HomeMy WebLinkAbout01245 ----- -, -----"'~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ~ TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the pro~isions of Ordinance No.~140 New SPl'iHS uf lhf Clty of Bakersfield, the undersigned a~pliesfor a permit to pla~2, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applica~t is: DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOC. 1401 19tH ST. SUIrE 101 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805l32Ej-5892 The na1.ure or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: CHESTER AVE: TO PUT UP TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND BANNERS ON STREET LIGHTS BETWEEN.NOV 15 ~, JAN 15 EACH YEAR.TRUXTUN AVE: TO ALLOW CHRISTMAS LIGHTING PERMANENTLY INSTALLED ON TREES IN THE HEDIAN.THE APPLICANT SHALL FURNISH THE CITY RISK MANAGER WITH A VALID CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE EVIDENCING THE INSURANCE REQUIRED BY THE CITY RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICE m~DER THIS PERMIT. ' The location of the proposed encroachment is: 1.) CHESTER AVE: FROM TRUXTUN AVE. TO 22ND STREET; ON EXISTING STREET, LIGHTS. 2.) TRUXTUN AVE:. FROM "A" TO "s" STREETS; ON EXISTING TREES WITHIN STREET MEDIAN. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I r ! I I I i Applicant agrees that if this applicatirin io granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, jUdgments, claims, demands, expenses, ~osts and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees ,may suffer, or which may be. recoverab~e from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by . growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or mainteriance of said encroachment, the applicant futher agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is'revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration ot the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the re~ocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the pQblic property or right of way where the srme is locaied, and testore said public property or right of w to the cond,tion as nearl may be ill which it was before the placing, erecti n, ma' tenan\or existenc of said encroachment. , , ~ Date: 12/21/94 -------------~--~ ----- ,----------- _ si~C-'\nt (Owner or Repre.,entaUve) !3rUC/L kifA , . PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARI> ,TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE ; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Permit No. 1245 Signature of City Erigineer Original-Applicant Copy.- City C;lerkCopy '7: :Public : : ~ ' .1 Works 1 "'$/.;25, t11) j?A/~ '-'f--t5 :1 1:? c, ! ~~ -- ---."~-~...,.,- _.-'~" ~... ,~ ~ , TO THE CITY ENOT NEEH OF THE CTTY OF BAKEHSFIELP', (,AL T FORN1A: ~~. i I 1 I 1 ! I I I 'APP1.ICA'rlON FOR ENCJWACHMENT PEH.Ml'r Put':i"Hatd, tt'. t.hp' pro'\lision,:; (Jf Ordilld.IlCe No.;{110 Nt-"w S~['ie;;.; of ihe Ci.ty of Hakf'f'sfieJd. thB undf'l'sll.{Jlet..l a.pplies f.H a VE-'f'lIIl"t to !,;l?;Ic\;" erect and/or malut.ain au E:11c-ro,'1chilwnt. on public pr'oppJ't.'I. or" I'i~ht of way as therein defined. The nalllf~ and addrE~S;-\ of applicant IS: DOWNTOlVN BORTNESG A.SSOC. 140~ 19TH'S'!'. BU[T~ 101 BAhER;::F J ELD, CA 9:1301 (80G l :3:J3 -;1B!}:; The IH..tIU'~ or description of the encroachment. for "hi.,'ll this Hppllc,"Illon .if'< made ig ar-; follows: CHESTER .\VE: TO PUT UP THAf)[TTONAJ, C/.fRISTt4M: DF.COR~TTONS AND H:\NNERS ON STHEET IIIGHTS RET\VEEN N0V 1 f) &. .l.\N 1 ii EA('H YK\R, THUXTUN AVE: 'fa ."LLOW CHRIS'nL\S LfGHTING PERHANENTLY INST,~d,I,l<:D ON THEv:~: fN THEil~mOIAN.THE APPLl CANT SH,\LL FURNISH THE CITY JH$K NANAGER hITH A VALIII e'ERl FTCATF OF INBlJRANCER\,'IVENCING '{'HE TNSUfP.NCfi; REQUIRE!) 13Y THE CTTY RlSK ~p,NAGE~1ENl'" OFFTCE UNI1EH THIS PERHI'f. ' ;"" The ] neat.ion of thE" pN.lposed (~n(;ro'}chment is: 1.) CHEST"~R 4VE: FFWN l'HUXTUN AYE. TO 2:.;ND S'I'HFET; ON EXIS'nNG STHEE.tr LIGHTS. 2.) TRUXTUN AVE: FROH "A" TO "s" STREETS; ON E\ISTING 'fREES \V('rHIN :HREfI:T HElHAN. I t .'q)pllcdnt a~l'ee:=; thCit if t.his "lppJjca.tlon .i.:;.c ~'p'aflt(',d, applicant ,.:ill inde>mnif." defend dnd hold harmle8s tlw ('it<~ of Ba.kersfi.......ld, "it:,> a~ent;;:J, offi~:f:r3 !'lilt! emp]oyee:s against.. H,nd front all dama,~es, judgml':'nt~;, claime, demands., eXpeUHel:.q 'I costs anJ EL\penditl1rel:l; and against all lo~.;s ,)r liability ~hil:h the Cit~ of tiaker~fie]J or ~uch officers, agent.s cr emplo~ee5 md~ Buffer, or ~hich may tJP' rec.i;nerabl"" from, or obt~inab]e a~aihgt UH': f'i.t.y of Bakersfi?ld (>t' -:'\uch officers, agprds or employees, proxbllat.:d.\ caused b~- , u.ro\...in~ out of or in billY', w~I..V connel~t.!;-.d hith t.he pl'=l,cing, er~'ctloH or fUa.int.<.,r,atH'f~ of said ~ncl'oi'lchment, " the appl i(:::lllt f'UUH<,l' l:igJ:ef'5 to mainta.i n the d f(H'!:"3i.,dd PHcJ:'oachment during the lifE' of the ~a-jd enc;ro;'lchment 01' unU 1 Hueh tillle lllat thi;:; permH; is r(:vokt~d. I I I I, I r I l I , I I I I l I Appl iCi-!Jll furthet. ag'l'ees t.hat upon the e:"p i ration of the perml t for \,dd ell th L, appl icat ion i s Ill<:ld,~,' i f ~ I'anted I () I:' upun tho re'llocal ion ther€of' by the City ,Engilu~er, 'applicant will at his. own cost and eXpE:l1l:ie relllove the ~amHfroHl Ulf::' publ ic property nt. right of \\ay ...,'here the 8 mE'> is locat~d; and restoee ~~a:i.d pub] ic propel't.y or right of w;., to the- cond' t.i.on as nearl, ma:," b~"! in \~~Ji ch it was befol'o2! th(-o placing, t=:l.'ecti Hi, 11~ 'Jenan e or exi.tenc'o of said encroad,ment.. . Date: 12/21/94 -_..~,---_._.__.._---. '~-;.-"..- of AppJ" ~ PERMIT t:: /.' II pnt u. ,. c: ///( I HEREBY CF;RTIFY 'l'HA'l' I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF TilE FACTS STATEJl IN THE FOREGOING APPIJICA'['rON AND FIND 'rHAT 'PUtt: MAJN1'ENANCIt OF SAID ENCnOAGHMEN'l' (1) Wll~L (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WI'I'}) ']'HR USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE l'lHgR}O~ THE SAME IS TO IlR (,OCATED AND (2) WJI.I" (NOT) eONS'rrrU'I'E A HAZARD 'fO PlmSONS USING SAIl> PUBLIC PLACE SAIl) APPI,ICAtrION IS THERKHJRE (GRAN'rED) (DENIED). Permit No. 1245 Or-i Ii!, i nal ,- , S i ~ na t. u ["{co () f C it" E II ~ litE:' P r \~ppl lcald ('np~ - Ci t~ .(',1 p.rI~ \'oP~' - PHl~1 ic \\iork..', ~ --5-/;25. b-n ;CA/~ ';'-1- - ~5 , ,< C. ' __~_ h~__.':..-~~"'~~~~'.. 805-834-6662 WALTER MORTENSEN INS 611 P01 JAN 03'95 10:24 A....III.~ CERTIFICATE QPiINSURANCE' ISSUE OATE (MM/DOIYY) , l>RODUCER WALTER MORTENSEN ,INSURANCE 805 834-6222 4701 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF IN~ORMA.TION ONLY ,AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AfFORDED BY THE POLICIE.s BELOW. . COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A LeiTER GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE CO. INSURE!) COMPANY B LETTER DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 2001 "HI1 STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETTeR COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BeLOw HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THe: INSURED NAMeD ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PEI'lIOD INOICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TeRM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WI'rH RESPECT 'to WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED !lY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HE:I=lEIN IS SUBJeCT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TVPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMJlER POLICY EFFI!CTI\'1l POLICY e)liPI~A'1'ION DATE (MM/ODiYYI DATE (MMIDDIYY) LIMITS 8';'01-95 GI:;NERAL AGGREGATe PRODUCTS-COMp/OP AGG, peRSONAl & ADV. INJUf'lY EACH OCCUf'lRENCE FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone life) S MED. EXPENSE (Anyon. P9ISOOI $ QENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PAC279924604 CLAIMS MI'\DE X OCCUR, OWNER'S &. CONTRACTOR'S PROT, 8-01-94 S ~ , $2,000~000 ,1.,000,000 $1. 000 ,000 50,000 5,000 I l".........-_~.q...............- AUTOMoBILE LIABILITY ...........J~__~'"'-._....___lJII'4o'..._ SCHEDULED AUTOe COMBINED SINGLE $ LIMIT BODILY INJURY $ (Per p""'~I1) BODILY INJURY $ (Per aceident) PROPERTY OAMAGE $ EACH OCCURRENCe $ AGGREGATE $ ANY AUTO ALl.. OWNED AUTOS I i HIRE:D AUTOS ' NON-OWNED AUTOS I ___,._=~ L1ABILI,T,:_ ~ E)(CE$$ LIABILITY . I UMBREl.LA FORM I OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM , ;~'M____o-o...""""""",~_. f'~~.~""""'_ I WORKER'S COMPENSATION , ~D . I ~..~,=~::t~I:._.._~_ hTHEfI STATUTORY LIMITS EACH ACCIDENT $ DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ J.....-___~__.. DESCRIPTION OF OPEFIA'rIONS/LOCATIONSIVEHICLESISPEClAL ITEMS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ATTN: I>UH CIIUNG-,t)IC/c Cffi=UNlj 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 10 DAYS NOTICE S~AlL BE GIVE:N FOR NON-PAYMENT OF PREMIUM. ~t't'~__._~..~.."-.....:-._--.-~ CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DeSCRIBED POLICIes BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE eXPIRATION ClATE THEREOf', THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -3!L DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO T.Hf. CERTIFICATE HOLOER NAMEO TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHAl.llMPOSE NO OaLl~ATlON 011 LIABILITY OF ANY IND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS 01=1 REPRESE;NtATIVES, CEATIFICA TE HOlDeR AcnAn !>!;;_lI:: 17/an\