HomeMy WebLinkAbout01252 _ ~~_______ _~__._~_.~,.----,- _ _ ------r-, c;---.~ ~~- c;------_~"-___ ------;;------~-~-"----__~....,-. -----.--.'---- ~-~------ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT '21 20 "-7 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No.3140 New Series of tne City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: JAMES, MATT & DANA 5613 SILVER CROSSING ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA9~3313 (806H364-8775: ".,"~'., '." , . . ." . . ...- ., ~ . J '\ Th~ nalure o~ description of the ~ncroachment for which this application is made is as follows: TO RELOCATE EXISTING 6' SIDE YARD WOODEN FENCE ALONG COLD SPRINGS,CT.Tp'THE BACK OF.SIDEWALK <SDATTACHED PICTUR~S). The location of the ~roposed encroachment is: COLD SPRINGS CT; AT 5613 SILVER CROSSING STREET. Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, .itsagents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments; 'claims, demands, expenseH, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or llability which the City of Bakersfield or ~u~h officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from,' or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by , growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant futher agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which tllis application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own 'cost and expense remove the' same from the public property or right of way 1",-het'e the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearl) may b~ in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment........." /A;#;'~ . . Date: 03/15/95 7~~~~!~1-.;2!----------------~----------------- Signature ~/Applicant (Owner or Representative) PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE F~REGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTtTUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). 'Oate: 03/15/95 , //~~ - - - - - -,/ ~ - ::. ~4 - - ~.--=-- - - - - - - -., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Signature of City Engineer P~rJlit No. 1252 Original - Applicant Copy - City Clerk Copy - Public Works .' - -. ,---'--- -----~~-~-~-.."-~-~_. I I ...;~j ---~. ~ ',--\ APPLICATION FOR l<:NCROACHMEN'f PEH.MI'f 2( ,") () -z... 7 ) . ~- '1 TO TUF: CfT\' KNI'inUnm OF THE CJ'rV \)f' IL\(d'~f/:~Fa:Ll), (':\LlFnflNJA: Pursuant. to tl)(-> provisions of OrdiW'lllC'f? No.3140 Neh t-:el'i,-'!s or lhi CH,\' ,.)f Bakt:'L'sflf.'ld, 1hf' lItj,dE~r':.-:;i~tl(-'.d !1ppU.es fot' a 'f.H'!',rmit '1-(, plac;?', (;l'f..'.:t anJf<)}' ..int.Hill an e-ncroachmi::nt on fJublic propert;v ()I'.'ri~llt of ""1.-\), ad lhef'.:!!J defiUe'd, The namr> an,J addl't:ls.') or' appLl,''-lllt I"'" J,\r.tE:-;? MATT & OAN,..\ GG1J Sl1.VER CROSSING ;1']', BAlmnSFJELD, ~:.\9~Lll:: ( "') .'.' ) C'. ( . 4 07~' ~ I \ "--- ('.~" (.J 0 -, .-0 f I ~J l 'TIH'J ua,LuJ'f,' or d~[-ocrlptlon of t.he \;~nct'()uchfllE'ttL for idlich thl:; avplicdtion l:;; madE:'- is as fo1Jo,.'8: TO PEI.,Ge'ATE E;aSTHm 6' snm Y/UW WOODEN FENCE AI,ONO COLD SPRINGS CT,TO THE BACK P!i' SfDEH\LR (SEE: -I.T1'..V'IIF.D f'IC'I'UHF.;~-:;I. The le,eatjon of the Pl'Opo1:H;:.d encroachment i:;-,; CPLli SPHINGS CT, AT G01~) SIL\EH " CRO~:;S [NG 8TREET, l I [ t I t [ ! 1 Applicant a~rl:-"p:,; that if this applicltioft,' is ~rantpd, apf11ic<ini ,-\ill indclTtillfr, rh.feHd and hold harlllleH..,; t.hE' Cit~, c1' Bak~rl:lfif:'ld, its agellt.s, (.fflc(,>r~ and emplo;yeeH a~aln3t. and f1',)111 a II IL..JnH\i;e~~, ,; lld €:i me lit :::;. I: la i In:';, JcmittldB I eXV~liE;~KI ('(,1stg and P .pc-I,dj l.uJe,.-i, aud fil;l",dll;,;;t :dl lCJsi;~ or J iat/p,j L) h'hit'h th(;:' C'it~' of Baker;-;;fiE-~ld oj" such officers, 'I\i!Cllt:; U1' ~~m:pluy(:'~':::; nu,r :3'lff'e.I' , or' whicb nw,r bc' r<l?covE'l'al::..le from ~ or obt l~ i n.iblc altalnst the f'i t:,' of Brlkt.'l'd r i <.:: hi or ;,.'uch of'fic,t":r:,;;, agf)nts or emptoypt.~G, prn.;imat121s ca.u;oH"d b~' I ~l'Oh'iH~ out of ol' in dlJ,\ \,):~~ COHllectf"'d Kil.h llH' pldclHg, el'<-,C'tllHl or mH.ilAt,cn~Hlce or ",'aid etlc:roachmellt, t.he applic:).nt, fut.hea' ;ctgl'ee:-3 to IUQ.lntaJn the afoeer;:dd (:'Hcruauhlllc-nt dlll'iH~ Uld 1 i fe of l.a.<said encrOa(:hllli:~nt or uuLU sllch time t}\l:><t U1i1.-> permi!. is rEHol.E--'d, ~ppliQ.ant. further agt'l\eS tbd.L. UPOIl the .:::"pil"atioll rd t}w \,-'t-:l'mi,1' 1'01' '-'lihi.dt thi:-i Gt~Pl 'at.ic))l is,b1ade, ~f I>;f'.-lnL:d, 01 upon t.he revol'ation thereof' by tht;: City En eer t applIcant WIll at. h 1.3 UWU cost ~j,nd expense l'emove the :::.ame t'romf',hf: p ,l.ie pt~opel't.y or l'i~ht of \(<1:' 'dlf'.,t,,:, t.he ;-~ame if.; ]o~~l:ti.(d, and rC?stcd'e said. pub.! ic pl'Qperty ot' righl of h'~.Q t.o the condit.ion 212, near'l,y ma"v bt::- in \,hich H ~:~:,'~~~~::n~:'" "lac iug. n;;; ;il?Dan,,<, or h.i st~,,,e of ,,~jd Oa \ e: JI? /l5 m "t ~;~::~\ ;,;;; ~ ,,;; t - ;~:~;;: - ~; ~:;;:~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ -- I I 1 I I I I ! , I ! I I I ( I i I PIW,MIT I'. I Hf<:Rl!:BY CERTIFY THA'f I HA\'E MAnE AN INVESTIGATION OF' TUE PAc'rs STATED IN THf'~ ImUEGO-tNG APPLICATION ANn I"JNU 1'HAT 'fIn; MAJN1'I<:NANCI~ OF SAID ENGI'WACJlMEN'I' <<1) WrL~(NOT) SUBs'rANTIAI..l,y INTERFERg ~n'I'H THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ~').l,ACE WHERE THE ~AMi~~~t):s TO BF: LOGATI!:D ANO (2) WILl, (NOT) CONs'nTUTT~ A HAZARD '1'0 PTmSONS USlNG S.-rPUBLIC PLAC},i~ ; SAIl) APPl,lCA1'lON J~ 'l'HJ!:REFORE(ORAN'I'El>) (DEN,n:D). , I)';il.tc; 03/15/95 . ....~~~----_.._-_. :-~ig.li'itl\n- uf Cit,\' F.ngill€'coI' Per_!t No. OHi2 #". :'Yl.'i!.4inal - Appli(;dtl'l Cop': - ;' it: (' ,-"" d, :. )py F'tdl! i c Workh ", \ L._____O_c~,~._~___...-::,....-.'.-.......~~O---..~"'"''-''-"-. ,.-... _~_ ,_..Ji ~~ r r ,~ ~~.~~~~..,~.~~.~. I , !dTl..' (~,:\'I'I i"N F( \I:, I;: N ( 'IiO.'\ Cm,H.:~r f i(~;~f;'.H iT ~l. ) :..7 !', I'll i., ,'I T :::,,:UJf'li:fJ .il' 'rHI', "In ;'i' !"q,.I,:I,,:;'FIl,j.P. "'..I.I!'dH.jl,.\: %'J;j q:1l1t t" '~'~t 1 ~'t.\ t"t\-r! fJ\' '.' titi,thi P "'.~i',.:~l .Ii. f>.:-,,, !: d'''I''.1' !:, id, i :.< HIld, 1"';'.;(lll'.d 'IJ,~,l i,"..: ~"i' d, ,., i illi; 1 (, li',11tl\',,11 ,'" ("10 \,..,,/'.1,,11, ;i' ,..11 i,\lIi.-J i' ~'IT:(;)'r'" (It I "dd ,i !' 1\ ..' ,-.I ',I,...; . , I!' ".1,:-' I flf, ,'. I', ,,j' \" ,i 'Il.d I ,q <,': I 1\\, I'~' i It; d. i l : ~: I ~ .. ! LI( I hi,!!!, " ,\ l" i ,'-.1 h..., .: ci' ll,/,li"wl W'\~tl.:~;" \1\."11 .'1 tl.:"~'I~ ; I \} I ,\ ;; I I " I,ll I 'I", : ~' 11\; ;',; ,; 1 . l\ddm~',F llU,I'. ..' :3,L: I:' 1 ;:,q~; ll~(q ;. i':, ; I II' \j. I,: :: I', U ;. , I: '... r · l,i j,) II '_' r t I j .:' " I ,. ' r I) t, ! ',WP I Ii. 1.\ It " III' Ii t. b , ," : q) p I l!' d I" II ~. m:.; j, '.; '- \'D! J',,',\~:: 'I'" t"t::Li,i.,;T~', t<:., ~,::Tli'!-;l ,,;' ,::Ir.h~ y\[,'!1 \..','l'1.,;';"j Fl:Hi'I"',:,;';~; ','11' 31'\:Hl'~." ....I.T'~ 'n~l< !:,\; I.. (.\.' :..rI)V~':.',I.l" ~ :l<I:\'l''f';,dH:li I 1!"II!I'r:~;), 'l'h ,1(,: 41, :,1/ (,r i h~' llf':,I';.1 cl ('IV'I'(.,! '1,':1(:11' '~" i'{,\... ;;Ii');; "TRI':I':'!'. .'" 'li1 ;:'~~l:t:"~~.;~l ("'f. '/f ~.'.. ;; I I,', ':h \PI,i .,',aill ',1:,,[;'.' ; h!\ il'l !l~' ,,~~,'!Jl illl"II, i'" l:,d"tlli i J" q;,\.di";'fll:, i 11 ;>I,kHlI,i ,Jr'-'ll' 'll\d lit".lrJ IcHIllI,',- 'Ih,' .'i.'i,\' Iii lhbl',-(it"!d. II.. ,1';111. ,,1'1'/\."1'1",,:, 'ild "Hlpl ,',' \,:,:'!Hl:t lllj fl".jil .-~,ll .L.lllU"'(,.:, ,jll,l',fW",d 1 !,Ii'lI.~, Ji'!llO.,l.'t " I'" n,: :''',::.' lit') ,I,.'rddll1' 0i"f j,:;-tiH.',; :<lJ h,..: '_d' i,'.!,!III:' "hl.'I. !.ll" C.il: i' lud".:',,~'p /'1 1;1' ',,:1\. I, (,rr\l:\'!':';, ",.~( It! ;, ;.'/ t 'lIi,I(J.' \;. /WI.' "..ft"I', f I' LI.:-I" !II,t' I i',:'''' ,t'~1. j,. JI,.tlh, 'II t'.I'I:.ti",:,d.l,-, ',L!ain.-.i th,~' ,'i1.' ,..I' !',oI" 1 l'i, 1.1 .d.':H\'!; <:! r., ;:i',", '!(;;~'(I'.,' 'd' "'I;ild..)~ C""; pl'.,' imi'!1 I,d \ .HI.., d 1,< .iI' ,'" lll'~ ':!I' UI ,I I;, ii' '\;~, ,'fill. I ~(>.i".'l~ (hi 1""1; i~lL~, \ !I"':\ I"q 'H' W.l~It!'I,lil ,,'I' ;\,,1 ('Iii l,\.:!('hlh' j.1. i.hj; '1"1-'1 i,. j'li r'l!ll':'!' ,ll'::~(":':, ;{I IC1'ld,;'lll II., 'It'ri',.,'li j :-11, I';." !lllll I,i ,1111111, j i,:' r \.... iJ ~L,' .:,:dd ")t,'I""li'lilll. Hi. (.,' \ltdi'! ,;lll'h i inh ;,It.d th~ I" nuil I. It.."l'l ':, . P P' i' '0 Ii. l'1l " U Ii: I' , I, '-': i'" l: ;:' t Ii Il,; pl.'ll t I. f' '.' I; I ~ : II t d II "f I I, ( ~)f !'lId. t l' \} / "I'j"l i.." 1: ,r.1l ; , tit ,.1" i r -.\I"UII i,,,tJ,; fit' hIJO!h ih( ~'C'VQ,~...~'i('.n ~.Iv.cr'eo~ 1,,<' i hf C,.f" Fn~jnt'~"t'. ',\P,,!i~"Ult. will '~$, hL-1 ~.WII ~'i;t fHi;~ 1f:)"~il'3'i.:,,, h41:l~)V'" U,,'! ,',~J>J: '1'.,11, (;lit.1 !., pH,~,;,.t t;v rd' 1 !.1,ld 1.1' ,\ t,\ 1.,: ",-' tile ,"IIU':' I !".,';tt",l. lli'l j.ld I.,; t't, \ ".' I'f.' '" I'j~~:h; \.It' '"t' J,I !Il, 'ou-3il i >Ii ",' !lfill'l'. ml.' L. ll~ ,.hi' 1, I' ':,; !"s de 'Ll'l" I,H.-III';"1 ,'I',f,lil,II, 1iI,.ir.tcH';lI.'. ,.\' (,,\,:lr:-f"~, "I ,:';i"! t,' r . ~ ~ ~ i 'it ; j " , ~ t j ; . J ,.- t I . t ~ .' : ;:' i i I . .\ : ~ / i :'J / :'~ : ~ '0#~ :;iffi~~' \;,t.( ,///',1.'",1 ;,';11.1 \\",.r.,.l' -' . - .... . ~"1 ! f1 i, > I q '(', ",,:: ll; .j I ,\.- . II,.: j ... I..~ /"l1,;ut , Pi;:EN I 'I' ! ant,l'T\' \'~I':;?T~VV THJ\T ] HAW'; lt1/iP,f'; AN HtJ"p;g't'H1,\'nON >,}I 'Hm FjV:'T..~ f:iT:'\'I"'.1 IH 'I'l!!'~ t"~t>~W:U UIH ,'\t'pe, I qAT f 1m .',tW ji um 'I'll/IT 'I' In: r.I/U N'J'ft:t,l.'\N,:I); ~ "V" ,;i\ i P ":N: :'i'Oi~oi:mWj'~T 'I; i':IU. fl\lUl'~ ~}tILS')':'tNT!'\l.IIV RNTf:m"I.;J.:t.; '.,!TIiTm~; n:a.; rH' 'nJ;.; l'mil,lC f'1,'\Cl>; tlH'::U:, ';111' :~"m'; j;; TC; HI': l/i,,,V:nn I"~ln l~) \:111.(, (Will ,:f)N~~'nT1l'1'l',: '. H/\~'.l-\i(,I' Td nm:~'~~n; if";.'j: ;".H; I'lihl.l'~' l'!u\~~),: ,;;',If)' ,\H',,ifl'.'I'FlN I.: HH';nl:~.f.'n~H.: lm~..';N'j'I(IH UWI'lH;nl. t ~ '" t .' f, '/l: ~ . .r ~ .I':~: -7 ? ./ ,~. '.J /? ': "..,.. ./-.- // _.. i".' i' .. ;',11" " L" ( I' < J '! II.;' I !\ I',' (' I ,'. t'lh.1 r~l', , ' t ....",-. Ifl!ll1t! ,.! "dll' " ;{,; l i ~ . ' ~ ' :':d , ,; I", ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director FROM: Jacques R, LaRochelle - Civil Engineer IVr1- DATE: April 7, 1995 8:10am SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPUCATION FOR 5613 SILVER CROSSING STREEr - MR AND MRS. MAIT JAMES REWCATION OF A 6' HIGH WOOD SIDEYARD FENCE TO BEHIND SIDEWALK ********************************************************************************************* Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the relocation of a 6' high wood fence from the property line to directly behind the back of the sidewalk along the sideyard (along Cold Springs Court) of the above-referenced residential lot. Adjacent residents have signed a petition in support of the fence installation. Staff recommends approval of the permit. tdw:m:\encroach\5613S/LV,ERC _;'."_'M...."",;.~ '--.....,;;"...<' ,~___~~~~~,...:L. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS To Whom It ~Iay Concern: We, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or wall behind the sidewalk on: 5 (.:> \ ':J 'S \. L- ~ l1.R... CRo~ ~ t~ ~ (Street) B~ t-'\~---c, ~~ ~~ ~ (Owner I s Name) of 6 b' ~ . ~\L-V4Ul- cJ2.o'S.'8l~ Phone ~ L~u... cq;,7(~ (Address) SIGNED: /J (J / 1) NAf.1E: ~~F DATE: ADDRESS:71/~ U . ~ C!.f. 2) NAJ\1E: ?7J~/ ~ DATE: ADDRESS: '1 '\ \ ~ c...::>\J) Sf(L\v~ ~ C-, ~ .---:- 3) NAME: cJ,{)!f"J In/#7S DATE: f IFf /rS~ . I 'f ~ / ,,\ ICl"'S, / //f/9r , I ADDRESS: . 71oS_ CelL/) ~C7 4) NAME: D~ ----" ~ (j ADDRESS: 7CJD) (pIA j~L/L( ('5/ , \ 5) NMIE: ~L~ j{ "9~ ADDRESS: 5\ol \.p S\\..~tU\.. c.J.-\)~li0~ 7\:' 6) NAME: .Afl'j r:iljfi,;j, _ DATE: \/, "'-L a,:=" ADDRESS: 5'(; n-[ <:; rl 0::: &,.5 '{J I v- 00R. ~~ '5<.:. \ ~ ?\ L "tR Cl2-S DATE: t It, '" I '\ 5. DATE: \/\~!C\5 - - \/ '~ ~ V\, I I I J. ----------- fJ ~1 / -,d- =-/ ,[ ~ i7 J )l. ~.~:~ /.. \......' I . IL APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Td 7i/2-.S TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions ,of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined, The name and address of applicant is: IN\. ~ ,,\" ~ ~ ~ ~~'S bb'"/-<(' ":l~ S 5"(" \ ~ S \ \. J"\Ir.z; R..... ca..c<c;.S\ ~6. "5\ J B KF~ \ CA.. q 3~ \ ~ The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: MOV>I-L~)<:.. \-S-Clt--Jb.. S\~ p~ o~-c- -c..c:::> -S '\ ~~\.-I'\J- The location of the proposed encroachment is: 'SoLY'-C~ y=~~ I ~6\..-::::' "f:>\I._AJqSL c.R;oS"S:,.l~ -s-c I ~'\~~~ (CJ>.c. q~::,\ ~ Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked, Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City En~ineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public pronerty or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it before the placing, erection, maintenance or exist nce of said encroachment, p n , j , " '.' was Date: \-'\.\..-q~ ; ,~ PERMIT f1S& I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: 3 ~/5-1 5 , Signature of City Engineer P /f'v No, !-2'!i;Z Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk ,Yellow - Public Works B002 014-52060 jJtUd. 125,00 03/14/95 REV6/90 APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ~SA ;;t~~ ~ '327- €yfi(c; ~o~~ -.r"'''. ''4 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as [nerein defined. The name and address of ~otS <2-\ ~ G A--iJ2- <-1 <. SvE-LL(J\j S~~LG which [his is made ~-?I. The location of the proposed encroachment is: '2.... l -::. T Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, ~pplicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its ~gents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, clai~s, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Ba~ersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this ;ermit is revoked, Applicant further agrees that upon tlte expiration of t'-:e permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition y ay be in which it was before the placing, erection, mai ce of aid encroachment. ! Date: 'L-I~-9S Signature Of)APPlicant PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE HADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED), Date: Signature of City Engineer No. IZ-~ Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV6/90 B004 014-52060 125.00 02i13/95 ~ / .- . PLOT P L A .'N' ~ J II! ~ ',t! rl J ~ II.! ~ :t 0 I- ::r ~ '1 IJJ .J I- 0 ..J 1-- L(!)T WI'OTI+ Mi:.A~(.I~~ M';:NI 100 I -, -- ,.-."..... -..... ---...._--.,----,- .' -7--'"'''''' ,"-I eJI.-OC,/G. I"VALL 51: Ot-ol reNc.~ ~ 'SIDE waUL s rCI2AGc- -, 20 !id> Fr. 3 PAil&< ,,,y, -(.,)I(,;'S C;....IZAO" So 7 4'" ~q,r-r: I I I .1 "k.,"E ~B;:~~lL } Z~' I I i i I I I I . ---------'1 '1> P.. I ,/ I;: I\WEW -,~ I- ~ ,~ '" ~ o 3' ,fl.Ol} F-E"C~) ~ ..... ,~l.. Q C') --.Ie) \ }l 't'~ 'DU~') '~- I 1 r (m~ v' '" \ \ , ,IJ..+no , (. ~~no i V5"lfZON ~€^-}(c / Re~''Ot!~cli 38 80 F~ 2. j L '( 'U ~ 'll t{ , t 'u ~ , .... q \I)' <t J" of; ).. i,1R~ '...-....,.. .. :t ;} v_ 1'2." SE-T1?,AC"- .1 Ne/~l,../e.o2. Ir ~~ I 5r 5"' Feu CJ+" _____J DJJJJf(2,5 ';, STA~l t= \ L.. L ~ 0 l S rz , <5T 1.1 sT . . 9. I, the applicant, have the ability and intention to proceed with the actual construction work in accordance with attached plans within one (1) year, or within any duly granted extension, from date of final approval; and I understand that this Modification, if granted, becomes null and void of no effect if unused within one (1) year, or within any duly granted extension, from the date of approval of the application, or if any time after granting, the use is discontinued for a period of one (1) year. NOTE TO APPLICANT: When a Modification is granted subject to conditions, such Modification does not become effective until such time as those conditions have been met. 10. OPTIONAL: If the adjacent property owners sign this part, notice and public hearing may be waived However, the Board's policy is to conduct noticed public hearings for modifications requested on four or more lots at a time, The undersigned owners of property adjacent to and across the street from the property described in this application for Zone Modification hereby certify that they do not object to the granting of this Modification, and consent to the Board of Zoning Adjustment waiving public hearings and notices of them concerning this matter, Signature (type or print name below signature) .---.~' 1~7 '. ." c .; l( 1 (L ,~ 7/ . '-,.. /' ./ . , C. t/ - ^--.- Address (print or type) 21st Strf'f't Mike Barton, 3016 21 st Street David Wilson, 3001 21st Street Bill Thompson, 2131 Elm Street Joe Shell, 2930 21st Street Paul C. Campbell, 2929 21st Street 3000 22st raid l ~ :19/1- $r SI.Md- aren Hoover, 2917 21st Street 11. I am the owner of the property, or authorized agent for Evelvn Stanfill who is the owner, requesting the above desc' d Modification, Signature Print Date l'2..- ' 1- 7 ~ ~ 4- -3-