HomeMy WebLinkAbout01253 -4"... ......--.-_.;-'I~-_.~~~.--c---'7""-t--..~~~- ~-" .-~il!-~ --1"--- + ~~';!~--,~ y - .-- -----,.- ----..,,- ---,~ -----T-~--~--. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT J7d ~ rLr ~ ..... 'fO TH~ CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA:' Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No,3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of 'way as therein defined, The name and address of applicant is: DAVIS, JACK & NATALINA 8500 SARGENT WAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 (805)861-7645 The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: TO RELOCATE'EXISTING 6' WOODEN FENCE ALONG PEALE AVE TO A LOCATION OFAPPROXIMATELY 4 FEET FROM THE BACK OF EXISTING SIDEWALK ON PEALE AVE. THE NEW FENCE WILL BE ENCROACHED 3 FEET INTO EXISTING STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. (SEE ATTACHED DRAWING,&PHOTOS) The location of the proposed encroachment is: WEST SIDE OF PEALE AVE NORTH OF SARGENT WAY AT 8500 SARGENT WAY, ~ Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and eijlployees against and from all damages, ,judgments, c'laims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be racoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such dfficers, ag~nts or employees, proximately caused by , growing out pf or in any h way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said ,encroachment, the applicant futher agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked, Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit f6r which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Ehgineer, applicant will at. his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, andl:'estore said public property or right of way'to the condition as nearly may be in which it wAs before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. ....,., Date: 04/10/95 __~E~_ ___ __ ---- - - -- --- - --- ---- - -------- ---- /, ,;.~ Srgnature of Applicant (Owner or Representative) ,/ V pERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF. THE FACTS' STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) W~LL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE ; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE ('GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: 04/10/95 . ~_~A/? ;~;~~~:~~;:~i~;~~~:~-----------------~------ 4/14/95 I I 1 1 1 1 permit}.lo. 1253 Original - A~plicant Copy - City Clerk Copy - Public Works .,. - ,~j~ ee___ C_C'~~'--;-,"~~_~'~' - .', ( '-1 :" \t-t ;! . ~ ~ I l ! I I ~. APPI.IC:\,. (ON FOR I':NCIWACHMJ?NT Pl~RMrT nd ~ Il.r 1\:: THB CrrfI' ENGINftJKR OF Till<' ['TTY OF H-\RRRSFIELD, ('i\I.TFOHN1A: PurSIl;\nt to t.he prf')\h,;.ton:c; of Ordinance No.3140 NPli Serif's uf t.he City of Haker,d'h'ld. t.he Imdf>t's,isEm,'d apl'licf; fOI' a permit to plw'f'. f~n.('t and/or malut.alll <HI t.'Ill't'Oft'dlluent nil (JULlir- proportv De ri~llt of \\il~ a:; lht;-:rcdn d0fined. ,....... The Harne and d,ddT'PbS Q,f uPl--di calli J L: llAV IS I JACh & NATALINA H()OO :;; ,\RCHi:NT \';A \' BAKEHSFTEl.fJ. e:\ !l:~:: 11 (805 )R61--7fitr; Thf1 H~t Ul"f- or de;,-j(' f'ipt j on of the E'llc:I'oachmenLfor ",hidi th iB appl i cat ion .i s ma.de is as follmvs: 'ro HF.LOCA'fE 1.;\1::1'fING fi' \vOODt<:N FEN(~E ,\LONG PEALE AVl!: TO )-\ L(lCA'l'lON O}.'x\PPRln:np1TEL\ 4. FEE'}' FHPIIJ THE BACh OF EXlflTING SJT)E\,7AJ.j~ ON PEALE A\'FL'L'HE NEt\' FENCE t'nLl~ m.~ ENCRO,\('HKP .1 PEET INTO f(\fS'I'fNG S,[,R(;~l1:T R1GH'l'-OF':"HAY, (SEE Al'TACHED nfL.\t,HNG &. PHOTOS \ ,,; The location of t,he propo.:.;ed E'!lict'inchmcmt ,is: wl~ST ~iIIW OF PK.I,LR A\'P; NORTH OF SARGENT l\'A Y AT g 500 SAfHlENT \vA Y , ,N- Applicant a~r(~e4 Hti'lt if t.his a,pplicaU,)n is Etl'anttld, BpJ,;licant ,,,ill illdemni.fy, ,kfpnd and hold IHH'mles:..; the City of RI:-.l.lter:"ifipld, its a.gpnt~. officers and E'lfiployees a~aitud, r.llilt from all dc1ma~e3, jud9;ments. c.l.1imB, rlem:uIds, o;;,pen'le;er,.~, r'{)~'L'3 ~uct l'.''(p~nditllI'f;3. and Jigai.nst all 1 os;:,.; or ,lil1-bilily \dlich the City ()f Bakersfield 01: sHch offi.cers, a,~E'nt:-; \It' f?mploY0e~ may,slIffeor, o'r I.rh,ich may be r~co'crable from, or Qbtainabl~ aMainst the Cily of Bak~"Hfield or such (..ffit:EH'13. a.~'""llt.~ nremployees, pru;;iuiaLely CBllE<"d by, r;;t'otlling out of or in an:! ,-\'a~' connect(~d with t,he p1 ac ,i, fig, {>l'Pct ion at' 'ma intellS\I1C'E 0 f ' Sd ill f;nc ros;chmE';!nt, the appl ic;),nl rnt-he [' :J.f'$rees to ma 1. nt a in the afor~s,J iel, (~llt: rO(i.chment dur ing t.he lit'e of thfi> ~~aid €mcrQachmCHd UI' unt.ilsllch time tlwt ll1i,,; permit il:l revoked. Al,plicant fU1'ther a~l'e6,'S that upon tllp. ~\::tpiration of et.he permit for which this applica.tion i.~t llli'l.df', if ~T'anted. or UP,),O t,he revocat.ion thereof by the City r';ngineer, applieant. ""ill a.-l his own cost and expense t'emove the same from the publie proper1.y or rJ!4ht of ho';!Y h'heN.~ the same is located, ami resLOJ"F said public [Jl'opert,\' ,)I~ l'ili(ht. of \I/ay to the cOl1clition :).l~ nearl~' may he in tdljeh it was before the placjll~t erection. m.,dntpnance or ex.i~t.€nc,-:, of g,<11d encroachment. ',.", I I I I HERF:BY CEU'l'IFY THAT 1 H/WE HADl'; AN 1 NVESTIGA'f ION OF 'I'UE FACTS S'l'ATED IN TilE I II()REGOTNG APPLTGA'fION AND l71ND TllA1' 'rul<-; MAINTENANCE Oli' SAID [l-:NCROACHMEWI' (1) I Wll.l.. (NOT} SUBS'rANTIAL1.Y INTERF'Ii:RE WITH THE USE OF nil!: PUBLIC PLACJt~ \1JHERE TUE I SAME IS 'ro BE LOCA'l'1t.1> AND (2) WfI.fJ (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD '1'0 Vlm,SONS USING ! SAID PUBLIC Pl.ACE ; SAID APPLICATION IS '['HF:H.EFORE (GRAN'I'I';))) (Dli:NIEJ>). [ I ! I I l , PEUMI1' I ~ . ! I I l I " 'I ! 1 l 1 I I ! Date: 0--'l/1 O/~j5 __,Q~~__ __ _, __ _________,_ _ _.. ____u'__, _ ___., ,,_____.. ,I ~~ (" '/' t ' ] , 0 R - ",d~n..1 ure 01 App "lC!-l.ut ( ",ne [' at' ,epresentatl\'E-'} V Date: Ot/10/9G ... .r~...>.--.-...... -... ......-.- .--- ----- 4/14/95 ~', .t. f' c,. ,k<'E ' ::l u~na ,\I['€ 0, ,,!-"L Y ,ngi'neer "~"~' i ~. i ua 1 - ,\pp1 i,'ant Copy - City Clerk Copy ~ P"blic \vorks i I 1 I 1 ! f' ~w'U\ i \. ~ {'). '\'2. ~ :\ "!f.- ... ~" ~ \ ", , '\~ t'\:"I.t,'l~/\\~t~.L)f.i le(lt;' j':P"~I:<),V'HHl':NT n':H~11 T 17 r\ -~ ) r" /) ,.. . # Or'. nll., ,'1\ 1"'\i';!~Ji.:t,!~ 'If, Till, I'f\ ,II \ ,'d,H::, t'll':l.l ' ,",LII",ln,.'! !"lir \lJ~d lei ih';', 1'1" ,!,'Il!!l, " l,i'111H'" 'j'..:q HI d.. :,,1...1 i"I,I, !1I;, ,"!']," '(II",fi :ql.'!; ,. I . I" .'Hdl i, ,.~'/ \ I'd ,'~' '\ ,1/ ,<"~Ii' ! ..' h"l<!d {j!~ ~,ql I' 1'\ .q,,-t'; \ III ".",hl ,'~": I' I (' ,..: I ' I ," .' . ,; /' " t \' .,1 1 It,-, ' ii,' "f . \'.'.,\ tll,ll'II' I. Ill'i'...III It rill' ' tic t: hit,' . fl I It, ii' , . ,I q'l,l " ".pl 1,:\\'1.:;, .I" j. ,~ 1\,\(,11 /." , , :',,'q ..~ J. fl', II'; ("I I'.' ,: \' i:l ,rl'\l.- r. H. 1.1', , : I I \ ~:H:. 1 ~:u: I ,';\ . !l( r'-.tJ f~~' ir' ,I," r ~ I: ~ t '1 '.il. t_li~ If".k' ,,' roll. ' '1'" 1,'FI,\H,~ '-\Ti'; t"'\TJ,,r, !1,',,~I'I'r(,,\II'I\T~'I,) .1"',.WI .d::.';-Hr, i"~.:h t::';l'J",-,: tdl.l. 1'1', \1:1\i'I' \ :A"!', < !''1 ',.r'BEl: lI~: ,\ ,,': H~d .\ tH' Ii";: ,"h' )'('. "III''''il,1 rlf!' hlllr'l; 1('" ! ,:'1' I Nii ,:' ',;: ,('I'I.:r'l 1'Ll'1 'F !-"I"d'i 'lillo, 11'\t!, 11\' ~,~',i;:TIUU ','/WI' ' i,'El<T It.I'!':.\ I.,' ~:"l'lt'J{j t it i., ;1/'/';\ 1..'\ : ..II I" :d,df'J(i "inU'~ " f., '1'1,',\' ;': I II I",,' .1.1. ; I r i r'"" L ,.' ,;T.~EKr 1'1,;11'1' ,II: !, \\ " Tho: 1.)( ,1' I <in pi 1 he 1'1''-'1'.'' "'.,.1 'II, I".}, '11m, Il \. i ;:' , ..: "" ~ ',~ E r{ I' L. \, \ 'f ' (';, d .;- t . : -I 1.. t: (~ jt' ~ ;' r '. ~ ) \ e kl'",'!' ::11,1, ,('I' 1'10:,=<1.1,: ,\!' ~,~",,'n-I '1" 'q"tdi.,HdHil"~":" ildl Ii Illi.: '1"1,11.:.11 1 I'll i:'. '_~I',Hd,'.I, iI.)pli",'u'; .ill /111:-1111'11 f' r,'ld dilL !:-.l,{ 11I1'I1I1i":,: IIII' "i1;-. fir It;',I~>,('I"d'if,l,j, it.' ,H:t-'Ili:.,, ,>1I"''-'.'j'" ~\ld ""Ii"j",.'. ~.~ ,\~:(dn I ,u!.! fl"'\tl.d I :I,lIill'1."", ,1'11'4Illf'n~.~:\ ..-L..'l\!\,,', ,1<:11,11'.;\,:, ',t".'tl"'- ,'c"l "ild <" '-':'Il.jI'I!I~,., lid It-';dJI.'{ dl 1..".; ut It,ILilll: "h;i'h ill(- ,'il:, ,,( /;d;vl'..:t'i, 1,1 "i":U>.'J. lJff'i"'::I~, ;,ui.",' III , .),~ ';'1i11,j",'V 'tH".,I' ":111'1",1 ,ii' ',hl,'IIIl'" I,' :',,''-'''',!'',dd. l"'iHH. \'1' (>lI,HII"!h.\r; ,t~'dll<l II., l'iL;. 'If l;.d.;. 1';;::1'1..1.1 (,1 .~Ilt'l, '.,d"l"I'I,:, '.'~,'llt'., 11f (-"II!I.-1,:,' ('(',;. "~''''.illlli..'l' l':)!l-',,,,~ l, "IPI,,!II,.f O'l~ uf '.1' il! ,1.\' ",i;. \., 'HilI, " ! " ,; :,! t ~l '.11..= jJ 1 c'" . illl" l' f'1',' \ i 011 '.,' m,t III \ : It"" jJ!' (, ., f " ,11 J "hi l'i.J),--lim<.: II I lIlt ,lpI"Jit,,;.,l i;jI-;\"l'U!I'r.~'''': \,1 ~1l:'J.J!lI"ip L/:.,- .d',,I."> .,i'! ..'n,\"",'II\\I:'1I1 dtll"in'J: tll- .iI',. ,d' Lh', ':'! '-il"l('.-\!'~lij;"'ld In' ludiJ :,u<.'h ~ilUlc 1.1l,;\ IL"c: p":'/Illil ,:: ['('vul'.I.!. '.l'r'} jl';~1I1 rllllh"1 ,'.n ',',-, :~ J' \ . l i, 'j I l.,! I' ('I '.1" i I gH~J: ; Ii,,:,: t," apt' AI, HI I ',~ i I I pl~L,j ~ L 1jl'tlPt':~ ~ .\' '} I' 1'1 \: !II j'idH, ~I;v;,r'i 'j' ~l,,!ti ,~ l., j" I' i f h I ~,l ", 'i i -'.~ , II t':.,I,'hlflc'HI. tI, d II I" III ~ ~\I ,,; ,.. I I __d l'lil ,.-I' I ht' ",',J'Wl I HI "Hli,:, {',l ,A\ipHb tht, UT'-I~w.tion Lhet'p..r :'11 hB~'; ',)'''''1 "~{lst ;~ud ~'~:,I,"'n.,c (.,'movc lao" "I I' ,,11'!', i lw <",4m., i.. '." ,I,d, IIl'i 1Jl' "i,1 lieF "oudillltll :,''-': Ill.' I", ill,,)', i. 1,\",1 l:,fj, lil,lIU(Cil,lll';' fll' .-,,' 1.'1, fl. ,\ "'1' ..'..1,1 1',>1' ,dl'l,h 11.1' h ,\I t }b\ ;" * t V ,..,un.' fv UIIl '~AIF I'f- ,I . I" ,,', I I ,f 1: " I II "II i f "I I i "'" ~. '" ~ ('.: I ~ -! , l' J) ~,. f ' ,"\ "V"--""\ !' i t \.(~J\,. \. ,'/~ ,','nl",t1liJ"{-' ,,e \.Pt__II\"ll!l i, '.,11" . I iJr 1.1'. ,.'It! Al I," .. 1.1 f': !t N I 'I' . ~ 1 jl ;H<~'U"', n,:ifTIFY TUI\.'! tV\\l/; ~41,\iJB'; ioN Bi'I\'EfJ'l'lOl.TinN iH;' TAIl': "'Iv~'e,;; ~~T{\'n'~i' IN TtW U:\I~l:;{j:I\\H~ ?:y~.t.n;:,\'I'P~N ,"~'~~J I.'HW 'i'ti.:'l,T 'I'm.: ~iA1NT\~N,\t>Wi( ,'\. ~~;~1I1 In'h:ll'i":';,i:mW~lT i 1 i ,,' I i.L i ,,~ur I ~;ili';S'i'/~N'~'1 ,,1,1." I N'1"I~:m:mm t<:.~ TH 'l'UE u~m {Hi' TftH'; l.t~HL I C Pl.,'" ~t': t';iH'; n1<: Tr~;" ,v~w I;'; 'j'n ~;.'~ Lu!;,\'n,i' ,.\\\W i ':; l i'l' Li. i wnT' (~(m:,n' !'!'II'n: [-.. U :,~'.}\iW 'I" I I'im~,,'l;i'~;; q~: I:'h '-:,1!L' f'nHgJ!~' !,f,At'I'; S/\HJ ^"Vn,Ir.~:"I!,H.'N !~~ 'l'iH':W':I.'(mf.: Itm.\i'l'n';H) fl'I':NHTii. : , " ~ / 1;, /1".J /J.., ,r ,> .I' ,I' ~tn!", l.lt" /''/ (' "l/1/ ' (p 7 i__.: , !, \,':: I',!ln In,," ' 'd14/95 ;, i .~ II i~il-~~ :J~... ~:'~~~~: . :;, ! i ,oj : ( ,qj!. ';t"" ,'I!' ' !.'l'! . I. ) ,_ . ~; t 'td ~ . ',. I ~ t ~ '_~0.:,~" ~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director ~ FROM: Jacques R. LaRochelle. Civil Engineer IV U' . DATE: April 13, 1995 9:27am SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPliCATION FOR 8500 SARGENT WAY- JACK AND NATAUNA DAVIS RELOCATION OF A 6' HIGH WOOD SIDEYARD FENCE TO BEHIND SIDEWALK ********************************************************************************************* Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the relocation of a 6' high wood fence from the property line to directly behind the back of the sidewalk along the sideyard (along Peale Avenue) of the above-referenced residential lot. Adjacent residents have signed a petition in support of the fence installation. Staff recommends approval of the permit. tdw:m:\eru:roadlIJJ500sarg,enJ ~.':.~:"'J:~:.?,-' , _""~" 'f:.:];_<;'~~_--:",__ ~.!I!"_~~- - ";. .' ..:.,:..~~ti:->J'!J:;... ,;,). .'~. . ~~I ___~" 1 :.- .\..- - - I fi%. I 2-- S APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT T e.L ~6/- 7-6fS TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: .::JOvtl eo tJoJ-a\lnLL 'Da,\) 13 ~o c-j'.J( qenr v\l(.u~ \3/ C-,; Gf3 :3 i I The nature or description of the encroachment 'for which this application is made is as follows: UO\L eXlfrh~ -t(PteL -\0 {I{~ Or UYlH",Lu'1\f \ The location of the proposed encroachment is: ND\f-t\'\\J~ (I.D\~( ~ ..\ilL fu(OJA\t \~llf ! p'mJl, J\\rC I O}d ~:hifll'-o" / Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City or Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which [his application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Date: 3{zlR [C/5 or Representative) PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE HADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SA~D ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: ~12-- Signatur~ of City Engineer No, /253 (51' zo?) Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works B004 014-52060 REV6/90 125.00 04/07/95 . . / CITY OF BAKERSfIELD DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC NORKS To Whom I t ~Iay Concern: We, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction or a fence or wall behind the sidewalk on: pfAc..f (Street) By ..j1lC.k. {)lhhS (O"'TIer I s Name) of 8.s-<Jl) SM~..N'I vJA--y (Address) Phone c'G.'f- -RG/J- ::GN::1E: ~1k4J:t;z~~: ~20 ;zs- ADDRESS: fl/ " flA-LE . 2) NA.\IE:r4v,~'ilA, 6AjM\ DATE: s~~5J--- ADDRESS: ~:JJ.... fY'eAIG 3) NANE: ~A'"~ R "-~ ADf)RESS: l(-Lfo '8_. f tA-Lf 4) NAME: CA~ol (Y\QC~-e.... ADDRESS: ~S-OS- ~.Ae..qeN+ lJ'4:Y 5) NANE: ~ 0GL~r/A-rvt-_ DATE: ADDRESS:?s--~( HA-s5~ DATE: ,3 !7,~-s- / / DATE: i-c'-7~ Lf-ro - ~ S-- 6) NAME: DATE: ADDRESS: Bsos 5~rW'A - I 1 ~ - ~ 'Pea. \ e. Ale. ~ '.) W1 '2- ..pf I 'J- w-'{~ .f\ ',X y Y- /~dI J HA$Ik'" ,41). f (Jh..L 'f -: ;.1 I%." ~ ~ If. I 3 " ,vi.(,J f~ - - 'I I i- 7 ';z.. " ~~ EXI$1);&J6- ~€ I I I I II' if 8S~ SM.~I c.JA-Y Sl{)~ I ~ ~ l.... ~ '"