HomeMy WebLinkAbout01238 ---- , - ,~;-l r, ~ . ,. .... k\2"36 c ~ :f - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director FRO{~ue, R. UoIloeb.U. . CI.t1 EDgin... IV DATE: October 10, 1994 4:51pm SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONFOR THE EAST SIDE OF BUENA. J'lSTA. ROA.D BETWEEN MING AVENUE AND DEAR PEAK DRIVE - CASTLE AND COOKE INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM ............................................................................................. Engineering, Traffic and Parks Department staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit and recommend it be approved with the conditions listed on the permit. The permit is to allow the installation of trees and a piping system to irrigate them along the east side of Buena Vista Road adjacent to an existing Castle and Cooke subdivision (Tract 5217). This section of Buena Vista Road is covered under agreement 89-219 which conditions the completion of Buena Vista Road on the first occurence of either of the following three criteria: - 12,500 ADT on this section of Buena Vista Road. The current ADT is 6,550. - 5 years from the recording of a map adjacent to this section of Buena Vista Road. Tract 5217 recorded July 5, 1991 resulting in a trigger date of July 5,1996, for Buena Vista Road construction. - prior to recordation of a Pinal Map adjacent to the west side of this section of Buena Vista Road. There are General Plan Amendments and Zoning Changes that need to occur prior to development in this area. Castle and Cooke is currently working on an EIR to accomplish this. None of the above requirements for ,this construction have yet been met. However, Castle and Cooke desires to install some trees on the street side of the wall adjacent to their subdivision in the future landscaped parkway area. They want to intall these trees to provide better buffering for the lots in their subdivision from Buena Vista Road. They also will be installing an irrigation system to water these trees, and have agreed to maintaining the trees and irrigation system until the entire landscaping is ~ed. The Pads Department has reviewed the plans, and will be inspecting the installation so that this Ian ing and iniga1ioa. installation can be accepted by the Parks Department when the remainder of the landscaping is installed and aa:epted for maintenance in the future. Idw:m:\eDaoachIBVRDLAND.PER -, -..L ..........'~;~~ ..;.--l,A~', ';" ; It, J- , ~~/'~ '?Y 0- /%.J . 13 I ~ ~.i).c.' ! r-~- t"- ~..~~... ~~'-i~--~j APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PEftMI'I 1'0 'rHE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF B;d(i-':L,':;F'IELn, CALI;~)RNIA: ~F~~ I/)-N-'f/f J:? c., Pu~suan~ to the provisions of Ord~nance No.3140.Nel<:Series of the City of Ba.k'ersf l.eld. the uHdersH~ned applIes for a per01J. t to place, erec t and': or maintain an encI'oachment 'on public propert:l-or right of ,<vay as therein defined. The name and address ot' a.pplica.nt is: -i.~ ;i(4;lASTLE &, (,ClOKE Hf.JMES' INC '10000 MiNG A\'E' , BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 \805)664-6;;04 ,I II :1 r I '/ I I i Ii I I I t I If II I l " 'I l I The nature or description of the encroachment for whiclt this applica110n is m'ade is as follows: LANDSCAPING/IRRIGATION INSTALLATION PER APPROVED PLAN (SEE' ATTACHED I PREPARED BY MARTIN-MCINTOSH ENGINEERING DATED 0/10/94. PARKS DEPT. TO INSPECT INSTALLATION, THE APPLICANT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION UNTIL SUCH 'TIME AS RE~lAINDER OF tJ.i.\NDSGAPING AND IRRIGA'rIO~ SYSTEH IS INSTALLEDAND\: 'J>TED FOR MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. ' The location of the ~roposed en~roachment is: ON THE EAST SIDE,OF Bl!ENA VISTA HDAD BETWEEN DEER PEAK DRIVE AND MINGAVENUE. Applica~t agrees that if this Application is. granted, ap~llcant~ill inde~nify, defend and hold har~le5~ the City of Bakersfield, its agents. officers and employees aga.inst and from all dama,..;es, ,judgments, t~ laims., demands, e},_pen':.-~es I ~ -' ' ~ ' (bats and expenditures, and against all 1086 or l~ability which the Citl of B~kersfield or such officers, a,ents or employees may, suffer, or which ma~ be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such _ officers, a.gents or employees, proximately caused by , ~l'owing out (.)f cfr in Any "~ay connected with the placing, erect ion or maintenance of said ,encroac;hment, the applicant futher agrees tortlain:t.ain the afores&Jd encr()8chment during the life of the 8ald encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked, Applicant rl.rther agrees that upon the expiration of thepermi~ for which this I:1pplication is lIladet if granted, or upon the revocation thereofiQy the City Engineer, applicant wIll at his.own cost and expense remove the'~ame from the public property or right of way where the same is loca.ted, and restore said public property or ,right ot way to the-condition as nearly may be in which it, was before the placing, p.r~c tiO!,\ mai'rt')enance or ex} stence of said encroa~hment. ,1-+ '. / -"),) Date: 10/07/94 _:-~.-J!Uw.,\Y ,,~ . -~--~--- ----:.. "'--'---- ,-_., S:igna'ture of App'1-is;La::r. (0"me1' 'JI' Repl'€Een't.'1'\tive} PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MAPE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE 01<' THE PUBJ~IC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOGA'fED AND (2) WILl" (N'OT) CONS1'ITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). -- Date-: 10/07/94 Permit No. 1238 '-~4----~--------- , Original - A~plicant Copy - City'Clerk Copy - rutIle ~orks _~.; u~ "_"_____