HomeMy WebLinkAbout01221 /: : i i~~+"""'ll,"iI f :... .' ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT )' ,"'., . ~ ;......r". ----,~....~"'...;....~' ~/ ' .-...-- ~ 0 -~~'_. Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of 29 ~ Bakersfieldt the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. 2-Zq-~4 ?jlJ TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFO.B.NfA.: The name and address of applicant is: Frank Va~han 5303 Stone Canyon Ct. Sfl, Ca. (~3306 The nature or description of the encroachme%1t%rc~~C~1l~i~et~~lbet~~~n ~,~~~, k is as follows: 36" c1nderblock ~iantel , in front of property. The location of the proposed encroachment is: 5303 Stone CanyOn St behind s1dewal k area. (see attached d. aw111g.) Applicant agrees that if this application is grantedt applicant will indemnifYt defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfieldt its agents, officers and employees against and from all damagest judgmentst. claimst demands, expensest costs and expenditurest and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officerst agents or employees may suffert or which may be recoverable fromt or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officerst agents or employeest proximately caused bYt growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. .~ .i Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is madet if grantedt or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is locatedt and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placingt erectiont maintena or existe ce of said encroachment. ~ \~ nt (Owner or Representative) D Feb. 2, 1994 ate: PERMIT Date: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSON$ USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (~ /) , '2- I ee,_.'qa- ~& u.J. ~__~-J Signature of City Engineer ~ 1221 '. No. Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works . ::; -.. .~;, . .:'~.i . ,'.H:) .... .' , :;!. . I: ,".. ',( ,{ REV6/90 ,~ .'" .. "'" --. ... ~ r' , . , '" .\ , Ii : I DO] S)ONt' ChJ;ton ~. --~--- ---------- , , Gf-2Qo&cIM~~_J1~:t!1~ZLJ4-AL!~~~D::L-_-_----------.---- ----c- ------- -- --~~~-p~)- ------------ -~ ------------- -- -------- I----~-------_._----------- -- ---------- --------- .------ --- -- --- ---.--.-- - --.. -- - 4- --.- -- ---- ---- ..----- .. . ~}~ Un____ ...,,:nm_ _ ___Hd~_ _u__ _ p/~_ __ _ __ _ _ "phm__U__.... _ u_pm _ _ ---~-~Ll;-n---u-- ------------------ ~-_._----...,-...+--.-----_._.,- i~_~~==~~__~_~_i~-----~-~ _.. . tJ _ _ ________ _____nN~+u ntk__..s ~:_- - -----1 ---.----- -~I !" ':~~~~~:, ;,. PERMIT NO. 12~1 ; '" i- :t f ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 8, 1994 TO: E. W. SCHULZ, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 5303 stone Canyon street I have reviewed the above referenced site, located at the. south end of stone Canyon street, for construction of a block retaining wall within the right of way. The wall has already been constructed and does not affect the site distance. ~~ 1~? ~ ~ :rE--- b. L 1fV?~ bbu/c:\data\wp_dat\brad\encprmt2.mem ~ ".J-...\.:...:..,. _:.'5'. ..,.': ',-"" , _~".;:5:~~]??):~f~:;~~~'~:::;~,:':<:' ::.. :'~.' '. ~\~ r3I!f~:~" .....,'.r;,..:.,.. .~:tE J-- ,-.. - :.1' l... '-' _,'," '.. . . "APPLICATION FOREN~R,OACBMDT.PElUfIT ?- "-f'p.J. .,k-'-l,,,...J ,:.4. " ~. . ~,,- . to ,._' .' " ~ .....e.'.. ,TO :T.J~JLC,W:1~'fltR~QF.".-;~HECITY OF B~RSF:LELD ,CALIFORNIA: oI! ew ~ ~ --. PursuaIit-il6D .theprovisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, tl,1e'.. und~r~igned ~pplies for a permit to place, erectand/ or maintain an encroachment on :p.u~~!C' property or right of way as therein defined. . The name. and address of applicant is: ~~~ P-(:2..fhJ"'K-.' VMA~H-Al\I'" S7l.- '{vao (fl"'-) ~NE CA--~Llo t-\ ~T, 'i~3d<' . B Z- (- 9 l.?$<;;; (t3ILFu> t'm(;.~ The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: 3{,.," 'PtA-t-J~ ~,JJ~6La:Jc..) Ct!JAiC/V?1E..~) 6e-/.../oJ D 'S\ DF wA-Uc::- 1 tJ. 'Rn~..,- 0 F . p(2.0.p~ . encroachment is: 5.:30:3 C S8G ~c..~..:u t....l sr, Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the ondition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, mainten c or existence of said encroachment. Date: J...--:3 - 9/ ... PERMIT I HEREBY. CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT TIlE MAINTENANCE OE . . SAID"ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY UJTERFERE. WI.TH ~ USE. OF' THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAKE IS TO BE. LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID, APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (DENIED). If>> Date: Signature of City Engineer No. Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod~~ City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV6/90, U( SENT BY: COB ANNEX 1ST#; i:"~ .~ 661 324 7483; JUN-5-02 2:28PM; PAGE 1 ~ . '~' -r~~HE CITY ENGlNEiR O~:~:~::N:~:::::~:IA: .. ), '0<----~ Pur8uanr to the provisioQs of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of t~~;;-:;~~--~O ~ Bakersfield) the u~ders1gned applies for a permit to place. erect and/or maintain ~ an encroachment on public property or right of yay as therein defined. . 2-~~-i' ~~ The name and address of appltcaQ~ ts: ~r&Dk V&~~han 5303 Stone Canyon Ct. 8fl, Ca. (~33e& The nature or description of the encroachme~1fn~Ort~aC~1t~18re~~~lt~~,~~D. ~'~~'k is as follows: :n 3611 cinderblocl, "d'lt!, . 1AfP'6At cf praperty. The location of th~ proposed encroachment 1s: 5303 Stone CanyOn St beh1ftd ,idcwalkarea. (s~e atlG,I~d d.~~1n9.) Applicant agrees .that if this application Is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold haimless the City of Bakersfield, its agent8. officers and employees against and from all damages. judgments). claims, demands, expenses. C08~8 and expenditures) snd against all 108s or liability ~h1ch the City of ~kf!T~f:{Eldln 8Uc:;h! cffic:;;;:;, :;::::t:i 0::- ~alpl=j.~l'!3 1])8.Y ;;~ft'~r" .:!r:' .,l:J.~::-h may b~ recoverable from, o:r obtainable against the City of Bakerafield or such officers, agents or employeea, proximately caused by~ gro~1ngout of or in any way connected with theplac1ng, erection or maintenance of said encroach~en[, the applicant further agrees to maintain the afore.aid encroachment during the life of the 8aid encroachment or until 8ueh time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiratIon of the permit for which chis apPt1catton 1~ made, if granted) or upon the revocat1ou thereof by. the City ED~1~eerp .pp11cant w111 at his own cost and expeDse reaove th~ same from the publiC property or right of~ay where the same 18 located, and restore said publ1c property or right of way to the oQdltlon as nearly may be 1n ~h1ch it was before the placing. erection. maintena or extste ce of said encroachment. h_ Feb. Z. 1994 . \ I . ..-te; VI or Representative) Pl:Rm:T Date: I HEREBY CERTIFY TRAT I RA VB HAnK AN IHVISTICATIOH OF THE FACTS SrAnD 18 THE ,-oUGOING APPLICATION ABD PIND ruT THE !fAINTBNANCE OF SAID DCROACHKBHT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTI.R.F:UE WITH 1'HE USE; OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE Tal SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE-A HAZARD TO PERSONS OSING SAID PUBLIC PLACE, SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE ((;UIml:D) (o.qo~"'UJ7). '\ ~ ~ (J ,. 1 --:. 6:. ,,-I~. ~_......~....- . Signature of City Engineer ~) Z - 1 (;., - 1..1 cl-. m~ 6 Di$cr1bution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV6/90 .~ SENT BY: COB ANNEX 1ST#; .~.' ,iii. ~~.~~-:. ~f j . _~__..._..._._. u__.___. .. ,':",: i\.:.r' ~r':. . " . --.-.....--. ------..-_----- L...:..""_..'___""____O"..,N, .... ~........_..__.. ~~~> 11' ~--~.. I",' 661 324 7483; JUN-5-02 2:28PM; PAGE 2/4 ...r,"';- '.~~lf. r.:--: ,-. \,: ': ;'.' ;; "i' ~. . ~':' ~ .', :'"". ..... ....\. l .j '.r , , :1 "._'~ :1 w~ ... ''';.' ,:' "';"~''''.~: ....'..., 1", ; i . . , - ., . ., .. , ";':.:' '. :> :~"~(:~P>.:.;'~::(~:::~};i':~.~::'::~:,:~:, '" -"',-- . , ..f. .'i"('.t.,..~~;.~,~;:<::ij ;,b,:'j::pfffi~~!;;;~;::~/:~s~t:,:~;{i.,... . If .., ; ! .1, _lL~,_, .\l:- ~... .. -":T''''_i;:''-~ : i ;.i . :.. /t.... ,~-_..- : ;----no'...Vftfo.""..-;-:-- ..' . ~ Jy,... ~-~~.:.... ~," '/ II I! .,',- ,". ;.," ,,-;:;,~ " "~";": :' . . . . ._, . .' . . ...... :;.:~.>!.~;j>::::.:. ::': . .\.',', '-':S;...., .. >'?~.': " :.WO . . .' .~;: ~/"" . . .t.~. . . .~.:. ''r.......... ;. ...... ...... ....... . . ~: . . .i:.l'..'_ -'." '. '~', " . '- , ......-.:, .-,.',," '.' : .'.'.:.~f::.~:';t:'~~.\~~~;~;: .' . ......:. ..::~~<~;ifSf?~~ 1': . '. ." ." . :...~~\.,: ". J. .....: .' :'... \~..~~.~>,:.::~.~:..~:: .. SENT BY: COB ANNEX 1ST#; tV,! 661 324 7483; JUN.5-02 2:30PM; PAGE 3/4 "",J~ ... ....: .:".t:'.~ }:~;, ~"'.: ""':, :.~: t:- '. , .~ I'....'.~i;' ;";. I"~:~~r~. . "_."~ .: ~,. : "'!;.l";~.. .,., .. !iiJ;. --.... -"..'-.....;u. ....._'.......L.......mf:-~". _.~ "~.. ~,. .1Il.....- ~.__,..._....""_.... ...4 ~..C '-'4L.Y uL Bakersfield, .~ uDd~.1gned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an enc:ro~c:.hDlent o.ii'pui>llc' property or right of 'lay as therein defined. The nalle and addr.e8B of applicant is: $'3t'J.3 F~k- VAU.~" $71,- ~ ('~) :>m,.JE ~ot..l. ~T. 7~ 3 z 1- '1Z-/$<;; (&c..FcJ> ~m.c~ The nature or description of the encroachment for is CiS follows: ?~" P~1"e':e. "5\ DF t.J~ 1 t.+ ~~ '"\ Q F which this apPliCa;}On 18 made ~~' CM~, ~u 41:M.k? The location of encroachment 18: ~~ ('S~ ~c..~'"'O Applicant agrees that!! this application is granted, applicant will inaernnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, 1t8 agents. officers and employees against andfroQl all damages, judgments, claims, dema.nd~, e~pen8es, costs and expenditures, and aga1nst all 1088 or liability ~h1ch the C1ty of Bakersfield or such officer., agents or employees may suffer, or lihich may be recoverable from, or obtainable againat the CHy of Bakersfield or such officers. agents or employee., proximately caused by, growing out of or in a.ny fJay connected w1th the placing, erection or maintenan~e of said encroac~ent, the applicant further agrees to maintain tbe aforesaid encroachment during the life of the aaideocroacbmeut or until such t1me that thia permit 18 revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for ~h1ch this application is made. if granted, or upon tbe revocat1oatbereof hyehe City Inatn_ar. 8pp11caat .ill at his own cost and ezpeDae re~ve the 8ame [roc the public ~roperty or rigbt of way where the 8a.e 1s located, and re8tore said g:f;-- ~~:l~~~;~~=:~t;:D :a~~:t:~tJ,.:~<~:;a::.:ea:;Y~:~ ::c ~:a;~~::t~' "a. . Signa ure of Applie t (OWUer or Representative) - PEWT I HEu.&Y CRtIn' tBAT I IUVlIWlI AN INVESTIGATIOW or niB PAC.TS SURD Ili mE FOi.IGOIHC APPUCATIOB AIm PIND nuT t'D !U.IJiTEliaNCE OP SAlD-DCiOACBMDT (1) WILL (NOT) SUJSTAlTUllY IHTI:IlIR.! WITH THE USE OP TU PDJLIC PlACE VBDB TBI SAd IS 'I'O H LOCATED AJiD (2) WItt (~) CO~8tlc&1t6 A lIAUiD TO PERSONS USING SAID PO'BLIC PU.CE; SAID 4PPLIC4TIOJl IS TRhDOU (GUliTID) (DlHIID). ~ Date; Signature of City Engineer No. Distribution: OrigI~. ApplIcant Go14enrod-. Clty Clerk Yellow - Public Works RKV6/90, SENT BY: COB ANNEX 1ST#j . .". 661 324 7483j JUN.5-02 2:30PM; PAGE 4/4 <. :----!'._~_..._. - --..-. ...._-"_.... '...".,'..--. ~.._- ,/ .. !~I,.""..".,~"",,,,"- ~ 7" U"' ~". -. ., SAKE'RSPIEL PUBUCWORKS'DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ." - D DATB z webruarf 8, 1994 B. .. SCHOLZ; PUBLIC WOJUtS DXREC~OJl STB:nz~ 1.. . WALDa, 1'aA7,.:tC ..OXNEER dft.J . '.'::'" ....: " .' ~: . SUBJBCTS UCODBIJ)ATIOIf ~Jl APPROVAL OJ' APPLlCATXOB FOR. JUICltOAClIKDrl' PBlUUT .5303.}.stOJla Canyon TOr J'ROX. B t r a"a t ','" ..\..... ~. .' I have reviewed the above r~ferenced site, located at the south end of stone Canyon St.reet, for co.natruction of a block retaining wall within the right ot way.... '1'hewall has already been constructed and does. not affect the site distance. .~. . . ", ,,\.' , ''',' ../.", ...I;'':':'''~''::f:';'~;,.'. .j" .'.:?;.~ . " . .' '", ~' . . ..... ,. :',", :;~~~/~":"::i;~~ ",'1, " ... .:':;'l:.i! ;:... .. .' . " .~';~ .. -.Y.'. . '~".:' ":. j'. . . ", ':r;:~:r' .:',....:~/~. .~:.~~~~~(~'~~.~.~lt~.:.:.'I~.? .... ", ':~~\:('..'... .:~'~.~.~'~)tJ~;~~'~1;,.ti.~.~, :~~. .:; :'.. . .~.. ;'" . ..~", . :' ','. .".,....'., ..~~,..::. . ",. >...~;.::.t .. " ,... .. .' ,;. ..:. . . I, ," .:.~........ .t:. : ._.. . .. <if~\.:~.;+'..~,~:.~'-,:,::....'..~~.:.:,'~.:'...::;.:.,.;,(.,:~.',.,:..,':.:."...:,:..~..:,..:. .' . ,.... "" I , ~. . ,r ' . <:,. ..;-,\... ."": .." '. " ,. ")';:;~":~~l~j~:~;:;:';:':":" .":f;~i:.\;<;:,/'.,~~::, ....... ;.:"~rt,::,~~;:r:1r-":'",:.1:.~?o;l:,',:'. .. ."'::!.:::.. . . bbuic:\esa ta\vp~ dat:\brk.c:l\eniprmt2: ~em . . :~\~~~~. '..}" . . .}~: ,:'::,'" :~:, .. ,'I."" .'. .,.:,..::, 11"'" . , :'::~~::;~~:.. .. - :,.:.. ,'" .:~': ".:~~{: ".::;.t:.j~.~.'~1:~i,;:''':'';':'' ...i.;":>i~':~:;\:" '.:' :'"': .:.:i:>'''~:': . :.i' . :::(~j}:<~.."", ." ...'..:;;;,;::. .,'.. . .:~. :::.~ ~.:'.:. ~~.: C;~'2:;;:.^;.: . .:/'...:.:};';~';i,;t:~".2;;~:~:~r'N~;;:;:~":".~;::~r.?;::{~",i;);,;i;"'..,.. .,~{:~i~~,~;~I~,~ditiL,.,.... ....' ..;t."i ._~.~~.~;~:.~~. ~~ \ At {(;~() .-~ ,. REGIONAL OFFICES LAW OFFICES OF BORTON, PETRINI & 'CONRON, LLP REGIONAL OFFICES FRESNO TELEPHOTli::: (559) 268-0117 F t,'" ,5~Q' 237~7995 LOS ANGELES TELE:llONE (213) 624-2869 F....~ {21=> 489":39.:10 MOrJE'STO TELEPHONE (Zag) 57~1701 FA.X (200) SZi.9753 SACRAMENTO TELEPHONE '916) 484<~555 FAX {QI61484.3550 SAN BE:RNJ,RDINO TELEPHONE (909) 381-0527 FAX ,gO':". 361 <0656 SAN DrEGO TELEPHONE (619' 232-2424 F' A. X (6191 531-0794 SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE '415. 677-0730 FAX (415' 677-0737 SAN JOSE TELEPHONE (408) 879-3820 FAX (408) 879-3829 SAN LUIS OBISPO TELEPHONE (605) 541.4340 FAX (605) 541-4558 SANTA ANA TELEPHONE (714, 424-6200 F'AX (714) 424-6210 VENTURA TELEPHONE (605'65~994 FAX (605. 650-7125 1600 TRUXT1JN AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 2026 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303-2025 (661) 322-3051 FAX: (661) 322-4628 EMAIL: BPCBAK@BPCLAW.COM WEB SJTI:: WWW.BPCLAW.COM f.E. BORTON (1877-1948) ..JAMES PETRINI (1897- 1978) HARRY M. CON RON (1907- 197 I) RICHARD E. HITCHCOCK ( 1925-200 Il KENNETH D. PIN SENT (1953-1984) IN REPLY REFER TO OUR FILE NO, Bakersfield 055190/055316 June 7, 20.02 HAND-DELIVERED Wanda Neal Code Enforcement Officer City of Bakersfield Building Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: 5303 Stone Canyon Street (ATN 437-031-08-00-04) Case No.: 02-00001680 Dear Ms. Neal: We represent Frank and Susan Vaughan (the "Vaughans") in connection with the above-referenced property and case number-. It is our understanding the first complaint against the Vaughans has been resolved as a result of the City's discovery of the Vaughans' encroachment permit with reference to the subject property. Additionally, with respect to the City's second complaint., it is our understanding the City recognizes the exemption from the building permit requirement for play houses under a particular sqllarefootage, however, the City would like t.o send an inspector to the subject propert.y to confirm the same. The Vaughans recognize the City's responsibility to enforce its building regulations. Yet, the Vaughans are concerned the City's actions may be inappropriate. The Vaughans are currently in litigation with the son of the director of the Building Department Code Enforcement section, who is supervising this code enforcement action. Accordingly, we have requested through the City Manager that another City official supervise the enforcement action referenced above. It is our understanding the City Manager is in the process of handling the change in supervisors. Accordingly, the Vaughans wish to defer their authorization to allow an inspector onto the subject property to resolve the second complaint until after this supervisorial change has been made. If you have any objection to this deferral, please contact the undersigned. _~ooo Michael S. Abril MSA:njb cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager 416654.1 - 055316 , ~ '~.;J, ";' .. , " .. _.~ . ./h - BAKERSFIELD 7-DAY NOTICE TO ABATE MUNICIPAL CODE VIOLATION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Building Department Code Enforcement Section 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330 I (661) 326-3510 June 3, 2002 FRANK E & SUSAN D VAUGHAN 5303 STONE CANYON ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 Re: 5303 STONE CANYON ST (APN 437-031-08-00-4) Case No.: 02-00001680 .r~ Your property is in violation of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. Refer to the specific violations on the attached page. Please contact the undersigned officer within seven (7) days of the date of this notice to discuss informal resolution of this matter between the office hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. or 1 :00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Please be aware that violations of the City's Municipal Code cannot be taken lightly. If the illegal condition has not been resolved within the time specified above, YOU will be charged a $145.00 administrative fee to cover the cost of reinspection. This fee and any other costs necessary to remove the violation will be charged to you personally and/or will be assessed against the land and can be foreclosed on or made a tax assessment which will be placed on the tax rolls to be collected. We trust you will respond promptly to this important matter. Sincerely, !JJfh1!JtI QtlJ Wanda Neal Code Enforcement Officer -,,) -"\ VIOLATION DETAIL PAGE 1 CASE. ~1uMBER . PROPERTY ADDRESS 02-00001680 5303 STONE CANYON ST / -------------------------------------------------------------- VIOLATION: BMC 12.20.020 DESCRIPTION: Encroachments LOCATION: RIGHT OF WAY QUANTITY: 1 DATE: 5/29/02 NARRATIVE : Retaining wall and drains in public right of way. ORDINANCE DESCRIPTION : A. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place, erect or maintain, or to permit the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of any encroachment, as defined in Section 12.20.010, upon, over or under any street, avenue, lane, alley, sidewalk, court, place, public way, property or rights-of-way, now open or dedicated or which may hereafter be opened or dedicated to public use within the city, or upon, over or under any property belonging to the city, without a permit from the city engineer granted as provided in this chapter or, if the encroachment is by a pipeline for conveyance of petroleum products to or from a refining facility, without a license agreement therefor approved by the city council. -------------------------------------------------------------- VIOLATION: UBC 106.1 QUANTITY: DESCRIPTION: Permit required- Construction DATE: LOCATION: RIGHTOFWAY/REAR 1 5/30/02 NARRATIVE : Retaining wall and drains in right of way. Play house in rear yard. ORDINANCE DESCRIPTION Except as specified in Section 106.2, no building or structure regulated by this code shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted, or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the building official. 12.20.030 Removal after notice. Page 1 of 1 '; Title 12 STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Chapter 12.20 ENCROACHMENTS 12.20.030 Removal after notice. A, Any person, firm or corporation, whose property encroaches in any 'fT1anner upon, over or under any property of the city, or any street, avenue, lane, alley, sidewalk, court, place, public way, property or rights-of-way, now open or dedicated or which may hereafter be opened or dedicated to public use within the city, who does not have a valid permit from the city engineer for the placing, erection and/or maintenance of such encroachment shall remove the same after written notice by the city engineer demanding such removal. B. Notice of such removal shall be by registered mail, address to the post office address of the owner or occupant of the premises where the encroachment exits, or by personal service of such notice upon the owner or occupant, by a person authorized by the city engineer to deliver such notice. C, The time required for the removal of said encroachment shall be specified in the notice by the city engineer. D, If any encroachment as defined in this chapter is not removed as required by this chapter the city engineer may cause the same to be removed and charge the expense thereof, including, but not limited to, any administrative expense, to the holder of the encroachment permit at the time the removal was required. (Ord. 3855 ~9 8, 9,1998; Ord. 314091 (part), 1988: prior code 9 12,32.030) http://bpc.iserver .netl codeslbakersfldf _ D A T AlTITLE 12/Chapter _12_20 _EN CRO A CHMEl... 6/14/2002 -. f;\. ,ll,;; June 14 20d'2,)Y ((:&'~;::;/' /\ Michael S. Abril, Esq. "'<<;:l~~,<",t;~~:Ij~::and Susan BORTON, PETRINI & CONRON, LLP '1:~;t~t~,>~"~a()3 Stone Canyon Street ~~~~ 6~~~U~o~v;~~~ (;~~~'" ";4;~~rsfield, California 93306 Bakersfield, California 93303-2026 \)\ ''''.:.r~~>> \~;~;{:?;~.. \)\ .\.,~;:~~~~.,>~>, "~t;;}> . RE: 5303 Stone"Cany"on Street;'-Bakersfi~ld;:;ealiforhia . /;:jfJ~}X';~\J>"\\\t~~~~~?/-<"':;;':;;Y' Dear Mr. Abril, Mrs,iNlaughan an(j;.'Mr. Vaughan: 4;{~'~~:f;;/ ~,':'~'::~' "..~~'<~ "".d\;... :,?'1'~ x;,'":, Your June t:<4fl.0?, corr..e,'~j:>~t~de-Qce has,/l~~en reviewed and analyzed. Pursuant to your request, the di'aJr:l\of;"sypervisIQ:n;'ir~gcir.ding the two complaints at the above- .._..__,~",:7"'-"". ',,-> - . ~ ',~'. ;_'H~ "-':;.." '<,." :1" ,,:.,-~ mentionedaddr:e:sswill be~as,follows: Wanda'Neal, Code Enforcement Officer: Ms. Neal will repc:>bjtd:Jacl<~h'~~Q~rd','A~~ts,tant Building Director; and, Mr. Leonard will report to Jack Har.~i$!y:.~Development~~rvice~,p~ector. The foregoing will allay your concerns about the familiatfe,lationship, litig~tiRn arid:~,oe enforcement. '~~~~,>~i>~, ~~~:(>\_ ',~ As"iO(!Jjc,ated in youWcprrespondence, now that the chain of supervision matter has been resolv'ed}f'~r.~ City r~~Bectfully requests that Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan allow these City employees ontb.911e. ~~pj~ct property in order to inspect the property and resolve the "second complaint;7/~:t:S,>/' -":;/ As to the "first complaint," there appears to have been some confusion. The complaint relates to the concrete slab and adjoining block wall which have encroached into the City's right-of-way. At this address, the City right-of-way extends 10 feet to the property line, from the edge of the sidewalk bordering the gutter. The encroachment permit obtained from the Public Works Department by Ms. Neal, along with the attached drawing, is only for a 36 inch high Cinder block planter to run the length of the property in the City's right-of-way. The encroachment permit was granted and there are no problems associated ."i' ~ Michael S. Abril, Esq. Frank and Susan Vaughan June 14, 2002 Page 2 with the cinder block planter. However, the concrete slab and adjoining wall have not been approved and no encroachment permit has been requested or granted for the concrete slab and adjoining wall. The encroachment of the concrete slab and the block wall area interfere with the City's right-of-way and use of the easement for utilities, water service, ..;.... sewer service, cable service and/or electrical service which m.~y\ryn under that location. /:~ilJ/7 Based upon the foregoing, the City respectfully re9L1~~~~5tt1at Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan remove the encroachment of the concrete slab and adjqinihg 'bl9Q,k wall in the City's right- "-:_,-'j-:y~ '>~". "~~.'" of-way. The City Engineer's Notice is enclosed. .~r':/"lih~i:>\" . . .~\~'::';~~> "(:;'c'h". In the event that you have any questiop{~'Ohcerning these is'~4~~,. involving your property, please contact me. / <(:~~} \{,~\ ~>.," ",c.,'" /('.. ,. , . ',. ./~ ,'r.",>-..",,'.,.:'.. -'-{<~:-di-'J~'~., ({'~l("~>) '<"-1i~'/^' Very frUly''y,04(S,;:i'' (~:i2\,,>~ '~<<~:tl5,~:, '::,':'':::JAGK HARDiSty" '\:S~\peV~IQpf1'!~Qt s'~~l~,~~~ Director JHACTdI' , ,;,;;~~'" \i;,;~{Jr';'~'t'J""' cc: Jack Leonara'~.A~sistant ~(.Ji"ding Dir~6t~r Wanda Neal2€ode Enforcement Officer\ "',: ~;~~i\~ ._/<~- ~': t~.(;i~~~:"~~ ~-'::':; ~ ~'.. \~ y~:~ ',-) S:\Building\LETTER$JAbril- VaughanLthdoc"-)'-"" :,<:>....~. :::':r ':' -( ;f.ri~.'"..}T~:~:~"'" ~}~~~:.J.,:.<,....,'.'..r.:'.,.:..,..:,.,,, - -<~:.:. ,." .' :{:~:.~.~,"'.-'-\.' - ',', ./ : j ~: ;~, ~ ' . '" ,P_" <;,/ ,'", ',," ~~ <",<;.:; '\. '~\'i,.....~\.\. ":" ~. '""'-, , ,." . . ,,,~<;> ''':''~~)!" \'ii0\ '<:1~:;~it:~1tf;'f;J -\. '\,~ ;.';-' .:; ,. ~ BAKERSFIELD . - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSAELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECfOR . CTIY ENGINEER June 14,2002 Frank and Susan Vaughan 5303 Stone Canyon Street Bakersfield, California 93306 Re: Encroachment Permit No. 1221 Dear Mr. Vaughan: The encroachment permit issued at the above address - 5303 Stone Canyon Street - is for a 3 foot tall concrete block planter. It does not cover the concrete slab and block wall trash enclosure that has been constructed within the City right-of-way. You must make an application to the City of Bakersfield to modify your encroachment permit or you must remove the enclosure. If you wish to modify your encroachment permit, you have thirty days from the date of this letter to do so. If you have not made application to modify the permit by that date or any extensions granted by the City, then the City will be sending you a notice requiring you to remove the encroachment. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3724. Sincerely, ~ Raul M. ROjas Public Works Director Cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Jack Leonard, Assistant Building Director " , I r.f:-. , .. ~ .,:.;~ ~;~ 4 . - BAKERSFIELD Building Department Dennis C. Fidler · Building Director June 17,2002 Michael S. Abril, Esq. BORTON, PETRINI & CONRON, LLP 1600 Truxtun Avenue Post Office Box 2026 Bakersfield, California 93303-2026 Frank and Susan Vaughan 5303 Stone Canyon Street Bakersfield, California 93306 RE: 5303 Stone Canyon Street, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Abril, Mrs. Vaughan and Mr. Vaughan: Your June 7, 2002, correspondence has been reviewed and analyzed. Pursuant to your request, the chain of supervision regarding the two complaints at the above- mentioned address will be as follows: Wanda Neal, Code Enforcement Officer: Ms. Neal will report to Jack Leonard, Assistant Building Director; and, Mr. Leonard will report to Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director. The foregoing will allay your concerns about the familial relationship, litigation and code enforcement. As indicated in your correspondence; now that the chain of supervision matter has been resolved, the City respectfully requests that Mr: and Mrs. Vaughan allow these City employees onto the subject property in order to inspect the property and resolve the "second complaint." As to the "first complainf," ther.e appears to have been some confusion. The complaint relates to the concrete slab and adjoining block wall which have encroached into the City's right-of-way. At this address, the City right-of-way extends 10 feet to the property line, from the edge of the sidewalk bordering the gutter. The encroachment permit obtained from the Public Works Department by Ms. Neal, along with the attached drawing, is only for a 36 inch high cinder block planter to run the length of the property in the City's right-of-way. The encroachment permit was granted and there are no problems associated with the cinder block planter. However, the concrete slab and adjoining wall have not been approved and no encroachment permit has been requested or granted for the concrete slab and adjoining wall. The encroachment of the concrete slab and the block wall area interfere with the City's right-of-way and use of the easement for utilities, water service, sewer service, cable service and/or electrical service which may run under that location. City of Bakersfield · Development Services · 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California · 93301 (661) 326-3720 · Fax (661) 325-0266 ~ i' ~ ~-... P. ~\ Michael S. Abril, Esq. Frank and Susan Vaughan June 17,2002 Page 2 Based upon the foregoing, the City respectfully requests that Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan remove the encroachment of the concrete slab and adjoining block wall in the City's right- of-way. The City Engineer's Notice is enclosed. In the event that you have any questions concerning these issues involving your property, please contact me. JH:ACT:dll cc: Jack Leonard, Assistant Building Director Wanda Neal, Code Enforcement Officer S:\Building\LETTERS\Abril- VaughanLtr,doc ~ wi .~ ~ ,~ i ~ B A K E R . (" - 5 FIE L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECl'OR . CITY ENGINEER June 14,2002 Frank and Susan Vaughan 5303 Stone Canyon Street Bakersfield, California 93306 Re: Encroachment Permit No. 1221 Dear Mr. Vaughan: The encroachment permit issued at the above address - 5303 Stone Canyon Street - is for a 3 foot tall concrete block planter. It does not cover the concrete slab and block wall trash enclosure that has been constructed within the City right-of-way. You must make an application to the City of Bakersfield to modify your encroachment permit or you must remove the enclosure. If you wish to modify your encroachment permit, you have thirty days from the date of this letter to do so. If you have not made application to modify the permit by that date or any extensions granted by the City, then the City will be sending you a notice requiring you to remove the encroachment. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3724. Sincerely, ~. Raul M. ROjas Public Works Director Cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Jack Leonard, Assistant Building Director