HomeMy WebLinkAbout00866 r ."', . . oJ' " '~"'~,. '~:'~/-," ;:~"" '/, -i.)jj " -'. "I." ': . 3< - ,..-~. ~ .,~ -~ . -> (Y" .. : ,." '_ " '~, A , _ ~ ~:-"'; ".. , , , ' ")-: .... ,~~ - ".'." . , .... .!< A ~. :'>"';:"::;.{+ ~ ./;:.~}t~:;~~ . :'.. .' +. ....~ ~ .' _' ~ ,.".,: :.~ -.' "':';APJ~LICArION' -Eb~,,:ENCROACHMENT' PERMIT.' , , '" ':"/"" :::{:'::T :;."., ,:...' >..,..' ',' ': " ,:~,.. <' ,:~ ".:;:' ~" :,< :.::: :; 'TO:"THE CrfY GOlJNGII:;:';OF ~THE :'CITY:OFBAKERSFIELD;' CALiF0RNIA,:':."'~ . \. . ~;_..'.. .", .~: .c.......,.,, .._' ~..:.-~..... :..;\.......t. ',; .~":-." ..;.,'~ .~. ".' :;;:'e~~.':~.:: :"'~ . ",",' ~ " "<~'~, ~'_..~'-. . ........ .". '. _ ..' ;': .'.: ,~cirs~a;nt JoJli~:'pr6v'i~ii:>fis;O{ Ordin~,Iice ~9..:'.904'.N ew. Seri~s .'of );he CIty, o{',Bakersfield;, the under-' " ,s!gried';herp;~Y^ Hpplies ~.or, a ~erJ.llit, to pl}ice, 'er~c(a~~ lor ,maintain :aii .,enn:oachment on plihlic pr.operty 'O~ ' "cr;:~,~l~{~,;~, ~1~fJ~~:!;'::I:,~~,~~~';:?,C;,lii;l;'. k,,' _(;/ rx' \'J: ;,t (} I,D r) d P,rvf3.--5;( '," ,', 'I 'iT> ,'-,. ... . .... U~. , "jV'"). '.1 '1'" t.,\< . . f;' :~-'\"'~'? f.y'OC{~~.:.~ ""I'''''' "';I",i-'I"'~"'" t ,I:',f",,".' (),">,":l' [:~k,'" ,,-'-,' ',," ,j...i., """'<""-")' "':"1, ""',,}-, ,I"Y,'\.; .'::,,:~, "" 'L~1i'~' 'l<"_;,~\ fr.".:-:,/;! ,,;, "',.','" " '..~l:,~I.." t,,"'" "do' ,~ ;t ~ ,', ..... , ' , ->'. ,", iT~?~~t~;e:~?'d:;~~r!;~~ )f)h~~~dr~~eh";~hi f6t'Yh!~~;'~hl~: ap~lieati~nJ',~~~~'i: );~'fOl!6~S:1 !Ill (' 6- ., ,!, L,~, i"',f",,,,, ..", "'i"~""',J'~~..",,~. 1'" ~'i""'<'<'" ", II II. \ "L,., <, :1-/1,.. , -'J'[' 'l 4.." 1,;/ \ .,'~ .._,' 1 .:; ~.J.:;: :,'~-'''r.\t.:'l:J\r-~{.~! ~'..~~J~~:.0\ .s- ~~",.:~.I~..:-!.",.y~,:" .r;'(.~~.~~.'~j(..~:':~.-(:'. 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'1: , ":~ , '" > :'-, ',' t.-;;,~o';~:J'" Ii' ^';:.JY,(\W' y,18-t'~ r~'," \""~(.:~ :":,'" ., I'~,' , . ..._..::J ..,...x . -l , ~ t,-.. t ,_" .... ::} . _~" ..;,...:.~..~~ ._'" '_ " " . .' ~',~ .,.: .,,>~.:~,;~~;:~!..:; ,;,'.~::::<~/.d"C .<~.""~ '_:'!:'~'_'" "-':', :.,_~" .'_ ,_, '..; . ...:~ " _ ~. . ':: ,", '. ;,,', /\pp.I~,ca'n,~~ ?"~~ife~,$o,~~lrita~~'F?~',~9resa,i<l, 'e~cfoachmei1t during the'.fblJo.win,~'time: " ",. .. _ -.;:0; ,.; .:"'t'i,:,.\~t'lt:::"" C:'i, .,,\,~ ~1:-'~2-;'"',, '- ,'.. " ~ ;:"" '-,' ,.1-" ~ jll." \ 'f 1,' \ i :p't ~"- .. ' ; ... "~. .:( ~-::; ~ \. .' ~'.~ .::. ,:,,"o:a:.:t.i".',,: . -t'.";; ."_ ".." _ 't;,..' -, .;',.- \', . . ",'.: ~ _ - u _ . _ i ", ' .; ~ '.' ':-,[i\pplic~iili~gr~e:s.that:'if,'this.application.'is ;grant~d,' applicant will indemnify; save and"'hold' harmless, .the ;; '",' :~SCity,of,Bak~r1'-fi.~ld,:its;~g~nts,~officer~,arid employees against ,and from all damages; jud,gmerit~, claims," .' ,.:~~;:~l~ri1~lld~~:.e~pe~sesi,:~ti!3~ 'ail'q,~~p~nditures, ,an~ a~ain ~t. allloss(?,r liability whi,ch the City of ~a~efsfiel~ or. -"' ',; . ",'<'~such:offIcers, agents 'or employe~s may; suffer, 9r WhICh. may .be recoverable from, or.. obtamable agamst , :,:: ,the"City' OIf.;.B~kersfield,\o,r 'such offiCers, agents or employees; 'proximately caused by, ,growing out of 'or i~ , ,'" , ~riy:;~aY: c(mne'cted"~ith:th~,,phlCing,ere~tiori or main tenance, of saidencn~achm~nt." " , '. :'.. ',....,:..~.'~::.. . ...._~~.^ ""';':'':''''~'.,,',,, ""l"~ .....';~~.._.- ;, ',,':' "'.<." ',"". _, " '..." '" ,,:( .".' I"~ '. ,:' ::.~":.,~! ::AppJ.jcant furtlldr,,, agr~ss~'.\ha( iip9~' the expirati ori' of, the permiLfor:which thi~:appiication " is made, "";>;,,;,ikigt~Me,~:t;~or~ upori the :reyo<:llJioI!; thereof-by :the' City Council, applican,.t; Fill ,at. his ow~.~cost and expense'~ ." ~ ~~:~~:~'iemove.th~. s'am:e from:Jhe 'p)jblic:'pr.operty,or ,right 'of: .way, where the 'same >is 'located, andre~tore said , :>t;~~~lt~" p~OPE;r~)T, 9r~ignt:df,'W,~y._totry~con~ition, :a8:. n;earl~may~,,h~ -in. which'j,t was ,before We 'placing,. erec,. ., ,:~.tI?n;. ~:!-~ptena~~e' 0: : ~x~stence ,~<,saId encroachIE-p.nt. . ~, f,:~t:....:\. \ " " '-';;':D': t' ,. L ,~ .\ <:t,( I ,-(J3:;:;:~~' ,": ,". " " , " ': \'li,.~..I,'><>t...;,-,., ~ ':' ':::': .>' ~.~e: . t x i.;k _~:f} 'e}. ....J . ~ r ~ . .' "..- ....;.:;... ~-..:~ .' '-, ," , ,.' !.' ".0 __ \ ' -' Sign~ture of Applicant ::'::."_.'.__\:.''''::'~_~~.{:':..;' '.<',' .'~-~' '~:::.-_:~~': ~ ~J'~" '\..' ::.. . '. <' ',",',:, :':"__ '~_ .\ ~.' -'w". .~'. '.":: ;,', .. . ", ~, ~ ;,' " <,>,1 ': li~f~pi:'certifyjl:1it,t:. r:haye-mad~ . an':iIi;ve~tigation 'of, the, 'fiu~tS~siated'in the foregohlg applica~ioliand ',:, , './':fintk,th'attthe&,riia:iriteiiance"of:said en~roachment '(1) wiUnpt 'suostantially irit~rfere with the use of the ::~ .-, ,:;:-.:)';,.pjiblic:pla'ce ;where~the Same j~: t,q ,be iocated'~~(L (2) .,will not' constitute a' haz'ard to person~ us~rig. said pub-. : J.:~<, ~,?;:~,',. ':':"~jc:.pl~ce,;' I t~~~ef~r~ .,,:",ecPrPmend' !hat ,said' ~pplicatiqri be(gr.a~ted; '. "'/;~~:'.<'" , , :,. .,,^,~,':: ::~" - ':.":~,~~,rfat;';. :,^ .:~:'::.<:~'i~/l!~;~::;; '~:',:{ .,', " , ,,' ,,', ;., '~ ,~ ,.'fi;~'C~ , , ^ . /"~<;: c:,: ': 0,::';':J~,' :~> '/. " '., ';<?r.:;,';,,'; ,.' , _ ,,/'" ,CIty . ,e:r,. , . A , ,) here'by.,certify: tpa:t"t~~:f~r~:g~if1~ applicat~on' w~s. (granted) ,,(~kby order of the City Courl'cil' '-~ \ ~. ': i., " : City ClerIC" '~.:. ::. ~,:;~)~>><,. ....;' ,-/ /' 'j'Date.'7'15 '85 :/ ,;/ . // l-i::-: h } ..' f' .. .~ '. \". " , " : '] ;"Y:otl{':~ppii~~iicil,:d~(~d<?;6ji8iR~' """, ',~for an ',enc rmichment p'ermit under-..the proyisi~~ of'6rd,.i~a~ce,: : .~~, .t~:\:~:{::~}'~~~'~~":~.~~~;~~,~~~~.:~.~..::.~.~.~"::..~i \..(~: _~.~,>~~>~'~.,'.:.r:',.~,? ;~.'4'J~">~:' . \ .>'~~:.' ~"~<::,~~.~~'~:../: '.0 "1}.'.;- ',' ~., .~>+ ,.'~..-;,},. :",:<.\::,N~,:',~04.:Ne\\l:Serie~;:tas. (gr~nted); mm) b~t.he ,City.. Soun,cil on" ' ',;:};~~~~~~ffq~;;,t~~!,F""> .. c, .. .....' ~ '" ., ' .' ""._.....;~ , . .0#'........ r- t} IfFrP.' ,~~, ~o ' 1:\'0 1 I ;::-... K~'. f' ...... \,~~ t I~l. -.......".. I _II --i.. U' . .~ I:. - . J . "..- . . ~-,.., '~~ ; =- .....".... 0:. r- ... Ir cd:r ~....- -:;:::,.Jx,-y--: ~ 1./ ! ~,D'",,~ ".... ,r I ~l ...~ ,..... ~ 't,. ~". 'fI.y ....... '..~\. ;I .w~ l-RACT ;~ ;~ 8"..co;:~',~" \i-7"e:-('III1"~ '.. 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