HomeMy WebLinkAbout00835 -~ -"'ill ....j~~ ,~~ '" ,', ..~ ,,', 'i? ,t " PW -644030 J ,J'. }e~ ."" ' .1:' '. :.ft. e '\,l1, ,~ pi 'A , tf"., NAV 0 1 ~9R4', APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT'i'~'i' L,~:" TO THE C;;Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: .'@l"',~m;.( \ Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of;'~akersfield: theunder:~ ,',' signed hereby Hpplies for a permit to place, erect and lor mainbin an encroachment'~on public' propert~r or \, . right of way as therein defined. ' ':,>:~" : .' r;;l :~, ';;v .' ~, I., I <,'< ';' encroach ment during the following time: ,<') . ":;'.;\" J - . t~" Applicantagrees that if this,'application i ranted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmlds~ the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments", Claims, demands, expenses, costs ,and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. '!.' ' , Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is"made, ",! if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City ,Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense" j remove the same from the public property or right 'of way w'l1ere the same is located, and restor'e said l. public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erec- .. tion, maintenance or. eXi,stence at said encroachment. ,...'......., -'1.".' } , , I V'"L.r';!", D Date: :'If!~j/- !L ~-1(" 1.?,~" .,; I -"1,'1 "J:.'~'" Sl.g, nat,ure,ooUf " pphcant t'C/':1i/ If II (;'64'-;" .' " " I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application::and " find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of'the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said,pub-, li~' place; I therefore recommend that said application be (grante~- . .-: , Date: ItJ- :fl--I'! -' - . ,. . \.:", ,'.' I' ity E 1 er I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (grarited) ~ by orde~/of the, City. ,Council ~,,/) . ,(.'.' (I ',' .Y o.;,'''~ i " .. ',-r- , , "i,,;! . " .. ',' r' lit.' i _ -f Jt . ,~y j ,~~L....i'.., ~j,.'" to: t~ I~~)<, ' L t...,.l ;<~:':"'t.~~.:..,q,1"'; I , , City Clerk ~; t ~f j', I' dated. fl)cn:eb..,. $1. ',1'" ' ,~, ( r ., , " , . ,) ,f.,-;' . / "TO: ~atfltrn CeQphyaiC'lllll e.,. P. ,G.^,~QX 1011S > ~ '- Plkel'.fleltl. (A. 93189 Your application dated 10-51..14, I, .; ,',. Date .. ~"';. l'8~!";" for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance "('. I No. au City C~ncil on '~~L "11,, ,It.84 C. . ,j.J "'--" ...~ A-<;;~ \ <;;. "t · City Engineer 'Ii , . No. 904 New Series, was (granted) XIIIM) by the ,(,~. ~i-- . ._T~ e . City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 ~[g~u~~lM @ ~ (Q)!fll1}=1J V ~ 0 ~~ [L COMPANY OF AMERICA October 23, 1984 I , I I I Attn: Department of Public Works Gentlemen: Western Geophysical Company, as an independent contractor, hereby requests permission to conduct geophysical "Vibroseis" surveys along the routes indicated below. STOCKDALE HIGHWAY from west city boundary to State Highway 99. BRUNDAGE LANE from State Highway 99 to east city boundary. "H" S'illREET, from California Avenue to south city boundary. (Please see attached map) In consideration for granting permission we agree that: 1. All operations will be conducted at our own risks. 2. We will indemnify and hold the City of Bakersfield harmless from all liability to or claims of others which may result from our- operations on your property. J. We will assume full responsibility for any damages caused by or resulting from our operations on your property. 4. We will provide proof of insurance coverage listing the City of Bakersfield as a co-insured. 5. We will obtain perm~ssion from adjacent property owners and merchants/lessees and provide monitor personnel along the survey route when operations are being conducted. 6. We will coordinate our activities with Public Works and the Bakersfield Police Department. 7. We will obtain permission from the State Department of Trans- portation and Kern County, where applicable. 8. There will be no drilling and explosives will not be used. Please indicate your agreement hereto by signing and returning the attached duplicate of this letter. Agreed: Date: ~);u;y yours. ~C~e Permit Agent Party #775 Western Geophysical Company P.O. Box 10775 Bakersfield, Ca, 93389 Tel: 805 397 0598 PRINCIPAL OFFICE: P,O, BOX 2469. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001. (713) 781,3261. CABLE: WESGECO. TELEX: 762406 . . ~ 'NESTERN ..' GEOPHYSICAL COMPANY OF AMERICA Geophysical surveying, by the vibroseis method, is a means 'for developing data on the subsurface of the earth. This data is used to locate prospective gas and oil deposits. The operation consists of laying a continous line on the surface for a distance of 4-5 miles. This line, which is similar to a telephone cable, is equlpedwith sensing dev- ices that are capable of responding to vibrations. This line is then connected to a mobile comput'er and four vibroseis trucks, (vibrators), move along the line introducing energy, in the form of vibrations, into the earth. The reflections of this energy are read and recorded by the sensing devices and computer, respectively. This operation continues, in leap-frog fashion, sometimes for as much as 100 miles until the s~rvey is completed. . There is no drilling, excavations or explosives involved in this operation and the surface remains in substantially the same condition as before the survey. R. E. Buice Permit Agent 1'1:IN('II'A1. OFFICE: 1',0, BOX 241,1) 0 tiOIlSTON, TEXA,"; n01l1 0 171:l) 781.:W.J 0 <:,\111.1-:: WI-:SU:Ulo '1'1-:1.1-:\, :1,:~111I, :.' ~--- ;.~:;I. e ~' ~ )v& ' ,~ l~etfl 1;3 ~a3f} ~ ADDENDUM .C ity of Bakersfield ITEMS FOR AGENDA , .r('\:t:l:i~:t:lt Cllll?1'\clCt" ~ ~ Agenda Sectlon.__, Requesting Department Public Works Date for Council Action 10-31-84 1, Description of Item: Request for an Encroachment Permit from Western Geophysical to perform geophysical surveys along city streets. L, Comment: Wesiern Geophysical requests permission to conduct geophysical "vibrosis" surveys along the following routes: 1. Stockdale Highway.! Brundage Lane from west city limit to east ci ty l:imi t . 2. 1fFi~ St.T'eet from California Avern.tC to .S();,~.t-l"~' c:-it\ J-~rnit. Tbey agree to complete the wOI"k wi thin 90 Jays, indcmni fy the Ci ty, provide proof of insurance, provide signing, inform the adjacent residents and pl'Ovi.de <:.n agent at \"01'1; location. T:11:' i'llbii,: }\orks DLl'cctor recommends ~-; pprova 1. ~{~ I I' ], Suggested Action: I I I '1. ..\ttachments: Approved, city Man.ager . . - ,', ' ~ . ,," '. ' .' .:;~~~ ~..-I"i,.l; ::.l!:::...-..M..:...:.'..-.......-:..:...:....~._.._,.,'.c;,.....,#'-'-.....:.:;.......::...,...;;~,.. ;;:.... . '.' .,~ .. .~-'___,_.~.~,~__.._.-..:.....,."~ __.~_..._',___--'M.....~.___'"'"-._-:.~~_ -----e-' h ~"'. . "....~ _ __~__.__~. _~_"'_~' .~__......_.~..~_,..1~::":"'.,,'" ~ .".~~ .3 '" PW-644030 APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the underw signed hereby r,pplies for a permit to place. erect and ,lor maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. , The name and address of applicant is: -l? I., A pplicant ~esires to maintain the a:foresajd encroach mentduring the following time: (l/'tfci " ~qQd/'/;' .' /{/ .{" \.lfl'V /I~ ' /, . rauf (Lt Applicant agree3 th2.t. if this application is::iranted. a pp!icant will indemnifr, save and hold harmless thO' C:q 0;' B-akers:ie!d ~~s agents, officers and employees a~atnst ::.'ndfrom all damages. judgment~, dai:.:,s. dpli1ands. expenses, r:.:)sts and expenditures. and against ail loss or liability which the City of BakArsfield cr 3'2Ch officers. agp::>.ts or employees may suffer. or wh ;ch may be recoverable from, or obtainable a.gainst the City of Bakersfield or s1:ch officers, agimr.s or em nloyees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in ar.y way connected l,'lith the p!acing, el'2ction or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further ag-Tess that 'JpC';:! the: expi rE,(',i o!'\ of the permit for which this application is made, ii .;rranted, or upon the rev(,cation thereof by tbe Cit y Council, appEcant will at his own cost and expense I re~:]I)ve the same from the public property or right t) f \vay ,,:here the same is located, and re~,tore said public property or right of way to the condition "'.,, n early may be in which it was before the piacing, erec- , tion, maintenance or existence of said encroachmAnt. (; --:7' 8:.... i I i-, 7'/-'!-/ / , The nature or dcscript~on of the el}croac Date:' Signature of Applicant I I I I' I hereby certify that I have made an in"c~t::::-:'.lt:ia-n of tlH~ facts stated in the foregoing applic,ation and find that the maintenance or 'Said encrnac!'r'lu\c il) will not suostantia:lly interfere with the use of the public place '."here the same is to he lO('lte6 '-"''''1 (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- li~ P~::~:I there;{;~3(:flt SRi'!'pp!kation he (grant~-~ aw-IW-., ,.' , ... ~.. I hereby certify that the foregoing arJplicaU,}l". was (granted) (denied) by order of the City Council dated. City Clerk TO: Date 'y our application dated for an enc roachrnent permit under the provision of Ordina.nce No. 904 New Series. was (granted) (denied) by the City Council on .. ' ~~'::";:::to:;i.""ya. . a, , .'_"_~'~__ '_"_"_'_4"___.'_':"_'~"_ .",e ~.;..----~....~..' '. .. ~ VJESTERN GEOPHYSICAL COMPANY OF AMERICA October 23, 1984 City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Attn: Department of Public Works I, 'Gentlemen: Western Geophysical Company, as an independent contractor, hereby requests permissiol'l to conduct geophysical "Vibroseis" surveys along the routes indicated below. STOCKDALE HIGHWAY from west city boundary to State Highway 99. BRUNDAGE LANE from State Highway 99 to east city boundary. "H" STREET from California Avenue to south city boundary. (Please see attached map) In consideration for granting permission we agree that: 1. All operati'ons will be conducted at ouroym risks. 2~ We will indemnify and hold the City of Bakersfield harmless from all liabili~y to or claims of others which may result from our operations on your property. 3. We will assume full responsibility for any damages caused by or resulting from Our operations on your property. !~. We will provicts' pr.'cof' f)f insurar:ce coverage listing the Ci ty of Bakersfield as a co-insured. 5. We will obtainpe ssion fro:naejacent property owners and merchants/leis:'3c.:;es 8,[1(,1 provide L;oni. tor personnel along the 'survey route wlv:;n ops'r2. tions are being conducted. 6. We willcoordin;:;;.tc: (:'.:1' acti 'Ii t.i. as with Public ~;1orksand the Bakersfield, Po11c":; tmen t. 1 I 7 .ive will obtain.. ..j..:.:;:::~on 1',::"G,71 the State Department of Trans- portation and K92:'n County, where applicable. 8. There will be no drilli~gand explosives will not be used. ,Please indicate your agreenH:Jl t hereto by signing and returning the attached duplicate of this letter. Agreed r ~lf?YYours. f;:C~e ' Permi t ,Agent Party #775 Western Geophysical Company P.O. Box 10775 Bakersfield, Ca, 93389 Tel: 805 397 0598 Date: '.,.~'~ .'..- ,~." . . , 1 ' I 'n"-- ~,- ....~.-""'" - / ,I i~ -:;'~~-jJ r ~-."~.........:........' ... . -~'..:...~.;.-.:- ~,;,;,.-.. ][ r'.r:.::~"'- e " \NESTERN · GEOPHYSICAL COMPANY Of AMERICA Geophysical surveying, by the vibroseis method. is a means for developing data on the subsurface of the earth. This data is used to locate prospective gas and oil deposi.ts. The operation consists of laying a continous line o~ the surface for a distance .,of 4-5 miles. This line, which is ~3imilar to a telephone cable. is equ.lped wi th sensing dev- ices that are capable of respondinc; to vibrations. This line is then connected to a mobile computer and fOtlr vibrcseis trucks. (vibrators), move along the line introducing energy. in the form of vibrations, into the earth. The reflections of this energy are read and recorded by the sensing devices and computer. respectively. This operation continues, in leap-frog fashion. sometimes for as much as 100 miles until the surv~y is completed. . There is no drilli,ng! exc>:.l.vaticn;:~ O~~ explosjvl':'~, involved in .this ope'C',::;; on and the ;:-;ul':fn.cc' rc:n,ains in sut:':.:::tanb,ally the :3,1.mecondL ti. en as before the survey. I: :~. BUle;,:: 1 :....1r,i.t ...;,lr(:!': t I -~~ -< -.; - ~ " . " rn Utton e , WESTERN GEOPHYSICAL October 23, 1984 Mr.. A. -L. .Moore Engineering Dept City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxton:Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 .~'\ rp C I;" TI ~/! ITS 1l~~\ e &' Ii ,: ./." - ,,' 1 'i984001 Richmond Avenue P,O, Box 2469, Houston, Texas 77252 r:,' \~ NOV Telephone 713 789-9600 Ei~'G'bNil:. It. N G il>i~i~~ V fv1i 1\1': Cable WESGECO Telex 762406 I Dear Mr. Moore: Re: Certificate of Insurance Per the request of our Mr., Dick Buice, we enclose a Certificate of Insurance evidencing our various coverages effective as indicated. , " If you have any questions concerning our insurance program, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. if' w. R. Lee Insurance Administrator WRL: sm Enclosure Copy: Dick Buice .".,.- '.r~ ~ t! [~ . . I ,i THE TRA'VELERS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certificate of insurance neither affirmatively nor negatively amends, extends, or alters the coverage afforded by the policies listed below. NAME AND ADDRESS ()F INSURED: CERTIFICATE NO.: 2404 Litton Industries, Inc., and Western Geophysical Company of America P. O. Box 2469 Houston, Texas 77.252 THIS CERTIFIES TO: DATE: 10-23-84 City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxton Ave. Bakersfield, CA _ 93301 , that the following insurance policies, subject to their terms, conditions and exclusions, are in force effective 8-1-84 in the Company indicated above. KIND OF INSURANCE LIMITS OF LIABILITY POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION Workers' COmpensation Statutory - Coverage A TDROUB-190T948-6-84 8-1-85 and Employers' Liability $1,000,000 - Coverage B (Texas) TRUB-190T949-8-84 8-1-85 (Louisiana) - TDSKUB-190T950-5-84 8-1-85 (California) TDRKUB-190T95 1-7-84 8-1-85 (New Jersev) TRJUB-190T953-0-84 8-1-85 (New Mexico, Missouri, Illinois, Alaska) TDRKUB-190T952-9-84, 8-1-85 (All Other States) TROLUB-190T954-2-84 8-1-85 (Maritime) COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE Bodily Injury and Property $1.000.000 $1,000.000 TRNSL-186T725-7-83 8-1-86 Dama2e Combined, Includin2: (United States) -- -- - . -- ~ TRCPP-186T729-4-83 8-1-86 Comprehensive Form Blanket Contractual (Canada) Premises - Operations Broad Form Property Damage Explosion & Collapse Hazard Independent Contractors Underground Hazard Personal Injury , ,Products/Completed Operations COMPREHENSIVE AUTO LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Bodily Injury and Property $1.000.000 TRCAP-186T726-9-83 8-1-86 Dama2e Combined Inc1udin2: TRNSL-186T725-7-83 8-1-86 (Texas) Comprehensive Form TRCAC-186T727-0-83 8-1-86 Owned', Non-Owned & Hired (Quebec) TRCAC-186T728-2-83 8-1-86 (Canada) City of Bakersfield, California is hereby named as an additional insured as respects work performed by the named insured. Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof. the issuing company will mail 30 days written notice to the named certificate holder. By 72.~ko~.l6" Travelers Indemnity Company