HomeMy WebLinkAbout01209 !Z:~ ,~> . :1.' ~ ;~:/~'1 . ~ ~./' , If"""""'" ,f/ .t. "",.... It, "/" '.r.', :. ::;- -,' 1.,.. J The locabion of the proposed: encroachment is: 1 ,,;;."",:'" ;.~~.,~_ :'";r=~&~0'f',.~.~:+"",+~."13.,,t 'J?i;:;..t,r.:'>f :,;,:;ll\"/~:;~'~'f~.;i<~~~,Ji:..' ,} ",Ll., , .1",. .' . .App~icant agr~~r' that i( thi's - application is granted, applicant will indemnify', , , ~ ", :,' _ defend ~p.d::h~~~~'harmless ~the City of Bakersfield, its agents, 'officers and '; ~ "I'',. : employe..~s agai!.rist and ~ fro.m all damages t "judgments, claims, demands, expenses, ~-"_---:c:~~t.~ ~~q':S3J)~~it~res, a:nd against all loss or liability which the City of .' B~ke~'ield or }u~h.of~i~ers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recpiyerable from" or o~ti:linable a~ainst the" City of Bakersfield or such officers" )'" .~' agents or empl,oyees, proX1mately"cau!,;ed by,' growipg o'ut of or ;i,iJ any way;' . ';connected wit~~;:the ~~'8.'c,.tng,;,,:elr:~~Upp.,,9,f;..~~,~!:l.tenari~,e of ~fliden~~oachment, the. app)}eant fur~'~r agrees to., maintain the'aforesal'd:"epr.cr:Oachment;~duririgthe life , . ::oJ .:"~,~' said enc,roachinent. or:until such time, .t;~at,tl1is permit i~':":'revoked. ~~;i~ppi.i~ant,iu~ther agre~sthat upon the eX~i;ation'of"t'he per~it~~f~r Jh'ich this .:~ ~p'pi~c::att6!1 ':is inade, ;if . granted, or ,upon the revocation thereof by the City' Erig!.rfeer. "~pplicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the ;~:.: pub1fc property _. or righ,t ofwa:Y:....where. tne .g'aiII'e is loc,~te~, and res tore said .~ public prp;pertY.'or right ~f':way :o"t~eondion as:~~'arlY'm~y be in }~.h.ich it was befo.re. the:plac1ng, e.rec.t10n, ma1n~.~n "'~: o~~.~ ~,~'t~e''Zf sa1d encro<,l;~L\1ment. Date; ..Octpber 22..,..J.9.23,,__ ,,~. '. ;., _~..t.l)t?\::j- ':~~ < .:~.'::~:;'~ _~:~_'"_:~: <~~~CA!gn,at :re of APP:icant (Owner or. Represe~tati ve) !f.:...~_ -,.j" '~-"".'I"~.:";"'''-'''J,.'';' ...,. .,'<'"'' \., '," . fElUft'r'" ,>,.~l';.0-'~f!:' .. .~ I ~ -i:.,ft{,.. . -~:y- . . : 4..!k)/:A!t' ._ ~; '" _', ~f.;'~ I, .' r-' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT !;HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS . ~ STATED IN THE FOREGOING"APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF ""<1.. ./ J 'SAID .~.ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF TaE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LO~A.TED AND (2) WILtt~:.;. -" - .,~ ,'\ . , "'-", (NOT) CON~,:rITUTE It, HAZl\i,tD TO PERSONS USING SAIJ):~~rUBr..ICPLACE:; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRAN,TED) (-oENfl!:D) ; '+;,J.-';: ." . . .... '::, ,. \ '.' :~;./;; . /'. :. .~.'~.2 '\ . JS?~.," ~,/,"--.'1\' 'r.: .~. ' ',_,'Date::C.,..'~;rYC""OeEre. I ~~,,~ "c..;;;V'" f":-~j '~~~--' . NO" 12~::"~' . . ,.' Signa t n re . of' Ci t tE~i ne~e'r. . (J1:. '" " . .,,~ . . ,~.",'~",~:,: " ,-.I.~ 'r""J<<~:.:r. ,:, ,', 1Y:;' "~ . " .~,~ i;' F I '~ " ~ .. 1.'- I~' '~ 1 ~'_. ..;. 'Y." !/. .~tl'''''' . . , r 'I~' .,' . '." .' ;. t ! I , II,; -T"'--~~ ('.-ft- ~' \~ f '",:,'. .:- - -J' ~ 7G ~ 3D f;L 7 p_/S-Q3 111 (p z..o ,. ,;\ "~ . I APPLICATION.FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. "'~'. ;-'j,<:.< TO THE CiTY ENGINEER OF.THECITY OF BAKERSFIELD, C~tFORNIA: /_ : ',1;. ~. ':1\1 :, , ,.,.".' i~ ~: .1 :,~f?i ..(....., /" :,' ,( .~. ~ '. f4 ,I'~ ' 1;'! ~ :'1..' ,n H , :'1 n 'j ,;,'1 1 ~.I { , 9 'f~r~uant.to ,the provisions oi brdin~hd:N6~ 'j14~ New Series' of the City of. . Bakhsfield, the:uIldersigned applies for a. permit to plac.e,. '~rect and/or. maintain . /~, an '~ncroachment on public .p'ropehi or,rightofwa'y.:'~s ther~i~ndefined; ". ,/..' / :I d;';. . , .' . ":,, . . ,', -"'; '..',.... ........ 'q::f.'<:' ,.,;;.,.' . :,' :;4hei ~a!nie and" a"~~ress . of applH:ant is: Kern Histli School D:t~.'~rict: .:i; A"',; !. ,t't 2000 -'24th. 8t..BatfersfieHh,.CA93301 .1,' $:.., >;'~ ., ~~;~~" orS,odescription of ,the '"encroachment for<whi~h this a~~licationis made ." . . I Const1"llct and llIAhrtAin AppTOdma1:ely SO' of'.'18" storm drain ~ ~t'M1t'tm.p. wif'hin a. r.i1:y c1:,AinaeA basin. . The nature is as follows: l'r"i1e and ol1T.l At ....,' . I~:'~ , ". - ::~' ,r j , " L 1 . :j . ; ~ ,:,1",' , ,. } 'I ., '. :1'1 1, 1; I ., .. 'I ~ ,. .~) I :f' 'h ",..,. '~;1 '1 " , ,> ,\;' . -'J" ......'.,. , Distribution: .,~:. to. . Original - Appric~~t Go~denrod - City Clerk ." l~l1ow - PubHc Works " ,I' REV6/90 i ~: p ~ .: } . 1 :>i, i ~" ,.. ~",. -'""<~, I ~I 01 I 0:::1 . , i <[I i t;1 >1 I <[' zl WI ~I I I I l '" ''', ~- o \J V / /\. / 1'/' ~ ~ el/ / '-/~< I / J / / / // j I ( ./ (/ I -1_/ / / ;--~ /,/ ) :," / .. I ! (/~~,/ \ '-I \ ((0:.:/_" ,(;;<' \.:' (,,;fJ' I /) \ ,ll .-_" / I" ' (.-' ( / (' 16 ..J..J 32 31 15 30 ~ <{ I Z W I- ~ I I ( ~ l17 18! g . I ) ~ HAVERSTON RIDGE DR'VEu 24 PARK 16 19 23 29 SUM P I 28 I I I l / 27 26 STOCKDAL.E HIGH SCHOOL \ ' \ ) ---..... " 19 AVENUE - =0l ""'> =l UJ \~ '-~f' \ - \ \ \ ELEMENT ARY' I SCHOOL . I j /1 ' ) I o ' . Ii I I I I '-'1 ( I I' I I \_)1 R-2 I r@ - WHITE LANE ._~. ~.. .'~1 . t" 1'" -~ '-j" l. :", 1, ,\ ','~ " -~ ,; J , I , 4~ ~ 2-'9/Zo/ ~ .Jt APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ,- TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: . 1 (JfL P~rs~ant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of th~ City of~ Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: NICKEL ENTERPRISES 6200 LAKE MING ROAD - BAKERS8!ILD CA 93306 P't-'\. (..,)on The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: LPG TANK ENCLOSURE, LPG TANKS, ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER, SEPTIC TANK LEAC~~LINES, VARIOUS LANDSCAPING & SPRINKLERS, (SEE ATTACHED) The location of the proposed encroachment is: 6200 LAKE MING ROAD - BAKERSFIELD, CA " Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by,growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. r Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it before the pIa in ,erection,/~ai1ft~-oF xistence of said-encru&chment. ( ~. was , ~l Date: /c:J ~Signature of Appi cant JAMES L. NICKEL PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE QF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE J OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL ! (NOT)~CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) (~). .......-:.~;.-.;~~~ Date: t::. 1?c...,.-"P€'t2 1~'13 No. 1208 \ I ., Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works \ REV6/90 w' " ~ "-:-, " --..../ ::= :: ::'C:=:::':-:;~;~~:-~::::;~~~~:C- "'I~e t-iYDRAtotT pef(.'Crr(~~ .N,I.C. "".....c:>nt<On:'" ~. . 'N~TA1...l..sa.IOC::O~c:>~_ i AT5W/ GoO-J. co....."-_ ~;/------- -}- I !. I I i i .....-:/.-~. ~ " ;;l' ,.;~.o.. .~ -- ~. 1\ .~.. .,.\ .0 .", -; i Ilt> -' ; \ \ ./~ '.-... -z. ~ ,. " / 1'1J) r!~r' ~o 'J" " ~Ree:TU{:..tiT~ -.:........... .:12-Crr( -ero> .--.: ,~. ,', ) ~ l' <<P ~ . - BAKERSFIEL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 1805\ 326.3724 o t(Q)[Pt{ ED W. SCHL'LZ. DIRECTOR · CITY E:\GI:\EER October 5, 1993 Mr. James L. Nickel NICKEL ENTERPRISES 6200 Lake Ming Road Bakersfield, CA 93306 RE: ALFRED HARRELL HIGHWAY @ LAKE MING ROAD - PARCEL MAP 6100 Dear Mr. Nickel:, Your September 22. 1993 letter to Donald Anderson of our Property Management Section has been referred to this office for response. You requested the City deed potentially excess Alfred Harrell Highway right-of-way to you. r' As indicated on information furnished with your letter, various landscape and utility facilities are located within the existing right-of-way, City staff does not recommend disposal of the added width on Alfred Harrell Highway at this time due to the uncertainties of future transportation needs. However, as you are aware, an encroachment permit will be issued for the existing utility, drainage and landscape facilities currently in place. This would allow these improvements to remain in place as long as the area is not required for active transportation uses. Please feel free to contact this office if you should require additional information. Very truly yours, ED W. SCHULZ Public Works Director ..\-_ ____I :r-Y/ L-L_ _______ /' _ ,'-~~4~~. ~By II FRED L. KLOEPPER Assistant Public Works Director 011.