HomeMy WebLinkAbout00810 .1'; ,~ .;: PW -644030 e . ~ -30/2..7 FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT .. APPLICATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No, 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and /or mainbin an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: COLEMAN COMPANY, 1001 Tower Way, Suite 250, Bakersfield, California 93309 The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: To install retaininq wall in street riqht-of-way, back of sidewalk, to enable grade slope in that area to meet acceptable standards. l..~c:AS I-t I ~ b The location of the proposed encroachment is: Tract 4568 #3 east side of SQ 'It 1 '" r'rrn ~~~rEl between Camino Media and Hampshire Court see attached drawing. Applicant desires to maintain the aforesaid encroach ment during the following time: I ndefinately . Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against .the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or qp.~n...th~LeY.9~J!.tjQn_th~r.~LRy'.J;h~_CLty_C_Q!!DciJ,.~PPlicaXtLID.lL~t~hi$ ,p,w.n-CDst and eXpfDse remove the same from the lLublic property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said publlc"property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance or existence 00 said encroachment. ~/~. ~~f?c/ ~~ ~n/t:m '$:;/uI /e,- 19nature 0 Applicant ' I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore reeommq. nd that said application be (granted",) , ,1 r,' I rJ (') j,;' ,J.,# Date: . 'T - ~ ftl - (, , . J/}'/ !),i"JTij. " , City E gineer l/ !? I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) ~~ by order of the City Council Date: 4/4/84 dated. May 2, 1984 /1 City Clerk TO: Coleman Compa.ny 1001 Tower Way, Suite 250 Bakersfield. CA 93309 Your application dated 4-4-84, 5- 3- 84 Date No. 810 for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance (cle'h'iM) by the City Council on Hay '1, 1984 .~~ r. '. y Engineer No, 904 New Series, was (granted) , ..~j ......... ." '",.. ,,:-.----... 'f;.;.~-.~ = --~ -.....j I ': 12 \ 20 ""'fif ' '~ ~~ / / 19 I ~ , 'VI \ ll) C\; 16 j.- r I i j I r j \ !\ /' /' 17 \ 18 \ t> ~. 74.28 ~"" 7'1- ;' .'. ,~~ ! , ,~.;/ , ;..,~ :,.-,", 50' KSA GROUP ARCHITECTS - +.. -r-- - -_. ~ I' , ...---' - "..-- i.: . ....'i .. ". ~ ..-:~~- '...~ , / / I / f f . , , . . I < I ...."'" II..--..l _, : -r~"'I,, ,. ~~t<:.._~ -.:.:.' . .~'~~.:'~' ", " I- ',.c.., -,_..._,~~., ..., , --- ,'" '..-,., '1'2.~I' , ---.-------.--..-. ..=t l' ~-J- " 1! , , ~ -. ..' J , .. , .,CD DETAIL ' , , , I I ! I " , :..-:-.12.4r I I . I , I . i I I <?r-1' ~ ,-l?t ~i ,"". . ..+T;~~~~';';,,:;;:;.".--- , d i --- -~,~"", ,--.- ~~ I. I --TB<Tl-JRE . A-E>< f.,n'"Ltt:=r-::> 'Ft-J R::H ~_.. .. II .. ~ 4~4><b < ~IC.K c:.::.c:.p "..--#4'~T ~. (]!j) 4e> I c> .C:.. ,/..-"'-'- ~::tt:4 cc::::t--:JT. = ~ .;~) . . I.'. 'v>. ~~, ", , i, I . .,'l~ 0., 0 ...- . : . . \...:..;=-- . ..... , ' ' .:J':f ~___ ~-:c" oJ ';'i', . ""'.1: 0.0 .~~~::.:- i, .. "'ji ...,..,'-~. ---.- ' , ._- b-" $' ^ Ie.? Q::::l-C. .--' ~# A-L1.- C:::;E~~/L-L-E..O C:::;CUP ~ ~ ~tE#. ' ,~~cp. cz:l..C .AJ I C5L -, ~c<:oL-H::/ ~ '-~I ~. .~ it ' 2. 4C:S co~, I @ DETAIL' 11-6\,. 1" I fij.2 .--, ~f\) ~ RET AINING WALL DETAILS ~ THE VINEYARDS ~' . COLEMAN COMPANY ~ I I KSA Gl={()[ IP ARr.HITFr.rs ~''-. .. ....,'-- .---- . .' oj- M'nu~p~~ PLie, ~!~!B: ~:; t:' :~f' L. 1'1 " APPRC\ip,L OF H0,):. ]\f{i) FU;Cr: ~Y_Sl:8N' ~:;,mn::\~ i h 'r'}Y: T ,'. :.C'~,!~:(,ii:~, L,Q.I::An;n. !H~:~;'r 7\t~-A~-Snt:"f'i;o;':'r)" i~','.' ' -::;\:11") ';')",! it;:"\;.Y''"\,;,'':- 'l':j," :,,7' i, '. :,' '!>,J.,.f" \./1, tit;,.. \t.;.'r,~.f {"".U .......,.t..-~lt ~~) ~~'\l,...,~., l1t\' '.""" }..;i....,j,.~).l'l ".t.... '. ___.~.......-.."._.......T...' ........ ..-..~.~.....,.__....._ ......a'.'......J 'j." ....-'...~....... '-. ,- St;;:f~1' It..h';'t:t~.J:! ~.; \,"!'" .:~.:~ 'i r'~~.. '~~i~;;/: ~;'(~ ;L~r""~~, r.~~~ :;~.' ~,)f CL~.~ S :t\:fi~f : :!!i~ ~,:-.~~f.. r~'~' (~~':;~,'i:").'l.t t'~~.;2~i,. :~ ~ '::~ ~'1 ~ gf.r):t~:~.Y:I ~.:..' t. p):;' ~ Ph1":. I'~ f) f3~r .,1.'1":-' . '~"~>>'~l~~':" ~.. '_:: ~:; .:' '; ~.7 .;~ ::~- '.:' II", \' ~"i -.' r, , " , ". .' St\'aff ln~j1t~c;.t~~~,: ;.', ;,:"2r~f:.\\ ~:;.... 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August 22, 1983 Mr. Dewey Sceales Planning Director City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Tract 4568, The Vineyards. Dear Director Sceales: The Coleman Company hereby petitions the Planning Commission for a modification of condition 13(0) dealing with required fencing and walls for the subject project. Conditions governing the approval of the 227 home tentative map were approved by the commission on August 27, 1982. Among the conditions was a requirement that, "A 6 foot masonry wall ,shall be constructed on the rear of the lots as shown on the map". An exhibit was developed by the staff as an attachment ,to the tract file indicating where the masonry wall was to be located. The project sponsor, Tenneco Realty Development Corporation, did not object to the condition at that time. The Coleman Company's project landscape architect, Robert Clark Graves, has recommended a fence system tha~ incorporates both a 6 foot masonry wall along the tract perimeter at Kroll Way, Gosford Road and Camino Media and, a decorative wooden fence within the tract perimeter. The locations are plotted on the proposed exhibit. The fences and walls will be maintained by The Vineyards Community Association. The decorative wooden fence is screened by an association maintained system of planters. Very t~ y~~ ~\P~" PHILIP BETTENCOURT Director of Marketing PFB/slh Attachment: 1 CONSTRUCTION . REAL EST A TE DEVELOPMENT . PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 4301 Stine Road / Mail P,O, Box 9336, Bakersfield, California 93389/ Telephone(805) 832,1131 ~- '