HomeMy WebLinkAbout00785 , .;:~. ' '- .'- ~: . rr . . " . ',"::',., . . . . " . . . .' . . /i"L/'~' _f)/ ,~;e'~71"::!I'~";('J;/ ',:;;' "7 r-'.r. ',. -" - ;'.~P' , " ~ ..,~'. 1" ~ "....,.,) .' . . . , , ' APPLICATiON FO~' ENCROACHMENT . PERMIT tt. ',", '." " C''"PW-644030 ... , ' , ~O THE ,CITY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY'OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: I. I . ' - ' . .' .J' .' , _ . ' , Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No, 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under... signed hereby i<pplies for aperrnit to place, erect and lor maintr-fn"an encroachment on public property or " ,right' oLwl;!y' as, ~h.erein defined. .'.' , ,. .': ;". ~ - J ~~, . - - -. The I1~me and, add,ress ofap,plicant is:. ,t;;{,;,.! f ,+, t r t 1::,., ',' it.:::t:' < ' f l' C~...: ~7" j:'''r.,..i' f' , ~/ .~..l t ,,-;,17 ,.,,,,\ " . j>,,:~ .t;Jf",.-i/.,,-:? n: /.~...,-,... I ~!.l" /.... ,!>',r> I ~" , L'" '" ",:::'''' '.-.. ,....,._ _".r. . ~ ~ :, .". {,;I."" t..c.;I . , -' . The nature or description'o(the encroachment for which this applicati9~ is made is as follows:' " ..I:"".,,;,;)~;>;, ' r:, " _': ' ./ ,/ /,':/'. ,,1.-"'" < // . ""I ,,~.' ;'/l. ~!;.....J_,.,:;)ld.>-(~,~.ih,i f.:~' -"f.^';'.:~ .e,~ -(~. A.",.-- ~.<:.- ,,"'-" "","..j~' ~/:'kZ::. -4 J"-....i. 'l}>/':r!../'. ,,,..,.$ -' ,)l! _i.~ ___--1 ."J ,;.-~.. J'''''i\. L......" l"'\. .,<;....;P. ;I"'~: {..{ , , ' j b..2:L. .":).-. //:j f L:r- 't10rAJ.Rr" ,~/(; ,(i~, ,The lo~tfon, of'tM1>rop~ed encroachment is : ", ' , ".. " " , .' '.'", ..'c'" '. e" ,,'y'>;i' -,1'-- , '" /"'" -, .') . :=-." k'- - ..t~~ ,~, "#.' . .i''''~ . M'-. _' - ~ '- ...t :~". - . - ~~~ '.-_"',"";:. ~ .,rI'-7" ."< f .<t:Y --~ '. It-, c; / C 'l.J.,'C, 7.,;,t, ) L " ,,,,,"., if j':::' ~.,f.;.",,~.~ ;;:- ~ ;..' ,'. .'~ ;- "", ,> -,....' ,,~ r. ......J'..,.)>., ~>fl'l'A.(f! 4//;;:'; , '-;;t, '?(, - ,,;.' ",::~.' Applic~rit d'esir~stomainta-in the a:foresaid encroachment' during the following tUne: " --~.",,:- '",.:-"".i',?I~.4,.,;I,',~,:,~..,..--,7,'~.,'~~., ,"' . ~ ,- -.' ~'.~ ,,;,1" .....I}<"\.~....~<~-'..{~ ,"'{_~-,t~ 7"-_,_ 1; ;l~~-..j....-~...- "'. . . ,/',','." ',' . , Applicant::agrees thatif,this;applicatioil is granted, applicant williridemnify, save and hold harmless the City of. BakersfiE!ld, its' agents, ,officers' arid. employees ' against and' from 'all damages, judgments, claims, ",demands; expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or ,such offic'ers,' ag~nts or employees may suffer, or which 'may, be recoverable from, .or obtainable against the.CitydfBakersfi~ld;or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, :growing out of or in any' way connected with, the placing, eI"ecti?n' or main tenance of' said encroac~ment. , ,,',' , Applicant ftirtheragress th~t'upon the expiration of the'permit for 'which this application is made, . - :"if. granted, 9r ~pon .the;r~vocation, thereof Oy' the City Council, applicant will at :his .own cost and expense .' remove the sallJ.e from .tlie public property or rig-htof ,way. whe:r:e the same is 'located, arid restore said , public' property' or right~Of way'. to the'condition 'as n'ear1ymay be 'in which,jt 'was before the plaCing, erec- "~tion,.~~!~ten~n~, or,exis~:~,Cl.,of"said encr6ac~J!l'~nt: ',,',' ,,' ", ',,:,:.,;.;..r.~,,/ ", , ::; Date: :/r'Z",r(::."":<IF.-;},,,r :r.fi:~"~ ,""f~/' '('" .(.~':-'_ A...2.-. ," , ' " ,',' ,of >'O::-~-'Signat\l,r~ of Applicant ~ : ~ ,~':. . "": , "~<:l:hereby' certify that I have made ,ail O:hi'vestigation of the facts stated in the foregoing-application and find that 'the maintel)anc.eof said encroachmen~ (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the , public place ,where the' s;:tri1e is to be located a~d (2), will not 'constitute a hazard to persons using said pub-: , lic place; I ,~heref~\~e-=e3,~9~~n~ tha\said application be:,(granfE!d-, ' ,"nd'~l ',,' Date: '. I,' -: 0 "!- ' " ,\ {Mj\./ v;" -~", ':" ',:,' /1' ,CityEn',r I~' , , , I h~reby certify that-the foregoing 'application was (granted) (~Mt) by order of the City Council , '-.-" ' ,/} /, ' , ","Y /j ~ " v''''~i_~ll ~..t r~~-,)l..._ ; , ,dated. 11_Q_R~ ' - " /.... ,/, '" ,,if.,,,,. ""'-, ' .-.r....r ~;Y;'/l ____-; " . ,'/.City!Clerk ' , --. . ", TO:,:" D~anne Eash " . lOOI'()berlil) ,Court< , 'B3k.rsfi~ld~,Cal~for.Ria" , , Yourappli~ationdated 'lni2Si.8'J . . ,-,' <,", . -. Date' 11-10-83 No.' 904 ,N~wS~~ie~, ~~s(g~a~ted) ~"bythe City Council . r ! \.., , , , ' .' . . ,for' an enc ro~chment : permit under the provision of Ordinance l..-,.: , . - No.;' 78S -< ..,.~ " e, " '~ .1\: ': ,,,;. \~ \, e ',,",,'. , 'lJ \ \.; ~. N A/O $~d ~. \) -':7 \ fV o .P'q "~' ' ~, IX ' . . I! 'J t'}l OB e,-c12 ~/N cvae,~~ 100/ ~ oB~('IA/ C;7~. cr:; A/&!'/1/ /'~'" '0. ,...... ) r.? ;u:oO pe;:Nc.e ~i:S1t76Y4/etg/ ~ $/ftlIIN. ' . ,{~ /o".x 10' C!tPrNe-e C!.vTOFF ;::oe \~/ .' \. ' Ar 'rk~ A~6.~ y ~ - ' , ~ .4J:L.L ey ,~ ".... , \ ;- S/tfrHr ,'l//'Sld/{.,/T~~ I' " . . ~ " > i" ,,,' , .. " ' .' ,f '