HomeMy WebLinkAbout01225 ~~.~-...~~:.~. II.~ "'G-~'d' i , :l'" t~--t(ot' l, :.w .'-" 'i...".-' . III.@,.// I TO Tf1E l~rTY ~ i I~ l ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHt.1EN'l' PERMJ'l' I~ 10\?- '~8 ENG I NEER OF THE CITY OF BAKEHSF lELD. ('i',LJ FORNI A: Puriluant to the provIsions of Ord.inance No.:!140 New Series of the Cit~- of 8akersfield, the undersiqned applies for a permit to placsy erect and/or maintain an eCllT0ilchment on public prpperty or ri~ht of W,''l.y rj~~ therein dc.cfineJ.. The name and Hddres~ of Applicant is: GUITIERREZ, GABRIEL 2109 CROHWELL C'1' BKF'J) , C'A 93J04 ( F: 0 " ) 3 9 B - 8 1 2 7 ~ , I. Tne locat ion 0 f the proposed encroachment i;,,: 2109 CHO\\H'iELL err. BAKItRSFI ELD, CA 93304 . , ! Appl~cant agrees that. i r th i s app 1 icat ion is I'Xrantt-"d, d.pp 1. icant illi 11 indE:lllni rv . ~ 4.t.rid and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its a~ents, officers and I. ..loyees a._slnat and from all dama~es, judg;ment.s, c: lai ms, 'demands', ex.penses. cos.ts and'~nditures, and against all loss or liability l.;hlch t_he City of Bakersfie14r,r such officers, a~ents or employees may ~~nffer, (1[' which may be Ntoovera,Jtl. :trom, 0 r obtainable aga i nst the C'.j t y of Bakersf i eld or such officers{ .'tents or employee;~, pro:-; j mR te ly !.':aused b~, , ~rO\\i i n~ ou t of c/r in any .. ~.y connected'" i th the plae lug. e rt:>ct ion 01' llla i ntpnanc~ of sa id enc'roachment, :lithe appl icant tuther agrees to ma i nta i n the af'ol'psrlid encroacllmellt. dlH"in~ the ~~te of the said encroachment or Hid i l i4uch timf: t.hat this pf>rmit. ii:', iI."evoh(~d. ,~rF~- '~11cant fUrther agrees that upon thf: expiratJ.on ()f the permit for which thl~-, '.plication is made, i f ~rant.ed, or upon the revocation thereof by the CH,y BhlUneer t applicant wi 11 at his own cost and expense remove the same from the pUblic property or ri ght of way ,..here the same is] ocated, and r€stuI'e sat d ptiblic property or ri~ht of way to th~ condition as nearly may he in whi~l. it was before the placinl'l, erection, maiutenance or existence of said encroachment. The nature or description of the encroachment made is as follows: TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN A SLATS) ACROSS THE FRONT OF THE PHOPF.HTY AT 5' NOT SWING TOWARD STREET. for ,ddch thi s application 1s 4' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE (WITHOUT FROM F1JO\vLINE. DRIVEWAYCATE SHALL , 'l. De.1:ie: (,.1128/94 ~ -..4-- \ L ! .'."'.tA ( \ l J/;'/~' ~~ ~ or"'- ___ - - ____ _n - ,___ __. __ __ __,_ - - - - ---.---... '0'- - --. - -- --- Signature of Applicant ~-ner or Representative) PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MAOE AN JNVES'rLGATJON OF THE: F'AC'rS r.TATEJ) IN un: FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE 017 SAfU ENCHOAGHMEN'l' (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WTTH Tn-F. US}t~ OF THE PUBLIC PLACE l'ItlERE nrE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILl. (NOT) C:ONS'l'T'I'U'rF. A IlAZAlW TO PlmSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACF. ; SAI D APPL I CATION 1 S 'I'HEREJc'ORE (GHANTEJl) ! nF.Nl"~D) . a~:-t~t-t'.~~ - - - -- - - - -. -,. - - -. - .,. - .. .. - r r .. - _.. Signature of ('it_ F.ll~:inp€'r Date: 03/28/94 Permit No. 1225 Original - Applicant Gold€'nrod -- r:i ty Clpr"k Ye llow - Pnbl.i c Korks i 1 1 . I ;- I~ i' '~.f '(!) p {tOl'IY/1~' r .er-''v--.5 t)(()718V .f-r, :proVi~e 2 ~6,.Lf- 5fyRJ- f>>y~r behmJ- 1W- {L- 1 kill . L:5Je/r4 :DMj " .kf()f1 (p r 06P).. ~t'1~ Alum. Covered Patio I I I 2- J 0 ~ .CroJJttVe/( c;f: Grabri~infh~f/e Yre.y 31& - e4-z Kitchen 51 l- Is I I FP 32 Living . t;" 7' z 21 Den . Area Room " 5>' ---- --- Ent. .5 Laundry 40 .-_._;x~-- 19 \ tJ 3 Bedroom Bath ! t M. Bath 1 \ f \ L~ Room - - - -I 27.5 J .J s'*fe~~ ~,"(.~ . ~ ~ . g l~~cY .1I"W'~~~ ~P- t cJ." / p~ 4'dt#b<lv L;"Kfu ~. 22 Bedroom M. Bedroom 67' I 7~_~r- ,,_~ 'i :.c 111 )(_. --. -- . t " [,~~e:b ; ~,' ,-" ~ .- - - ~ ._ _ ___u___.._ f. _ _~~~.? t_~_~}]_S j_~1__~ .s!~T~ . ._~_~l~~ r s ~._~_ e 1 c ___ _ ~__i~ r n ~_. ''''''-:J. 0330.::: .:~.. "'10'" ~ .r..':.;.;.~ I). . FRONT VIEW O~: SUBJEC~T PROPERr REAM VIE'V\' O\- SUBJ~CT Pti()PEt~:. -i STREET SCENE ,. ." ----------r '0ov;ie 2 s/-dc,J- 4'- 5-/YRK '01'/4'17 · : I I behj"J- ~ {L- ~ blALi;":1' ! U' b C\.,\o\f .' eJ f1~4",' ~x",t('e..,,, \' I I I \ \ i .fv~ .(X21 - , ,? I l- Is I I FP Alum. Covered Patio 32 Living Den Room 19 I I ...-:'" !.-r----T -J7~" ,,,- ! \.1 i fl, , . . l ~. , j \ I ,! ' I ; \ 11---1 , 51 Dining Are'a Ent. i .J l , \ I I i I I Bedroom \ i I \. I \ i-~-~' I \ \ I r- '.. -f:. ! I i ~fKI I :' ! ? I '. Bedroom I i i I ~57 ~1= T .:5 er g,. 2-4;;.. 7 --- --, I l Kitchen Laundry Bath M. Bath Room M. Bedroom. - i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I i 8! V, ;{. Sf~ I 40 I I ~r. I I I I I ! Sf,"" .. ..--. ---.. - ..--- .-..... ...~. -- .--.--- -..-..-- - CJ-.n. " -.,-",-,-?\~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTIfENT OF PUBLIC \'IORKS To Whom I t ~Iay Concern: \\e, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction or ~ fence or wall'behind the sidewalk on: i.. j I CJz()mfA)~U CoIJIc;( (Street) By bA13tz.'U:?L (;U'c-H e (( f2.-- (Owner I S Name J of d.. \ DL1 (Address) ?hone -3'16- ~L\zl SIGNED: 0) l) NA1\IE: @4) G) 5) DATE: J-~ /- 91 . O2) (i)~ \.> >.(!/- ) , .j ADDRESS: y~/.~ 9y , t';() r/?.f 1!Je; ~;l e? 3-;;2/-7'1' #- DATE: 3 - .2/ - l' '/- DATE: ADDRESS: 6) NAME: DATE: ADDRESS: J j~ J ::f~ ~eS5iJY..s Map F.tocd~ J- P~7 lI.ftl:UI 23-22 l "I L.t" I .1.1. 'I L_~_._i.-___~___;1 ___~____~~ TRACT 1897 4$ @ a ... I HOLDEN ~I IJ @ 4., 4$ I 0~~ 60 I r h: I tJ} I LL ! ~ ) :> ," 46 C A RO L 0 '" ~ .J () ....... t--: .. ~ t.J 70 .. - ~ 60 60 ~@ ~. ~ ' ~ ~ i-t. ~ 0\:\ . . ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ t4- ~ G ~ .T- II f2 00 00 _:f.. J.:...:g _15 J @@ r , I .51 [ 61 J ... rs--@ .32 31 76 7(1 @ @@ .10 29 Fi/~d Dee 27, /956 WAY .0 .. 00 44 4.3 :J'.~-- ...65 3 '@38 12 1/ Q ~I 0~1@ 42 41 [0.. t~. @~00 ::t I i 51 __1 PL. o ... 11.95 ~ .....: Tti. .... i. ... "'1 1. ""....., ...,. It h .... to ... ~ _ _Irefl""il ....' -.... .. ........ .. - .. _-" 011...... .. ....h... _. . '........ 1-800-i, .. t, SCHOOL D'S T. , 1~/5 23..a Q I ~ ;. ,', c ,'\ \..l i ~ I- 60 ~ ~ ~ f'i4l.. ~) "'.. ~~~CI~ ~ r r r: e ASSESSORS MAP NO._2...:i:- 22 _ COUNTY OF KERN 'I