HomeMy WebLinkAbout00851 ...~ f:~~ F>W -644030 I . ~~'-Hvl PAID FE B 0 1 1985 Per.~... - Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and lor maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO Tij:E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: The name and address of applicant is: California Water Service Company 3725 South "H" Street, Bakersfield, California 93304 The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: 2 foot c.oncrete retaining wall running along back of sidewalk. The location of the proposed encroachment is: SF rornpr of ]pffpry ,qnd 1 Inion AVPnllP Applicant desires to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the following time: I ~de'~\ V\'\ \@ \ U \ H" "',, Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hgld' harjijJ~ss the , City,~,oCI3,Jl.kersfield, its agents, officers arid employees ,agai,~st and from all damages, jU4gmeJ1.t~:~~laims, , demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all 'loss or liaQility which the City:~f Bake~~field or such officers, agents or employees: may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or ol:)tainable~~against the City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by,groWi1'ng OU(IQ! or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenanc~of said"encroachment. ': (,.1\' :-::)Ar/ ,'" Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of ' the permit for which this!apl~.Hcation,~;i~~made, 'if granted, or upon therevocati.on :thereof by t~e City Council, applicant will ~t his own:~,cQst and~~~xpen~e remove the same from the pubhc property or rIght of way where the same IS 10cated;,:'&nd resto.te saId :~u?lic p~operty or right. of way to t~e condition as n early ,may be inr~which it, was (befo're:~~e plac~n~, erec- ':,:';tIon, maIntenance or eXIstence at saId encroachmp-nt. ' :" ' ' , \ ,i ' ;i$i:,,~~l~ \' ',":JfJ .,::'}~ TR i q i q Fa r" I1A.. YLn n t ttJ A 11 ,,'. Date! /29/85 , ", , '~ ~ig~~ 1\' icaK". " c;. " " I hereby certify th~t I have ~ade an investigation Of.th~$~ted in ~ foregQidi;~pp1ic nand ,_ ";,~,;~:,'~.f.i.rid . that, the maintenance o~ said encroachment (1) 'Yill'Jlot SUb~t,~.,ntiany interfere\'W~~.b. :,~I.lt:th~' u'""". f tl1e <,; U:~::~ublIc place where the same IS to be loca~ed and. (2~ WIll not constIttlte.a hazard to pe ,s~~lus,Ings,~~d pub- 1 .,;.,;lIc place; I therefore recommend that saId applIcatIon be (grante -.) '~,*:- ' ,;,':If,i.I . :(,>:, "Date: #-6~~Y'':'' ',' \it ''f[l ~~~: " '~~_'l" itY'1~Council ,', t~~: <.;,,"' I hereby certify that the foregoing application was February 13, 1985 ~ci:) by orde ,~ City o o 1:'~~ : , ; TO: Caiifcmda Water ..!'Vtce Co. ,.,..,: '3725 South '..... Street , lak~ftIfi.ld, CA ' 11104 ' , 'y 9ur application dated "I/6/'S ' ' Date (i"\,,\\ provis~f"n ()~\:9' ,infnce for an enc roacl;ml.,ent permit under the .....!... ~,;.~ \', (grante4) ~ ~" 'u, .:~' :' i ." ,.,.i" .....1.:..:. ."... ~;-;~-T -:-;-~;-~:....-":--'~,'.': ',^'"-,.:--:- .,:~'-;;o~':::--=-~'-""':::"-::'"!:_' . 1 .~'-.. \I,~ '~/ - . ~-~' - 'j .,l, I ,.J. JEFFERY 57: _/ ~ " \: I, I I \" I I , 1?t:k~n;"9 W4// G 1',/.0 2.. ~, 7 ~ ':. I , I , I I ! I i " .,',t. ~:~~; \-'~ " \ij ~ ~ ~ o "- ~ :::, I' i i' i' 1-- ,.- i. i; - -~----- _~"-r'~_.~__ ~ --- -- _ c::=~ ~J_ ,do-- ~ <S"vr V /'I- e~ 0 H :: __ _8_~ _ __._ ._ /;/ W fl.11 IS- ~ rMn., te- 0- t-J ~c..y- 0 d..cA~ ~~rf ~f k- (J-~/2JN~" ., I CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE co. ENGlNE.RING DEPARTMENT BAKERS~I!:L.D u.......:T S I LYE WA4X~ 6..,'". RErAINING WALL-'- STAT/ON 80.' APPROYIlD ft ~ - , . . ..tr ecALa /"=.30' :.57308X" =.. 7'/~ .81< ..0 TRACm .., - I CN.-a .., )' - -''', __ 0, '__'"" ,/