HomeMy WebLinkAbout01233 r-'" - i . ~-'--., '-:~-' ~--- r~ ",~ ~ I".'''' . APPLICATION ~'Fd"l-'~NCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE. CITY ENGINEER OF TI-IE CITY. O,F..~BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: . . t. . .~ . . . . ) ."..."},... :' .:~;: '..~ J: .'/ .> Pursuant to the prov isions of qtdi'nanceN6-,''S140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersi~ned ap'pl les . for a permit .1;.9. place, ereot and/or maintain an encroachment on public property 61' right:of ~ay as therein defined. .J "-,'/0 '. , .' ~ i, "' The name and address of appl i-catlt is: SAR}\D, ,JOHN 1416 17TH ST- BAKERSFIELD, CA. \':i, \.L~ Q"ff:f2 7 - 3 2 6 7 ..J . ," . .. ,,: .. , . 93:Wl 'The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follO\~s: AWNINGS AS PER APPROVED SKETCHES (ATTACHED) PLACED AROUND HABERFELDE BUILDING. AWNINGS TO BE A. MINIMUM OF 8' ABOVE SIDEWALK GRApE, AND AHINIMUM' OF 2' BACK FROM FACE OF CURB, The location of the proposed encroachment is: HABERFELDE BUILDING (ALL SIDES) Appl icant agrees t.hat if this appl ication is granted, applicant will indemnify, d~fend and hold harmless the C~ty of Bakeisfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims) demands) expenses) costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such office~s, asents or employees ma~ suffer, o~ which may be r~coverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield 61' such offiCers, agents .or employees, proximately caused by , growing out of or in any way connected with' the placing, erection or maintenance of said -encroachment, the applicant, futher agrees to maintain the aforesa.idencroachment during t.q.e life of the said encroachmeni or until such time that this per~itis revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permi.t foi- which this application is made, if ~ranted, or upon therevocati.on thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost, and expense remove'the 'same from the public property or riMht of way where the same is 10c~ted, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly maybe in which it was before the placin~, ere.ction, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. .:. . . ;;:; . . D"'te . 07/07/94 ___!:-:2_~~_~!~~::./S' ~_~_-~_?J~'QI.~_________""_____ .;.... :.... I . ,\,;." .. SigIf'ature of Applicant (Owner or Representative) I V PERMIT IHE~EBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICAT1:0N AND FIND 'fHAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT. (1 ) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WIIERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2)Wl:LJ... (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD .TO ,PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE .SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) CDENTED), r I Date: 07/07/94, h~... .. --7- --'-- ---- fi::------- -- -.--- -- - - ---- - - ---- -------- Signature of City Engineer, . I \ Permit N~ Original - Applicant Copy - City Cierk Copy - Public Works --- ~ - ------.---~~- ~~. '.-- ~_.~~-----;:-,~~ ----.--- ,_. ~ , I l ~.-. ~ R l- I I I ':.... I..~. ill "".......__ APPT..ICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT P,ERMIT Tn THIi: \'I.TY }:NGTNRF.R OF 'THE .Cf'l'Y OF BAKEHS.FTELD'tl~CAt.lfi'ORNIA: Pursuant to t.he provLdoflS of Ol'dinance Nu.:n.10 Ne\v Series of the City of Bakersfield, the nuders=dgnpd a.ppli(~B for .>t permit to placl?, el"'eot and/or: mahdain an ellcl'oachnlBlI1 on plIld ie prolJl:?l't:,' or riS{ht of \\,,",~T as thel't:"in defined. The name aUf1 arldre3s (J r app I j ean1 j R: SARAn. JOHN 1 ,11 f; t 7TH S'l' A-\I\f<~R8FrF.1.n. i'\, :1:1:101 ;. C80 G ) 32 7 <!:2 f; ';" The nat.ure or descrip.tion of th~ encl'od,cbmE~1l1 for "hi.e his fl\-'Plic..,,:fr.ioll lR D1F.i.de ir-: a::; follot\'C::: A\\lNTNGS AS PER APPROVED SKETCHES (A1'TAC t~}) l PLAr'F.D AROUND HABERFEI...DE fHn Ln,fNO. 4\vNTNGS 1'tY BE ,4. ~aN Hll!N OF H' ;\BO\'l<:::.~ I DEWALl\: GRADE. AND ANINIHUH OF 2 f BACK FROH FACE OF CURB. / ~- . 'fhe Ioeat. ion of the Pt'opoBed encl~oa.chment is: IJ~BgRFF.l,DE BtllI,DING I ALL SIDES l Applicant agrees that if this a~plication i~ granted, applicant will indemnify, .:hd'end and hold hPlt'mles8 the Ci.ty of HakerRt'it>Jd, itM'l2;,:'nts, cJfficers and emplo:,:ees against and from all damailed. ,iudlOtmentlS I cIa i illS. dmui'.lud8.. e);penHe~, .costs and ei'~pendi.ture;~, and <i:;(;dust al'l 1.0'':'", or Uabil its ,,'bleh the Cit.~' .d. Bakersf.jeld OJ' such offic!;"l':;;;, a~entR or emp'lv:vees inA'~t. suffer, or \-;,hleh Illay b~ recoverable from, or.. obta.1I1at.le fl~&in.st thE,' C'it~ of ni:i.kf")'~.;fi(-~ld ()[' :';l\ch officers. a~ents or emp 1 o:,rees, pro;.,i OIi'll e J~. call sed by . !:fro",i n~out of or in an}.' wa:y connect.ed with the pllv:illlii(, Ii~r...(':t.i(ln ell' li\alld~f'Il~H'('r- ()J.' dai.d encroaclurwnt.., the aVJ.ll icant l.'utliE"r agrees to lnainta in the af'H>{."said ~1'H'I'r)ac:hmenl durjn~ the life of the said !'nct"oachmt::"'nt 01 until such time t!.!at tilL" permit i,'s revllked. I , I , I ! I I I I I I I Appl icant. further agrees th,~t upon the expi rat i \In I) f thE' permi t f()l' whid, 1.h i;-:,. application .is made, if ~rant,ed.,or upeJO the rfwocntion thereof by the Ci.ty Engineer, applica.nt will at his. own cos.t and E'!xpense remove the- same. from t,he public propert.y ot' rig;ht (If i"'a~ tdlE-'re tht'. :.;;r:tlil>" if':; l.u('~1 f.d. and t'e[~)t(,'t't' said public propert~~ or rij;{ht of \.;ay to thE' {'ond! t iun as l\l::;'ll'l~ 1I\a.,\ be in which il was before the plac:in~, erection, lIlaintenanc:e or e:'.I:...lf7.llt:ff of .'IAld encroachment.. , ,. / . . . '. J ',.. ,/ /:. ! / . ..-. --~- -~-,_.:.(~~':./~/~. -(.> ~-~::-,:.'~ --.. - ..~,_.._.' -.-------- Si~))&1tur€' 0.1' Applicant (OWllE\r or Hepl'E::sentatiq~l Date: 07/07/94 ;/' Pl<~R,M [T I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATJON OF 1'HE FAC'rS STATED IN THE FOREGOINO APPLTCA'l'ION AND FIND "llA'I' 'rHF. MAINTI.~NANCF. OF SAn) I~NGROACHMF.N!{, <<1) WII.L (NO'l') SUBSTANTIALI,y INTER"'lm~ WITH THl!~ USE OF 'J'I.m PlrBl.lCPJ..ACl!: WHERE THE SAME rs TO afo~ LOGA'l'En ANI) (2) WIl.I.. (NOT) CONs'r ('1'U'I'I!~A HAZARD '1'0 P81~SONS US T NO SAID PUBI1IC PLACH ; SA fn APPl~lCA1' [ON J S 1'HER.8FOlU!: (ORAN'fl!:D) <<DENIED). Date: .07/07/~H u/-?-uLi:==--u-- ___ u______________.u-___ S.i~nflt,\1J'e of I..it~: Enll!;.inl:'er \ -----.."'"'-'-,.;;;;:---"- /" ' Pe.t'uli t ~~_2~t3j Ori~inal - Applicant (' 0 p~; - C i t ;\. C L {' r k Cnvy - Pub] it: \I/ork,::; 1--- .--- ~ --- -~- U I .- APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No.3140 New Series of the City of ,Bakersfield, the undersi~ned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or ri~ht of way as therein defined I i , I I I I I I I r l i I The name and address of applicant is: SARAP, .JOHN 1416.17TH S'l' BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 (805}327-3267 The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: AWNINGS AS PER APPROVED SKETCHES PLAED AROUND HABERFELDE BUILDING. AWNINGS TO BE A MINIMUN OF 8' ABOVE SIDEWALK GRAPE, AND A HINIMUM 0 2' BACK FROM FACE OF CURB. The. location of the proposed encroachment is: 'HABERFELDE BUILDING (ALL SIDES) I l I ! I I \ Applicant agrees that if this application is grant.ed, applicant~ill indemnif~ defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and . employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses I costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or efuployees may suffer, or which maybe recoverable from, or obtainable against ,the City of Bakersfield or such ' officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growingotlt of or in aJ way connected with the placing~ erection or maintenance of said-encroachment. th~ appli~ant futher agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachm~nt during the lite of the said encroachment o~ until such time th~t this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permi~~or ~hich thi appl icat ion is made, if granted; or' upon the revocation thereof. ,by the City Etlgineer, applicant will at his'own cost a.nd expense remove the same from the pu.blic property or right of way' where the same is loc'ated, and restore said . public property or ri~ht of way to the condition as nearly maybe in which it. w~s before the placin~, erection, ma~'nten mce or existence of s~id e~croachment. /- r . ' ' / Date: 07/07/94. -~~~ ~,!~~~~ -~~~~--------------------- Sig ature of Appl~cant (Owner or Representative) / ( , I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF'THE FACTS'STATED IN TH~ FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND .THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) i WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD 'fO PERSONS USINO :::::P:::::/::ACE ::::~(:_::_:::::::_~:::~=~-~::::::~~- . Signature of ~v Engineer .. , PERM1T I I I I I I I I I ~. Permit No. 1233 ;, ,~ . 't~ ,,--""""--'-"--; t; ,.,;;. <;J APPLICATION FOR ENCR.OACHMENT PERMIT (, / TO THE CITY ENGINEER of THE CITY OF BAhER8PTELO. C~LIFORNIA: " f'l.lrsuaut t.o the pro\isif/llS of Ordinance No.3lH) Nt:>\\: Series of t.hEc' (,it.,\ of 13aJ:;:p.rsfield, t.he undet:~..,iS1,lled applies fo,' a ~wrlllit tt) pLH:E>, ("'r.t"~:l Omd/lJl' maintain an encroachment on puLlic propert~ or ri~,n"l of h':::\~ as tht:-:rein dldfined 1'he name and f:lddl'f:'~.;~;" of f1ppllt:,uil i::;: S.\H~I,I, JUHN 1416 17TH fl'r RAKERSF1ELD. rA.193301 (805) :i27-:12G7 'The nature- or rl~'s('r i pt ion of the encrnaChmi-'llt for whIch t.h i l-l al;j:;l j ca. t iOIl i8 made is as follows: AWNINGS AS PER APPROVED SKETCHES PLAED AROUND HABERFELDE BUTI...DING. AWIHNGS 'T'{} BE A HTNIMUH Of<' 8' AI30VT<~ STDE\"'-\LK GRADfl;. AND A NTNIWJH Oi 2' BACh FRON F.\CE OF CURRo ./ r Tlw' 1 ocat ion 0 f the Pl'opt"):i'i.ed et'icrOaehfUPllt I;;: H UfERFF.IJOE Elf {I.DrNG (ALL 31 DES l Applicant a~rees thai if this 8ppli~ati0" is ~ranled, RPplicant will indemnjf~ deffmd a.nd hold ha.rmless HH" City of R;d.;ersfield, its agents, officers and employees HlOl;a i list and from all dama~et-':, .1Ud~meHts, c 1. ailJls, demand::" expeH:"?,S, costs and expenditures, nun A,gain,:;t all 10.138 orliabilit;v\vhic;h the Ci.ty of Hakersf i e Id OJ' :$uch officers, a~entb 01' emp 1 o;\'("es 1II1'\;lt ~l,ff:er, or which may he recoverable from, or obtai.nable a~ainst .the City uf Ruker~field or such off'ieers, agent3 vI' employees, .vro:..:imatel;v Cf.HIAed b~ . grCt\~inl1;. out of OJ' in Hi way connectf;d \,dth. the placi.n~, el'f!.ction or mainti2II<HJee of r,;l':dden(:rorlchl\lent., thF appli<.:ant l'uther a!i,r(>>es 1,0\J1a'lTltain the afot'p.Fdid (~n(;roacJHili..-'nt dllrinf=( Uw life of the ,said encJ:'oachment or until ".;IH'h time t.h.llt.hi,.~ p12t'tllit L.:, r.-e\uked. .-1 Applicant further a~J'e,';15 thai upon the e}.vi ratlon of thE p€-~rlUil for which t:lJ.i a:pplication is made, if s:raoecl. at' upon the revoeH.tion f,hereofby the City Engineer, applicant, w.ill a, is d2~cost. and expense remove the same from the pub! ic prope:rty ':Ii.' r 1 ~ht () f w ~fh ' the ,';,;.HIIE' i;" lOCFJted t andee~"Itort;; said publ it.: property or 1'114ht. of WBY t,\i the ctlnd.i Lion ~..l.S Il{clf-lc'l:v ma)' bei.u 1.\!hich iI' \\'1'18 before lhe placiUfi(t tPrect.ion. .mainteu..A:ncf'" or e:,,-'i;~t.l::n..c.t: ofsaJd encroachment. ,.: '} ,.~ /:'. ... .,:' ../ f /'''''". . -'~-:'fJ--- ._~~,",,~~\/4'1.~.;:~-._- '-'--~---'---.--_._"--' u Si~riatur€< of Appl icaryt (O\-:ner or Represelltat i \ e) Date: 07/07/94 PERM I'!' I I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE: AN INVESTIGA'l'ION OF rfHl~ FACTS STATED TN 'fHFj FOREGOING APPl.JCATION ANl> FIND 'rHA'f rrH"'~ MAIN'rl~NANCI~ OF SAUl r~:f.fCROACIIM.F.NT (1. l I WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTJALl..Y IN'rERF'EJ~E WITH THE: USE OJ? TilE PUR1,IG P'l,ACli-; WlIER.E TH"', SAME IS 'fa BE fJoeA'rI~l) ANn (2) WIlJI. (NOT) GONs'rrl'\)'I'l!: A HAZA.RD TO PI.!;RSONS liS n~d SAID PUBI. Ie PI.JACE SAID AP1"1..1GATION IS rrAF:RKFOR.I<~ (HRAN'I'F,U) (DENJE])). I Date: nU07 /94 ~;~~~~~;,~;;,~:;.--" "H -- H " .. __m' v' I ,\ Permi L No. 1233 , I t~ 7-~ ~ -----............... ---~ ---~~ ~ ~ -~- .~---.,..",-,---~~-~-~ ~~.---------'---~-- ----.-,.....- ~ ,~..,,-,,,,,,"",, ~-~~- ~-.,---..;..-- ~ --- ~--.....- ~ I - i\ .-l APPf,IC/\.'j'ION FOR, f:NCnOACmH.:N1' PI.aZf>HT 'I I I I 1''' TIll': ; '1'1',' y;.! U 'Nr<Ef! pt,' Till': (' ,'n".\ ,- f\.\ t: EWHi If': L \I. i\ i I H'l '.md~ : }'lp',:iL\ni L" ih/:" IIj-\t,j...itlll,'; .d' l>nHU2HHt' (-j.,.J1Hl r..jf~" ~~.-j'il,;j lif .the ,'il~ or p..lf'!<fL,,'Ll, HI<' IUI'lel'.:it/ill".} :/I'p1 it>:: fpl' ,i pf;~l-lllj( !.u ~-LH'(", ,,"'n'l t Hld/,'Il. IilILld.'.\ll ,Hi l'II.,','''''".:hlll("'td illl pul,l),"' I.J'.\I~..(-,ll.\ 01' 1 ,!Of hi nf t....\~ :r" thfl"l,:.in r!,dIH. i. Tti'~ nUll'.' ,111.1 tlld I"".;' u f :\1'1_.1 i I. ;1 Ii t. i :'; I ':: ,\ R ,.\ J) . ,11'+H.j It" h I;'I'H ;;'1 l\"hi':l,';'~I" Ii: 1.11 , I" !1 : .~\~ I l eo G } ; ~ ~; >; - :~ .~: r ~;-, Tilt H.dul.'c" '..l' d,'.i;cri.,}1 ;"n ')1' Ill<'" ellcl,\;.t/..lllllf"Hl f"1 ...hi,.lt........tJJj,"! ,ll..'i' I j".,t 1'.111 i . lin if' j.", d:'; t'. UO'~:b: ,\\JNIt.)~lS :\~: f'EH.\"I'I?(iq;;P :~hli'I\'HI'.:- i \TT,\7~Yfl::Jtl f'L,\,"ED ,\Rnl1~W H\Eld?FE\.IH~ flI.lII.IH~Hl. \WNIWJS 1'P nF\ t-tINl"III~1 PI,' (-i' ~.l.';U"'it: ;;ffH';V.\U; drL'.r,!-:~, .\t,fP \f.jPlnf~lt.t (W :~. (;,\('1\ H~O~1 F.V'J< OF C't1Rl\. J:I.4..,r-... / Th,,-, l[),~.di'.,'III)r tlH' ptT'~"':'i.:..d \"'II<:t",J..I,'hlill.'111. i;,: Il.\IWIH'Ef,f!l'; 1\\llf.ilH\l1.1 i\LL. ~HlIF":1 ....pplJc.tnl :+W;rf:f.~; thaf it IhiF ".q'l.dll--,divlt L'. ~:I'iHlt,:.'.i. d\.>I.'I\c.'ln1 :dll illl.h.IM/IL, .jii'('qd '.Hld h:)ld I.n-lid..::,', Uk' \'ity ..,f' nLlhi2I~;'ofi< 1:1. ji,; 'C.l.I lifO'" "fflcpl,....lIil frllpll).....~k.,.; ('W,-iill:t 'HI.t t'l'oill .111 di'lltl,.tt1,e,,', .illd!!ill\o"hf,.:. ".~l..,Jtu".., d"1lI111fh', f"":;pEU~',:<'" ','d'c!t'~ ?Jl!d ,.",,~,~~'ndlttlt"3', ,A1"I,u~ I III:::'! ..11 t Id''':'' e'f' Il:d'.i IiI ,\ ,"hi\.'''tli~: ;:''ill "f f:ll"'l,.-.;j';eld ur ;:'I.It:I, ,.rfll" I',', ;'H~"..ld :'\ ul ..-lllIJt".'.~ \..<" Ill'" ;'.rd'('\;-;l'. lIP \ddi.-JI UHiV I" 1":.<'~'\.I:-:,t't1hl.;' f,-om. \1\' tll;l;lili'd.,l.:' i.\.f\;Alll,'-;(- lJH. "ii' (,j' {I,d".,,,;'fl!..!.:l "I' ,,:11(;11 ,.r-r;'.:tCr..:., d!:lJ'lIt;.; \Ii' ,..Ii!l,du,d.~'.:, Plu:.;liJl.'Hi',l? (':lIl:.;(.:11,." , Gil'I>"jiJ'i. 0111 l,d'ld' ill lill. "d,," "11111(.('1,.-1 ,,.itll I!lt'" I,l:!..i,,-~, cr"'I't i"ill (.l~. ih.\.illif.lldIH'(' 'if ;.;:,j,1 :c.'III.l'../:.....llIil....IlI, th(:"q.'l.d jCcH~t fqllW.f 'HilT;"',"'." mLdrd..~i11 the. d'nt'h'<,~id ('1I1 1'(I'.lt:huilon!. :ltd'iw,: fl,. Ii l'.. cd' tlk ,;,.jl,1 ""!lI'I'I.:,dll1ld.l 'd' lIui i I ,.:w'h till,'" tljdt lhi: p.'j'mlt I.: h,"\"!--"-'!' ,\',.,..1 il'(ud fUI'thpl' ,H.:i.f'C. th.1l HI.'"I! thr. 1":">\.;1 :ll..i.lli ",. lit<-' p.."rlilit .1).'1') j. .)1 i..\j i:. iIl':ld.?, if ';!t>,nd...,d, ut' upon th.... f'~"vClr.:d,inn l.ht'r(~of l':n~inf:,et.. dP....t h:ant wi'1. at hiE own r~(H..d a..wt P}".pE'n"l--' 1'€"Ultn.It' t.h... pubLh' P"UPt'I-t.:,y ,',r li-.dd ,'d' '\,\.,1 ,dlP.f'f~ llti- ....H'p'. l..; L,>\',d"d, .Hill ji1lld I.'. pr'll'r.T'I' ,I] l'.l\;!.hl "f 1'..\~ t..', Ih,. ,'ull'li I j,'1I ,'I,'. Ill' 'H.I' un.' f.,r:.. JlI,~ld'li ,I '~,I>; Lt.~f(ll't;,' tilt, p/..},'ill<. ",t'f"' I 11lU,. IIH;ill"?Il:'~II('(' \"it. "..i..;j:..IP'p ..I' : li,1 /' fo' ill' (">"1,' hno.. It ~ , i r . ~ J' 1\' II i (" II I I, i !IY the Ci t ~ :"amf-' from ttH' I 'f'..; t " i'" .-. i i I . I ... ! / ,.. " /' (i t t I': d i /0'/ ,I ~q ,..t.. ./ /(t .r ::;'t,:.[j:r1.\H'i._' of /\I.'p}i(dlll tn., rH.' , Ill" H"l'I'(c'b(Clltd,i'.l'- PI'~I1.M i ,. 1 HJi:lmrW CRUII'H"" THA'I' l HAVE t-L-\Hfi: AN TNVJf:S'}'l OAT ION (n,' 'I'IU~ FAC'I'S P.'I'A'I'IW IN TUI': 1i't"')IU:nonw APPi.lCA1'ION ANt> FINn 'l'I-lA'J' <i'llI': MA..N'I'I';r,IANef~ (11<' t-iAIU 1':N{~Wie'\CI'I~tli:N'r ~ I) , vi' (.1, (~JOT} 8UHfTAN....UH.l,y 1 N'n;Rlfl~H,jt; \'n'l'H TH": um,; 01" 'I'mo: PUfH.,} C HI'\G(t: tVlmlH~ 'pn.: ;{.\MfI; J ii <.'0 H"~ t.OCA'nw ANn (~! I WI!.1. l NOT )(~ONS<I' l'rU'I'I'; 1\ UAf.t'\&W TO "i~:H,;;om': ~i..; i Nq :;;:'..1(.. l'tlltl)tC PI,A(~I': ; ~;/un APPI.IC:;''I'lON U-J. '!'Hr.aU':I"ORJi; tfH1,AN'n:n) !fnmn:n~. ~ . I', i .., n.. /{j ,. !:! .t "..-' / /~_ t_/-!-l.. (._ ,..~ ~ J'" .. ... - Hi~'Htlll" ,'If {'ily EIH!.ill\'\-.1 PP '"'I" t No. 1 ;..~:u "I i ~ i lid I \t,iI,II..t-Hd "''1''.. - eil,' {'I.,'I'l, { '~; t.-l ~ I'Hld 1., 'hill'l,,,~: ~.. . - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director FROM: Jacques R. LaRochelle - Civil Engineer IV ~~ DATE: July 12, 1994 5:45pm SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR 1416 17th STREET - MR. JOHN SARAD INSTALLATION OF BUILDING AWNINGS OVER THE SIDEWALK AREA ............................................................................................. Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit and recommend it be approved. The permit is for the installation of awnings attached to the Haberfelde Building. These awnings consist of fabric covered steel frames. They will be located on the Chester Avenue, 17th Street, and 'K' Street sides of the building. The awnings will be a minimum of 8 feet above the grade of the sidewalk, and a minimum of 2 feet back from the face of the curb. ;j " J. :~ t Idw:m:\encroach\530SPANO.RAM i~' \... ~p I I I r ...--.-..----.-..--.---.----.--.....---.---.-..--...--.. .... . ....-..-..--....., . I I I I I I I >: ... C" e~ tr~~~._...._.l_C-!L.b___.._.___._.__..._...__..._ _~._ \ l\ \. ~ II ,-l . ~ ! I.. 1~7 ,-I ') 2.0' LO' ,~/ I~' _ In_ ~/JP ,0 ~o~< J. A'-'.J,v \"-j.( ~ {c' I ~'re <-I ~ l S,,~r~~~. ,'c,:::::J ,c., " ~ ~ C A ~,n_ ~l\~ ( <:;;. ~'" \ C!./"'5.5 /I Ii 5T P1 Jd E-~if-<i'/ c r( L- Ac..Vtv IN) ) w 5 + tJ [ ~ ~ J ~ :pco~osa ~ r ..1. r J:: f'I\.)'\ ~ " t (~ f.J 6 ~ L( --r \j) ~I ~- I \fJ ~.Jl \. J '-.J ~ . -~ E:-'-fcofoseJ c~1 A,..A..J i" 1'./1 It:t/.(,. Haberfelde Building 1-41Ht" 1 7 t h S t. Bakersfield CA 93391 ( 10 b .ekeJ -fe-tr. . c: \.1 C \ AI.VIV\~'" ( C ?~ ~-~ 1 l____J \ ,~ t;~1 ~ I (i}h<. ..... ~ -- -r= \ \\ \ s-+ I :r{)~,) ;1 3~1 / 3~ .t ~?J ~ r} - -'" :0 :;:0 - ~.;..-... . I !-_. 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(Poldoll l_f.lnt. _.Mass. 01m. loOnIer PHOHEIOl.lfRll HIOO.225-6380 ........ , .... ... l. /'~/tiJ:..b iJr-UI"t h / .L";~L"" ' I'~. .I"':.~ . ~ '.H I ~T\ ~ ~JI. .. /( "se.. ~I: VY\l~llv btJU, ~ P ~A~ l )a \~ ~ ! =~ ~I ...... .. .. ~. .[ \.., ..:.,......w . .... . BRIAN L. WARD STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, INC. 2920 H Street, Suite 307. BAKERSFIElD, CA 93301 (805) 328.9022 FAX (805) 328.1975 JOB SHEET NO. 4 OF 4- CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE . . . , , : . . . . : , : : . . . . . . . . . . .. ............,,,...-.............,.............;........,,...., , , : : . , , . : ! : : : . . . .. : : : : .............;.......... :.........:.............. .....i..............t ......w):.u;~::-6 /"/ " "'= /' /'] : : ......................... ..+- ..u 'P.T~ .. . . . . : , : ..... .. ..........".. ....... ......".,..........., .-' . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .........;,...... 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AWNINGS 925 McFARLAND/400 BOULEVARD - A PHARETTA, GEORGIA 30201 404.772-9900 FAX 404-740- 668 1-800-245-6746 I ; . .B6/29/92 15:21 FAX T RAN S M I T TAL DATE: TOTAL NUMBE PAGES INCLUDIN (] IOt{;' , eVER SHEET 10 ~~ TO: FAX NUMBER: s- JZ2 - "~I''f ~ - 4tt-~irn.J ~/swlJ~ ~ .. /75 MESSAGE I 7S :iJF, IS RJ- IF TRANSMISSION IS FAULTY OR IN OMPLETE, PLEASE CALL. IRI ~ FABRI-FRAME* ,FABRIC "THE ONE THAT 'AMING SYSTEM ~ RKS" r uOI ~';:l/;:'':'' ~;...._.. t"'A\;ll::. tJ:'::: CASE ENGINEERING March 1 IS, 1992 Americen Sun Control 925 McFarland/400 Boulevard Alpharetta, GA 30201 Attn: Glorlo Patsy Dear Gloria: Per your request we provide the following explanati n of section property terms used in the material which we supplied you: ,......... ~.. . ._,.. .-... , . .-. ..._,- X: Y: Ix: Th@ distance from the "V" axis to the centr id of the section in inches. The distance from the "X" axis to the centr id of the section in inches. The moment of Inertia of the section about th centroidsl axis which is parallel to the "X" axis in (Inches).. . The moment of 108'jia of the section about th centroidal axis which is parallel to the "V" axis in Cinches) . The section modulus about the "X" axis in (i hes)l. The letters "t", "b", ",. and "r" following this term indicate "top", .bottom. "left" and "right" respectively. The section modulus about the "V. axis in (i hes)l. The letters Dt". "b"."1 and .r" following this term Indicate .top", "bottom" "left" and "right" respectivelV. The radius of gyration about the "X" axis in inches. The radius of gyration about the "V. exis in inches. Iy: Sx: Sy: rx: ry: Also, would you please provide us a copy of the m terlal which you are publishing so that we 08n backcheok It? . Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to u in this matter. Best regards, 127 PEACHTREE STRfET. NE . SUITE 1n7 . ^ T A. GEORC,^ 30303 TELEPHONf (404) 525-8417. fAX 04) 52S..0919 Ii Ii 11 ...\1 ,I \1 ! ., I I I 'I i i I i I ., :\ _.....:4'~' ! ~ ('f) (S) , 'w <.!' <[ Q.. t ~ . f. ~. f l t f I I ;: [, D ~, I :"-If J"ll --. I . J"l .. .:'-.1 , ...... I ~. , 6" -. 3J,_ I I ,-, " j - S JJW.A- 41 . . /00 ~6f- fU' . 'f - ,S . - A'fj5 : t ~ " ,/ , A ~ # ~5 0 : J:~ ' .D:!J ~~ -...,.. -. oJ.t ;.s.i- ~ I _ ,015 , S,,-(: o7Q<6 '5116-' ~ 5'( ~ . 011 J.2. I R.~:I t~30~ . . :5 j"DLl !r'i~ . t x Ii' , . ~G~29/92 15: 21 . ~ 'Ir. ~. cl"OO .'1llt 41'/1, ~ "' . "'~ . ....4...-.......' ..-...l.............'i..",'_7\l"...............ll'..._......."~"ln.'f!.~I~.".C.I"'t'~ ",'-"'" ""-."Iff'''' '-~-~.""\r....r-'" ,. : ;-" u,' PAGE 05 51,/J y l I, . I ., -, ~. ", - . ~t:I ...$ i.~1, Ix. · %., 1 :%,'15 ,O"f/' S,q.= ~. Zs, ~...,.~'1~ "I':)'... .otlS, r",,:: . ~~..'" r~.c .," n ~ ! I ! x