HomeMy WebLinkAbout01247 __,,1 ---~- -7 " .. ~ l - , I APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 9J , 30),).7 10-/1-9 t' i I ..-, TO THE rITf ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant Lo the pr;ovisions of Ordinance No.3140 Nel'l' Series of the Cit~, of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of l<\1ay as therein defined. :. . .- :" ~ . . ; ~\;" LABRECQUE, KAROLYNE 3000 BOULDER LN BAKERSFIELD, SA 93309 (8051832-6l79 The name and address of applicant is: The nature o"r desc'ription. of the encroachment for t;Jhir:h this ,applicat~on is made is as follows: TO LOCATE A 6' WOODEN FENCE ALONG THE BACK OF SIDEWALK ON BERTHOUD LANE FROM AN EXISTING BLOCK NALL 'AT THE BACK OF THE HOUSE TO THE NORTHEAST COR.NER OF THE HOUSE, AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED DRA'HNG. THE FENCE ENCROACHES APPROXIMATELY 7' INTO THE EXISTING R~GHT-OF-WAY OF BERTHOUD LANE. Th~-location of the proposed encroachment is: ALONG THE BACK OF SIDEWALK ON BERTHOUD LANE FOR APPROXIMATELY 72' AT 3000 BOULDER LANE. Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield9 its agents, officers and employees against and from alldam~ges, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, arid against all loss or liability ~hich the City of Bakersfield br such officers, ~gents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such Dfficers, agents or employees, proximately cau~ed by , growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or mainteriance of &aid encroachment, the applicant futher agrees to maintain.the aforesaid ericroachm~nt during the life of the said encroachment or until s~ch time that this permit is revoked. Applicant fl1rther agrees that upon the expiration of the permit ~or which thlS application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the elt)' t...," Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the. same from the f publ ic property or ri~ht of l>lay where the same is located, and restore said ~ public property or right of ,way to the condition as nearly may be in which it r was before the pla~ing, erection, maintenance or existenc~ Qf said encroachment. .' ~ ~. . Date: Ol118f:\\S -.r; n--T~~-'-I!;2~/---------- '.,i Signaturf of Appl ic:aryt. (own[) or ~epresentat,i ve) PERMIT' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS' STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE ,PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCA'l'ED AND (2) WILl, (NOTr) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: 01/18/95 Engineer Permit No. 1247 Original - Applicant Copy -', Ci ty \'lerk COFY- Pub~ic Works ,," .~. __u~'~~,_u__ ._, .,..--:'~~ ; ...., i i 1 j ,) TrJ TEll.' ('11\ ENGINEIW UF THE: ('IT\ OF rp.l~r.;RSFIELD, C.\LlFOHNIA: t -.."-~",, - - Pnn,uant to 1h(> 1'1'0\.i~ion,.~ o'f'()'r.n'j:-'t'itillc€ No.314D Nev. Bel'i.e~ of the City of ncd:t"l',.;fii~"'ld, tll~ und(~r~...i.~IH"d ,\ppli.f'B 1'01' a permit to pUle,:", t'TIi':Ct. and/or malntf.-lina~~_/encl'()a.(;,hUlP.flt on publ ie property or rIght ,jf \\')"\'-~1~:,c::~.)€finl;.'.d. -'. ~~"- " The Hamf> d.wl ;uld r'e::;, ''l of applicant. i...;: L,\BRF.CQU[~! KAHOLYNE' "-~"":. :WOO BOULDER LN HAKERSFIELD9 CA 93300 i8051832-6179 \ \ -1d 30/;;' 7 1,-lf-9' 'v f" ./' APPL {CATION FOR J1;NCROACHMF.NT PERMIT The Hat.Ul'P ordlr:scription ()f thE' encroachment fl..H' hhit'h this l:\pplicatiotl i~o mR,ue IH al::l fa] 10Wfo;: TO LOCATE t-\. 6' \.JOOnEN FENCE ALONG THE B,\CK OF SJDE1<lAI,J;: ON BgRTHOUD LANE FROM AN EXIST HlG HLCWK K .\LL.c\1' 'nIE DH-;h OF '{'HE HOllAR TO THE: NORTHEAST COnNER OF THE HOt'SE AS SHOWN ON 'f'UE .\T"l'A.I....HED DRAWING. THE FENCE KNCROACHES ,.\PPHOX1NATELY 7' INTO THE EXrS1'IWl RfGH'L'-OF'-WAY OF mmTlIOUn LANE. The'"lo{'ution uf the prop(';'-ed encroachment. :h',: ALONG THE 11M:K OF SIDEhA[,K ON kEBTHOUD LANE FOR APPHOX INA1'f.:IJY 72' \T:lOOU OtJULDER LANE. ~.pp1i.cau1 agrees that if thi;.:, application is granted, applic,ant ,.;:ill ind€mnif~-, di:f<:nd and hold harml(,;8~i the Cit~. of nakl:H'Bfieldj it!-\ :.\.'~eHts, ()fficerf~ and emp] '()y ee:,:; again~;t Flnd from all dRma!<{E:s, jud~mE'nts I cl aim~, demand~1, eXpE"fU::l("S. C('2tS ~nd exp('~ruiUut'6SI and I'\~aln;::;~ all loss OT' llabilit,\' ,,,-hidl the Cily of bal."'l'sfield or such offil:'el's, &!:\GnL, or employees may suffer, or which ~n~\ be cP(~n'vet'able from, or \)btaJl\.:).ble against the .-::'itJ (.f H.akel.3fi.ehl or 811'2b officers, agents or employees, proxlm~tpl~ caused by I Mro~in~ OU~ of OJ" in aD~ \\';")..v r.onnected'l",it.h ttw vI 1:I.C i.n!.;! (~],f';(.t ion or ma,.interianl.:e of .-:;Eli d encroachment, Uie appl i caot fu ther :,tg n;'E>~, t Cl m'-'\ i nt.ain.._,the aforesa i d eneroachment dur .in~ t hi:-' ! lifE:-' of the sa.id 'encr'oac:hment. or' unt.il ';'I(':h time th':lt thj~~ 'l.'ermit i:... ['evnk<?d. t' , ! l I ! i , I ! , I , Appl icanL fl1l"ther agrees ,that upon the €':\;pirHtiotl '"uf the p>:::r'IDit for whichUllS i.'tpfJlic..d.iuH i;3 made, if granted, or upon the revoeation t.hereof hy l.he City J.:n~ineerf applicant wi] 1 at his own r:ost and eApf-~nSe remove t.he same' f);lf;)m the public properLy or r.i.~ht. of wa2 hiherc the saine is located, and resture c",a,i.d {..Hlulic property or right of h"ay t(, the condition a.s tlearl~ JIla~ bE'ln \vhich it i,ac:; before t1w placing, ?l~ection, maintent.tnce or k'...lSl6UCC uf :il<::iid euc,J.'l)achment. Date,;; : 01/18/95 P}l~RMTT ,.- ( J HEREBY CERTIFY 'I'HAT I HAVE -MAHE AN fNVES'rIO'ATJQN OF "HE FACTS STA'rED IN 'fHE FOURGOING APPI,ICA'frON AND ["INO TH,'\'!' '1'fm MA HJTENANC}l~ IOF SA 1 r> lt~NCrtOAmIMI~N'[' (t) W1LL (NO'f) SUBSTANTIAl.I.Y IN'rER,F\t~RE WITll TIlE USF:.(WTUE'PUBl.IC PLACE WHERE TIm SAM": IS TO B~ t,OGA1'RD AND (2) \ofll.L (NOT) CONSTITUTR A HAZAFW 1'0 P1<:RSONS us fNO SAID PURLICPLACF; SAIl> AP'PLJCA'f'lON IS 1'HElfEFORI!: (GRANTED) (DENnm). Dot.,,:,: 0111B/rJ5 UH._ ~~___".___H.W~ 8i !i;!~~~~- ~~ (,i t~. En~ i'H"er Po ('m i l No. 1 ~~4 7 O!."l~indl- Applicant ('op..- . Cil.~, C)f.rk ('npy - Pllb~'i c: Worki-:i r ~.. . ': t - B.AKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director rtfIf- FROM: Jacques R. LaRochelle - Civil Engineer IV ~ ' DATE: January 20, 1995 1:25pm SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR 3000 BOULDER LANE - MS. KAROLYNE LABRECQUE RELOCATION OF A 6' HIGH WOOD SIDEYARD FENCE TO BEHIND SIDEWALK >'If' ,~ - '********************************************************************************************* Engineering and Traffic staffhave reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the construction of a 6~ high wood fence that would be located directly behind the back of the sidewalk along the sideyard (along Berthoud Lane) of the above residential lot. The fence would attach to an existing block wall that runs along North HalfMOQn Drive at the back of the lot (see the attached map). Adjacent residents have signed a petition in support of the fence installation. Staff recommends approval of the permit. tdw:m:\encroach\3000BOULDER 'I~~ ~~Z -Zqo <0 ' go/Z- -G:. tJ!! (6~M eX ) APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: ~ 0 .; C!ASZ-Dl>.(N ~ ~"^'~ ~oz:o 'I5oU.L~ W. . '..' The nature or descr}ption of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: .s e~A'l#&lA~ 1=0~ 'F<ZN~../J6 ~~ The location of the proposed encroachment is: ~ t!!:;>'f- ~t'lA~:!:. ~ LI,:)) t!:(~ ~ ~ ~I~/ J;.iJ) Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of t2e said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this a~plication is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public prooerty or right of way where the same is located, and restore said ?ubli~ ?ropertyor right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maint nance or existence of said encroachment. Date: tOol 1-/1 S- ~ ""'266~ PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS ~T!D IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE 'JF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (SOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: Signature of City Engineer ?-o( '1dF !Va. (~Jf1 Dist~bution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works B004 014-52060 125.00 01l18/95REV6/90 ~ CITY OF BAKERSr IELD DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS To Whom I t ~Iay Concern: \\e, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or wall behind the sidewalk on: ,~bGl' 177t9UC1/~ jJ.J (Street) r By~ '?~l-YlU kikt)~~ut: (C....ner I s ~;ame) of~~L~, (Address) Phone ~ -Coll.4" SIGNED: rA~~ ADDRESS:..::J.JaQ~ ?S:;( 2) NANE: ~ .' n. -/It''~rDATE: ADDRESS: ~10~" 3) NAJ.1E: J..!JJi:;__ DATE: . t' I) NAJ.1E : DATE: I -- I 7 - e:;.s 1- It -' C;S" (- r 7- q s- ADfJRESS: ~_.~ 4) NAME: ~ II h'1~ It) . ~ J("V'...;; ADDRESS: ~ ( ~Ul~-- 5) NAJ.1E: ~J.~.A~--^ ~ 1)/~ ADDRESS: ~~ ~U(;O~ 6) NANE:~~. -<.e,c.aJ'{i~~ ADDRESS: 't!:J( 't9 _ as ',fTl; DATE: I...;.. I 7 - 9s- DATE: 1- / '7 - r s"-- DATE: /-/7- 9V- I I . I HEA~" ~1I1 .'0_ I "'0" 1:100 4$ 17 I' JO JI T 1 R ~ 4 $ : 4 .. 1$ i ., ., \ I , " 14 ~ 17 I ;:, ::. i I I ~ \ l \ IJ ;;; / 1I1q: ./ . .3.' 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(~ .:0-~~~' ~...)'.::~.i.O (,UP: /" .~~ ." \-,' -'" ,.' . ",.,- . . .....:, : :C54<51: ' ,6)("~;:~:l(.M:" -OF' ~eNaG'-' '" . :.. , ~;. ~~.--.........--'tl' ....._..;. ~ .. '.' -, -:"'~'., .. -:5W e~n1fY . ' , \ .. ~ ': <;~.:! .v . .::. ~ . . -'\. . ~' ,.:" "': t .' , ", ...; ':11\ ;\ Strom be lias & Gazebos Our bridges, strombrellas, gazebos and benches have been designed to fit any landscape situation and are also made of selected redwoods, and finished with water repellent coating. '. -,.....,........... ,~' I... ITEM 11005 '.:) (0.:. Benches In some bench models, seat slabs are 23" wide, 5 112' long and 3" thick. All are made of individually selected redwood of the highest quality. J' ~, ... '.... Unique Until recently, these artistically crafted, unique products have been designed and built only for our local clients. Now we at Yard Art are expanding our business and market by making our custom outdoor redwood. lamps, benches, bridges, strombrellas and gazebos available for use in your landscape or garden. ITEII 11001 Hand Crafted Each individually hand made piece is given the utmost attention to quality, craftmanship and design. All lumber I' ' whether from our suppliers, the mill, or cut on our premises from actual logs, is hand selected by our staff to assure the highest quality materials for a long lasting, unique outdoor addition to your landscape. Ii ITEII 11002 Accent Lamps Our redwood ! accent lamps have not only been designed to be attractive when in use, but also as an integral part of your landscape during daylight hours. Custom Work \;, ITEM 11003 , We at Yard Art also offer custom designing for your needs and will change any item upon request. Quality All lamps are constructed of clear, vertical grain, kiln dried red- wood. These lamps can be stained to match exist- ing colors and , will give your landscape a unique appearance to I be enjoyed for : years to come. 'I ~~m. ITEM 11004