HomeMy WebLinkAbout00845 t~ -- -- ~---;- .^~ ,', ,<;~ .'~ ...':' 'OLbiit0 ~ 'Dj:~~J)l~{1i 'h,bk;';; I; , P A ' .' .,',' "'to,' .' :'(Vi : ,"', E C 0 5 1~~,:,,~,:::~i):,;!,' APPLlCATION"FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMI-rD I;..,,:<,;~,':~',i,'~:,; .. '" 1" '" ' ';'",', '; ,', ~er n__uu_LI}Y; ~:,:;U t.',~,*,''''''l\~~' ': l' i',' ',: : . . . "'. :' '.., t:~::~:, ;'.,~ ffE';J3ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, GALIFORNIA: ; "'~,,;~ii r,\.:, 'lit;}; :~~~~uai1t to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, th~:bria~'ti{~ s'igrr~;<:l:::h:ereby f,pplies for a permit to place, erect and lor mainbin an encroachment on public prope~rh;,Jolf~' dg;li:t~':;()f~''','ay as therein defined. ' , ' ' ' : :.'1: )t;:;;'i,':<):i~' ~:j;B;~';:fiiXir;:'~'{;" : '::":': J)~,:+T,r; ,'~~Jeand address of applicant is : ' " Dr. Charles D. FritchM. D.> ';:>,,;;,>,: ~jt):Qi5t~1 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 933a1:;,""!'{~'\~';';;:;~ ~~:~1:1~a~~t:'!or description of the' ~ncro~ch~ent for which this appiicationiS:rilade is as follows :;'\};, r:"/t?:~it :.~,~,,;< \' '~'.' : ";~_'''~ " .1-" I'. ~;:,;~The"encroachrnent of parking structure 4 I-a" into existing City of'I" " ~.~. .,r- .~ .(_::.l,rtr, i '~.- '.' j " '. ,~~,~::B~~kersf ield Right7of""Way. . ;~?l~'i'-'~ "~': .' .' _ 1;ti~ )oG~tion of the proposed encroachment is: Lot ,;:)Xk;~~~rsfield Tract. ISH .,. SUMt_ ~ ;::~. ;.~ .', ' "';':; ". 8 & Lot 9, Block 115 of Ci:€:Y of'; ; , ;:-"').; , ,( ;';;::r :..!. -,q'.'erv i ':." ~ ,- .... ~;,~"~/:~::. 'l"J.;~1\Pplicant desires to maintait1!li1tl1~ aforesaid encroach ment during the following time: hi:r.i(ti~i in i te 1 v ',:.'. , .. "i I', \ ~ I..~ it ~ .(\t:~~:'.;,~,,7)'::"':. - . ~ ~ \ ""';~' ~p$iJd:lnt agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold 'harmles~ J~e': " Ci.'fY;<:if."Hakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, jl1dgITlents, ,', clajm~, " ~emifhC:ls; expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the Cityot:,Bakersfield;qr;::," ~uch:pfficers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtai'nable<again~t::'~' t}i~:,C,ityiblf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing out' o(or.Jn;:: ~'ijY',;waY,connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment.;:, ":,~ :: '. :. ,':' ~i'?i;.r-.;\'i},: 4:}f.; ''<:'':",,'_':'A; '-"1':"~ . <", ,;',.)! /; .:.:: '.\1,.' !,n~"'';-lt:~":;,.,, ',.fl~ ,'f'-, ',' ,', , :;:'1 ". . . , )".'.. .' ~..,'>,':",.-; ,'''' :i;~\;!,t:!.:A:ppli~ant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit Jor which this appli~4tionis,'madie;", <~f.~::#t~hted; or upon the revocati.on thereof by t~e City Council, applicant will ~t his qwncost anl~ ,;e*il,~Il~~::":: :remove the same from the publIc property or rIght of way where the same IS located,and restore;,s~nd!,'" ':Q~~,n~)#J;pperty or right. of way to t~e condition as n early may be in which it was before the~ placing,i~~e~~:;:', .~,;&~.?,.,~,<~:,]~..;,~.~~mnance or eXlst~?ce 0If~ ~ld e.ncroachment. ~:.A.. /J /) A-.: , ,'. . -: ',' :':::\":;};;",:: 'jl,:,(ji"":t)( t z-t:-gr' :' " ~& ~,:, :,~~t;~,'l .,... ,<Signatu.e of Applicant' 'ti;,~"+Ht ';':v~i?\;;,I:;'pereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing:applicatioii:,al1d'-'; fihd:,::thatthe maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use"ofo;:th4f: 'p,Mbii~;;place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons )ising ~aid:p:h~,;: , i~~'~L~1~r~; ? therefore recommend that said application be (granted-I .J () \ ::' ':,:'.,\>::;',':' 4 'J""'h',,:,,,'" ""5/84 (I pt,'~ .' " . "': 1~~iJiie: i ""c.' . .~,,;Z;:~;: t, ;~1~~;%~&;~li~rebY certify that the foregoing application was (granted) (aen:md) 'by order of thEi Citjr:,C6undf.:: "~.2~}k~~,~'~:..,):~:~'; ':.. .; " ." , ., ~\~~.,> ,De cember 12, 1984 City Clerk ....; ")!:t'i,..,',..i.~.",::,',~,',.,';',:,'\,:..,'".,';".:':" 11t~Jf . .. · ; <. jij'(jg{:, q~ 0 Char 105 D 0 Fritch M. Do. Dam 12/14/84 ':::~i,,',":",";""':"':':"".':" :,;[N/)~~::::t':,,2525 bye :street . ~,:,;~)'/;';:li;,:;!,:\l}akersfield, CA 93301 ;$bt':-,;,~jp~Iication dated 12/4/84 ' ' ':.-, _,,, :..1')'r;~\,;d~"" .: . '~~8)~9,1,New Series, was (granted)',~ fJj,r~S for an enc roachment permit under the :, '~~i:\}:;:!~':' Ot~iIia~'ce'~ . ;' .d,"~l '\:',$'; ," '"!" .l-~.,' ....... ~I'''a /-f~' (~ ..,c;."1. ':J r. d, ;i ..,..", f f". .t' ..... . ,-;.1 "..."; '--1 ", ....._~" ~..... .....~.,. 'f" I CHI_ Od//~' ~ ~- ~~ !f ,'" P , <--" . ',,' 'I .. " .. i "I ,~.\ f' \...-.- I i PROJECT At.tn LIHITS: ?"- f )/} <:": ,(,< ,/'<-::.__., !~~) ':'~~!"! ------~----<<-_.,.-_...-_..._--~'-- j' //.g -3 CfJN llU\CT t-t1J~1BER: ' AMOUNT OF DID: PI~O.J EC1NUHBFR: I O}j~; :.~~~t' ;~~~ tp '. t~~/) ,;;;,L,. :J." f - : CONTRACTOR: Er,(~'I.NJ:r:R' S 1:51 I~L\ TE-: (!~i>7 5 f;r- :" "i~'. D,\'iE CGU:\C IL APPROVED PLANS: /"2 ~ ,,-"'>", ',c. DATE DIDS OPENED: ....~ n;\TE UNIRG:\~j[~NTAL STATE~,IENT FILED: '::-l.-:i "'1" 84 DATE A\'lARDED: ~ -+- Do~~ No"- li..lc;\,iJDI.? C::1'i'( F~ISl-f\""o mt;..'f;~, DAiE: COMPLETE:'D: '1 "!'\LS ]----~'-:--. '1 04(./ F/ !~~~,!_FCr ig~'~-\TIO_N:J' l~'!/?":'/~_~: 1/,;,.- B? 777("c) - r7 '" / I::: - Y:,i::!~~~(~ ~12~ ~,2i~J~ln.r~t . ~_~..~_~~~_,__ i/,d r'i ';l (J ,j~ 7if.':.r;!"I(., (fOr..! r~() (., ? () (~..1. r:..' t":J'~J S 34~ ~ 7 7..~;.o!) - ~;:.,~-].z.. ,- //,,:2 t ..,/,J ., () tJ ~" ,~...... ~ p ..;: ~itl '1,)'0 ~ , /" ';, 7 ,\:"IO'I\T TlIlV'...r:l) ./ ,..,&<.' ..... 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'. ~:..~ ........ ....-'.r "'.... ...:cv,"'.,..~.__..~.......' ...-:..... :......:.. .......:.....---"'___ __.'~.... _, ,.~, ...~ ~.. ,. r_.., CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PERMIT RIDER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3724 INSPECTION 326-3049 DATE :fl/JF_ 2(0,19 qS To be attached to and made a part of: G. tJCRa't.CJ.lMGfJ'T Ga Stfee.t Permit Nol:346 o Transportation Permit No. APPLICANT Df.2.. C!.Ut-lf'Z.LF.::S D. F"i2.ITCH !vi. D. PHONE 3/7- 851 I LOCATION fl5 1. 5 E. V;; 5,. (tJ(l. .sIDE 0-;:: PRoPF.:RTY @. ~~i:!lA 0'-:) In response to your request of :JtJ-JE. ~ 3''S:Q numbered permit as follows: '.',,' , 19 g? we hereby amend the above Date of expiration extended to: fJ/A . ;:~,:" " ''':,;;.~' ~, '; --",.. r . Description of work changed to: ,0 \ tJ{I.1 I) t:>~ Lar~ (n r 7 ~,.'iJ /);:; '.~ /1'.5 BAkG~~ ~ tJT'O\A.ltJ"'- e.A-c-T, I-='orz. G'x ,<;T',.Jb PAi7b I\.k""l '~e,ucmeE: 11-\+\,- DeJealtJAL PE.~\\A.IT WA5 16S0/;.D fV,e.. Except as amended, all other terms and provisions of the original permit shall remain in effect. This rider must be attached to the original permit. APPROVED BY: C.W. Schulz !(}u,J ROJ~ Rider Fee CITY ENGINEER {I BY~--P~ ~ Other Fee DEPUTY $ [Z5 >Z5 r?5 / $ TOTAL $ White - Applicant Yellow- Public Works Pink - Construction 1/93 -" t:' l- E~" ", ~~. ~ ~.' r. ~~ . t ~ . .~~ 'c . " ", ',' ..~', .' " ~ : ,,." . " , ~ " '" ~. , ~' f:- r-. v r~, ~ ' (,'. r , t 'f '1.: ~' . ~"l ~ ,'.~ , 1~t . f' L, r I' " .", I: r I t .. ..... 'l. 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