HomeMy WebLinkAbout01251 --~---- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM r:.aU1 M. Rojas - Puhlic Works Director Jacques R, LaRochelle - Civil Engineer IV October 5,1995 8:12am ENCROACHMENT PERMrr APPLICATION FOR THE KERN RIVER AT SR 99- GRANITE CONSTRUcnON DIVERSION OF THE KERN RIVER ********************************************************************************************* Engineering, the Water DCparLmelll, and the Attorney's Oftlce have reviewed the attached encroachment permit to allow the temporary diversion of the Kern River to enable the construction of the foundation for the intermediate piers for the widening of the State Route 99 bridge over the river, Staff recommends approval of the permit. tdw :m..~ncr()Qch\J;.ernrive .r99 iF /~2!; l ENCROACHMENTPERMIT NO. 1251 INSURANCE. Tn addition to any other form of insurance or bond required under the terms of this permit, the APPLICANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of this permit the following types and limits of insurance, otherwise referred to as "basic insurance requirements": A. Automobile liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and B. Broad form commercial general liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($10,000,000) per occurrence. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII. This requirement may be waived in individual cases at the CITY'S sole discretion, All policies required of the APPLICANT hereunder shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, and any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers shall be excess of the APPLICANTs insurance and shall not contribute with it. The automobile liability policies shall provide coverage for owned, non-owned and hired autos, The liability policies shall provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this permit. The APPLICANT shall furnish the CITY Risk Manager with a Certificate of Insurance and copies of all insurance policies evidencing the insurance required under this permit. The APPLICANT shall be responsible for any deductibles or self-insured retentions under all required insurance policies. Insurance in lesser amounts, or lack of certain types of insurance otherwise required by this permit of APPLICANT, must be declared to and approved in writing by the CITY. However, unless olherwise approved hy the Cily, if any part of the work under this permit is subcontracted, the "basic insurance requirements" set forth hereinabove shall be provided by or on behalf of all subcontractors even if the CITY has approved lesser insurance requirements for APPLICANT. APPLICANT shall be responsible for determining and guaranteeing all subcontractors are insured as set forth in this paragraph, ~-,.....,....,..,_.~---~~~~.~-~.~ --.",...,.--~~ 'j e,'_ - ~.' APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE-CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No,3140 NAW Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or' maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined, The name and address of applicant is: GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO POBOX ,5127 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 (805)323-5582 The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: TO CONSTRUCT A DIVERSION CHANNEL IN KERN RIVER STREAMBED TO DIVERT WATER FLOW & ALLOW FOR THE BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION ON' STATE HWY 99 FOR A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS, FOR DETAIL, SEE ATTACHED DIVERSION PIJANS & CROSS SECTIONS. CONDITIONS FROM WATER RESOURCES DEPT, AND CERTIFICATEOF.INSURANCE IS IN FILE. The location of the proposed encroachment is: KERN RIVER CHANNEL BETWEEN STATE HWY 99 & STATE HWY 178. Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant ,will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and e-iilployees against and from all damages , judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, Or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such 6fficers, agents or employees, proximately caused by , growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant futher agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the'said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked, Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration o~the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereat by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own coat and expenaeremove the' same from the public propert'y or right. of way where the same is located, and restore sa,id public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in wh~ch it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said // encroachment, _ ..-: " V '....-1==-~, '\,< ' (-.( ~ (/ " . , ------ --'\'----...,- --- -- -'----'- - -- --- -- -- -.-- ------- --..- Signatute of Applicant (Owner or Representative) Date: 03/14/95 /, , ",..., I Y"i/ _/ PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS' STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND 1~AT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE ; SAID APPLICATION IS 'fHEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: 03/14/95 ~- " . - - - - - -7 - - - - :- - - -- - - ,-.-.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Signature of City Engineer ' Original - Applicant Copy - City Clerk Copy - Public Works -z~- -2!1/1!1 W^ Pe:t'mlt No. 1251 __'_'-,-~_--_c=----='~'----'---' I----------;--~~~--:-:-~-- ~- i APPLI(~A'l' [ON FOIL .~~--- .---:---....-..- \ ~NCROACHMEN.r Plj~RMl'r TI' THI:<': /,'I'l'Y f<~Nli[f<JF:l:m OF THE t~IT\ ,TF R..\Kl.:nHFf.I:d.D, C/~LIF()RNLJ.,: F'lIr,::I1.'l,nt to the prO\'l::O.lOllB of Ordinance No.:n-Jo N,,',w SerlP':', or the ('it',' of H;Jk.r'"d'i.;~ld, the Ilnder<:li~ned applie:; fOi' it p'-':I.'mit 1.0 jjlavl::'. er'(',~t aud/ot' IU~-Jint:-iin an encro,.H:hlllt'ul OJ! J,>uLlt(, IH'Opt'!,Cty U[' ri<;\ht. Of...,;;AY a~: therein defi!lt'::!d. rh,,' lum!? and a,:hlr".:;;..i (d ;lppl1c::.mt 113: nRr\HfTI~ COf~[;'I'H\I("l'ION ('0 P 0 no x fj 1 :: 'i' RAhER:.~[i'rELf), Co''\, ~1:13eB (g05 )~Ji~:I-f)5R::, Tbi' H:},tU['t-~ or de.sLl'iption ()f the p.ncl'oClchm-(Jnt 1'01' tdd,cll thtR Rppli:;atJon is. m;:ldE is a8 follows: TO CONSTRlJC'r .~nI\'ERSJON (~H,\NNE}' IN KERN RIVER STHEAMPr~JJ TU D1 \;"f:RT ~vA'l'fi:n FLOIv &. ALLOW FON THJ:.: IW,lDGF Ct;N:;TfWC1'IIlN (It-! 81',.:\'1'1': H\~Y 9~~ FON ,~. PEftJOll (If 12 NONTm;. Fun. nr,''I'A] L. SEE ATTACHE}) IH\'ERS tON I'L':'N~:: & C'ROSf SEC'n qW~ . c'(jNDI'fIONS FR0l1lVATER RRSOll{?CI:<:S VEPT, ANn CEflI'TF1C,;TE 01;' INSUfV.Ncr~ f[; IN FILl,:, 1'h(.> location of the pr{)j.Jo3ed en..::rcadllllE:'nl j;3; Kf~HN P,1\'l.:R t'H,\NNf~L BET{!JEEN ~~'I'ATE HhY 99 & STATE HWY 172. ),ppllC:1.ut. a,gree8 t.hat if th.ii-1 aj:Jplicatiotl is ld,t'illlt:'d, alJp.licant Ki.ll i.nde:mIllf~, dl:-'fend and hold harmlp.s8 t.hE (;jty of Ba}{ersfJE-ld, il" ;;l~efd,s. offjC'fH'~~ and t--~'llIployeeH a,,-!d.in:.5t and 1't'OII1 all d.Hma~e~;, ,iudgmenL;, claims, dem:iJl(L~, {-:::..pt~n~:;es, lord,s dnd ~),pPHditul'es, and against all 10;:,;s or liabi.lity which the t~i.t~; of H,.1.ker~;,fil:':ld .::>r snch officers, cw;c-nts ..H' ~'mplo~<--'eE; ma;- :.::tlrf~:,.', tH' <,hu:1i Ulity 1 a..' l't_'crn.'el'aLlc from, or obtainablp agaiu:--:t th\:': City of l:lakeI',~,f.ield or such offic",r;-", agent~ or employeeB, {Jro'jdlJ\atel~ 1..,'III"\ed by , !4'f'f)',,'in.;:{ uul uf at' in all\ WHY cunnec:tt::u \-\'ith the placing, erection Or' Ilia.inl\:'fll:lll\:b f;f said encl'oA.cb\ll(":nt f t.hu applicant. futher (J.~l'CP...:; t.o maintain the 8,!'oreF:aid t')Il~;t,!..),'lchm(:;'llt dtH'in>g i h~~ lifc" of thE said eucl'o'::Ichlllent oT' unt.il .::uch lime- 't.l113t Uil;' }1~~rmjt is rc~otf'J. I t I' I I I I I ,'.pplh:ant t'Hl't.hel' ~gree8 that upon thp tC;,'.1-'ir-aLioll of the p(~l'mi.t fOl' whi,:1l thi... i-ippli,'ation ;", blade, if ~f'allt.€d~ or upon t.he I'E,vot,;ation thl:~l'\;.HJf hy the Ci1,)t {':ngirwct", appl ieant will at his own (~o8t :fond e:~,penH~ remove the same from the pub) ie. property 01' right of wa;1,' l~hE'n' -the S(;lUlP. jf,; loca1F't.1. tind {'cstore said publi.c pJ:'op~-"t'ty (,'\' right of \-\rlY' to titt" (.:onditioil\.-J t'le::.\l'l~ m;1~' be in which .It \\'11H LGfOJe the placing, erecLiun, maintf'n::'uH'(:' 0[' e~~ir-d,eri\.:e of 3did encr(Ja<.~hment . lJate: O~)/14/93 ~~~~\',,_LC,(/ _U_ ,...---...... GignatuI'e of Applil.:_.tnL (O,eUE'l' or Rt'l,l'e~jentati\'e) J Vi' J PERMIT f HE1UWV CRR'l'IFY 'fHAT I HAVR MADE AN INVES'rJOATJON OF 'J'H~: FACTSSTJ\TED IN TIll<: fi'ORft:GOJ Nil APPI.ICA1'lON A.ND li'IND THAT THE MA IN1'I':NANCE ()1t' ~AIO ENCROAGIH.U.:NT (1) W J [.1. ~ NOT) SUBS'l'A.N'I'l Al,I~Y I N'l'r~R:FgRF. WITH THE m:m OJl' 'l'JUi: PURL Ie PI~ACE WHl'a-m THl!; SAMI'; LS 'fO BE I.OCATF.D ANn (2>> \'./Tf~(J (NOT) CnN~1' fTU'l'g t\ Ht.z-.AIW '1'0 P..:RSONf: us nm SAID rUHl,Ie PLACE; SAID APPLICA'}'10N 1S THF.Rft:FONr~ (GRAN'fF:D) (m~N]ED}. Ll;I, i '.~: (u / t 1 / ';:J j " ~/Yl . - - - .. -, - '/~' - - ~, -, _. - < .~- - - - -,,, -" - " - - - - _.' - -. ,- -- - --- - - -, -, S i Ei!fla tUl'e 0 f (' i t~' Ent~ inp!: I.' , -, . P{c}'mi L No. 1251 i \ -7 ( ,,' I .".-' . - rr !' I I i 111 tl a 1 I \pp 1 i cl1nt ('(')py - Cjt; Clerk Cl',p,.- .. Pl.lhl ic h'urk;:{ ..-----~"~"j I- t .fk.oJ J Gu&/AJeei2- 3/iO/qS- /7'PIC-.A-L ~ 6€T...7IQ;J L /NED DIVEtZ6IO!\J CJ.lPrNAJ~L K EJ2J\J /C.J tJ E7<-. ~." 7Ht~ 6.rft-N/lJ€:L ~ /!::;a:Jv De:5/&AJe:[) WI'7'1=f Cr;ofJEf2.AFf7(),.J ~ K'e2f\J U;;UNtY W"1"r6Q... !1-GehJC-<<t' 70 J-IfrtJDLt A-Nn CJ,oPjT7;() !=i.-o v.9..s UP 70 )80-- LOO CJ:::=5,. 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WATSONVILLE, CA 95077-5085 i COMPANY D i LETTER l..............-.........................................................................-.............-..,..........................................................................-...-..................... 95077-2690 i COMPANY E i LETTER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, .......! ...... .--..................-.""'..................................-'........,....'.......................................................'...'..............'.............1"'....--......-...............'...........\....'.......................................'..1................................-........ ....--.......................-.............--.............-..,... co i TYPE OF INSURANCE I POLICY NUMBER 1 POLICY EFFECTIVE lPOLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR: i DATE (MM/DD/YY) i DATE (MMIDD/YY) I I GENERAL LIABILITY . ! A f "-j{] COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY I ...--, CLAIMS MADE[){'J OCCUR, i xl OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROli [J ....._____...__._,..... __,.........,. ! , GL 20 251 9639 10/1/94 10/1/95 i~.~t:l..~~...~~.~~.~~~:r.~_...... J..!.!>_LQ,Q.2.l..QQ..Q I PRODUCTS.COMP/OP AGG, i $ 2 , 000 , 000 i..--....----..--..-------,--...-.--........-,----..,...- "-- --..', ,.,.. . - ."'....,....----..-- I PERSONAL & ADV, INJURY i $ 2 , 000 , 000 i...E__~~~~~CU~~~~,,~.~==:I~~I;Q.(fQ~LQQg____ FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) i $ 2 , 000 , 000 M'ED:..ExPENsE.iAn-;;.-~;r~--~r$....NIL......'.'..."----' I AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY i=x.J ANY AUTO '....... ..! ALL OWNED AUTOS I i SCHEDULED AUTOS i--.-x..! HIRED AUTOS :"''''X] NON.OWNED AUTOS i--"''', GARAGE LIABILITY r-w,--,! 1 EXCESS LIABILITY BrXI UMBRELLA FORM r---"i OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM BUA 80 251 9636 10/1/94 10/1/95 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 000 BODIL Y INJURY (Per person) $ BODILY INJURY accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ CUP 12745 28 45 10/1/94 i EACH OCCURRENCE ! $ , , 10/1/95 r-;GGREGATE..-"."---t;-2--;--aOO;..oc-O.. . r....--.."...............----... '.......-----,..........,--......,--...... WORKER'S COMPENSATION ./ STATUTORY LIMITS EACH ACCIDENT $ DISEASE-POLICY LIMiT $ DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY I OTHER Cl Excess Liability I i i XLS 310137 10/1/94 10/1/95 $1,000,000 Ea Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONS/LOCATIONSIVEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS JOB #212649 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ,;,Q';~'rllj'lQ'~'!1!;5Ijg!!-~Ef;lC ... CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ~Mjlf:~~X MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, oo~~~1S~~XSfXS~~'S~,qiCUM~(f,*~~ ~ff?f~f~~ilfM~ ~~*tB~~~~~Ml~~ " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 401 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ~"~~~~~I:~~I/'" ~9... ...._~~,~__~ .;~,~. -~~~..-...._"",:.,.",,,,,,,,,,;~i.. :;.~: ~ _ ........-Ii l.~ "~.QlA For All the Commitments You Make" ADDITIONAL INSURED ~ OF PIlRSON OR ORGANIZATIOR IBSUIlI!IJ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, ITS MAYOR.. COUNCIL.. OFFICERS.. AGENTS, EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNT~S COVERED OPERATION JOB #212649 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT THE "PERSON INSURED" PROVISION IS AMENDED TO INCLUDE AS AN INSURED THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION NAMED ABOVE (HEREINAFTER CALLED "ADDITIONAL INSURED"), BUT ONLY WITH RESPECT TO LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OPERATIONS PERFORMED FOR THE ADDITIONAL INSURED BY THE NAMED INSURED AND SUBJECT TO COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE I.S.O. STANDARD LIABILITY INSURANCE FORM DCGOOOl (11/85). IT IS AGREED THIS INSURANCE SHALL OPERATE AS PRIMARY INSURANCE AND NO OTHER INSURANCE SHALL BE CALLED ON TO CONTRIBUTE TO A LOSS HEREUNDER. This endorsement is a part of your policy and takes effect on the effective date of your policy, unless another effec- tive date is shown below. Complete Only Wlien This Endorsement Is Not Prepared with the Policy Or Is Not to be Effective with the Policy Must Be Completed ENDT, NO, POLICY NO, ISSUED TO CH480 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO}WANY EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ENDORSEMENT 3/7/95 ra o Continental Casualty Company o Transportation Insurance Company [Xl American Casualty Company of Reading, Pa, o Valley Forge Insurance Company o o National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford o Transcontinental Insurance Company McSHERRY & (rN a . Aut~~epre~~nt~fl Countersigned by G.39543-B -- f'~~ _ .L......,\ ,:.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Pete Wilson, Governor DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SELF-INSURANCE PLANS 2265 Watt Avenue, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95825 Phone (916) 483-3392 FAX (916) 483-1535 . \ CERTIFICATION OF SELF-INSURANCE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This certifies that Certificate of Consent to Self-Insure No. 1933 was issued by the Director of Industrial Relations to: GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY under the provisions of Section 3700, Labor Code of California, on January 1, 1980, The Certificate is now and has been in full force and effective since that date, Dated at~~~c~amento, California This 19th:day'~6& December, 1994 - ~-"':"- p ~ A, -: MBA/rws cc: Carolyn Bell Administration GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 50085 Watsonville, CA 95077-5085 (Original Self Insurer) " ~'....--~ 't At~t.llI.@ '" CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ,ISSUE DATE (MM/DD/YY) 3-7-95 BROKER RB THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, Willis Corroon Corporation of California 50 California Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: (415) 981-0600 CONTACT: COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED COMPANY A Continental Casualty Company C=-~TER______JW~o!:~_!~~.se~l~t_______.____._______._________.___.__ ........... ....-...............: f~i4~~NY B Granite Construction Company P.O. Box 50085 Watsonville, CA 95077-5085 Attn: Carolyn Bell ~ Co.MPANY C ! LETTER · COMPANY D ' LETTER co.MPANY E LETTER COVERAGES THIS IS +0 CERTIF-Y- THA-T Po.UGIES o.F .INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN..1SSUED_TO.THE.lNSUREDJiAMED ABQV.E.Fo.R THE Po.LlCY PERIOD INDICATED, No.TWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM o.R Co.NDITlo.N o.F ANY CONTRACT o.R o.THER Do.CUMENT WITH RESPECT TO. WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSlo.NS, AND Co.NDITlo.NS o.F SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHo.WN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO! ;;!-~---,------_.-_._--- L TR! GENERA:Y~:Z~~:S~.RANCE POLICY NUMBER p~ki~!~~~g~~~)~.........l........P?~~~(~~~t~N........1GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMI~:................ I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY I IPRODUCTS'COMP/OP AGG,--r$ . ':=JCLAIMS MADE OCCUR,. I I ~~~~ONAL&~~i:~~~y=,-~__~_______~_.._ '_ _jOWNER'S & CONTRACTORS PROT,: !' IEA.C.HOCCURRENCE _._.._!$ --l,"-LO.'~E u~~~L;iY-=~-~==L------------- ---l-----~--- ------- ~~~~~~~~:::"~:: l=-~~ ANY AUTO I I I~I~IT._. $ ! . i ALL OWNED AUTOS I' i BODILY INJURY ! . I SCHEDULED AUTOS I i (Per person) 1::--1 HIRED AUTOS I :-B~~'IL; IN~URY : ! NON,OWNED AUTOS I II' ~ (Per accident) I =.1 GARAGE LIABILITY i ~~OPERTY DAMAGE i i I i iExCESSLIABILlTY I 1- ....., lEACH OCCURRENCE i--' UMBRELLA FORM 'II I lAGGREGATE~-----.~ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM ...'1 Wo.~KER'S COMPENS~TION i A: ~ND W-12S573776 A 111195! 111196 EMPL YER'S LIABILITY *California Employees Only I ' OTHER r-- - - n n -I I I ___~,____~_____..l___,__._______~_____________ L_______. l. _ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSIVEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS I 1$ $ i_~ *Ct\_~IST,A~~~~RY lIMITS_ ; EACH ACCIDENT $ 2,000,000 [DiSEASE.POllCY LIMIT 2,000,000 -~~- _. - - --- ~------ 2,00Q,()()() The Insurance Company waives its rights of subrogation against the Certificate Holder which may arise by reason of payment under the Workers' Compensation Policy in connection with encroachment permit, Granite Job #212649, CERTIFICATE HOLDER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 4104 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 CANCELLATION - - --- -- -- SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -30- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO. THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1J1-~ ~ @ACORD CORPORATION 1990 AGORD 25,S (7/90) TED WRI~-p;UNG - PUBLIC WORKS FLORN CO , WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR GRANITE CONSTRUCTION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT - KERN RlVER/,,99" AX I~ 1 ;;, ,-r MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: - ft?i' )}- rh W /J/1!1tJrf)tI(tJ ~ 100r " '5t) March 6, 1995 This department has reviewed the proposed plan of diversion for the Granite Construction Co./Cal- Trans project at the Kern River and Freeway "99" and requests the following information and conditions for approval: D "Acknowledgement& Date" the Typical Cross-Section Lined Diversion Channel Kern River. Granite authorized representative should sign. [] Both drawings need to be signed with an acknowledgement from Granite as to an authorized representative of Granite has prepared the drawings, Also, indicate a date, [] Indicate the type of channel liner material on the drawings. Also describe method of removal of liner materials, including re-diversion of river flows during liner removal. [] No rip-rap or rubble to be placed within the primary flood channel (all of the area involved in this section of the Kern River). Any further Kern River channel work beyond the plans as submitted are to be approved in advance by the City Water Resources Department. cc: Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney '"'"'" 3,-(~~95 ~., / p-?~_. ~e01~ :{),ct ~ 4/ 6(q? 1&lteJ aJ ( r-1v-1 ~Gfcbee9- ~ p~ a ~ Ct~ i -tk-~~ ~ ~;c~ ~rJ- ~M,A~ w [;}Z/tA" ~ r..... ~--". -i \,:. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 7et .:32. 3 - SS-8 z.... TO THE CITY ENGI~ER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The nature or is as follows: vE:lL S Ot.J ~~ .... The name and address of P...C~ the encroachment for DlvprSL/l-1 The location of ::he proposed encroachment is: t<€:1L"-l f2.Jvt=l'L ~~~&:':L ~e-rt.0~ ~TITt€" ~\Col--t ~y 'V1 f.v-Jn ~~ t-\-l~H:WI\-Y l,r\ j}17)I';-o//;~ ,)/ I 2 ,.."" -It{ , /~IC!;",I ~ e" C"IeI,..;II..~ f- w..f~'61 Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will inde~nify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, 6fficers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City 0: Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which ma: be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such o::icers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with tje placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, :he applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. J/.-/r Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which :hlS application is ~ade, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placi~g, erection, maintenance or existen 0 said encroachment. Date: '2-/ 2..B/ o..,~ I / ([) ~qfl(uL?dlYt/ -f-- J4- [le-d-1. k / C:J (yr/&l,..Pj- Signatur of Applicant (Owner or Representctive) DfTR(2...YL.. k:'~ PERMIT G:,~,'T"E" ~~uLT\O-,..J L.o 59ito5 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE HADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). ~j;~/15 Signature of City Engineer (52/-3{)1-6,.) ;f~s ~rScolf:.RtSkrr4~';:j~U ~e- Ctd; 1 ::z}zf1tf/?Z..~ i r~~ ~e'/T. Ie..-- e " Date: No, !~$/ I Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works A046 014-52060 125.00 02128/95 R1:.-V6/90 -.r-- ~, ...7' ./ ~ .... ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO, 1251 1. INDEMNIFICATION. APPLICANT shall indemni end, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liabilities, claims 0 s, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, for injury to or death of perso or damage to property arising out of, connected with, or caused by APPLICANT, APPLICANT's ~~~s, agents or independent contractors or companies in the performance of, or in any way arising fr<lf1~ the terms and provisions of this agreement. APPLICANT'S duty to defend includes the duty to pay all costs of defense including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees. "APPLICANT's duty to defend includes the duty to pay all costs of defense including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees." 2. ATTORNEYS'FEES. In any acti /to enforce the terms of this permit, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its attorneys' fees and c t costs and other nonreimbursable litigation expenses, such as expert witness fees and investigation expen s, whether or not such action proceeds to judgment. 3, CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each indiv" ual executing this permit represents and warrants that they are duly authorized to execute and deliver s permit on behalf of the corporation or organization, if any, named herein and that this permit is bi ing upon said corporation or organization in accordance with its terms. 4, INSURANCE. In addition to any other form of insurance or bond required under the terms of this permit, the APPLICANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of this permit the following types and limits of insurance, otherwise referred to as "basic insurance requirements": A. Automobile liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and B. Broad form commercial general liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($-('000,000) per occurrence. III Ith tatutor im" s and e oy tha on millio dol s ($1, Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII. This requirement may be waived in individual cases at the CITY'S sole discretion. All policies required of the APPLICANT hereunder shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, and any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers shall be excess of the APPLICANT's insurance and shall not contribute with it. The automobile liability policies shall provide coverage for owned, non-owned and hired autos. ... ..~ ) lI. ~ .;- . The liability policies shall provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this permit. nt The APPLICANT shall furnish the CITY Risk Manager with a Certificate of Insurance and copies of all insurance policies evidencing the insurance required under this permit. The APPLICANT shall be responsible for any deductibles or self-insured retentions under all required insurance policies. Insurance in lesser amounts, or lack of certain types of insurance otherwise required by this permit of APPLICANT, must be declared to and approved in writing by the CITY, However, unless otherwise approved by the City, if any part of the work under this permit is subcontracted, the "basic insurance requirements" set forth hereinabove shall be .provided by or on behalf of all subcontractors even if the CITY has approved lesser insurance requirements for APPLICANT. APPLICANT shall be responsible for determining and guaranteeing all subcontractors are insured as set forth in this paragraph. 2 OCT-05-95 THU 10:25 AM GRANITCONSTRUCTION 805 323 5584 P.03 " ee5393359B GeeD 714 P~l OCT e5 .~~ 07:44 At.ttlt... Issue D;TilIMMI~olt'r) .....~:r . PRODUCEFI McSH~R~Y & HUDSON 1'.0, 80X Z690 WA1'SONVILLE, CA 9$07'7-2690 (408) 724-::1841 COMPANY A LETlEPi A:MEIUCAN CASUA.LTY COMP!\.NY OF ReADING, P COMPANy B LETTEFI CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY COMPANy e LhT€1'l TRANSCON'rINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY COMI'Ar(( 0 LETTER WESTCHEiSTER' FIRE: INSU'R~~CE COMPAN't COMPANY E LETTE~ \N91!J:l~D ~~ANITE CONSTRUC~10N COMPANY P, O. sox 50085 WATSONVILLe, CA 95077-5085 ;'C~V~".'"" """,,"" ';~,-..' "':;, ""." ,','.';.. "','" ';'-":ir" ,"':,""i..:'~.- ..", THIS IS TO CERTlpy THAT THE POLlCI~B OF INSURANCE lIsn:D BE;LOW HAVE SEEN ISSUItP TO THE INSUREO NAM~D Aeove por; THI! POLICY P~RIOD INOICATEO, NOTWIHlSTANDINI3 ANY REQUIAEMENT, TERM OR CONt)ITION OF ANY QONTI!lACT OR OTHER DOC~MENT WITH Rl;;SPSCT TO WHICH nllS CERTJFICATS MAY BE I'S6UED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSIJRANCE AFFORCED BY THE POLICIES OeSCl'(18EO HI::REIN IS slJBJt:cr TO A.~L THE TiAMS, EXCLUSIONS AND OONOITION$ OF SUOH POLIOIES, ~IMlrs SHOWN MAY HAV. 8EEN AEDUCED ay IJAIO e~AIMS. CO LTR TYPE OF INSUI\Al/C/i POLICY NUMBER POLIO.,. EFFECTIVE POLlC;Y "X~IRATION DATi (MMlDOIY'f) DAT~ (MMIOOIYY) LIMITS GENERAL I.IASILITY A X eOMMeRc',A~ GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR, X OWNER'S a. CONHIACToR'S fROT, 10/1/97 COMBINEb 8IN<3LIO ~IM)T Gt 20 251 9639 Cl.EN~RALA(lI3A):QA'I'E '10,000,00 H1/1/9Q 10/1/97 "RODUCT$'COIllPIOPAGG, ~ 2,000,00 PEP'SO~lAL & AO'-l, INJURY 5 2 f Q 0 0,00 EAOH OOCURRI;NCE $ &, 000 . 00 FIRE OAMAGIIAllY ono Ilro) S 2, 000 I 00 MED. EXpeNSe (Ally elM PNio~1 . I AUTOMOBILE llAI:lILITY A X .llNY AUTO ALL OWNeD AUTOS SC-!1fPUL!;O AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X NQN,OWNEO AUTOS GARAGE LIABILIH BUA 80 aS1 9636 10/1/94 $ BOOI~Y INJUIiY (Por ~~r.on) IilODI~ Y INJURy (Par ~ccld.nt) :i fXCE$S ~1A,91L.ITY C X uMBI1IELLA I'ORM OHlER TMAI\l UMeFlEtLA FORM ,"!'IOPERTY O"'MAGE 8 WQI\KER'S COMpeNSATION ~ND EMPLOYER9' Llll.IllLITY we OO~525409 'J /1/9 '> STAruiORY LIMITS 7/1 /9 6 EACM ACOIDENT , Dlse-Ase-pOLlCV LIMIT , D/SEAse-eACH ~MPLOYfE $ EACH OCCUI'lFlENCE UMS 20-252-4758 10/1/95 10/1/96 Ai3(lFlc~ATl;; 01HElI o EXCESS LIA~ILITY xr..s 310a2 lO/t/SS 10/1/96 ~ACH Oce. AGGREGATE 1,000,000 1,000,000 t>ESCRIPTlO!( OF OPEFlATIONSI~oeATIONSIVEHICLESISpeCIJlI. ITl!l\ls JOB iF212649 ENCROACHMENT PEl~llT " . ',,' I IQrf~, ' ,'" ,"I,' \, . ~ . , .' .~... Cl~ OF B~~RSFIELD 401 T~UXTUN AVENUE B~ERSFIELD. CA 93309 SHOU~O ANY OF tHE A60VE O!SC8IBED POl.JCIES 5E' CANOELLeD BEFORe THE EXPIRATION DATE TH~REOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILl. ~~~x~ MAll ..10..... CAVS WR\iTEN NOTlCS TO THE OE!iI'lTIF'ICA'rC HOLDER "!}\MED TO THE LEFT, M~~WllllPIf~~~J?C:~~~~~X'~~~~M~~ ~~~~~:l$.~~~~~~~~,*~~~~.~~~~x , .,.."".'"~ "'"--v-- ........_... ~ .__--.-....-__. ..-.... __ ___ __ OCT-05-95 THU 10:25 ~M GR~NITCONSTRUCTION 805 323 5584 P.02 8053993538 GeeD 714 P02 OCT 05 '95 B?:44 ~NA '~r .\lltlle C"nllll!tnlo,m. )'ou Mako" .AllD1"ftOIf4l.. IaVID .. 01 ~ 08. ~ tlIpRID _ C'ITf or ~~t~U. JT' ~. ~tJ.. ont~s. ~D'fS. 'RMPtbi'D1 ~ I9L~E~ , :1 \ \ etmmBD ~ .T~ f~q6.' ElCRnACMMD'l' PEDrI'J' '!BE '''.ElSON U1SUUDn noVISIO~ tl ~tD 'to INCLUDE A$ AN IISUUD TIE PD$OJl 0'1 OlGAIU~ION ~ AJOn (ll'!lEIBAn9 CALLD uAl$l'rIOKA!, IlIStrU])~) ~ lOT <nn.l' WITH RESPECT 'rO LIABI1.iTY ARISING OUT OF onuno.s nUODl2D roR. 'riB .lDDITtOUJ.. tNSlJUU iT tBE lWfED DlS1J&EJ) AND SUBJECr to COVEiAGB AI'!'OI.l)E1) )t tHE I.S.O. 8'tANJ)AJl]) l.u.:&tLl'r{ nlSUIAI(CE 10BM ICGQOUl (U/8S). It IS ACllUD 'NIS I1SUa.tJiCB SIW.L OPW,tl AS nDlUY l)fSUJW:fCB .AND Iff) 0'rUIl INSU'B.- ARCI SIW..l. as CA1.L!D ON 'l'O conaxBUT! TO A LOSI UIlUN1)n. i i 1 ~ Ii J II :1 " ~hls end~(sement is a. part of your policy and takes effect on the effective dale of your policy unless another effec- tive date IS shown below. ' MlJsl au Completed ENOT. NO, POLICy NO, Colt/p/(He Only When This EndorSMlenl Is Not Prepared wi/h th" Pd/lcy Q! Is NOllo be Effedive with the PoliO' ISSUED TO EFFECTIVll. OATE OF THIS eNDORS~M~NT GaAltTB COMSftl:JCtIOIl COUPAJIY 9/26/9S Jft Cl984 G1. 20 251 "39 o CGntln~lllal Casudly Company Cl TransporlatiDn Insurance Company ~ Amelican Casualty Campal'lV al Reading, Pa, U Vallev Forge Insurance Company o o Nallanal Fire Insurance Company alllm/old CJ Transcontlnenlal Insufance Company KcO--. · ~ a Counlerslgned Dy 1.J\M ~ A~I o(ized Repref;ent<J~ O~~~.,,1l OCT-05-95 THU 10:24 AM GRANITCONSTRUCTION 805 323 5584 P.01 " , ,.., "r" ' .'. : '. ". " ',GRFJIlITE , conSTRUCTion 'C0r11PAny : .. ,. 1. ..~ , \ ~ , ..:~'~,{;:.1 . ~ FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER'SHEFf om: __1O-/0/t15: TO': Co ~ ~"~L' C Wo~ ~~,~ [)ivfJl~ C~~ FAX HO.: o'{-4 - 7~~ KU~lBER, OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): ~ \, . , , COHMEHTS; C~T..:: C)F= ,l~~LE; r;~C~rVlrJ,Gr..- J=:;'~Cj~OAf-H-N\~ ~I--r J~..)' ~__gULf1( IF lIlEIZ["'J\liE MIY PR013tEHS lJU[UNG TI'U\NS1HSSI0N~ ,.~^LL (005) 39~-3J(iL ,1 NI\11E OF SENDER: DkfLJ'C_ Y L- .,.--... l:='J3@ " ,0', OUR FAX HO.: (80S) 399-3598 .! '. . , .... .., ,~:. .". ...... , " ,.:., ,..- Bakersfield 8r1\nch 80x 5127 - """,;':l.!rstil!ld, CA 93388 (805) 399':1361 ......_..._-----...__._-----~---------------_._--.-----_-..."""'-'-----.-.---,---.-..-.-.--- _._~_~_~._~._~_-V-~__'__~__~~'--"'~.______-'__"-_ - 4-- ..... ....,...,""""-_..,,"--.?-._",..~"'--_--. ----.........-..".....~~-",---- _ .~ .,{2Wu- C?~__ e:f1~~ ~/V-- NcJpI&A. f~kwkt J .~ -?(f2 G.... ,l. Ay, fv..~ ~, (:. d- Co..sl. co.~ f(f~~r~ ;...,. -1t ~7r~ I , ! I h I , , I-.~ .~.__~ ~- t:' ~'\'f TRANSMITTAL LETTER GRAniTE conSTRUCTion COmPAny 2-1 ~t'1 C')n-uo I U{,.... P. O. BOX 5127 -:- BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93388-5127 (805) 399-3361 ATTN: f), ue. ('JlQ )AJ(r / fLof2A) Co/lEF DATE: 3/10 /C!t~ , I RE: c-tJuzoPUfrnerJf fBf),MII KguJ 1<, rJ €tL ClXJ-r:- 0' -:.YJ /'0/1 To: CJ'fY' OF= ~eLD f68L-! C- LJ~/2K.S WE ARE TRANSMITTING: j:%'HEREWITH D UNDER SEPARATE COVER D VIA THE FOLLOWING: ~RAWINGS D CONTRACT D SPECIFICATIONS 0 SUBCONTRACT 0 PAYROLL DOCUMENTS '..,..~ D CHANGE ORDER NO. D copy OF LETTER ~ ,- FOR: 0 SIGNATURE 0 APPROVAL ~S REQUESTED D COMMENT D 0 INVOICE/S D CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE D SUBMITTALS D 0 PERIOD ENDING D D RETURN FOR CORRECTIONS I~ COD rV)enO t.._ ;3, / AJ.Su 'L .4,_ ~;1f- I ;'~ ......~ g " p Y T o .....' ~YL ~'"L- SIGNATURE IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE, Form GBK 1\4-80) ~ ,- .-: . --: - -..........~ , ' ; .~. . - - ;; . '---- ' i-c..,~ -.. , .<-:-~'!:" i--,' "; \ 'j" " .1.' ' ' i-' '. . ! ~ : I : " , II MEMORANDUM It \ March 6; 1995 to: TBD WRlr~UNG - PUBLlC,WORKS FLORN CO t WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR GRANITE CONSTRUCTION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT - KERN R lVERt' 99" FROM: SUBJECT: _ '" , This departmen,t has reviewed the proposed plan of diversion for the Granite Construction Co)Cal- Trans project at the Kern River and Freeway "99" and requests the following information and conditions for approval: ~ "AcknoWledgement & Date" the 1YPical Cross-Section Lined Diversion ChannelKern . River, Granite;; authorized representative should sign. tt::c Both drawings need to he signed with an acknowledgement from Granite as to an authorized representative of Granite has prepared the drawings. Also, indicate a date. · , ' I ~ Indicate the type of channel liner material on the drawin'g.'J A1s~ l.eknb~ methdd of removal of liner materials, including re-diversion of river flows during nn~r ,r\emoval. : j . , _ ' ' v ~'-" , II ~ ' i Win. N~ rip-!ap o~ rubble to be plac~d within the primary flood cij"i\I$'J't~:u1.~f the area . mvolved m thI~ section of the Kern RIver), ~ (' >/ ,': , " I " ,', Any further Kern River channel work beyond the plans as submitted are,to~be approved in advance by the City Water Resources Department. \ \ ,.' cc: Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney I " " t, 1:00/100 ~ J..d:m,,~a'1g gO;) 991:0 91:~ SOliS LS:OT S6/60/~0 ,~;'-~~ -- ~.<: -.- - -- -:---; .#. ~"_'~-":__~i~ - .. .h....." ,c~", -- :~".' "/~