HomeMy WebLinkAbout00819 ~r. ;f PW-644030 ;f e e ~ 0, ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby Hpplies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: Getty Refining and Marketing Company P. O. Box 1476, Bakersfield, CA 93302 The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: Temporary pipeline from groundwater suppression system separation tank to the Carrier Canal and/or Kern River. The location of the proposed encroachment is: Sanitary sewer 1 ift stati on west of the gasoline station on the corner of 24th and Oak Streets. (see attached figure) Applicant desires to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the following time: March 1984 to March 1986 Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st, all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City elf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as n early may be in which it was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance or existence 00 said encroachment. GEITY REFINING AND MARKEI'ING CDMPANY Date: June 26. 1984 ' al AP~ved Leg ignature of Applicant C-C-. _ c. S. 0'0 'edis 1 Vice President I hereby certify that I have ma e an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted-t:kni:ed) Date: 7- II-fit( ~~ t' City E er I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) (~i by order of the City Council dated. J'~ 1" 1 R. 1 AR4 ,or ! City Clerk TO: Getty Refining and Marketing Co. Date 7/20/84 P. O. Box 1416 BakerAfield, CA 93302 Your application dated 6/26/84 for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance No. 819 No. 904 New Series, was (granted) ~) by the "\1" e Setty e ~ Getty Refining and Marketing Company I P,O. Box 1650. Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 · (918) 560-6710 C. S, Joanedis, Vice President, Product Supply and Distribution June 26, 1984 Mr. Paul Dew Director of the Department of Water Resources City of'Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93304 Dear Mr. Dow: Re: Application for Encroachment Permit for Water Pipeline I enclose herewith the application for Encroachment Permit which I bave ex~cuted on behalf of Getty Refining and Marketing Company ("applicant") . This application pertains to a three inch, (3") water pipeline which will run from GRMC's service station on the corner of 24th and Oak Streets, along the east dike of the Kern River to the Carrier Canal where it will discharge water pursuant to the applicable discharge permit (California Regional Water QuaLity Control Board Central Valley Region Order No. 84-047, NPDES Permit No. CA 0081515). " As an additional condition of this permit, applicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, oi which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield, or such officer's, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the discharge from this pipeline into the Carrier Canal. Yours very trUly, C~IS I , 1 fQettYl [Skelly j ~~~Igas] i' I , ,I .--...,., /,,- \ ~\, \~ " e e CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CO~ITROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGIQj~ ORDER NO. 84-047 NPDES NO. CA ,0081515 WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIRfl1ENTS FOR GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24TH AND OAK STREETS . KERN COUNTY The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, (hereafte~ Board finds that: 1~ Getty Refining and'Marketing,Company (hereafter Discharger) submitted c ReDort of Waste Discharge, dated 24 January 1984, to discharge waste unjer the Hationa1 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. 2. The Discharger proposes to cleanup an estimated 6,600 gallons of gasoline from ground ""ater. The gasoline leaked from an underground pipeline at their r10havlk service station at 24th and Oak Streets in Bakersfield, Ca 1 Horni a. 3. Recently installed shallow water wells will be Dumped to create a cone ~~ depression and to promote accumulation of gasoline in the well bore. Acc~ulated gasoline will bew;thdrawn from the top of the well bore. 4, the Discharger proposes to discharge about 0.22 m9d (9.5 l!sec) of qr~~"d water generated in tne cleanup program to either the Kern River (Di~ch~~gn 001) or the Carrier Canal (Discharge 002), 5. Prior to discharge, all wastewater will be treated by activated carbon :0 remove organic constituents. 6. Sa~oles of the wastewater prior to treatment have been collected and were found to contain, concentrations of ethylene dibromide, carbon tetrachloric~. l,2-dichloroethane, toluene, benzene, xylenes and lead in excess of Departnent of Health Services' action levels for drinking water supplies. 7. The Eoard, on 25 July 1975, adopted a Water Quality Control Plan for th~ Tulare lake Basin (50). These requirements are consistent with that Plene 8. The curationof the project and discharge are not kno\'1n, but will continue .until cleanup of gasoline is complete. 9. This is an em~rgency project and the acfion to adopt waste discharge requirE- ~ents is exemJt from the provisions of the California Environmental QUeli:: ~ct. pur~uant to Section 15269 of Chapter 3, Title 14, of the California Ad~i~istrative Code. ! '--rl:'_ /:!' '" ' " . e WJ\STE DISCHJ\RGE REQUIRH1ENTS GETTY REFWHiG AND NARKETING COHPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT r~HAWK SERVICE STATION 24TH MID OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY ~ -2- 10. The discharge will normally be to the Kern River at a point in the ,NEl;; of Section 26, T29S, R27E, MDB&~1. 11. The beneficial uses of the Kern River are municipal, industrial and agricultural supp1y; recreation; esthetic enj~yment; ground water rech?~gc: fresh water replenishment; and preservation and enhancement of fish. wild- life and,other aquatic resources. 12. The Discharger proposes to maintain an alternate point of discharge to the Carrier Canal at a point in the Si-i:.. of Section 24, T29S, R27E, HD8&i1. 13. The Carrier Canal originates on the Kern River, a water of the United States. at Rocky Point Weir about 4 miles upstream of the discharge. It is unlined and parallel to the Kern River Channel. The Carrier Canal tenninates at the River Canal Weir on the Kern River, at which point it becomes the River 'Canal. The River Canal is concrete lined, is parallel to the Kern River and tenninantes near the California Aqueduct. 14. At nU~2rous locations, waters of. the Carrier and River Canals are frequently divertec back to the Kern River. 15. The beneficial uses ,of the Carrier Canal system are agricultural supply and ground water recharge. 16. Waters in the Kern River and Carrier Canal are of excellent quality. 17. The quality of ground water in areas served by the Carrier Canal and Kern River varies from excellent to marginally acceptable for agricultural purposes. 18. The Eoard has notified the Discharger end interested agencies and persons of its intent to prescribe waste discharge requirerilents for this discharge and has provided them with an opportunity for a public hearing and an opportunity to sUQmit their written views and recommendations. 19. The Board, in a public meeting, heard and considered all comments per- taining to the discharge. 20. This Ord0r shall serve as a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Syste:rJ perm; t pursuant to Section 402 of the Clean Water Act, or amendments there- to, and shall take effect 10 days from toe date of hearing, provided EPA has no objections., ,-"" , 0_. e e ~lAST& iJISCHr,RGE REQUIF,ErlGnS GETTY REFIIH NG Arw j'IARKETING COMPANY G,~SOUjJE CLEANUP PROJECi r.!OHAWK SERVICE STATION 24TH AND OAK STREETS KERU COUNTY -3- IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the DischarQer, in order to meet the provisions contained in Division 7 of the California Water Code and regulations adopted thereunder and the provisions of the Clean Water Act and regulations and guidelines adopted thereunder, shall comply with the following: A. Prohibitions: 1. By-pass or overflow of untreated or partially treated waste~ is prohibited. 2. The discharge of wastewater to the Kern River or Carrier Canal is prohibited when there i~,no flow in the receiving-water upstrea~ of the pcint of discharge. . B. Effluent Limitations: 1. The discharge of an effluent in excess of the following limits is prohi bited: Constituents Units Daily naximum Ethylene dibromide Benzene 1-2, dichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride Tolu~ne Xylenes Total lead ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ugl1 ug/1 None detectable 0.7 1.0 5.0 100 620 50 2. The discharge shall not,have a pH less than 6.5 nor greater than 3.~. 3. The 3D-day average dai~ dry weather discharge shall not exceed .22 million gallons (833 m ). 4. By-pass or overflow of untreated or partially treated waste is prohi bited. ~. The Discharger shall use the best practicable cost-effective control technique currently available to limit mineralization to no more th~n a reasonable increment. G. The disch~rge shall not cause a violation of any applicable wat0r quality standard for receiving waters adopted by the Board or th-? State Water Resources Control Board as required by the Clean ~:at'2l' Act and regulations adopted thereunder. If more stringent aoplicable \...rite,' qua I i ty standards are approved pursuant to Section 303 of the Clean vJat':?r" Act, or amendments thereto, the Board \'Ii 11 revise, and mocify this Order in accordance with such more strin~ent standarc5. tJ.- e tit <; WASTE DISCHARGE REQUrRE~~rrrS GETTY RC:FIllIriG AT) f'iAP.KETING CDr1PANY 'GASOllflE CLEANUP PROJECT ~fOHAl~K SERVICE STATION 24TH and OAK. STREETS KERN COUNTY . -4- 7. This permit shall be modified, or alternatively, revoked and reissued to comply wi th any applicable effluent standard or lfmi tation issued 'or approved unlEr Sections 301(b)(2)(C) and (D), 304(b)(2), and 307(a)(2) of, the Clean Water Act, if the effluent standard or limi- tation so issUed'or.approved: (a) Contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent than any effluent limitation in the permit; or (b) Controls any pollutant not limited in the permit. I> The permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements of the Act then applicable. O. Receiving Water Limitations: 1. The discharge shall not cause visible oil. grease, scum, foam, floating or suspended material in the receiving waters or watercourses. 2. The discharge shall not cause concentrations of any materials in th0. receiving waters which are deleterious to hlJji]an, animal, aquati,:, 01' plan t 1 i fe. 3.. The discharge shall not cause estheti ca lly un des i rable di scolorati on of the recei ving waters. 4. The discharge shall not cause fungus. slimes! or other objectionabl~ growths in the receiving waters. ~. The discharge shall not cause bottom deposits in the receiving \Vaters. 6. The discharge shall not increase the turbidity of the receiving waters by more than 10% over background levels. 7. The discharge shall not alter the normal ambient pH of the receiving \o:ater more than 0.5 units. 8. Th~ discharqe shall not increase the normal ambient temperature of the receiving water more than 5oF(3oC). E. Provi s ions: ~ , 1. Heither the discharge nor its treatrrent shall create a nuisance or pollution as defined in Section 13050 of the California Water Code. " . \ 'WASTE DISCHARGE REQUrREM~S GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24tH N~D OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY e -5- 2. The Discharger shall comply with all the items of the "Standdrd Pro- visions and Reporting Requi rements (r~PDES)", dated 1 October 1983, which are part of this Order. 3. The Discharger shall comply with the attached Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 84-047 as ordered by the Executive Officer. . 4. This Order expires five years from the date of its adoption, and the Discharger must file a Report of Waste Discharge in accordance with Title 23,' California Administrative Code, not later than 180 days in advance of such date as application for issuance of new waste dis- charge requirements. 5. In the event of any change in control or ownership of land or waste discharge facilities presently owned or controlled by the Discharger, the Discharger shall notify the succeeding owner or operator of the existence of this Order by letter, a copy of which shall be fOnolarded to this office. I, WILLIAM H.CROOKS, Executive Officer, do herby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, on 27 April 1984 . 4JtL~~ W LIAM H. CROOKS, Executive Officer CSS:iay 05/03/84 Amended Attachments /' l, 0<' .~, ~ ,. .. . e '; Cf:.UFOP.NlJi. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CErnRAl VALLEY REGIOU t1C~:ITORWG AND REPORTING PROGRAr~ NO. 84-047 NPDES NO. CA 0081515 FOR GETTY REFINING AUD r.,ARKETWG COt-tPArJY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24TH AND OAK STREETS . KERN cournv EFFlUENT foDNITORWG A Qonitoring pro~ram that establishes the performance of the dual filter activated ca~ton treatment shall be im~lemented to ensure that the discharge ~ets effluent limitations. The monitoring program is subject to the approval of the Executive Offi cer and \'Ii 11 cons i s t of the fo 11 ow; n9: 1. Two weeks prior to discharge, the Discharger shall submit a plan for moni- toring the oerformance of the treatment system. The plan shall inclu~ the f~llm...ing: a. A proposed monitoring program. including constituents and frequency, to detel71i ne the breakthrough point of the primary fi 1 ter. h. The rationale for (a) above that incorporates system design, organic COl1stitl1~:~lt concEr.trations, loading rates and estimated breakthrouah perird. - c. A proDosed monitoring frequency for the final effluent constituents. 2. Prior to the first discharge of treated wastewater to the Kern River or Carri~r Canal ~ a sCNple of the wastewater shall be analyzed for ali con- stituents contained under Effluent Limitations B.l. of these requirements. 3. ~Jithin two weeks after the first regeneration of the primary filter, the Discharger shell submit an engineering report that includes: a. A breakthrough curve showing organic constituent effluent concentra- tions as a function of throughput volume. b. Any proposed r~visions in monitoring frequencies based on the constructed curve. c. The rationale for any proposed revisions. . , l' .. .~ . e ~. MONITORING AND REPORTWG PROGRAM GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24TH AND OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY -2- REPORTI NG In reporting the monitoring data, the Discharger shall arrange the data in tabular fonn so that the dates, discharge location, volumes discharged, constituent concentrations, and detection limits are readily discernible. The data shall be summarized in such a manner to illustrate clearly the compliance with waste discharge requirements. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the Regional Board by the 15th day of the following month. Any violation of effluent limitations shall be promptly reported. The results of any monitoring done more frequently than required at the , locations specified in the Monitoring and Reporting Program shall be reported to the Board. ;' The Discharger shall implement the above monitoring program on the effective date of this Order. Ordered byLJ~~~~ WILLIAM H. CROOKS, Executive Officer 27 April 1984 (Date) CSS: iay:hmm 03/20/84 ~ ,. .{ :~: .~ "-'~."~f<,'" ~,~~~l. .";' .~.~., . :'{, Ii. ~. - '~" t T . "i {~ '~!i;i3~~t):,}'t,," .... '. ',m:~r:,I~;O~~TIO~SHm" .' "~'r:~~.GETTY REFINING' AIm MARKETING"COt4PANY. ," <;. ; .: ':}:':J;ASOL INE CLEAlIUP PROJECT . ' " ' , ' ':' " ',:~ :~'; t MOHAWK' SERVl CE STATION ~'" ;; ',; ,~ ' t.,:", ',~, <,.1 >.. ',;qq':';:.r24THANOOAKSTREETS ;'I',H ":""" :.:;',' "" I. ':~, 1~""~.j'T!ti~.- . ..' , . '.,~ .!":I;~l1.-~.~.~t'~"~i.'..~ ~",.": ,::~i : ~:_;;~\d:"' " ,~:. ~:: ~{< '." < . ..,'t..."..KERNCOUNTY,,~..,' "J!".';j:",' ...~'~:'.. 1:.', <,(" ",.. ::~ ;Hf ~:'iS~;\r(<' , ,f':L' <,',::;: ~,'" :,; ,,' r:; r> -<' ~ '~~~'; ~:::) ~ <~ '..., ;)! ' , ':: ,", ',' , '. ~~,:::JGettY' Ref1.ning.and ~'arketirig:CompanY:(GRnClhas started a project to,cleanup '" : ':. '" an estimated' fj~600 gallons; of gasoline that leaked from an tmderground storage ,";' ,~..,:ti]iik.pipelfne:. Thp.-leakage,occurred,at GRHC's f10hawk service station 'at 24th ';'j ,~'''':''and Otlk'Streef~5 in Bakers fi eltt ' Gasoline from the leak has ~ached ground ' ': . i,"",: ' ~:er wh'ichi is, present~y 'a~'!~, 'dep~ of about 15 feet in the 'area. ; :. - . "'. " ~ I '" . ",: :.:\ '>;'To: cle'anup the, gasoline'" shallow water wells on-site will be pumped to create . '," a co'ne:of' depression and to"promote the accumul ation of gasoline at the top of "'; 'the.well: bore. ' Gasoline. will be continually removed from the top of the well : ,; :; ~re: ",'j, <:; '. if, :: ' .' , 1:'" .. ! ~ . . t- . . , Gmic1 proposes to d;scharge~ the waste ground \.later (wastewater) generated in the cleanup program'into the Kern: River, ~michis immediately north~rest of the , 'service station. The Carrier' Canal, which is' immediately east of the station, would be utilized nS an alternate:discharge location. e' -t:.'- ~ f' . : '. ',; '., ; . ~ , , . " I, . , ;. , I _ ' ." Sntnples of the \tlastewater prior to treatment were collected and analyzed for the full range of toxic organicconstitlRnts. They were found contain exces- 's;v~ concentrations of ethylene dibromide~',l,2-dichloroethane, carbon tetra- chloride, benzene, to1uene~ xylenes and lead, all of which were derived from , the g~so1ine. 'Prior to discharge, all wastewater is proposed to be treatt~d by . activated carbon filtration to remove, organic constituents. Effluent l'imitat~ons " speCified in, the waste discharge requirements require treatnent to levels belc\'1 , : Department of Health Services I action levels for drinking watersuopl ies. The Carrier Canal originates on the Kern River about 4 miles upstream of the a1 temate discharge location. At ntnrerous ,locations, the Carrier Canal connects , wi tfJ the Kern Ri ver. where exchanges to and from the ri ver are .frequent. ~ J , . , . ,~ . . ," , : WaterS of the Kern Ri ver and Carrier Canal are ot' excellent mineral qual ity. " Their collective beneficial uses are municipal, industrial and agriculturdl ,:, , ~ supply;: recreation~ esthetic 'enjoyment; ground water recharge; fresh water :~::,',.(replen;shment;,and preservation and enhancement of fish"wildlife, and other ':'~',""::\;raqU,utic',r,'e30u~ces. '. "'f,",.,: ,', ' " " , .' , The prbject,is of' en emergency nature: as the presence of gasoline in useable " gl'Ound wilter poses a threat to' local downgradient water well users. The 'jssuerlce of the pennit is, therefore, exempt from the California Environr.Ental Quality Act per Section 15269, Chapter 3, Title 14 of the California Acbinistrati'/e' Code. ~' " , CC'S . :" ';>,: 1 ay . i:~,' "o3i20/84' , , .. ~ '/ t . , " ! 'i ...: '. ; :' .~ , j. ~. " , 'j .~ ". t ~.; ';" 1 P , / '. :: t",1 ~~~ :; n. ~ I':; . '.t . ~ . , ~" ; .. ~ I ~. . \ . ;: ~""'1 k " ,t. L . i , I,"". '-, , . ." '" ~ ~ !..: . -,::L ~.~ . . ..~ . '. - - '" ., " .~. r.;;; ~ ~ ' . ", 'I .~ , . , . 1 c, j J :~ " J , ~ I - .... . " ~ >, ~ ; J 1 "' ,~ I . 'I 1 1 ~ ~ , ! I I I " I t i f ! 1 ,I . '>loo{:' '" ... '\ >.. . . t'. 0', "';'~'_ / '\:).. / ,"'~ ,,'1~ . '.r ... -, ~. -:: .. , " '..,.... 8" ,::>".' '-" ..I . i ..:. '. r . . , " <- ""..., . . "': ". 't-. . .....-/~ \. ---.:.\ ~~ ~: ;.... ,,:// /~..:;;/I,. ~ ,',~,:;':: ; - " ,.., " ..c.',.,,;" .. "~.'J.'-' ~. / ~ :i1i~S<":'}: ::' '~:'~, .x;;:;: i .~~~.~;:"' , '," ..' ....,,_..,~.. ,.-., -l..l ..' ;4(>" '~;~_.. 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DESIGNED BY I DRAWN BY : &;q~ PROJECT NO: 3067 SCALE I.IJT? 1 l> DATE: 2-26-84