HomeMy WebLinkAbout00841 '.','''-\~:':;i .~~ " ;', . . . ,'" I' ,l, i I ~ ~~! .,. . , , ,'," ',:,(;~:.V ;:;X:;':i;," .,",~r,3",I,:,:~,;, '\,' ;'e' " , "",. p' A. il"~ . .., -: ,~'. ",-'~'; :e V-,;;\i).'::"}'i:>'I-"~~' ~,}'1J'~,::i;'6~4'4030 , ";':'';'; "".:\,;;'i;':'6:j\.,,::,,~, ,:,~~,:.. . ." , ; ;.'~: , NO~;'2:L,,:';:':I~~ '.f,':":"I)"':"'~'\';~",~.',.,:,;,I,~,,,;:">":'!,.":,:,;,.",.',,1.,,,.',!.,~,.,.':,':. APP,' LlcA'ri.b," N FOR ENCROAC"H" M, '.E, N.',T ,PERMIT ,t'!(;:~ :{i"';";[1Q.: THE ,orry COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKE'RSFIELI:i; CALIFORNIA : t:~l~;~ ::, ':~:~,;\:.:,;~'~~:::.:. ~..: ' .' ,: :~, " . ,,, J' ;"~';"~t\.i~';;: '"::''' :,:." >_.', '!, ",-'" I. 1, 'J.;-' ,;~r/\ ;'p'ursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904, 'N~:w Se~ies:,Qf the City of Bakersfieid" t.h~ ~'~iinder- *igned hereby Hpplies for a permit to place, erect and /91: mail'1tnin an "encroachment on publj~' "p:ropet:,f~r or :iltg,hli,:,of way as therein defined. ':,:~.,,' " :: i "i.:'/~;lJ1 ",:"f;id::r!?,::~ ~'I.' ' " Southem Californii1 Gas Company ../ ,7',,:}, i~,:<tiit;;I1hEf name and address of applicant is: ,P .0. Box 3249..: Terminal Annex, Los Angeles. CA:,90.oSl ~~~i:~~fj~/}:;';.: ,"1,:,:':; . '0 ." .".no' \ S\R:{i;';;~" Attn: Sharon D. O'Rourke. Right-of-Way Representative~': ,~;,::;::'Li,'t: :~.~~~~';~~~/o,>':~~t}~.,-~' , :", '. ,(.o'~:"~l> :AR~.::)~he; nature or qescription of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follo~S:;; ':;y':i'r.;;' '.'q;-~.;;',;o/,-,~'"'_:: . _, 0 ; 0 _ " ,J ,': .~... .. " \Je>~;);; I;natal124" steel pipeline in 30lt steel casing 'by boring. Pipeline to carry " :'~lA.' ;;"tural gas. ." . . . .'i,; :~!-itk;:':1he' location of the proposed encroachment is: Crossl,~ Kern River Canal in Sec. 11. T30S/,~(;' ??'~'""i\:~'~,, , ,',. :.t";'o ,....~. '.',~t iJ;:'f+,":' R26E MDB & M.Approx! 525' E/W'line of se-etion. See sketches. :"':~~:)}_~~~L;'~~'::s ,,-;, " . ' ',': ',~,1,~i,{S!,:A~;,,'"^li nt deSires. to maintain the, "'[oresaid encroachment during the following time: ~~ ;'"i'~:",'" ',' _~~. l114.ft.Dlte ' ' ',':' ,',<,", '.;:1.. t;:;'~"'l' -,~ " '_.;. " '. ,_ '. . " ", , ':' J"" ~ ('}::tj;': y,,',A,pplJcant agrees that if thi~ application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold ha:rrrile~~: the S:;;;:i,\Qi~y'of Bakersfield, its agents"officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgmerits,:,;:cl~ims, ~~gk:,;~'~q~piands! expenses, costs and, expenditures, and again ~til:ll loss or'liability which the City of :~~~ers.f~~!~ or ;;}~:r;,!i:sJl~,h~offlcers, agents or employees may suffer, or whIch: may be recoverable from, or obtaIpaI?J~,agamst c~WW~y~!flie;,City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing' oiit'(jf:or in ,:~;:;:~:;)'J;~iJY way connected with the placing, erectiOn or main tenance of said encroachment. ' .'J, ; '_~ ._, ~_ ~ : ." ~-: " \ " , 0 \. _' :(:/:;T'~,;/;Applicantfurther agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application'.js;rVade, ';}i~";j.'~f: 'granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and, expense :&t~t!':r:einove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restorEfsaid ,:,'i~\i~:;:"puQlic property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the plaqih'g;'erec- \f/:^~t';'.::tio:i1, \'inaintenance or existence at 'said encroachment.' " ; ;<, ' , "X; 2;~B'~;::~' ;', ;)::; :: :: ' " ' , ' , . ,:;tJr,~\;:': Date: November 26. 1984 Project Supt.:'" "~~;ffrcr,~':I~~' ;:,; ,i Signature of Applicant, ,,'" :,':, ;,t;rs~;};)f;' r I' hereby certify that I have made an Jnvestigation of the facts stated in the foregoing applicati6,~'and ;.~x~k/,find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with theu~e>of' the ::Vi;~J!::pijblic place where the same is to be located and (2), will not constitute a hazard to persons using saictpub- }~+..\t~;ili~ place; I therefore recommend that said application be (grant~d-denried.) , ' " , if~;1;,i('~~;~/"':bate' I', ," ~ "\,~ ,( .. L. "J J~~\t::rfi;:,:;,>" " ' ' '" ~,I ,- .~ r;:; ^-......' City Engi~e~; \\ .. .' ' 'G'~~t:;,::'\'\',I hereby certify that the foregoing application was:.'~(granted) oa~klt9 by order of the'qty' Cohncil '_';',,' ;"..",,'; ".. ,; _ , 'i'; "J I ' I :2l~ {'i.~,':::::;\'~~ted. December 5, 1984 // I' r ,',,'~ ,,{Ii"',';!, ' City Clerk ' ' tf~,l~~J\ .". ;~;~;#;t%o: Southem Cal1fomia Gas COJIU)lbly Date 12/7/84':' :!::"i;.:J'; I)~;;;;;:,:~,;j;:'i':: 'P. O. Box 3249. Terminal Annex ' ',.,:" j:(~;\:;~/r".. c'I.ft~A1)g., 1 el i CA 90051';c. ,. . "~"(3' ',', "'/"." ' .. !lii;,:~Y6ur application dated U...26-84 Il\t:'~90~:ew Series, was. (granmd) ~ by the for an enc ro~~hment permit under the provisionof>O't:&I~fl'nce , 1984 'j" t " i t- ,'i , I..', 'neer ,"-I." - ,~;' '. : . ~ .: , ' ~ii '~l~'~';U <_r"';k'\'~i~,",~'fi!\'f ii.. 1",." '" . ' . ~: 1t; I ,:1 " j,'r.'1b"J:;Jll<~',~"lrr.:l"lMiWl:k~~\l,~~l!;:, ,'J .,. ii"'" :I"t' i,',' , 'II"" I ! r' 111 .,~.; 'r ',i I I ! : I ~ I., t I I ,~~ I ',I I " ,.: ~ 1 "" I!"': 1,: " 'II : 1111" /1 1 :,1 i;',;1 "l'il ,.', "!, '!iI, "I I " 'II"', t, i " ", ,I, '," : '11"'1 t:,:, II' ., '1 ~ \1+:1 l~'. 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""UCATIClN ,oa I'lPlLlIIt RIGIfTOi>;,'.Y::: 1:: ,; . m W\DTlI. : ;,' ': ,! 1M ...."'DW 8\"... "" , ,. '" ....... , ,..~.e..I' ....,....,:',1.,1,1, I I/I',i:, 1 , : ,: "", ~ "'50" ""....,... --''''''''... ...._...w .......... i Iii ,Ii:, ,I :' ""', ' I.',', "k~""':.,L !'i,.ll' ',I,>,",',' ,,1>,'/' . I: 'j "IU I: ! j i .(~; I ,. , . 1'. , . " I ::! j I !' ~, I J ' !; f j :!:",: j;:-:;':,iT '!:! !m:;;. I:: I 'I) I,. ',:,,; ,1('["" ""I I '! i'iIIJ";""!/;" , j,"II,"'-'l" I' '" ,'I,:' '!, '~I'::' "1"1':1 i , ,t~fl~~~J. t~h":~ \ ;'\' :+ ;,:1 >':;::', :\i,\ 4~ ;,: i".'J~}t"'I'rnft'", "1 I ;.'"~~(;'t~r~:;.':~"~ ,J 1 ,~,,'[-l'~li ,: 'I ~ I::"'~'-'~'''',t~:_~-~,~ _t;'l, ;l"'!~' .~. 'i.~~~~11"~";;*:.t.~~ SCALE 1"- n'l I L A. 5, ORWN, M. C . CHICO, DATI 10-31-84 DRG, NO, w, 0, 90413 ,. I_~' A __ t .......,....-------..- --.- ~.-~ --..- --- ---.-- ~- ------........,...-._--~-- ,__'.__ _________-.""T-____ _-________ _v_~_ . . - . . . . . " -w. 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"fE'. ,.l.,;.. ~~~'::~~~7~' .i. , :.e" -SEE CRDS5-'SECTiON ~A" .... o. \ \ I I! '".<<-, -' , , . << . ~ ' . '.:':c. 2~QZ,~O' 'WE';;'.,. ~,Cde. 6Ei.C7iON1', 3~fD FD. c" I,P W /iH ,f2a771fN ' W(JDDCE^r/~R @ '?Jb" DEEP '-- '--- ~ ~~ ~- " ~ <t, <:" ~ ~, .~ ". ".'. "0;\ . o;;j,~"> J:)I~/~ ':",.'1 ,J(;' ~ ,I " ... ".~, w l""" l;)' ,It '., -- , 't:J:)~ " " .' ~::~: \. f; '.' . " ,. " ~~ , "1"$ 'Y" .~ , . . '_'fI,:'.',. ',' ',,:~t;:aLL: , t' :;::jDP,~ , ',. 1 " .. ,. , . .1,' ':;1 Ft ' ~ . - .. ,; " , " "'..t.- . . ~ . ,,'t.. ,: . " ~ : ' . ~ .,; " , .. , { '\ :~. '1 .. , . '} I:l <~ , 1 '," .' t. :. :'1' " ,: I, ' , , '1 I 'I, ::- ,.., " ...~, " :', :~Iq, v V) 0~ -to' '1(, ~:q~ '. ,,' 21456.45'.... ~ 454.15' ..:...-" "I' ' , \ ' I INSTALL. MA,IN WiTH AT L.r;A51; t COVER BELOW RET'~EM~T COI,JNTV ' 'OiSTRlct ' T~'b~;l' ~!RE;"'SO;" ~ ' ~' r..,"" ,A'I"I.:"5 , NQ. cAn;otilC/.LLY , , ~OfECTto " '~E.S' P NO D.' ,EAR CoP,''- 'IN~ALLe;b , ',',,,,"lIlt, :l.o;r; OR.OVIl\t' ...T LI[$$ 1'H...... ';10' ,',: \: . 1, ~.~ -------;- , . I,'. O' 0' S.M.Y.S, ~ h. .,:, aT, " " t' N.W.' Ce2', SttC1iOJJ I! "'h&:J -;::D. e" I. P. W /1'J.I NO 00 CE.AJTt::A .4,1oJCd...JA./L (l/S"DEEP 'tOTAl. FEET fN5.ro, tOTA~FE~TRET1RED PERM IT ISsUEO BY. ',PERMIT NO, ' '. . PL.....N~, DV REVIEWED .,,' S'TA~EO $tA~lIoSG ReQ'O:' .OI~!'lJU~:, ,NQ'$TAI(.~t:lEE01iQ " ") .v '~t~ ""1 .,',1 ~l1 .] ,.'. ;' , ';"j' ! x'. .' - , "j:'~.1 ,.:, I .I, " ,'~ ,I ;, 'I , I i " j , 'I , ,I , 'I I :",i , "~I ,,1 " ,,\ : ,I .;":1 ....,. ," '" " 0~ ..~~' . , . . <, '1 , :;:' ," ,I ,.', 1 "I .., rl l\) )' t ~ ,DATe MOVji;p , ON JOB , , CREW FORl:!MAN ' CO....PANY, o COMPANY,FACll.l!y, 0, ~ 0" I{tI,Q;:' " 'PAtE MOVg'P '.cMTE OF 'OI'F JOQ-"---.---, OPER._....::..-..... ' SO.CAL.'O P'L;.$,p, , t>1\f~OH 4,' .fR"t ,,'~ ,',: " .: ',', ,,'.1 j, ,'~ l-..~ ,~i. .."';' .1" ~E"G.-r'.e O~"19:~'"~ .~.,2~\!':.