HomeMy WebLinkAbout01216 'j": ,; ?" I;' , :/ t '- ~' ~ ~. ' APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT /, Ii-fD ~~q3 \/ I ((0 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to.the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroac~ment.on public property or right df way as therein defined. ~ ~ A " "Ht\("'t l2- ;;''' .. - <6 '"JTO The name and address of applicant is: ~ Et:;uJt\flC& 8 -,, .- 75110 4641 CJOLUv\1.&J.s s-r ~ 4A e~r:.bYK.u:J CA '1-::200 the encroachment for which this application is made wALL AL()/l.J6 II-IE ~l)EL<..IAU( c.. u 4rLGt:'rt; AJf.: tJUE A.N!) '\. The location of the proposed encroachment is: 5305 !1/1IJdlfllJJf// 1JJ2/t/E tA4Ml:l./J {III 9J~ Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this' application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maint nance or lexistence of said encroachment. 'ft;j(} ~~ tJtl./1Ue /{ Signature of Applicant (Owner or Representative) Date: 12.-IO...q3 PERMIT -' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED ~D (2) WILL " ,.: t~(NOT) CONSTITUT~ A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID Date~~~7~!,t:HEREFORE (G~E:) (=~~~~~ t, Signature of City Engineer ,~ ~~\j I ,~ No. 1216 Ol1094/JRL Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works;.020 014-520M 125.00 12/l0/r.':' REV6/90 \ \ :d -~ I - ~ 'ii ,,-- .....--- ~ ~ ~ ~ RGf R ~ AVENUE .' WALJ. OC~ 6"f3L , . , , , ~ ~-" ,"', . . zl . ;'., '_._ ~:. ;I} .: '-' ';. " c~:::;;;~~: .. ~ ;<...' ..;., l+<;. ' ': '. 't ~ "'_ ': '. ":,1 PAT' 0 f-/olJsg(l(ltA '" c: .(J/t~ ~/p6 / n r, i'~l;~"'" ":~':~~,~! '~~t:~\ '~ ,\ F", FRONT' YARD .' ~"..,", " '" : :':~i .' ;\'\' ;"~:'J~i.;'..:1.'.. i....Ji. ' .:' :' '~~,~I , . ..~~:- :~ l' \~:'.~ ht. '>';;,$"1 ~. ,.~ ~ . ,~. /rl ~,~ ":I\"'lt f ';., , ~. . . Ii ~ . t /f~ ,\? , 't~ ~; , i" I j I I I I I I \ i ! ~ ~Aa.Qs 4B4t Ca..c.JW\6;S ~T ~A j' ~\9l.<)I1~ QA q~5ot, 871 -IS 110 _ ~ ~2.9~COS4'O i . SIDEWA&K PANORAMA DRIVE EXHIBIT A i . i i I N : I \" ' " CITY OF GAKERSrIELD DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC \'laRKS To \'lhom I t ~lay Concern: We, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or wall behind the sidewalk on: Cw A~E.e A \J~ , (Street) By DOLJq E.1)wAQD~ (Owner r s Name) of S3c>S ~UO e.AvV\A Orl (Address) Phone 87 r - 751 <0 :J SIG~ED: 1) NA.-tE: --'P~:r.~ ADDRESS: .fZ4?og Al,....tJBL~T, 2) NAME: (P~T l~ ADDRESS: Uo.g., ~ S-7. 3) NA1-1E: {duu () ...5co# I t?-;l1~r~1 jft'q hlCt.M.-ot/ 1-I-i'J It Sc.:hP-o ( AODREs-S: ~'J~~~~!~~~-=-.3d , _ //- /8- q3 DATE: DATE: I }.--16 -93 DATE: ;0/9/1'3 . I,,; <; 5305 fJtlNchJlIA M. z - Ave J./16t1U1N[) J.//6J1 .jt!JIotJl. ~ MEMORANDUM December 30, 1993 TO: Ted Wright, Engineer III FROM: Jim Eggert, Principal Planner SUBJECT: Encroachment permit -- 5305 Panorama Drive With respect to your review of an encroachment permit for a rear yard masonry wall in the Charger Avenue right-of-way at the above mentioned address, your department noted that a condition of approval in the parcel map (PM 9679) that created this lot, stated that any fence or wall along Charger would be required to gain approval of a modification from the Board of Zoning Adjustment. After reviewing this issue further based on standards in the Zoning Ordinance for constructing fences and walls (Section 17.08.180), the original interpretation of the ordinance in the staff report and subsequent condition was in error. A modification will not be required provided the wall does not exceed a height of six feet. I trust this clarifies your review of this permit. Please feel free to contact me if there are any further questions or concerns regarding this matter. -~~:--:.~_....'._i.._ _.- .. ._--..:- -----~ =-:: ~.-::..:;.~;:.~--- -.--.. ,; /It ~ eowAt'bZ> 4841 (!oLUM(SVS Sf. :4.4-4 ~~t:LO ~4 Or~~of- 811- 7~ ltc ~~ S2.C\-e.9tO ..' STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM .7.3 '16 ~ ~ Z. ;# Planning Commission Meeting of September 19, 1991 PROJECT NO.: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9679 (Application Deemed Complete: August 19, 1991) ENGINEER: SUBDrv:rDBR: Cuesta Engineering 5055 California Avenue Bakersfield, Ca 93309 Paul Andre 2608 Alder Street Bakersfield, Ca 93301 LOCATION OF PROJECT: The south side of Panorama Drive at Charger Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A proposed tentative parcel map for single family residential purposes containing 3 lots on .86 acres, zoned R-l (One Family Dwelling) . ENVIRONMENTAL SJs-J.-J:J.I{G: The project site abuts a collector (Panorama Drive) and is depicted Low Density Residential on the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. The site is surrounded by R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zoning on all sides, and single family residential development on all sides except the south and east which is a high school. PROJECT I ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing a three lot. parcel map on .8'6 acres on a site that has been graded from past developments. The site is unusual in that it is triangular and fronts on a collector with a local street to the rear. It is presently graded approximately level from the rear (Charger Avenue). At a point about 20 feet from Panorama Drive it slopes downward to Panorama Drive at a slope of approximately 3:1. At the eastern point of the site there is a retaining wall which separates Panorama Drive from Charger Avenue. The side lot lines are perpendicular to Panorama Drive and are at about a 70 degree angle to Charger Avenue. The proposed lot sizes consist of two lots of approximately 1/4 acre and one lot of .4 acres. The large lot is triangular with a significant unbuildable area toward the. eastern tip of the triangle. r Staff Report, PC, 9/19/91 Tentative Parcel MaD 9679 Page 2 Development of the parcel map' as proposed would create some unique characteristics that will negatively affect the desirability and marketabili ty of the proposed lots. These characteristics include unusual lot shape, double frontage lots, the proximity to the high school and the slope along Panorama Drive. Neighbors across Panorama Drive expressed a concern regarding the landscaping of the properties. Front yard landscaping is the responsibility and choice of the property owner. Staff has identified a potential traffic hazard if vehicular access is allowed off of Panorama Drive, and recommends a waiver of vehicular access along Panorama Drive. Staff also recommends a 25 foot building setback be required from both Charger Avenue and Panorama Drive. Homes west of the proposed tract front on both Charger Avenue and Panorama Drive. ~~~4"~.ppli~ant~,hasl~ SUbmitted-'a 'grading' plan that" designates, a'.-' six' foot'~h1:gli,': fence' . along the, sidewalk on the, north side of:' Charger' .Ayenue-..,.,', Said. fence is, subj ect~ to'.' the- approva,L,' of" the' Board- .of! ZOning~Ad~us,tment::,and'issuance"Of- an"Encroachment"-Permtt..;, ::... S t"a f'f:::., is ' ~,.... . ~f~,-~, .",t,he~opi~ion~'\,that~,. a - ~ix~~ f oot":hiqh. ..fence, 'behind.:' the::' sidewalk~-"'isJ appt~,pr;1ate",";"bec'ause'" it""wi'11. provide. privacy' and'; secur1tyf.t'ci'cutheJ 'X;~~9~~;.th_propertles'r -and:~' i t'\ is- Tlkely" that; a landscape:-'-'str1p 'pJ;a~ed~;.between'!~the"':s idewalk\ and:"'a::, fence'" wi 11.' be,:,,"neglected' and" has the....'potentia-.l., ,to'~' becomer an':: eyesore~i';,/ . , - . ~ -" Attached are proposed conditions of approvaL referenced. as Exhibit "A". A Negative Declaration was advertised regarding this project on August 26, 1991. PUBLIC CONTACT: Notice of public hearing before the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield has been advertised in the newspaper and posted on'!the bulletin board of the Bakersfield City Planning Department. All property owners within 300 feet of the project site have been notified about the hearing and the proposed tentative tract. FINDINGS: 1. All required pUblic notices have been given. 2. The provisions of CEQA have been followed. 3. The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA in accordance with Section 15315 (Class 15 Minor Land Division). 4 . Urban serVices dav&i.opment. are available for the proposed t- .. r " Staff Report, PC, 9/19/91 Page 3 Tentative Parcel Mac 9679 5. The proposed Tract, together with the provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the General Plan. (Required by Government Code 66473.5) 6. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed (as conditioned). 7. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development proposed (as conditioned). 8. The design of the Tract or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 9. The design of the Tract for the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious health problems. 10. The design of the Tract or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property ~ithin the proposed tract. 11. The design of the Tract provides, to the extent feasible, for the future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the Tract. (Section 66473.1 of the Subdivision Map Act) 12. Topographical conditions permit no other reasonable form of platting. RECOMMENDED ACTrON: Motion to APPROVE and ADOPT the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in the staff report, and to APPROVE Proposed Tentative' !Parcel Map 9679 subject to the conditions outlined in the attached Exhibit "A." - - -- - - - .__.. '. .----.- - - ..- ._~---_.- EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STAFF REPORT APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION S ~. I , r I 7' C, / TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9679 DATE: Septe.ber 12, 1991 THE STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS 8E INCORPORATED INTO THE APPROVAL OF THIS MAP. PUBLIC WORKS I. DRAINAGE Drainage from this subdivision shall be disposed of in a manner approved by the City Engineer. II. SEWERS A. 8. - Sewer service is required for each parcel in the subdivision, and it is availabla to the subdivision in Charger Avenue westerly of the subdivision. The subdivider shall extend the line fro. its existing terminus to the site to serve each parcel in the subdivision or in Panoraaa Avenue if unfeasable to serve the lots from Charger Avenue facility. II 1. FEES- Prior to issuance of a building permit, a sewer connection fee shall be paid. The fee will be based upon the current adopted charges at the time of issuance of the permit. IV. STREET LIGHTS - A. The Subdivider is required to install one 5,800 lumen high pressure sodium vapor street light to be located as shown on the map. Installation shall include but not necessarily be limited to furnishing and installing the street light poles and all necessary conduits, wires, luminaires, and splice boxes. 8. If electrical service points aren I t available to be shown on street iaprove..nt plans, then they shall be shown on utility composite plans to be tiled with-the City Engineer prior to acceptance of improve.ents. C. To avoid possible conflicts at the installation stage, the subdivider shall consult with the utility co.panies to ensure there is sufficient clearance between the street light foundations and all utility lines. V. STREET DEDICATIONS AND/OR EASEMENTS _ A. A .siver-of direct street access rights fro. each parcel to Panorama Drive shall be required. . . 8. Type & location of centralized mail delivery units, the location to =be approved by the Traffic AuthoritYl shall be determined in consultation with the Postal Service. If the Posta Service and the Subdivider agree special ease.ents are required, then said special easements shall be shown on the Parcel Map. VI. REFUSE- A. The type and location of refuse facilities are to be determined in consultation with the City Sanitation Division. VII. UTILITIES- A. Water, Gas, Electrical, Telephone, and Cable TV service shall be provided to each parcel and in accordance with Section 16.32.080 0.5 & 6 of the City Municipal Code. 8. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the subdivider shall ensure that eactt- cab.la,.. TV cOtlpafly- providea- notice to the. City Engineer of its intention t~ occupy. th. utUity trench. 0__..._", "'............. '7' .."""""" "..'" . , Exhibi t " A" Public Works VIII. IX. X. XI. Tentative Parcel Map 9679 paqe 2 of ..!i.. STREET PAVING. CURBS. GUTTERS. AND SIDEWALKS - The subdivider shall construct 4.5' wide sidewalk on Charger Avenue prior to occupancy and 5.5' wide sidewalk to City standards on Panorama Drive prior to recordation for the full frontage of the subdivision (to tie into the existing sidewalk easterly). TRAFFIC - A. Vehicular access to each parcel shall be froll Charger Avenue. S. 'NO PARKING" signs on Panorama Drive shall be removed prior to occupancy on first parcel. STREET NAME AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS - MISCELLANEOUS - A. The map shall be revised to include the entire property within the subdivision boundary. It appears there is sliver of land between the Panora.a Drive right of way and Kern High School District Property which is part of the property being'subdivided. S. No occupancy on any parcel will be permitted until all required improvements have been completed by the subdivider and accepted or approved by the City. C. Prior to recordation of a Final Map, all improvement plans, including those for the sewer extension and any required walls, landscaping, and irrigation, shall be approved by the City Eng1neer. D. Construction plans for walls shall be an independent set of plans. E. Prior to a Notice of Co.pletion being filed by the City for the required improve.ents, 1. Certif1cates of Compliance from the manufacturer of the product shall be submitted on all materials used in the project, including but not lillited to manholes, frames and covers, pipe, poles, pull boxes, concrete. 2. the street light shall be energized and fully operational, and all coats, including any start-up costs required by the utility company, shall be borne by the subdivider. 3. all required monuments shall be in place and notice shall be given in accordance with Section 66497 of the Subdivision Map Act. 4. lIonu.ent elevation data shall be provided to the City Engineer as required by Section 16.32.100 B. 1 of the Municipal Code. s. Record Drawings of the improvements, signed by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be provided to the City Engineer. 6. a utility co.posite plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer. 7. warranty security as required shall be posted. F. In accordance with Section 66436 (c) (1) of the Subdivision Map Act, any public entity or public utility owning rights-of-way, easements, or other interests Wh1Ch cannot ripen into fee must be advised by certified mail of the division.of property. The Advisory Agency will require a letter from these parties stating that the development will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of the right-of-way or easement within tHe boundaries of this development. dO:.: \~79d,.,.1t 842 3 1/2' d1". . IUDd1Y1.ion. 11 P,"",OlIre<t 001:(1""" 7 1 OQ1 U,., . ....- ..,....--..-'~.._'H~'_'........--.__~~____~'"~..._........_.........._..___.._ p_'___ '- ~.. . _ ~__.....~_.___._ \. Staff Report Tent. Tr./P.M. 9679 Page ?, of c:s BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. A Preliminary Soils Report and Grading Plan shall be subaitted and approved prior to the filing of the Final Map. 2.A Pinal Soils Report will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. Occupancy will not be permitted on any lot until all required improvements have been accepted by the City of Bakersfield. 4. An Acoustical Consultant shall design the structures within the project to mitigate noise exposures of 60db or greater in accordance with the CNEL Contours and Title 24 of the California Administrative Code. ~~ .- - - _. . -.- - -- - -- - - - - . - - ~ -. - - - - - - --..... ----.. .. - -- - - - - - - . . - ~ - - . - - . - -, _.. . " STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP No. 9679 Page~of-2 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1. FIRE PROTECIlON WATER SUPPLY BAKERSFIELD FlREDEP ARTMENT By: Greg Yates, Planning Technician September 6, 1991 No Fire Hydrants will be required. Water mains are to meet 1.5.0. and Gty requirements with dead end mains no less than 8 inches diameter in size. . Based upon available information fire flow requirement may be 1000 gallons per minute. Pursuant to Sections 10.301c and 10.301d of the Uniform Fire Code, water mains and fire hydrants to be installed by developer shall be completed, tested and accepted prior to building construction. All hydrants shall be kept in service and macfe accessable to the fire department apparatus by roadways meeting the requirements of Section 10.207. Under resolution No. 68.78 and Munidple Code Sections 16.32.070(A) and 16.32.070(8): Effective July 1, 1978, all subdividers. and all persons otherwise to purchase necessary nuts, bolts & gaskets, from the City of Bakersfield and install all hydrants no more than 6 inches from permanent line and grade and pay the total cost thereof. 2. All streets and access roads to and around any building under construction must be at least 20 ft. in width and graded to prevent ponding at all times. Barricades must be placed where ditches and I or barriers exist in roadways. Emergency vehicle access must be reliable at all times. Tentative Parcel Map 9679 - Exhibit A Page .2 of 5... PLANHIHG DEPARTMENT 1) Easements for Public Utilities shall be determined, by the developer, tbJ:ouqh consultation with.. the . public utility company. An approved p1an for utility easements shall be required prior to recorrb:t"ion: of the. finaL map. . 2) Pursuant to the authority of, section 66474.9 of the California. Government Code approval of this map is conditioned upon the subdivider defending, indemnifying and hOlding harmless the City, its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or processing. against the City, its agents, officers and/or' ~'p. to. set. ~8~d@,. void-or annuL an approval concerni.nq.,;. t-hi s::: subcl.i.visicn.-,... if such.- action isbrouqht within the time peri.o&::prcvided:for in:.sect:i.oIL66499.37 of the California. Government. COde. The City shall.. promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fUlly in such defense. 3) A habitat conservation plan: interim mitigation fee shal~ be paid prior to issuance of- a...bui lding.perndt. The fee will be based on the adopted charges- at- the. time of issuance of the building pe1:mi t or payment. of.. fee before issuance of the building permit. The:..current fee is $'680.00 per gross acre. In addition, the applicant shall consult the attached advisory notice prepared. by the U. S. Department of the Interior, ~:and Wildlife s~ice with regard to potential impacts on:.tbe:~ 5aD;.. Joaquin_ K.1.t: ~ox-_ In:, the: event that a }1~hi 'h:\'t: conservation. plan is adopted. prior to deveropment, all development. shall comply with the adopted habitat conservation plan, inclUding any fees assessed therewi~, unless the interim. fee has been paid for said development prior to the adoption or a habitat conservation plan. 4) Subdivider shall conf01:Il1 to Chapter 16.20.040 of the Subdivisionordi~ance relating to Obtqining mineral rights owners signatures.. prior' to recordation: or-the final map. 5) Prior to. recordation or a Final Map, the Subdivider shall pay park. in-lieu fees at a rate or 2.5 useable acres per 1,000 population. 6) Panorama Drive shall be the front property line for purposes of building setbacks.. There shalL be no building within 25 feet of the Ch.a.J:ge.r Avenue . right-or~ay- l..ine. #".......~~":"~~:-..:-:~ ,",' Advisory Notice Page 1 of 2 ADVISORY NOTICE .The San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macro tis mutica), a federally-listed endangered species, exists throughout the Bakersfield metropolitan area. Kit foxes excavate dens for shel.ter, to raise pups, and to escape from predators such as coyotes. Denning sites may occur on vacan~ lots in the Bakersfield area where development is planned. Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), prohibits the "takell of federally listed endangered and threatened species. As defined under the Act, take means "to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or the attempt to engage in any such conduct." "Incidental take" (defined as take that is incidental to, and not the purpose of, the carrying out of an otherwise lawful activity) may be authorized by obtaining an "incidental take permit" pursuant to Section 10(al of the Act. The C1 ty of Bakersfield and County of Kern are currently developing a =egional conservation plan that will balance future urban growth with the conservation of the San Joaquin kit fox and- other sensitive plants and ~nim~ls. Once approved, this conservation plan will fulfill the primary requirement for Obtaining a Section lOCal permit from the u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service to allow incidental take of the kit fox and other species during development activities. However, while this plan is being developed.., and. until the Section lO(a) permit is issued, specific measures must be implemented to prevent Unauthorized incidental take of San Joaquin kit foxes and to offset any loss of kit fox habitat resultinq fram ongoing construction actions. To comply with these measures, all persons and companies pl~nning to engage in construction or other activities that may impact San Joaquin kit foxes or their habitats within the prescribed conservation plan boundaries are required to undertake the following specific measures for the kit fox: 1) Prior to ground disturbance, biOlogical surveys for kit foxes and their dens that conform to U. S. Fish and... Wil~e Service minimum survey recommendations shall be conducted by a qua.l.ified wildlife biOlogist. A partial. list of biOlogists and COnsulting firms that are qua.l.ified to conduct such surveys is attached for your convenience. Persons requiring further information on' minimum survey recommendations should contact Bill Leh~~n of the Service's Sacramento Field Office at (916) 978-4866. 2) All known and potential San Joaquin kit fox dens that will be unavoidably destroyed by project actions shal~ be carefu1ly excavated by or under the direct supervision of a qualified wildllie biOlogist. Dens shall be completely excavated and subsequently back-filled and compacted to prevent later use by kit foxes prior to onset of project construction. Monitoring of dens pursuant to Service recommendations shall be conducted prior to excavation to ensure that dens are not occupied by kit fexes when excavated. If a kit fox is inadvertently found ii1s.ide a den during excavationr the. an;m~l (s) s~ be allowed to escape. = --~-====--:==-~-"''-''=--_.=''~.':'~'''=''''''''';-_'''_".-_,~ - -.. - - --- - - - ~. __ _ - _ ____________b__ . ._~_.. '_h_ _ _4'. _...~____._._.._.:._..7._:.::.~..:.:::__==:::_:~.:.: _,~.___..__._.__~..____.__ AdVisory Notice Page 2 of 2. llnhi nc1ered. Information on den definitions and mOnitoring recommendations can be obtained by con~acting the Sacramento Field Office. 3) To protect female San Joaquin kit foxes and their pups durinq: the breedinq season, no development. activities likely to result in incidental take of kit foxes and no excavation of kit fox"dens shall be Permitted on any property within the prescribed conservation plan bounti;a~ies from January 1 to April 30, if biologiCal surveys cOnforming to Service minimum survey recommendations demonstrate the presence of kit foxes on the subject property. Minimum survey recn~ndations for the period. from January 1 to Apri~ 30, and for one ca~enti~r week preceding January 1, shall consist of seven consecutive nights of negative survey results where methods include spotlighting, scent stations, and plaCing of tracking medium at all known and potential kit fox dens on the subj ect property. This shall be enforced unless: a. Subsequent sw:veys demonstrate that kit foxes have vacated the property on their own, without any form of deliberate human disturbance' within 100 feet of or directly to kit fox dens; b. Circular exclusion zones of 100 feet in radius are staked and. flagged. around a~l known and potential kit fox dens on the subject property. Development could then proceed on the bal~nce of the property that is outside these exc~usion zones; c. Survey information collected by a qualified wildlife biOlogist indicates that incidental take of kit foxes reSUlting from den excavations should not occur, provided that such information is presented in writing to the Service's Sacramento Field Office and the Service concurs in writing. 4. As a means of offsetting the unavoidable loss of endangered species habitat associated with development, a fee is required by bhe City or County. This fee is being assessed upon submittal of a bui~ding permit. Specific fee amounts wil~ vary with the size of planned project development. For further information regarding these measures, please contact Ms. Michelle Suverkrubbe of the City of Bakersfield Planning Department, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301 (805/326-3733), or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento Field Office, 2800 Cottage Way, Room E-1823, Sacramento, CalifOrnia 95825 (916/978-4866). Prepared by United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. May 1990 .::~-=:.--:..:::-,~-- - :;:::.-:-.=-=-:::-..::: ~_.~.:._~-:...-:;::_.........- - -~~. _._- - PARTIAL LIST OF BIOLOGISTS AND CONSULTING FIRlfS wrTH PRIOR SAN JOAQUIN KIT FOX EXPERIENCE The fOllowing coutractors and consulting firms have conducted endangered species surve~ and biological assesSIlfUJr: work in California 's San Joaquin Valley and adjacent areas. This list is not intended to ,be an endorsement bv the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of ' , any person or coapatJy, appearing or not appearing. o~ the list. Otber firTllS and individu. .77ay have silllilar expertise. TlJe expertise of consul tants listed here is not necessaril, limited to the San Joaquin Valley. Dr. Ted Beedy Jones & Stokes Associates 1725 - 23rd Street Sa craJllell to , CA 916/444-5634 Hr. Tho. Ka to 2716 Alturas Drive Bakersfield, CA 93305 805/324-i019 Dr. Diane Mitchell Consul tant 1732 COUlJtry Club Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 805/872-7746 Mr. Bill Clark a1ESA 1425 N. Vagedes Fre.lJO, CA 93728 209/233-6220 Mr. Steve ForeSUJ Western Ecological Service COlllpany 14 Galli Drive, Suite A Nova to , CA 94947 415/883-6425 Mr. Tho... Reid Tbo... Reid Associates 505 H~lton Avenue, Suite 201 Palo Alto, CA 94301 415/327-0429. .~s. Diane Rell.ha" Box 947 ~ontara. CA 94037 415/728-58451 I Dr.Roger Harris LSA Associates, Inc. 157 Park Place Pt. RicbJlloud, CA 94801 415/236-6810 .'1s. Linda Huffllla.n Biologist 805/322-8628 Mr. Dazti el F. Williaas 580 Bennington Avenue Turlock, CA 95380 209/668-4700 Hr. Hark Chichester 8000 Kroll Wa~, Unit 72 Bakersfield, CA 93309 805/832-1880 Dr. Ted Murphy c/o CSUB 9001 Stockdale Higln1ay s.Jcersfield, CA 93311 805/664-3021 Dr. Jolm Gray Da.es and Moore 222 East Anapamu Street Seta Barbara, CA 93101 805/965-3055 Quad Cousul tants 9801 CamlJo Media Suite 105 Bakersfield, CA 93311 805/665-2000 BioSystems Analysis, Inc. 3152 Paradise Drive Tiburon, CA 94920 (415) 435-0399 Brown and Caldwell Consulting Engineers i23 S. Street Sacramento. CA 95814 (916) 444-0123 CH2H Hill 6425 Christie Avenue. Suite 500 Emeryville. CA 94608 (415) 652-2426 Ebasco Environ.ental 555 Capitol ~all, Suite 625 Sacramento," CA 95814 (916) 442-5356 EG&G Energy Measur~ents, Inc. 130 Robin Hill Road Goleta, CA 93116 (805) 967-0456 Bio/West. Inc. 7063 West 1400 North Logan. Utah 84821 (801) i52-4202 CheBe6IOre. Dr. David L. Research Limited 6369 N. Cedar Fresno. CA 93710 (209) 431-1660 seos, Inc. Environ.ental Consul tazzts 1600 Sacramento Inn WaY'. Suite 116 Sacramento. CA 95815 (916) 922-5807 Environ.ental Science Associates 760 Harrison Street San Francisco. CA 94107 (415) 896-5900 g.T. Stanley Associates P.O. Box 1180 Alviso. CA 95002 (408) 263-1814 I !.SA 1 Park Plaza, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 553-0666 Jones & Stokes Associates. Inc. 1725 - 23rd Street, Suite 100 Sacramento. CA 95816 (916) 444-5638 HcClelland ConBultazzts, Inc. 3780 Rosin Court. Suite 260 Sacramento. CA 95834 (916) 646-3846 Consultants in Wildlife and ECOlogical Services Agency 1758 N. Academy Sanger. CA -95814- (209) 298-8555 Hazzsen1s Biological Consul ting 1428 W. Howard A venue Visalia. CA 93277 (209) 627-5401 Conservation Consultants 541 Bryson Palo Alto. LA 94306 (415) 325-9669 Harding Lawson Associ a tes 7655 Redwood Boulevard P.O. Box 578 :Vova to. CA 94948 (415) 892-0821 REeON Regional Enviro~ental Consul tants 1276 Morena Boulevard San Diego. CA 92110 (619) 275-3732 Tbe Planning Center 1801 Oak Street Suite 164 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (80S) 334-2711 Rado, Theodore A. 3144 Celeste Drive Riverslde. CA 92507 (i14) 369-8510 Stebbins, John C. Consulting Botanist 357 Adler Avenue Clovis, CA 93612 (209) 297-0144 Western Ecological Service~ Inc. 14 Galli Drive, Suite A Novato. CA 94949 (415) 883-6425 w.oodJlard-Cl yde Consul tants Stanford Place 3, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80237 ~* Prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser.vice, Sacramento Endangered Species Office. 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, California 95825. SepteJllber 1989. ! ..,.a II TENT A T/VE " PARCEL MAP NO. 9679 A PORTION Of THE NORTHEAST QUARTER Of THE SOUTlfEASr QUARTER OF SECTION 14,. UlfS" R.28E., /oWB" M, IN THE CITY Of .BAKERSnElD, COUNTY Of l<mN. NOTE@: OWN:R: PAUL ANDRE 2608 ALDER STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 322-2256 TOTAL NO. CW PNlCCLS, DISlIHG ION(, rllOPOSCD 111m; A-I A-I PllOPOSCO WOltOO CW 1I4Tt11 SUI'PlYl CAl.. WAlfR SEIMeC CO. PllOl'OSED WOltOO Of SLW.\G( 1llSPOSAi, C.IV Of" 8Al<UlsncUl VICNTY MAP ENGtEER CUESTA ENGINEERING I 5055 CALIFORNIA AVE. STE.218 BAKERSFIELD, . CA 93309 (805) 324-5500 .!, , r lr-1c r /vo / 8J(,<~ J9JJ / ' Pc. 6.} l.J /vIr / o.If.~, 1Il._ ...JJ-L _ l-!..:!t-_ Gl'l1lH It PAIlkU . lS4&.l1 EXP. '/30/12 HotH $~ I. . ~' ~ r / / I / / I / TRACT NO. 3933 UNIT 'A' 8K.211. PG.63 O.R. / / / / I I I I I I lie i, / I / / / 26' 26 .~!!4.. !:t:... - . /' ~~ I'l ' ....IIi!.._ \. HIGH SCHOOL' / (.~/ ~~ ONE 6I-EEf 0f'L Y '\. (/ .) , ,/ · f-t .. .. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9679" I I R-1 tii I R-1 I R-1 tii I < Rt I ; J ~ I I I I 14 11 R-1 HGII.ANJ H/;H Sf:'HfJa. I o 4CO I 1 SCAU: " FEET T2II, IDE: R-1-Qf ~ \ \ \ 1 I R-1 ~ i!1 ~ ~ I NEllE R-1 [JAWCHJ R-1 x I ~ R1 R-2 0-1-0 DRIVE" R-1 I&l ~ ~ ... fNICRAMA I I J I ~I ~1 FAR ewes DR. R1 R-1 =1= 8IIOIA ;:~ ~ . ~. - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Ed W Schulz. Public Works Director FRo'~es R. LaRochelle - Ovil Engineer IV DATE: January 7, 1994 11:15am SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR 5305 PANORAMA DRWE . DOUG EDWARDS INSTALLATION OF A 6' HIGH BLOCK WALL AT BACK OF SIDEWALK ********************************************************************************************* Engineering and Traffic staff have reviewed the attached encroachment permit for the construction of a 6' high concrete block wall adjacent to the back of the sidewalk along Charger Avenue (see attached Exhibit A), Adjacent property owners have signed a petition approving of the construction of the wall (see attached), The Traffic Division has approved of and initialed the encroachment permit. The lot being built on is Lot 2 of Parcel Map 9679, Sheet 2 of the attached Planning Commission staff report for this Parcel Map reiterates the need for this encroachment permit, and also indicates approval of the BZA is required. However, the attached memo from Jim Eggert of the Planning Department states that this is in error and that no BZA approval is required, ,dw:m:lencroach\5305P ANO.RAM f