HomeMy WebLinkAbout01248 -,- ------.---.,.---.-. --:-.~.~,--,---------------,~,~--.----,---,-.---o-~--------'T' ----- ,,-.~'--'--'---~- -w- ~- pt- 'or r<"".....----------,---- ~,-,~-----. ,~..,~ ~ ..........-.-.;--..-----.-,...~---- '.1 i~,,, cr- 2q 1. e J' .,-' APPLICATION FOR,ENCROACHMENT'P~IT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERS1"'IELD, Q4LIfoRNtA. t The name and address of applicant is: LEONARD JACK 5801 SKYRANCH AVE BFL, CA. (805 )8a1 2-9-&6 8"73-qo.,.b 1 I 'j Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No.3140 Ne", Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit Lo pla0e, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: 3' HIGH BLOCK RETAINING WALL ALONG BACK OF SIDEWALK ON SIDE OF HOUSE.ALSO, A 12" HIGH RETAINING WALL FOR FLOWERBED ALONG BACK OF SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF HOUSE. (SEE ATTACHED DRAWING.) The location of the proposed encroachment is: BEHIND SIDEWALK ON SUN CREST AVE SIDE OF HOUSE. Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will ,indemnify, defend and hold harmless 'the City of Bakersfield, its agents, nffic.rs and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, cOsts and expenditures, and against all losg or liability which the elt, of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or emp} oyees may suffer, 01' which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or surih officers, agents or employees, proximately c~l1seq. by , growing Qut ot oIjl in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said' encroacn..nt, the applicant futher agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment dur\~,th. life of the said encroachment 01' until such time that this p,ermit is re.~. l , I I I , I I I I I' f I A~plicant'further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit ,for which this application is made, if granted; or upon the revocation thereof by the Cit7 Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the' same from the public property or' right of waj-; where the same is locat.ed, and ~e5tore said , public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenan7tence of sa-id , Date: 8i ature of Applicant (Owner or Representative) ~ PERMIT i", '" I HEREBY CERTlii THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPL"ATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL {NOT} CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: 02/02/95 , //7 . .,,,,/ P./, ,.;t -/ I' c~ ' ' .. J/~' \ .t.....~~ ... --7- -----;'---.. --------- - - --- - --- ------ -- -- ---- ---- Signature of -"City Engineer Permit No. 1248 ..-.~~- ~ --:;---,- .... .. --~...----~ ....J.. .. ~".. ,-,---, --~...-~.~-~~--- " .. ---~.---' .~.--"'--, ~~-- --- i crj 1 I I 1 1 i '!l Co 2"fz.0 " , " \ ,\ < \,. . , ." \., ..,.ltr ./ APPLICATION l"OR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ." "\ TO THE CITY ENOlNEER OF 1'UE CITY OF RAKERSFlELD, C~I.IFOHNrA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No.3140 Ne~ Series of tIle City of Bakers field j the lHlders i~ned appl tee for. a pe nn i t to' pI A.ce, erect a.nd/or maiuta.ii..-au encr'osdlmenL on lJubl i c property or T'.i~ht of way as therein thdined. The n,luie and addre~~s of appl i.cant. , is: t,IWNAfW.J ACK 5801 SKYRANCH AVE BFl., ell. (805 )e~,.l...~ 0"-13- -iJ~b , The na t ur.e or descr i pt 1 (,)11 0 f t.he encroachment fur ,-lih lch t,hisappl.i cat ion l!;'\ made is as follows: 3t HIGH BLOCK RETA1NING WALL ALONG BACK OF SIDEWALK ON SIDF OF' HOUSE.ALSO, A 12" HIGH HE'1'AINING WALL FOR Fl.O\\'ERBED AlIONO BM~K OF SIDEW,H,K IN FHON'f OF HOOSE. (SEE <\T'!',\C'HED DRAWING. ) The location of the Pt'o{wsed encr.oachment .ld: BEHIND SIDEWALK ON SUN CREST AVE SlDE OF ,HOUSE. ,1.ppl icant il~ ['ees that if th L., appl ieat ion is l.i ranted, app 1 iCi.lnt wi 11 i lldemn i f~, · defend and hold harmless the City of Bak<:r:;;field, itB agerlts, officerli> and employees against and from all damagest judgmen~sl clAims, demands, expenses, costs and expendituI'€",H, and a~ainst ~ll loss or, '11nbil i ty which t'he C:i ty of Bakersfield or such officers, agent~ or emploY0~H may 3uffert dr which may La I'ecovt?rable from. or obtaitH-tble against the C it X of B,<'\.l{ers field or such officer~. a~entt:;; or employl?€s, proximately cl'!,llsect h;\r , growtllf5 out of' or i.n :tH,' \\'a~. c(.Hloect,ed ,,1 th the pI a:'c ing j,. erect i on or maird~'erIl1,ncc; u.f said <::~ncroachment ; thE: :1pplicR.llt futher as(rees t.o:waintaill thE' ,1foresllid encroi'll:hment. dllrim~ t.he life ,of the said encroar:hment VI' until such time t.hat this pe>rmlt i:;;; revoRed. Al,1plh::aut furth<H' agrees that, upon the expl rat ion of the ver'mi t for which th:i s applicat.ion Is made, if grallted. or upon the revocation -thereof by "the City Enf':(ineer t appl icant wi Ii at hi s own cost and 0:(penH€l remove the saIDe from t.he public property ~r right of way where the sami ig locatedt and re~tore Haid pl.ibl ic propert;\- or right of h'<t)- Lo thE' condition as lH-]Hrl~' may be in Hhich Lt, was before th~ placing, erection, majnt~nance or lence of said etieI'oa;.';nment. Date: 02/02/9G ~"( J .It../\. ' --..... .....-...,.'- -...--::...- I I I' I , I I I I I of Applic~lt (Owner or Reprpsentatlve~ p(t~RMrT 1 HEUEBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF 'I'HE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FINO THAT THE MAIN'l'ENANCE OF SA TDENCROAGHMli;NT (1) WILL. (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH Tlm U~F: OF THE PUBLIC PI~ACE WHERE 'rH1<: SAME IS TO BE (.OCATED AND (2) Wn.L (NOT) GONS'n1~UTE A HAZARD TO PERHONS USfNG SAID PUBI~IC PI,ACE SAID APPLICATION IS THER.EFOn.E (GRAN'nm) (DENIED). I , j (:,-:'", ,?" ...... _ ~~_;....)O~ _'$'-::_ -... .....p.- -....- .....- - --- - - -- -- - -- -.. - .--....- -- -.-.....--.....-..-- Signature of ~ity Engineer Drite: 02/02l95 P€'rmi'l No. 1248 \ " ... P, __~I_'_'__'U~___.,~__~ \ ' :, \:~ (.. -: 1,~ 0 ('t,., '1- (f< Al'Pl.ICA1'f(.N F(>I/. r:iJcH.o/~f..'nt>lI':NT I'f.:IHHT :, ... 'rrl fin: "IT\' Er.j!:lfJl<Hl .)1.' Till': ,'1'1'\ fil.' 1,:\;:;:ln:i.:I.FU', ,'..\ldFol.I1';!:,; 1'\II'--UIf.l. 1{J tllF ~"j"."'t..ion.;' "t" n,dlil'HI"i' hu.:.t,~n Ni;'\' t>,t'j..:." ~d' lh;.- Cd," ,.'1' U:l.b'r"..;fi.:1,J., 1.1t~. IIt\lh"I';::.i\~w-d '!('I,1 j, 1"'11 i'(:,l'lllit t(, \>I:i.{'o\ f"r~',:'t HI 1/,..1' HLdni\iJ, \ill f'IH"I';,:H'!llfw,nt 'HI l~tlLll" 1"['''1,",1'1 \ 0.1' t li4ld .,f "'H~'l.-:' \,h{"I,,,:11l d.,.riIH".j. 'rllf-' II..I\W al.,l .,,),11.':'\'''; I,i" :qJ~,J i"'!ld I,';; U:ONAI!l, J ;,f'h ;'11-\01 :.;t;VI:,:.N;'H .\T, I~FL, .'\. I f;O f. i ~i-:+.t... ,'f!1 rtl ~\-"~ 3 - /.)' /t.{, I'Ll:" n:dHt't: 'H' ,1'....';:(1 1I.d i~.n ..I' lhi:. r'lIt" ..~c<ll"hnl(-~I\l fnr ;..hi,::h t.lli::.: c),\Jpl i\,:.d j',HI i' w..d..... i,c. ,'t; f(,l)u'.:": '-, IiH;!1 BL(JI.'L IIE'l'iI,HHNri tALL J.I/)NC i;>.cr nf. ;;lPI":\I;,\LE (lh] ;~lP\ 'W Hi'lf::!I~.,:\I,,';',\. .'~ 1.:::" IIIGH RET:, HtltHi ~.,\Lt. }.'OE FU'\':li:r\'HVI.I\Uf{\:d fL\f'l\ nf' :'qDE\,;\I.L P'j l.lli,';..!'"! r'F H...I':.,". (;,;l:E \TT",I.'lH~rl L'k\~;l\'.lG. l l' h~. 1 u\ ,;, Li ',I H (,' f i, h,;::- l"'U lAI ,-" < d f' lie I.',HH.: hlll~~ lit 1 ".. IlEH PHI," r I i!,:l~ ,~\" l. j HJ IJ !li'~ .c' h' F~'T ,J,\' \. ;,:1 nF "1" IIUP::to:. 'qq.di.c,"l.Id ..llli,I,...t',1 1'1'.;),1 il' lh!..! ,\!"pli. ,\t IQli Ie, o;l'3f1t~..,I; 11,~"ll(,llit hl.l.l HI,L'liIjilr~ d",r""II<1 ,'Iud hnJd IHI'1Il1f:,;:,; t illc' .'j I,y of f;~d..t,~t'.'.;f.J,ldj .it;", l/i';;,rd;.:;, nf'r,j,.'( t'::' :Hld ....~lhl..lu~.,... ;.utrlill..d and ft,()tlI ,dl :la,ilJ'l;!'::,c't ,iud:{IHf':r:"t::. I.'l~:li.m:-:, d""'ili.t'ud"l ,;"",.'''oll~:~ . ' . \ ... ,.(".t::; ,-jIlt! f~:,pf'."ndjlul'ic"';' awl Hlj,'iilll.:t H1I .l\)~\; j~I..:';lJ.dhilit~', hhid'l Ihe "it.' fit' BIll;"I"'",fi~,:ldH' '\,I('h dffi,,(,i",", .l':\"id:~ ,'.1' ~'Illpltj~'t',i",,~ JII!)',: ~,;lIffE.')', \" 'd.\.'h ,1'1:2:' l, "f"I'I)\'l"I.'"d it 1'1' .1fI, (,r i~l.',ijlldi".L:',~;dr!.,.'1 the' eit \', rd' B;.;I<",I,;.ricld en' "11' h .d'fi.;, I'.'. ,I';~YllL~; ,>I' "'llIi>.lI,I:',~t.~, IH'~':I',ibi.-l.tnl)i' "it.,$,.I:"'(..J L.', , ;,II','Il' liP;' .,.\'l ,,t' t"~' .t! Ill' ,",'d,' '.'()I!t1v,('I,,'d, ;,ilh 'Ivl" };ldt.:iu,;~:. :.::ri:'vl.i,JlI i1J H1.~i,ul}li'IFnl"" 1)1' ,-'d1,t 'c'II..'!'fj?H'lllhilil "hf :q,,'l'lj, "lllf 'fllther ,H"l'," '.; i,. lIJl.liHLtlll !hl"' \.l,)\,.:""tid ,'\"'l'IJd\~hm(,HI.JIP'ill:" ,Ii' llf,' <'1' III':' :,:,1,1 ",~'IH.I'O:t..hlh"nt nl' IHd;t ;;th'h I.iwc 1:~I:it .hi, p"l'!lli,~, i:, I.t \(ilt'l. ";i,pll"IIIL flll'th,~"H',n',-':; t :1;11 1l!..H'fI "1.11\' ,,:,,-P-l "dl lUll 'if ',!i.~' 1.'~'I'llli t ful' "h i..:h . iiI C :(t./f,li.oliv.ll i:.~ IlIa,lc" if .;f'lhl.-,...L ;,\J npnn thE~ y'~:"r:H'ati',H} tlwl'p<.lf b~," t.ht:':, Cit:v 1';H)(inepr, ;.},p."llc;:\ut wi'J,1 ~d I'll:.; thin (".OHt h/,nd t:;q..wn't' ~'OUiove 'Ih~.' ;H~me from U.... ',"1hlh:: pl'{'PCTt.x ....1. r'i'd~l. "I' ""\.' \Vhr'l't 1ft,: '.'-!lIl<' i,:, It,,,''l'f L .JwJ l:':',:('f(: ,~,kd,l !J U 1:1 i..:: pi'" i.l> ~ I' ~:. ' , l' 1 I ill I ii, '.' l' -I :" t ut It.e '': II II' Li tin Ii \" ; l" {T I " flU, ,1-' I, ;" iii', d; I \,~ b ; I.. \\;l~, 1>f:' fe, r., t hi' !-' 1 ... ( I,ll.!..: '. (1'1:,' \ ,i(1 .11, ---'Ih..,.,l; i Ht ell .HI' ~ (, .; " /" .', ' ,.:' I '= IJ;' c, (l r ,~"n i I ~_,... t " , t' H(' I (J ,t.' 11m\.-' II ~ . '. , - ,/ L,C, L.c<..~ ,,' "',',', -r... ~- ...,," ,-, ..' ..-.... ... ,:.1' '\lJ~,J i~. :UIl '(';' JI., l" .11 H., ~Jr~.;...Hi ,1 ii' " I .. . 'I / n ~ \I re:. / ..'lmM. J T I 1 J l I I I l I I l i ! I I I','it c : f J:: i 1..4 :: / ~.~ ;~ 1 Hl';Hb:HV Cl.;Hl'i '''Y "'H'\'f',,;f ClAVI<: t-t.UfE AN INVIt:S'rH~VflON (}ffI' 'rIm FM~l'~~ f.1'ATmi IN THE Fom.:GOlN<l i\f'PI.lCl\1'!OW't\Nn FINO ,(,~L\T 'I'HI-: MAIN'n:NANCE (W BtdV '.:NtmO.M'Ht-mNT ~ 1 i W1J..1. ,NOTI HUHWI'AN'f'l,'\l.l,y IN'l'lWFf:H,f>: \"l('{,H 'I'HE H0~: ..W' 1'lW PH(~L"j(' f'~,(\.('~ii: \vlH>:I'U'; 'I'm.; t),'\MI,: u. TO HI'; I,OCNS'tW r'\Nn \:~ t . !;;, I,t. {Nn1' ~ {~ll'N..~'l't'I'H'I'li: A UAi'.,\lW Tn 1'lm~:VN::, l'S I N\l ;3;UU pumdr" 1)1,^i~E ; ~~AfH ,",l'I'.,};:/l,TlON Ii; Il'lmJn.:j.'on~: (\HU",NT~(nj (HEITH:IHo 1\ \ . ~ (,.. II', " ~.'n'_, Jf.~'i _4f~,'~' ;7 "td ~ \.1 ~ ;',ll\fli:lllll'" .~t-."'''''' ,; f \' i t ~. (,'lli} i H,,,,~'l' I'. t'o.; i N.~, 1 ~4,; I~~ ..,.,. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ~:rLv 'Jprv- ) TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: ~ 831- Z9fd) r.<.eJ> ,q 'Z-' < 1ft{- 1 [}Jt. B1 3 -" Of 5t.fJ fJ'"r- Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. ~~L~~ The name and address of a~cant is: '?!iO/ 3KI'f(A,JQ.tI >#V&. ~ ~K~lS.~.Lt5=L[)) ~ ,. The nature or description of the encroachment for whicb this application is made is as fOllOWS:~I1G<.J?c::N ~ ,4N'V "fwc.JFfL ~1) ~,,62f)EkZ. r.Jf r;~c;::r:7. . E) &'1 - . It.. . The location of the proposed encroachment is: <:;gOt 'S KY'lA,.J'<-t-/ A ~ Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City 0: Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Ba~ersfield or such of:icers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, :ne applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this ~ermit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of t:'e permit for which :i1is application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from :he public property or right or way where the same is located, and restore saie public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, mainten nee e iste ce of said e oachment. I Date: /-:iff3(6- ~ S PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE HADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: Signature of City Engineer No. I"Z% Distribution:' Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REY6/90 B002014-S2060 125.00 02102195 , CITY OF BAKERSrIELD DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS To Whom I t ~Iay Concern: \'e, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or ~all behind the sidewalk on: ~ L(UQG(i: ~ " . (Street) of .~f10( Sk"Y K;..tJQr1 (Addres s) SIGNED: 3) 1) NA!-lE: ADDRESS: 2) NANE: ADDRESS: 4) NAME: ADDRESS: 5) NAME: ADDRESS: 6) NAME: ADDRESS: SK:vQM 1 (!);L;5 ~ \ By - .:::JA. Q..K (Owner I S Phone :s9 :t ..... a c.! <./ ! DATE: ~' It 19-5 . DATE: fyqs DATE: ;III I 9S- . DATE: ~-I- ~5 DATE: DATE: , Sq1Jc.CltS p-- I, ~ ~ .-: ~ j -, , ' \ ' \ I -.( , oJ ' 0_ v '.tf'),'7/ u 13 1 ~ ~t I ,':l1ii1" .-sbO'~Jg 'vJ.?.k. '::J .. t'fl/(J.II(:f ';1 """'1 rJ :'..:~O~eg Q"'g ~n9f:J , )/\/ )' r 1.1 V(/ jIl. f... ,. ,. ':: ~... / .1;, . '" l - /1 ", --,j 6 ~=1:j l Q '} vA; ~ I I I ... ~ : & . - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas. Public Works Director FROM: Jacqu.. R. LaRoch.U. . Civil EUgiueer~. DATE: February 3, 1995 8:51am SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPUCATION FOR 5801 SKYRANCH AVENUE - MR. JACK LEONARD CONsrRUCl10N OF A 3' HIGH RETAINING WAU ALONG mE BACK OF SIDEWALK **********.********************************************************************************** Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the construction of a 3' high concrete block retaining wall adjacent to the back of the sidewalk along the sideyard (along Suncrest Drive) of the above residential lot. No fencing on top of the wall is proposed. The wall would have short returns at each end that would extend back to the right-of-way line. Adjacent residents have signed a petition in support of the wall installation. Staff recommends approval of the permit. tdw:m:~ru;roach\5801 skyr.anc 'iJ' .........,; OJ:": ~ ~ ... A=12' WITH PARKING A=6' WITHOUT PARKING D CENTERLINE OR MEDIAN _EDGE ~ L3 t MAXIMUM ENCROACHMENT CURB LINE D=S X 10 D=SIGHT DISTANCE (FT) S=CRIllCAL SPEED (MPH) OR DESIGN SPEED ON THRU STREET. DESIGN SPEEDS 60' R/W 76' R/W 90' R /W 110'R/W 35 MPH 35 MPH 45 MPH 55 MPH CONTROLLED INTERSECTION CURB LINE / UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTION NOTES OA1< SUBDIVISION DESIGN MANUAL 1. BOTH CRITERIA GOVERN ORA""" BJO A T AN UNCONTROLLED IGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENT Oi(O(ED T -INTERSECTION. FOR INTERSECT10NS SCALE NTS 2. SIGHT LINE REQl)IREMENTS SHEET NO, CITY OF BAKERSRELD PER SEC. 17.08.175 OF CAUFORNIA THE MUNICIPAL CODE. T-7