HomeMy WebLinkAbout01227 ... --,. ;' i . \~. \~'J 1~, THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No.3140 Ne~ Series of the City of B,a,kersfield, the undersigned appl ies for a permi t to place, erec"l and/or ma'lntain an encroachment. on public prop. ty or right. of way as therein defined. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ~~ ~\?-~ ~ ~ \ The name and address of applicant js: MATTNEZ. ALEJANDRO 209.S0WERBY VILLAGE LN BFL, CA. 93307 (8051366-2510 , ~> :~ The nature or description of the encroachment for which this applicatl.on is made is as follows: ERECT AND MAINTAIN A 4' HIGH WROUGHT IRON FENCE ALONG BACK OF SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF. HOUSE, AND ALONG SIDE YARDS TO t-fEET EXISTING WOOD FENCE. ~ I' ~. r ~. ~.. The locat ion of the proposed encroachment '1 s: .209' SOW.ERR)' VT Lho\GF. LN BF'L, CA. 93307. (TRACT 5602A LOT 38) Applicant agrees that if th?_s appl-icatio.n. is gr~nted, 'applicarit-will indemnify, dE!fend and hold harmless the CitY;;oi'Sakersfield, its agents, officers and eUlployees~..inst and from all da~4.s',. ,judgments,. cl aims, demands, expenses, oosts and expenditures, and against all loss or. liability which ,<the City of I:tfkersfield or such officers, agents or employees mA-}- suffer, or which may be .".coverable from, or obtainable 'against the City of Bakersfield.or such d'ficers, agents or' employees, proximately caused by , growing out of or in any W~y connected ~ith the placingterection or maintenance of sai~ encroachment, the appli :lU"ther agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of ld encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. AJ>p'l.i..f.td~~'ttu..the~ agrees that upon the 'expi rat ion of the parmi tfor which tbis ..ft.'ion: ,is made, if granted. or upon the revocat ion thereof by the City . ., , 'a1>l)Bcantwill at. his own cost and expense remoVe the same froll. ,the ;;f~p'rop4M.1 or right of way where the same is located, and restore said .',1:: pro~rty or right of way to the conditlon as nearly may be in which. it '. before the placing terect.i on, maintenance or existence of said, roachinent. (l0, " " l Y\(\~, (\ I ,~. '-. ,- __ _l.,.,",-~~l_\-\ga~~~\n.,__C.J\.;;;,,~\_,::_"--'-__L .!.~~~J!:.:!..~), Signature of Applicant ('dwAer or RepresentClot:j,Ve) " :1:.':" -. 'li;:' PERMIT ' . BY CERTIFY THAT T HAVE MADE AN UlVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE RGOING. APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) .. (~T) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE ,TO BE LOCATED AND (2) ::WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD. TO PERSONS USING Ie PLACE; SAID APPLTCATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). _-U-~-2~,_K~!~----_._~--_._,... -". ~~~ Si~ha"lure of City Engineer Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Cl~rk Yellow - p.ubfic 1227 ;!~~?;,... .. @olUprhy Villagp Uanp - - z-~ +- 60.00' CD C"I .q: o ,- .)/J_vY '7-(l (U' . ~;toOP i .,. Ld! 3f lLAC\ ~QA. ,- ~/- .-. .,.. -;~-... ~ 1'~-'!"~;^' . '. ~. , .. ~ CITY OF BAKERSrIELD DEPAR1NENT OF PUBLIC I~ORKS To Whom I t ~Iay Concern: \'r'e, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or wall behind the sidewalk on: Sowf e.. B Y \ II LLA.(6~ I ,J . (Street) By ~ ~m~~ of doG? (Address) Phone ?U -02.5"10 DATE: t-{- -- /'3 ~ 1 c.f to r '31 (~2 05 !>tAJert; 1/t'7 c- Lt?he.- DATE: 4--/, -7'f SIGNED: 1) 'NAME: 2) NAME: -'f ;?()6 ) ur 5' 3) NAME: -- '. 4) NAME: ADDRESS: 5) NAME: ADDRESS: 6} NAME: ADDRESS: J J_ DATE: tf-(3 "7'1 DATE: DATE: DATE: I -~--- I n- ---1 \ II i . q tly ~1~ X : t.~H ! '~"-'-_. --+. ~---_. J IJ lSl WllI IWlT t()TiCE: -------- 'L!.!.~.!.~.!, ,~.~,!: n ~,~,~.!.~.!.!.!.~.~: 1-oq ~IFIC!'AS iftll EU(IRIC lIIf'lWY, !jA(9!9'!U.ll: III. JDfl 6!l, l!C5/]'1!l'5'U: . TlIll..crlung days 9EflJl.E you can do any digging, call1!iA at -, . ~Pi(-~:m:;'~~~ l-Bat-MZ-24" for Infcrlllat!on on the ellst!ng natural gas hn~;'-. - . If!. IAlRY SIMVIS, 1!Il5/6JI-J4f5 electnc callIes, telephone cables, etc. I 37 25 L 36 35 u 27 ~ 34 .... w rn (, 28 33 32 ',i':~'Jc~~ : ..' 31 \ SL~3.5'" (, LN '" T1"'" - --- 'II , 23 ~ 22 N 21 ~ 60' 20 17 19 .~~~h'%''''~~?;i.cr" ..~~ ..~~~-~...-t\'~'1~>ii.'<{'_ ,: r 18 p X ONLY HAMBLETON ---, '\ E. 3RL~A~ } ~~5i ~~._.____~_~._ r. ~u.. o .... )( .... "- el fAOt LtnLITY""",IMY"-AJI ...s ocCatO &110 .,.. ~n: ...... 0If ncXA"'T UTJUTfIS" AeCtJIIATC TO 'PC HSYl>> ..,.-1UIOWUDaL 1'1<< COllrPOSl'l'I .~ '5 1I1II1O'O).u.aau: "" -=rr ~l'uo.. . - .. .' .~::-.- - l 'rtC COfIfTaACTCMI IMAU ASSUIC 'PC IIISPOIISf.un TO~. '0 &mI.ITr """""'0lII '''''''''aocrn.t.o.anc:wl.OCAnClJilS. S1'JIU"f UCMf LOCAno.s,. GI PlOoI&.lWCUM.-.n. JOHN W... EASTRIDGE tmUlY PlAIPNG SEIlIIIa5 -'- -.. ~-- tlll ntllYPf1O''''' ~o.SSJOIII. 011 ~. '$20 '"LI. IUIIT r.Q. .oa :W7 .AIt'("~~ CA n:203 JOHN W. EASTRIDGE UTIUTJES PLANHING SERVICES RESIOEH11Al:COIIIAEIlCIAL"llOt/STIlIAL COST ESTIIA4TE:;CXlLlPOSrlE MAP3- iRENCH COORDI NA 110N !- i 1\ I I --- I I I r ~.L 1 .:;-.1' I 'I . ~ I 'rs 1 S2~ 43 ' I I l!/~ :~ I I ., ~ ;-~-. ~~ '" : ; : ~42 ~ I I ~ ,.-:UE: Ii ~ ~ 'I o 'JIf-yl r il..... , ./ I I 41 I I I I I I I II < 1 I 0'- X ONLY 204:1': ~ /1: :; I II. ----- WEAvER AVe:, z , ~ : I: '//--- - 'Co ~ '~ ''::'L'WE ;&.~~: .... ---::.' .4.... \, hUU___....____.__ 5 ;11. i 60' i: ::.;;" :~;o' m:"'...o:; ~:.:::~- ,-.;:-.:,::'.: :::::'. ::: V., !:',!o L.. it ~i\:/;;~;:~t~' ::< :;:-::; .::',,:::-,:, ;': ~ ~l -:-- ! ~.~ ~=;~: i~~'li_~, '1:,l~l_ _""~,,,".""':._~~.*,1~,..... _.'.:~. ..._~' '~.-r~..,...v....:i,~",",f'l'. '~". I ,~.,_#"._...A~.- ..."'....~,"."i't',:..,;=~:..,';,<-'i!"'.i1~""'::....';~\.......:...>~;."..;- .- . co ,", .'.. ..... "I'I'!"''''' ~ _'<l 0=-,.., "'~"r <.: ,- .",,:f:*j[;;~'l.;:_:;>: ~ ~ I L---- '\ IUIO CAIU IV, eqo,!~ IELO: . 1ft~:rl!E. &.l5/J!I'I'm "--- // ...." /' / , I \ I I I , \ I \ I " ,,' '" u 6 < CD .... w rn (, : ~ t't.-';" 8 '3 12 II I I Ii 39 3 I 1,- - - - - II 11 Ii ., ~ II 11,62'0\ v~ 'I LN ___,____~3~O~,AL______ ~_LU.~_L~_!.L~_~._~.~.~.;~.~.~. ..~.g.!l..~ >-' U1 :"1--- - I. Servi~ volh;! is 12111241 volt J .:re i oh.~ 2. DeveloPer ir,stlllE4 rehlnln; ..I I, "Ma l'O:lcsores at te required ( to be d!lterJinPd at ~hr FJS~.:::lt'J-;~r:;ct~~ :eet1:'1; , J. All Ovvela~r ;ledcrll!d treoctle; ar.-l !?;:,I',.~ :,-,r.t; .-l:"P :::/ toe lns~ected ..-:d .cceptect try PG&f ;:"er.:::~ !;1;rPftrt" ::r.";;:r tJ s:ar: of CQ'lstnJc~lon -. All b-Iank cr.r:dtJlts elrE' to t:t' l~""t.iif"'': ..:~~ x!! c,tnl'i .-:~ P"'O c.a~s S, ~II C01ltJltS to De 08 In fJ! r[Wp Y-, L~J~ \x ~.ff' 05-28-93 SCnt. ,"-60' 110$) ~n-n14 "U .IOS)U2-30'. I)..... .!WE .~,..-.~~ , / ~ '-1 "f"'Sl(i"S "'I I:(U"""IO_ Sower b):1. r 1 .2~(~ I_O~..~~L~~_ ~:....:_:..!..~ u ; !tt.!S: .11 seniar c:tr1duJtS (:lOth 2' l 3") WI:: '~:r' 2~' ridill5 1ltr0d5 t~' prmnt :'"If'tlI :,~t~ ::>oo!.:.t:::::!. ~II ~ distrillltiDl ::r.~J:ts ml:i~ ]6' ,~i:lS tlerC!. F.& RISlD !llDJ1T !EliIS Ill', ;f f:".~!! ::r.:-..;: u 'eWI1"C nKfSSUJ', iP;lI"OY.l.i'S ~;rf ::'lr:l:;t :1r::r:: ::~;:":f!"i:":i:O ;nvt!r.t !ICmng 1II;)Ia~!c :t.:! ~ ;~; :er.Sl:r.;, L~_~.~.N D . G - , p . . S . ,I. .,. * . C - CoIlV . !l . SIREEIlIGtI.. IUI 1Jl\'1lI11ll -c>- CITY SIREET UGH BY N1l:1.1I11' --.STREET UGlT TRDOlIllY .-. - .s'nm LIGIT COOV!Jl1N. Y -- EllST1Ni room uaUIl_ .BlJ.'tl mlOOlT ~-'uIi ~lLE SUGI I'Kf..!: PR!IIQJII II. D]~13' 1 24' 1 IS"D 5EtCI'lDMY ~_I(f 00. ~} 11' 1 ]8' 1 IB'9 SEIDGmt [,/'Ila IVII :A]- 2\' I ]b' . 18"0 S[ClJ<miy :~1.1I1 ,"'I ~5]- r J 5' I 3.5'D Mn~ Sf1!11 1"11 GAS PllllU'llY SECl)lDMy ,IELEPIIK iAlI(R IV \Ut(Jl IV cur(IJl . - ~2A STREEIlI9l1 (lJt((l!(Jl PlJINI I~ CtJfI. ptq 00, I 'IKlJ WILL !It. ll( "IN. SllE CJ\ftf YO 6( lI"JD TO c~cr 'j " r :, . ~~~-~~~~TR!: :ONJJ:TS REOO!P.:~ ~~ ~~!: :~~F: ~ m .~ o~'~tn av API'! leANT ^~~ "'ell:':~ ay ~;" .r",r ,~ - .,,~ .w_" "'j. .," . _, .__" . _.w .. ,u,..(I ro.. I. I SCOc I \ '. I ~ { . J,~ 1 : ! 0 I I '. .,... ~,,,,,' I I .'.'1 i i ,. .,.\., I ! j ~ -'~i . t liT ~ ! i J. ~ ~ J. L. GRAY COMPANIES .~.@ ==c!., <!> C --~._~-'--_._' "J" ~ '~::;:~'t':~;~,#. l ~ FOR SHORT SlDE GAS SERVICES PGoo-t: n.a~ AreA BAKERSF:ELD " ! 'r I.. M\('I"tO.. Fl. mil S' /5' /' It9' !2l' \." J9'I' br 1&' ~!lS' B' ler 11>8' 1 1l6" ;" ~ ,....'.',O LLU".~-.~..~--~ ...~____LL!.L!_!_ . . . "'-. . 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"'I:it $;.1. ...... rl'" ~~ ..,"' oil'" "'~ <1\:;" s:~ "I~ ~;.1. ...... "'.I~ lP;.1. "'", "I!? m;r; "'... "I'~ ~;.1. "'... ~ Z ill I: '<t ~ ~ ~U)~ 0... ~ . I: --1 ZG -0- I- I- m 0 ~ g U) ~Ii Ct ~"'" ~I~ :e 5-00 3M> OATUJ/ ELEV - 385 111 ~ -I 3 () -I U. ::t I- t}' () Z E'.EYA TlCN 3!l-1 ,~ 3~ 3'l8 3'!O 3a& u I~.. ~Q ~~ -. " :nit j~ L- J1 ~; ~i J 16 -I, -Q...~ J9S I I-4AM6LETON ~ILL5 ~AN~. PLAN AND F'l<!OFILE i4ORlZONTALt 1'.40' vERTICAL. 1',4' a ~ I ~ :;l ~ ~;.. ~ ... ~...r" ~ ~:: ~ ;i 2 .... .~ ;,; :'I~~ ~ ~ >a- ~ " ~ oj .I;;~ 5 ~ 5: 14 1:' aIM: T f l '50'0 :ll42' . \ ~. .... ~ --::::.- ..... . ..ODS'" : ~~ ---' ..,'-' SL' ~R-"'''''' I ;t,".)1,j ._... .. d'XO~~ ... aEYl_.~ ~_t~ 6~ l~ ~ "-""" :ll-U 13 j I EXISTIN6. GRCUO L AT ~ TYP FOR ALL ~S 02~ I I I 0061" ~,~,LL" &i ~ J.... I I ~ ~ ~ r(f-. 3a& ll4- aEY. 38132 3M> ?s: ~~ ~~ ~z ~~ ~ ~'i ~ ..Ji ~ ~~. 2lig 10 3'J8 111 ~ -I ,~ 3 () -I 3'-4 u. ::t I- 3~ ~ () Z 3'!O S' SEIlER ,.,-,-OJ l~ 3'lf> OJ! ~!!...M .. 3'30 'Lu ..... - .\ rr;~I",. ~~....!..~.. - .... DETAiL 'C 3~ ElEvA ilo.l III ~ -l 3 () -I lL I- <l) II! 3 EtEvATlCN I .~ 3M> 3'!O 3'-4 3'J8 3~ 3~ ~ N!'Il.ll.l.. JS OT04 ~ ~14 ..00.00. '1.f1LT. \;l .:J'l'.1 V n.. ~ T.o.C.. J9l.lI Itl QJI . 3e'Ule. tN " . .>>\qe II Jr6'-'l.15O'tt'3.5T"4Ol~5' \. C1 ut'i. . .>>t.60. K&l HV If . .. .X.I.!..... i ~..W'~:Q ..}) T~ j[ ~r~ ~I :;; - 3a& 3"'" 3~ 3.... .. ~ --' u- LEX1SOO6Rcuo ; ~ ~ - :~ ~ i r:!.; :n A <Ia ~ - -- :. ~" z :n~ i5 o;'f f'% 3~~ ~, ~ '.~ ~ rt g ~~ :o~ :2li" .. W~ EI..EY':'il~ 1 ::!3~ j~ / ~3'-4 If :n 3~ "~~-1 "N:gu PET AIL 'A' IT. ""1\- f ~.!' 5OWERl3Y VILLAGE LANE PLAN AND PROFILE ~IZONTALI ".40' V'ERTICALI 1'.4' I ....I 3a& l~ El.EYATTON 3~ ::! 3'-4 ~ If 3.... ?i -w ;,,- -:~ 3..... "I'~ If ill ;o'l.nll.;.1. r .~ ';3~ ". ~t-.....tl :;;~~~l. Ii' I ~ . _ N:q ~ ~~:F; . ~ ~.:.~ ~ " . d , ,... i$ :;;...:.. I ;, ~ "'- I ~,j ~;,;; \ d .., !J ~ :; ~ ~i \, i5~ In ' I.! 3~:! .. >f~ ,,:!l~ ~;l;il ...' - .j; . ~ >fil :21~~ EL~~'Gtl2 ~~ t I ~ ~ g3~ it \1 :n 3CJ2 ~ 'I 0-''''' 'I 3~ ......... I IN5TALl41l12 V ~ ex lb' ecP ..~.~y"""" PET AIL '6' 02 '3" - 3a& 3'!O !!! ''-4 ~ If l~ ~ .. 3~ ,:: .. I ~ .. u R o :8 ~- g ::; .. f! r. LEGS COllA + STIlE -- STOP S~ ~ @ C1 @ @) @ FLOWlINE CURVE OJ ~ i5ELTA LENC:ffii . t~ 2'J"24~ All/' l1122li:1S' 22"25'>>' B. W' :e.~' '30~ 3i4T . .2"/XJ' tM)o<<t<<t !loST .w;, .00 _B4'!>1'1l' 191.'0Zl' \1202.06' ,0 ~.'3&' ,r= ~. il ~I JJ). ". ~ 1.lI'VI i-lP.5.y.sn;er LIGI<TS S>.RIE'I' ~ ENCA5EJ"'ajT Fe! c.Da.s. NO. ST"13 FLO'U.E ORIE DATA - SEE aIM: T Ael.E TTFE '5' ClJ<!l1>HD GIlT1ER Fe! CD5.5. NO. ST.1 1aEEL0UJR R,>,"'P Fe! CDlI.5. NO. ST-19 ,,s' UlDE CO"'BOlA TICI'l TTFE SlOEUl'U( Fe! CDB$. NO. . ELE'IA~lo; ~IIID ...~~ .. ..3'J8 I "-""",1100' !.J! ... 3~- ~ ~ 3'-4 '3 LL l~ili 3 . ...... 3'!O I ....... 3a& ~~ li - ...I~ ...... s.so SA"E FOM ..,I.. Q \) ELEYATICN ... .~~... .........,'l8 I 3~ .... ...... .....i.. 3'-4 !.J! ~ :::i s 3 . . ...... .. 3"..2 () -I U. 3'!O :n <t 3a& III A 18 ST.3 ,,, ... 'BI." _ CCM"1.C1ED NAT1'IE SlJ66ASE SIGN 1lI1ll RED TTFE ,.' ~ Sl !t- O"- ....11 Cl 31 9 ~8 ----~-- 11 / / / / / / 10 8 ~.1 33 1.0..... ~ ."' 34 3:' i 36 10 9 31 ,f g il ....J....J -;~ UJ Q ru ~ co ~i ~~ 0."" .....,r..; ~~ co~ e "So ti o r~ ~ t>............ 9 I!! i;i ~ ~:il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( III ruT lDcb _ 40 It. CURYE c:z C3 C4 c.s a; c& CITY a ~ ST':'''OAIlP$ or SIGN Fe! CDB$. NO. T .. . GRAPIDC SCALE ,.;.r': RADIu& &iiii7- 3SM 20iXi 7ifij &iiii7 C,-,yj; to propevtr 10 ~ > III ~ -..., . "~'< ~..,~ ., -""\. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT j TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: t> . Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or,:r:ight of way as therein defined. .....". I The name and address of applicant is:-6LEJAND~D ?CHRIS'TIN~ MfT((.T/NE2.. 20<=1 50weR.~Y VILL.ftGE" I AN~, The nature or description of1the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: FR.'DI\lT '11l/1-I) ~SI{)E 'IM-D WR.D\lGlfi 1:/2..0^-1 FDU.R FFE.T FENCE, F~()M SIO~ WALKALONb \I-t~ -=;ID~C:; 1(".0 FtET Of FrcrJCLtJ6 I FDU..e- ff.E7 TfTLL. The location of the proposed encroachment is: :)..og S,()WER..f\Y IJtLLft6E Lf)fJE. ~~RSFIELD . CALI Fbf!...N/A. 9~';)D7 P~orJ-r '/A-fU'J i SICE FRcNT '1A-RJ::::> TA?f1C..T ~ 5(,.02. LoT ~ 00 31! . Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Date: L(- 11- 9L.j PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: Signature of City Engineer No. /zt,,7 Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works:, .~.i.';:.::,lj'j ,.G~~l ::ii:./!. ~./9t} REV6/90 "~J :1: .. ktJ ~ . . I I ~ ...:,,~ ---<;.-,~- t~ APPLICATION FORE;NGJioAcijMENTPERMIT - ?':";:' :~;?~::~~;;' \.:.- -;..,' .' TO TI{E CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: ~ Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies fora permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. " I N D ~ 0 E C H R I Si IN G: fVl A (2.. TIN S 2- The name and address of 2..0"( 5bw~R.Q; The nature or description of1the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: F~t>NT '/Af..f) ~SI()E "M..D \IJ~D~GlH-r J:~PI\J F()IA~ FEET FeNCE I F~ON\ ~IOf:WA\..K Pr\..oN6 i~' 511'(5 14;.0 F~ET Of F~NklrJ61 Fl)u~ f€..E'T /fTLL. is: :l.D'l <;DwE",BV VtLLfl6E L.AtvE. Fp.ol'Jt" '11+(40 4 ~jPE FftvtJi ~Pr~-b The location of the proposed encroachment BAKERSfiELD I CAL.IFDtNlf\, ~~oD7 'tff7CT''t 5'(.01. L.QTI00aCS Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or su~h officers, agents or employees, Pr~~~~?tely caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erec~ion or m~intenance of said encroachment, the .applicant further agrees t-o maintain ;~be aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachme,pt or until sU~ih,- It'ime that this permit is revoked. t ~~ P G J n "f. .' ,'f" ~ j. -I A i(J Applicant further agrees that' upon the expiration of the permit . \- il ~ application is made, if granted, or;'u on the revocation thereof En ineer a licant will at his own cost and ex ense remove the same rom the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said . public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was I before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroaqhment. Date: 0/- / 1- 9i .~" " PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). Date: Signature of City Engineer No. /l.:t7 Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public WorksB4:;;; _~.... ,11, ~ i) q:' 1. I !"J REV6/90 I~ .-' /, , ,'c f 1 I ~j':::;...Ir"~, :.' r ,~ - ! .J ~~ . -. , ..ji~ ~. . .F~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT -If> ~ ~ TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: f Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield~ the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined; ~ f The name and address of applicant is: eLEJAND~D f CH RISilNtf MAR-TINt; 2- i.oCf 5bvJ~R-(>;Y VILL.PrGEE' l AN~. The nature or description of ,the encroachment for which this application is made is'as follows: F~t>NT iA~D~'5I()E \}A~D WftOUGlH-r ::tR.PI\J FllIJiC.. F'fET' FE./Jc..E:.f _FRoM ~IOf WfH..K AL.tlNb T'HT; ~ID~'5 11...>0 FE:Ei Of F'~rJctrJ6 I FtM":" Ff.F7 rttLl. The location of the proposed encroachment f:>AKE~Sflrl1) I (,ALtFbtNIA. ~~'OD7 t'ii1CT ~ 5'1, 0'2.. t.,,,r, 0 0 ace Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of 'Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or su~h officers, agents or employees, p~q~~m?tely caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the pla'c'ing, erect.ion or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maini'ain ~Qe a'foresaid encroachment during th~ life of the said encroach~;,nt or until sUSP ,:t'ime that this permit is revok~d. . \I- .,.,~'fP ,~.;, ,f~ Applicant further agrees that.~u'pbn tl\e expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, oruplon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. is: - ;J..Oq SDUJE. R.P8' VtLLA6E L.AtJE. F~o(lJ,.. '1A~(1 i .e;,C(;' ra.orJ'T' I.JA-R..b . . Date: tf- / 1- 'Ii .~ " I: PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). ;' I Date: .Signature of City Engineer No. Iz:t1 '''''''.".., Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works...' ,. .52(o,)ii ..i~'~". t~U 'Ji~"" j 1 .: .'. REV6/90 1,~ ~ I . ,It " 1\ -, :; . .. ("~ <...... o q -if- =57 - - -52.IT - r 1'_ 1'-- C t~, o 10 I, 16 :0 10 10 I - I - I F" I . 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