HomeMy WebLinkAbout01232 .(!<:,;" APP1,ICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT . :;..(, ." ;;. - ~ ":ro TUR CITY ENGINF;ER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA: ~-, Pursuant, to the pro\isions 'of Ordinance No. 31 to Ne\" SertGs of the City of ,l:1akersfield,UH': I.llIdet'sit(rH3d '-!pplles fot:' a permit to place, eI'~ct and/or maintain an enc(.t.)achmenL nil publ ic property 01.' t'iSiht v1' \i\'ay as therein defined. "', 'fhE=' name.and addl'e2S of dpplicanl is: ST. Cl.ATR, FRJ..Nh :HOl \'/11:11.11: HD BFL. (','.,. ~IJ]OB I ) Thena t ure or dl'i SC' l' i ption of the encroaehm€ul for \~hicli this app] i ca.ti on.' is made lS as fullo~"s: TO AJ..l,OW A 2: 1 HAXnmN ~:LorE: 1,31 IHGH FOR THE . CONSTRUCTION OF AN 8 t BTGH BL0CJ\ HALl, Rl;:QUl RED rOH 'f'RACT 5688 TO BE LOCATED ON rrTY OF BAKERSFTELD SUMP SITE. (SEE ATTACHMENT) The lo\'ation of the Pl'oposed encroachment is: A.P,N. 370"020-11 1320' NORTH & 2640' WEST OF HARRIS UD & STINE RD. APvUcant agrees that if this application ie; ~l'anteil, appU.callt will indemnify. deft-'ud and hold ha.rmless t.he City of BakE'l'~.fi,,=,IJ. it f. r~lO!;ents, officers and employees a~ainst and from all dama~esl judgments, claim3. denwnda, e:"pen:-:;es. costs and expendit Ul'e!:': t I-\nd fj,~a,.ln:i'lt all 11.158 Of' 1. j nl.d:J i (y \o,'hJeh the Ci t)' of Ba.kersfieJd or SlJch officers, a~ents or Fmployee8 lild~' .:1llffel', or which may be t>.~overal.Jle fr<.Hn. or obtainahle ~~I.:dnstLhe City of Bakersfield or such of.ficer's,' a~ents .)1' 1.:!InploYE"e:~, pro;..i.matels. d..l.U~3ed. by , ~t'Ot~in~ out of or in lUI~ wJy connected ,,,iLh the p] acing. erect j on or ma intenauce of s,:dd encro8\.'hrnent. Wle applicant futht:~r. a~rE:es to tll'..tintain the aforesaid enc{'on<:hment durin!.?; Hle'~ f'ffe of the sa id erwl'C.>achnw nt. or unt i] su('h t.lme thE'd UJ i 8 permi l is revoked. -.,;., A.r~plicant further as(rees that IjpOH the E'!}:pi I'!.d i.(In of I h(~. pc't'mit' for ""hi,t:h thi.-: , PI ica Lion is made, j f ~ra.nted. or upon t.he revocati on t.her.'eof by the City ineer, applicant will a:t his own COHl. and ex.pense remove t.he'salne from thE:' lie property vI' right ()f \-\'a~' where the S3me if-:: locaLed, Hlld'restore sa.jd 1 ie' property or' r i~ht 0 f war to the cood i. t. i un as IWi'\t" 1... 11\;);\' be i fJ i..h it:h it before the plae ing. erec:t,ion, maintenance." or e;: ist.ence of sa id ,.,.,\,!,roachment. -:~1"-~-~"... -- C~'.'~'\,;P'" .-. " 0/ /'\'.-~ 1...\-' 'Ie- . '1,._,. 4-'''L y. . : 06/~i. H4 J;~~~~-_:..~,..- ... ...).".',....,"-"-- _...\.. -.-...,-;;..,--,.".,----~- I -' ." . , Sj~nHture of Applicant (Owner or Repre8~ntativel .~ ./ PERMIT ~... I HEUERY CERTIFY THA'I' I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF' "HI<: FACTS Sl'ATED IN 'l'HE FOREGOING APPI..ICATJON AND I!'JND THAT THE MAIWflmANCE Of!' SArn ENCUOAGHMEN'r (t) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIAL1.Y IN'rERFRRE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO.J3;E LOCATED AND (2) WIl.L (NOT) CONSTITU'I'E A HAZARD 'fO Pl.:RSONS USING SAID PUBL..J~'PLACE SAID APPI.I~,1~I~~ ~n THEREFORE (GRANTBD) (DENIED). Dav",. 06/30 m ii;~~ ~~;:;;;;;.1;;:~1~~;-- - m - ---- m_ --- _u_ ~.-.~ ~~er!l!j t_Noe.~.J.2 3~_ 'lV :/, " &..PI'I.I i '.<\TTONI~'mt l':N(~UOACH"U':NT pt<:mHT 'I ~ I I -- -,- -- --- ~.~-, -..---~ ~- --~ -, -.---, - PI :ttI .,.. ...."... ;; .I '\... . -'fi' tHE ('I'f\' f.~I'H;tm';l<~fl nr TlIF "1'1'1 nF HAFT.:ni:VfVLP. ",I ('.:;.t.lfd'HNl \: lilt Cdl Int 1 1 f' . ;~d ::.t'" r:.'. I f.: 1"1. ; tI t 1 i II t'.l t lit- p 1'u i.11-ii ....IIl~ .) f (H'd i t1dfW i" ~Jc,,:: 1 41t N f' " ";";:I.'.j p ~:. "f U,i[". (..p). 0 f 1d, tllF nnd..H';,icn".1 'll"plle~ fur .1 1>"l'uJit I.... ld'H'~'1 ,.Jl'r.',:t ,'tnd/(,d' :il! c.tjVI'u/H:hrn~ 111 llll ,..Hld it:. jJl'UI'r,'.'! Ill" j'j",Jd ,,1' \\a,v t;-~ i h(..t.... 1.11 .1.: fjii<;.",L ",. Tlw IHdlle dud uddt.<., .d' .'{I"" j ("1i11 I' ',<)" " , :,~'l', n.~,I"', r'H.\Nh :; ,~ I} 1 h i 1.1. f.; Ii I. HFI., 1 ',\... :'.1:: :;d;l ( 1'11<:' lId'lf'~' (,r Ji:','.('l'lpli.OH II!' Ihe enc'f'tuchmndJ'PI' ld~:i!'\1 lid.. ,q.l~.llh'<d.ion' i." nil'I.: t-:' .L: fot 1u,.: '.; 1'0 \l,{,dh' A :~: I ~1.\.XHHiN ;.~t.nr": 1.;;' :lidH VI.HI THI< C;',fJ;;Tl:1I1"{'f(.NPj,. AN ;(' HI!)Jf B\.tl!1h "'.\J,L l?J.:QUOn:n FOn 'l'f?:if.'T :~fi:,;:: '1'(-<' r~F L(.C'\l'SW IrN '.'1'1",' dF 'J~c\Er:r::;FI1';I.P .SI'tH' i:ITf<, i~',F:J;~ ,\'1'rACtH.IF:NTl Th.:' lo),''-'!)';ll "l" ill,.:. 1.""I"".,."l f'fi"I'OL\.C'hnw;lI\ :..:..; ~\l' \,;;~~;;T (iF 1f.IWIS HP & :,,;'I'ft.lE tW. ':': ,J"J'.I'!.:)'''U-\J:~O .11 1;;,'iJ' NufrrH ,\ 'qrp) i,;;qnl. .t.~n":p-;,; fhat if thL., <lpp,';.Cdl IOU L..:. l;d':'IUI,',J, ;ll.I!i'1 i,::ud, ""ill in,h'!Illti!', dt"r,wl ,1nl1 h,~,ld hctl'fIlh~<- tit.. i"U."'\" of HnlJ'r"d'\vld, il.. HSi\.ril:."; 01'1'11.-';'1':, ;111\1 t'mp) (J.n,;>t"" ri,~>t in,,: t . "Ind t'i. .Qh:J 1 j '),lflld~~f- .;., HI"t~mc'Ilt...;, ,.\ I. i III ,~h:.lll('Hld;.:, ",. ~p;..H,i'~ ". , "uSlE ilFl ..,p.-ndiLuli:.:, >llltl ;d..-dH:.d all ht.'>h fH'li ILilih \dd.,h 11>< Cjtt ,;.1' Bal';"l.;fiel,) OJ' ~,t...:h ()ffi.:l'".'r:~\ "1;;';'"1'11.,-: UI"IIlIJI~.~~!(;f':'," flll' .'Ijrr{~t-, ",.\111,:11 lII,l~ 1.(. t'Pr'o,f'l'ah...;' f't'\JIH, ul ,'!,LilthlL.lt-> ~H;.j:i.L"l ,lbe ~'i~'.r or l:,d,"~f'r';r.i.,ld nJ' ;...I.h.'h ,;d'fjc~t';;, :-s.li..'ot. .d. .:ml.d'.J' "+'.3. f.'I'u::lm,!l,.,l. ,,111-::':1 L,\ ~P"P"iH'~"(;lti....uf <d.' ill III.' \\u~ ,'orHH:">:'I.r,'.J ,dih 11.,'. p!.h'ih.i;t,., c:n.,:~iull ur lIktintO:-II"II" ,.d' :';.'dd l::lICl'{)::odIlHF"i/{, th(Cl;ll)}, 1 i" :lId flit he.l :E\ l't",:,.. I,) Ill!.1 td ,1.i \I ItH :~ fo rCi ,',f.! j ,t "u,.. t."./ -l(' hITli,'.d ,Ill i' i l'j';l~'", .lH--.' ..! life ut' tllP :.;',i ~ ".\l,:I',....wIHw.ut pC' lull il "ueb tiliH:' 11dl Itd:' pc.r'lldt. i,,: rc.\"L.d. 1 .\ppt,j.-~lnt f.n.jhci'qir'"c.c Ilut up.:'lI the' (.',V.,il.lilOH of I!ll' FI"l.lili\ 1'.;1 ,dlicb ll,i. applicdioH 1;- 1lI;,..!f'. fI' Id'cIU\.(:,d. ur upon tth"' t'vvocntton ,jtf.'l.n,of h,y lhe f7i1.y \ It::ngineF''- t n.ppl i c,l.nl. 'vO i. L I ,<At hi:~ ~ywn ~'u'"t l1.(\,1 t,;q'CW-;E" I't~Ulnv\~ the' .1,l.me f,<q(/1 I tw pu"li('pI'oJ.,~':rty ".1:" l'i.~ht ,.f "',3: whi-:'Il'f< !h(: h'Hlti- I',; l......dt'.,L lu.l E'P.3tuf~. ;.,;d.1 l..tlbli< pro\.l{:l:t';. {;} !';ldd (If \..1\ td lhi;: i.:C'IFJiI ;'11"1 ~, 4I...lI"1, 1lI.\~ l" ill ,dll;h 11 \~d"':, h~'rorl. tl.... pl..h.;tlL',; ,,"l.Cl'tipu. 'lIkl lilt,.1t Hl,'e !,It' (:;..i:,le1l<'i' "II' .;I~j.i etl('r'('\.It:bHl,~;j.td ....\ :,r'~'- ....... U~) 1.~Ol~' t . .~~ -~.--"".l' .; - .': ~._.:,-~";;.:- ;:.~~~I::. ,.,:.: :;;j';H<\1\lt'r.' or ,~'I.'.pl.ii'ud tn"dh't' .,:;'1' Th'pr':('<:.lIl~t i" " I '. " PEHM. ['I' ....f I I I I "': I I I I ~ ,i f l I 1 }1JJ:ru.;nv c:mnrf<'Y 'rn...\'r J. II \V I,: MAOR AN fNV1.:S'fHU'.,'}'lON nt.' tn-IF. FACTS S'I'ATEH U4 '1'lm .t'onlt:GO I NO APpa,l C"VI" UN ,\NO V I Wl 'rUA't' '('Ur:: MAJ N'l'l<:NMWI.: 01..' H:\. I U ImCno.~l~mH;:N'J' .t 1 } W1I,l. (NO'I') Stt.HSTANTIAhhY IN't'KRFl<:lU: WITH 'r'Hfi; USE OF '('HE PUB1.IG PJ...AJ.a.: \\flU~;Rfi: '('1m "':I\Mf.: IS TO BE IJOCA'I'ED ANn (2) ~';H.L (NOT) CONS1'lT1l1'R A HA?AfW TO Pl':HSONS (j;;ING HAlO PUBl,lC Pl,MiI<: :j~f.D A~'Pl.~..~!?I;~};,_k=~~~'~; lW'AN1'1ll>1 lDKNIED). 1):-1 f.: f) {) I :t ft I :.) t . ~.-r ..- ~. ... .. - - ~. - .~.. .-' - -- - . ,_..- H - -- ... S.j\iiill/\IHI'.'/nf Cit~. Ef1!t\illf?t:"'r i h' ~'ndt No. 1 ~~:n~ ~.... I !: . -- ,,,,,- 7" , .', j '/ t~ 't !' ~e:4 ~ I~V ~ ~u>elL"S ~o/Z..~c.....;_ O,?\p-z..." ~'Z- ~. . t"-. '!i J 'r~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ~TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: 'c Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: 1=e~K ST. CL.AI (2. -:::s4.Dl 1\,)1~11=- 1<'b4n ~ll::.'t=tz~I~U'") rA. q~ The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: To A&.t.l;W A '2: I I'vlA~ ,SLop&::: r ,. ~\ I-\\t.~ f=~\l. TI-IE C.L.~"j'2.LLTilN rr:- .l\t-..i ~...,' '-'16~ ~lt_~ IL:Au ~R~ 1P="f'::) 1Y.() ~T It'l. c:.,/-.~!,A l?: BI.:!" I f.I':A~ OJ-,.) rl1tl r{ :f1AIlE;(').<'+;EU'') 5f:nlf' .:::;rl'\'; (~F ArrlVt-\r,1a-.Jr \ The location of the proposed encroachment is: .A. r.~, '610- OZD- II - 13'2011;. /J/...'f'ZT1-I !-- e"4D'1 II...'E~ c.r: r\A-ZlZ.I"=' CD, ~ ::=3t"'....E 1<o~ (.c'::F.:F ArrAcJ4I\-16->1"~ , .'~w\i< Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the ap~licant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life ~f~the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. ~t Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the Pli:i2g, erection, maintena~~~iS!.~o~:aid encroachment. Da te : X (; ff6 N Lf . -Pi ~AI / J:.:;Ze---c. . , ure of Applicant (Owner or Representative) ff2-AtJ~ 21: Cl./'\\'R, PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TQ BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: 7- /-?~ fi.vv(d..L..; Signature of Cit~ngineer 0'''' /f)~ '. No. 12--3?- Distribution: I (. f. (., Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public W~fjIss)!A52060 125.00 iJ;/~';::'ii'~ REV6/90 - ~" ."lL- ~. ~, OIT~ SOl'Y\PSITC ( F\JTlJl2e t::.~PAfV~Of0 ') No~E _.- -----r---- --~----1---------J--------- ------, , "'"'"---____ ___....-.---...--__ _.-A'-~'-___---~----...".....-......... -'" ..-,.........~h_-..,............._..~'..___A._..__.__ A 'F1zcPo5€.D e' t5~ \0Au- "PLAtJ V \Ev,.) ~ 8> \ Cb-lC. l;;LC::QC- wt\Ll- P(=> ~.QoI(J.eD FEfZ- T12- 6&86 ( 5 CIT'1 ~()MP ~ SIre. (BJ.Pr\V'6\O/o..\ \ () A~EA J s ~ 5be.e, E:f.Ja IIJE5f)..EO Ru.."lt5 6E @ eo% REU\-THJ~ Cbn1PIt-c.TlD~ NATvl2AL 6r2-D. Ll\JC _~, T7Ti I . l:a MA~ I !=ill. AL.OIU1 C1Pf . '6()t\1 ~ ;5llE OVE1\-.~lAno~ it::) -ee ~ PAC-Tt:p ~ ~'Io Ra-AT1ue~Pl'\CnO~ CD--nou A - A ~1TE:. l-DcATloV ~ I ~! t- ~.!f.l~C.lL/tf.eJZ. j. ~- ~ Ill. 5c. ~e, d OL Ib 2. f.(OStlt~f \-I~ {Zt> ljJ ~p POR1'ER · ROBERTSON JOB NO 93-+20 DATE: 6~~'-I- . BLUEPRINT SERVICE 1581119 , ING . SURVEYING 805/327-1065 R.C,E. -,. ....... 8 'T. 30 S. R. 27 E. / ~20J /-44 8 SCHOOL ocsr /-ISO / 346 1-207 3 - /- ~8 h Italto Janch /-25 /-75 1-147 370 -02 I:. 1481_205 /-345 I /49 (r'O. b... I I I ... c:DRAlN. \ ,.- t.stvlT. ,,~ 1 Pfllt:ific R.R. @ 301.06AC. @) ~...: ) '.--30 @ *See 1=9.35 for MR U"lit A.P N. \-..'~.. ..,." ....... .... . . ,.,... _. . ASSESSORS MAP NO 3-70-02_ ~'\' OF KIlle ~ .. j , . "---- "#"'\, IA lll~ . . I.\p~ \ ,. 0" . '. II oi)~ ~~~ a~a~~~. Oli. ~,' IU~O. O~O ~!' i; Ill' '~,; a~ all' I o '11 / gr ~" ~~ ~h ~~ .I ~". ~~ /\, t~ (' hll J 5. ::~i;';~'~: t .., QB' .....-:;€ ". , Ia.. \ ,.,: ,:li~ '~h ' hi .lIh ~H ~'I, Ua '1"_ U .~ ~U . -._-~ .- . ".' 11\ ~ ~ I '~~~ ~)J ~ ~ ~ ~ 'n ~l~ o~ ~ ~ ."" ~I~ ~~~ ,'~ i~* '- -~la~. ~'kW.~~' ~ ~~~~"t).~ -)~ ,.... ::~~ In I .~ 'a, ~ II ~~ ~ ~"'~ '- In lJb II'- 1ft !l~ ~1Il ~ ~ ~ 9Q ~ hi \0 a , lI\~ II ' . b~.r .. _~C)M P S;l1cfn'L lA' DJ, -t'. /",.., 1\,1 ,\ ,..,. 85cF::J ~ ~ \ I \1.2,,_..;.. (, I!" . r . tlD.$t.Alt ,,' t, ~ '. a 1/1' .('1 U. ('I ---- !" "---- "---- CIT1 a; BA~tp.\rluo 'S IJ/\1 P Sn. E': ~/...' ./,/ I . ~~II'2. Irl~/ tJ (3' \fJ l.!.-/" cpA-' ~ n.. e>. (pq.. v E:{I6\, e' (.1JJ\L\... . , ~ A .... . _. n. ,_.~_..- -......- . . y Y'" y ....."Y'.'r-. 'P/2-ON~ 8' CO"-JC. y,~ ~LbCl'- tull l'- rt:J2. Cotvr;J, TlotJ of ~~~f~~~~~.t,~V- ~ l12-kT 5/c,EJ8 hlJP oF E:'f.\~r: \)j A\..I. PORTER · ROBERTSON , ENGINEERING. SURVEYING 805/327-036:2. FAX 805/3:27-1065 JOB NO 1~ -4u; DATE: 6-~'fif. . R,C,E. BLUEPRINT SERVICE 1581119 --