HomeMy WebLinkAbout00778 " ..' .,;: ' ~ .~ \' ~'=,,~::..:'" :~.. ~. \,t_;.1 _....; P-=:::::-' '.' -:;,~~ ,;.~ , \.- ,~' -:--.:..?"~WM644()~6" III ~r.'J ,.,' .: 'e ~ "",: . .~ ., ....'" '" "'"" .u~..~.::..." i.....~ }, e . ApPLICATION , FOR, ENCROACHMENT PERMIT' . '-'. , - 'I,.,... _ .', The name and address of applicant'is: ~. ~~~~~~~;". if '~'~ ...'!\ "V. f. '"J t ..~ : " , ",~f/;'J,t .f~.~.} (1 l'- !~.,,~ f':!i: l ," . t. W' : ~r- ' . , \\ ; . , ' ' <~,~, ., , . , . . - . ~ ' . 'T~e "n~ture:~~~ d~scripti,on,of}~e" encro~~~b~~~F~iC~\ this a~/Pl~ca.~ion is m~~~ is as .fOllO~\,:i;,' , J\iJ \' v~,"'" ' J~" , ":-:, / ) / > l, /'*' "j, ' 0 /4 e, ' f '." " , \.' , , . . ~ . ;,-T9.THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITX.:OFBAK~RSFIELD, CALIFPRNIA: ' 'Pursuant to', thep:rovisions, of Ordinance No, 904 New Series of the.. City of' ~alwrsfield~ the under- s~gn~d h~reby!appli,' e!L~Or a ~,ermit to' place, 'erect and /or maintain an' encroachm, enf'on p~blic ;ro~rty or rIght of~~way' as therem defmed. ,. ',; ,"(JH'- ~~ 'f'" ..;7' ~'1 a:' I 6 ~ , 4~~";;;1/" i\ '." "("i j " ,. f."..~ ' t j ., J',*~~'A- IV ; V J"']I.) l;);,~ ' ",:~'~~"',,"':"'(J~\f!J'~i~l "~':ft,'11 "~.,,, 'd,Q.'" 'I<:i't' "V6?~ f.)' ./~ .'~.,...~;t.:.W J-,:;;~' ...., , j., I.)~ , ,.. ',5+";.:' '" """"", ", ',' ., " ,"',t.",',' 'M'E;",,~ ,...0, ',", ' ,~~., , . TheJo~atiQn j)fthe'propose,dEmcroachment IS:',' <' ".9/"," /y(~:;:" /'V;~ 'A 'y. EE:!~, "~, i,' "14'-> f ," I' >":;' ...;.." ",,' ',',. i,/,i' .~, ' ' , ...{,ii,', ',~\:,,;tr -,,"'"'1~ .1 :fJ' .r-_ L <t- II: ~ . I t l ~ /\, ~,r .~' ~ r _.,'.~:>,', ,'~". L,-", ,\ ',',..,' " " .,,.. ;, .-' "....: I." ~l" ~, ' ".,~' , '. ~ ~ """"~~ . .' ~ "",r t__.J t'" .......".,;..t. J , '~,~-t","",: j<" ~.~~~.y~"'j:' ~'" ~ : .!~, " tj~, ~ ;. 7 ).f ~~ji'~ ;;,~ '. )" ~" ,CJ , \1"",-,- ..' Applicant' desires to maintain ,the a:fore,said encroachment during the followi~g time: , } A)" >:. ~;}':'~:.~::;',/:' ,/J);; /?~""';7'~~..L,'")'<:;:,. \ ,," , " ',' . Vi' ""'''..''_'', ','" .',",.': ..."..' .,/ ,. " Applicant':' agrees':that if this application Is'granted, a pplicant will indemnify,' save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agent~, officersafia employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, . demands, expen.ses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the, City of Bakersfield or such offiCers, agents or em:ploye~s may ,suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or .obtainable . against the City dLB'akersfieldor such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by; growing out of or in any 'wa;~ 'connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said~ncroachment~: ,.'.', . , " , ,'.Applica~t furth~r a'g~ess' that upon the expiration of the permit for ~hich'thi~ application is made, , ,if granted,' or, uPon' the revocation thereof by the ,City Council, applicant ,will at hisown--:cost and ,expense' remove tne'same from the public property, or right of way where the same is located: and restore' said 'public' property or right of way' to the condition as nearly may' be in whiCh it wab~{ore' ,the phicii)", etec- - tio!l, 'maintenance or existence cif said ,:'encroachm~nt. " ',' '., " .' ' ) "; , ',' Date: !- : ~;:rj'~ .': l "2 ,~; ':~: :/,~~~ -7 ".: ,'- Signafure of Applicant , . . . , "t, ' , , ,', ,'.-.,.' " ,:' ' '.:'t' '".. " . " ,'i .' , '. , ' , " '. " I. hereby certify that I have made an:investigation of .the facts sta~edinthe foregoing application and : find that- the maintenance of said : encroachment, (1) will riot ':substantially .interfere. with the use of the public 'place where the 'same is to be located, and (2) will'not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- "lie place; I theref()re,recommEHld that-said application ,be (granted~~) , ',1 '~2.7-~; ," ...',' C \. vaure-t l' ityE ~ - " . , ..;:)t.:tf ,~a.:~': '~ ~. r"' , : " \' hereh cer9fy that th,e fo~egoing application ,was W V I \.;../, ' " date<;l. , _/ .-sept_b,,. ?$. 1983 ~ (ll1Jk;, I .' '-. ' . ~('>+ \V " . '/:.:"'~>'-' . . . >~" _' i'. ',. -. .' . ! -/. . .,"' -. . "..,-;. "To': 'Adrl'anes Kranenburg , "" ,7512 Wide Loop Rd;. " . . BakersfIeld, tA:i~~,i9J309: Your applicati~n dat~d.'~;~2,~2i83,' No. 904 N~w: S~ries, ~~'~! (granted) (granted),,(<tJmllm1) by or<;ler of the City Council ' , /~~r p,' ,(:: 'Il...,,- C1' , / ,-".~/..................... ~/....,' ,\~::':/J~./ ~"....-C....... ,! .,'. /City' q~rk, " ,;.. >:!r.';.. " ~1' Date 10-6-83 ; , j'~;1tfj?~~~ pro~i'sion of Ordinance ,~.,~ ~~. < . .l~ " ;::,: . . ''''- . ~.-..' ':i,e-' for an enc roachment permit under. the ,'j(~~,' >>i~)'bY. the . City Council on S.~t.mber?8t 4983 ',' , :', ' . " F~.,. (";to). c-iJL,.,. _L~ .< ~,J,> .:~." . ,.: }:i~~i<4,\,','.,"',;"""", K~.>. I s.\: ,.,_,qt!~ngin,.,.:..,:e, .."..,r.,~,:"',.,','.::.,~,.,,i,',.:.,;,~,;,',:;.~,',.,.._,',t,.:,:,.',..,'."~t~:~~..,;.;.J;~~,...~~~.;...~:;}::~'" ;'\'~;~:'~1;;:'; .' ..);=L~':~.}f~,;,:.~~t~~~:_~~";:;~~_> h _ ~ -: ....:.~~ " _ . ',"'7"- .' No. 778". \ I e o 1- l.il LJ.l Q:' , Q::: l l-' 'Vy -::J LLl ..-- e "rl ~) ! . . \\r;'\' , ",~ {iJ. , r' ~ ~ bOO-^I-cf~ (\/ W+E , 5 H 0 ~4-E _ 0/...>0- g-tENC-G ,- - -'- -' , ' II ~ h'~ , ~, I 7( S B TT F2f( - S '1R 13- I~ -,- , -., ~ ~ . .: \ .~ . " ,," ':,. ! EMPLOYEE NO TYPE: y Its MINIMUM: . \j 0" NO o )~A TE INVOICE TRK. NUMBER NO: .TRIP , J .. "t< 1 ",,-,, "",<' '" , '1 TOTAL MILES, HOURS, ETC, f . . '. ' " . : \ \ TOTAL STRAIGHT TIME EARNINGS-.-...,.,..-..:", ADJUS'fMENT .;.. HOURS (/ , J ,1'/' ADJUSTMENT - DOLLARS \ .,.\ OT, PREM'I,UM SICK PAY"":OOI"LABS HRS, @,:' ~ .' \ .. :j ~ '~.~ .,,' " HOUDAYPAY .J HPURS'" " VACATION PAY - DOLLARS TOTAL COMPENSATION LA YOVER & EXPENSES, It \ ' I . I! \ 'I, '1 ,. .. ..:, ~,J \ , , \1. ! , , " TRANSPORT DRIVERS , '\ WEEKLY :.TIME AND, '. TRIP, RECORD I' '. MILES DRIVE t. \ ,~ \, '\',' ! HO URS LOAD UNLOAD FUEL MISC.* TOTAL .,.. ,,' I \ ! \ )1 ,- , " . .. , :i I I r LAY.. CASH our I NET OVER' EXPENSE i WEEiK ENDING COMPANY USE MILES HOURS \ I : 1 " , 1 1 i. I , I 1 1 1 I , I , 1 I : 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ! 1 , 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 I 't. 1 1 ,I 1 i l . i . ; j \ 1 .c , I I 1 . ! ' " I . :< I ! 1 ! I I I 1 '~ I ! I' I 1 1 1 j COMPANY NAME , EXPLAIN MISe. TIME . '. '::'-' ,~, ,;, .,...~,,_..... t, OFFICE COpy "', \ 'f COMPANY USE ONLY ........" .\" ,I I 1 1 1 I 1 I ! 1 1 ! 1 I ! 1 I : 1 1 ! 1 1 ! ,I I 1 'I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 -" ., .." co ~~) " CD (') '" I r'f- (0' Cl ,- [, .- 3: '" ~ "