~~.J~~~-~~':'T~r ?!f::':~'i~' -t.<~.~~t:,:::.j . ..--...z:7~-_,--"""_"--~, "1:w"'~"~"~;:"j .r " t)()., '>.!;.~:,~::;~. ' :'--"r,""'; l t ',: , ::, ; . -...-..~- T-~.-.-7-'. --;.--......"":..- ~ ! .1. -L.~_'. ~ ~ '_~'__ __. 1. _ ..... ._._~.~_. ~:.......;.P_...._:_ "_'_p~ :.~::,;;~.~~--.:...-..;:..::...J,c~.::_~:..L~..:._-i-,..;, ,C" ,H.' " ,. __:.:..:'; , -'_~"._....:~2_...:... ~__.::...~__. .....:._.._.._-=-..__. ._._ ___. ~:..___..~..:...._~~_. __:...~.._ ~ _.--.:.....--:~-:.,._... ..-z. _ 4,.. ~--i-~;:,L.~': -- _;__...r..__~~_ .~ , , --..;~-.- -.-!.... J.. : -l,..t r.-,;."; .. -:. -~-. ,:.+-- '::"'-.r.....t"'.-~"";._.....~--;';-:-t:,-;.~":.,-:..~..~. . t 1 ~ . ~ : ,,~I !". . . ~ .f. .t. :.. 1....~! ~., . \' r ',", f>, ,.... .:;.....~;~ '"' ('?) ....-.. FRANK HERNANDEZ MOD 114335 NOTICE OF DECISION BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD At a regular rrieeting held June 11, 1985, the Board of Zoning Adjustment of the City of Bakersfield considen~1I the application of FRANK HERNI\NDEZ requesting Modification of an R-1 (Multiple Fillnily Dwelling) Zone to perlnit a reduction of the required la-foot side street yard setback to three feet on that certain property comlllonly knOlm as 2530 - 16th street. At the conclusion of the hearin~J Oil the application, it was 1Il0ved by f1emuer l3ilh'iell, and carried, that t1](~ application be approved as per plot plan suumitted and on file in the Planning Department, subject to the fol- lowing conditions: - ---.-------.....-."'. 1 j"----"conSTru, t" t---1I11 n illlUl,1l 11.5- foot \'ifde-'sTci';wa 1 k ,on " /h,', ,/ "i,'~~ f.~w'.r'- ...t~~t.~,~ bot'.l, ~Qth-and 'P1JJe_SJJ.:.e,e15-,-~(Publi'G-,Work~ L.~~,-' "i/2..1;{f.0d"'- Pr.l. //"",'_" ,,:::1 ' 2>" No obstruction in excess of three feet shall be placed in the 'iiqht viel'i triangular areas as shown in red 011 plot plan. (Traffic) 3) Obta in an encroaclllllen t permit from the City for that portion of the fence \'iithin the street right-of-way. (Public Works) -~~--~ -1 ,~ In accordanc~ with Section 17.61.010 (If the Bakersfield Municipal C~de, the granting ofl,,~ t10dification by the BOLlI'1I of Zoning Adjustment shall I)C final unless l'iitllin ten (10) days after the decision by said Board, the applicant or any other person aggrieved shall appeal therefrom in \'lriting to the City Council by presenting such appeal to the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Filing fees Illust be included \'lith appeals. The appeal fees are $25 for property O\IIH~rs or residents living \'iithin 300 feet of subject property, and $130 for the appl icant or any interested persons 'living or mming property beyond the 3lJU-foot radius of subject property, No permit or license shall be issue,d for any use involved in an appli- cation for ~10dification until same sllal1 have become final by reaSOl1 of the failure of any person to appeal or by reason of the action of the City Counc i 1 . Additional information may be obtained at the Planning, Department in ~~~: 3 ~;~ ~. 1501 Trux tun Avenue. B .kols fie 1 d ;t,:: or:/or ~: Y:"-l ephon i ng /, . ,2.",;; ./. OEWEY SCEALES, Secretaty Planning Director Date of lIearing: Date of Mailing: June 11, 19135 June 13, 1985 / .-~ -. ri#~ ),~ ~ , i: 1 ,- , , , i";": !o: i: ~ . " i I: ' i, l lc-! , ., I ," :::t1 ' ~' ~ VJ .~ ; , , J "I ..", ~! ; ~t '. . ;',t. :-! ; ; ",,:- ." , ' , ";:' .. :,~ " i ;" , ! : ;. ~ " \'fl\ ,\, " ")~\. ~ :;~ -: ; ..., ,,' '-~. ')': p.~-"~...._",, ... ','::) , '0: ;J ,. t) ,//' '--r"';-~.J.~~....,,~.',..~t~'.f:l ~ ,:;"_~.;,:.",,.\ ..",:t..-;...I'-..Ilrv-"-'" / l :. vl"',1" ,.~ ~~."\... l:' .J!-./"~ ;.JQP'//f../6 CV(;l~ oS I ffl61{ IN (lJ(:'...){;I~ (Jut err 41E (:')1S s'/'(." y G,..<"I rIA t': / -41' ,';" ,.." ,,' ",d <;7, c I td; <, 5, <:t.J2. '^' ..I/: .,"'" &>""t.4- / G,!,L sf l d"-"- r- --,' .-::;>. ~:::;:""" , ~:'\':~ ,.. !: --~":~J ;~', I( ;,,?';'i;'1Ci~1&lli:0tr~;'1c".':';'!;!;"~~;: I Y C::iA 1<.p.G.c. (p., lj,' \ \ \. I I r I i I Z'?SD - \Co~ st I f2.E. s" --- --~----------- -::; ~;;'7~~~ J b T.!1 .5 T .;"">.