HomeMy WebLinkAbout01205 TO'THE CETY ENGINEER OF THE CITY Of BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA:: ()() Pur~uant to .the provisions of Ordirianc: No. 314,0 New Series Of;<~.h".'City.~.. Bak~5.sfi~l~, the un2~ersigned applies for a permit to place,., erect..,arid/ or.~'maintain i ,an'1e~c~oach~ent '~n I~,~blic property or right of way as ther~ndefined;>.} , . '". :~-... .... ') > '. :~: . t< -:.~~.: . ~.'" " .,:;::~~ ' ';the- ,nam~~hd' addres{( of applicant is': 'Fruitvale School DiRtrict. 211~'ibAllo~a.y Dr.) Bakersfield,. CA 93a08; Dr. Carl Olsen. Superintendent ' '(-r' / The nature or descrtptionof the encroachment for which this applicatipn is made is as follows: Locate ~a:mpu8 chain link fence to a distance of 7' -6" . from the Ii,: ~:'Btreet aurb encroaching into the right of way of the street a distance of 2'-0" + Refer to attached drawing. Also a 1'-6" concrete curb below the fence and expansion of the sidewalk will be located within the street right of way. The location of the proposed encroachment is: Along Queensland Avenue and Crown 'Y' POi~fFDrive flar the'f,le~lgtti'~;~:~~hodl, 1)rop~e\rty. ,~Sc~~ol;; address-~i~. 1?03,.,~n~~~i.,w.a.X:~r&-_r,""," , See ttached drawing~ ", "',.,. ., Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such offic~rs, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be , recoverable from, o'f obt~inable against the City of Bakersfield or iuch officers, agents 'or employee~tf proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way .. -, ~"j .. . conne.cted with the :p'lacing, e.rection' or matntenance of said encroachment , the " applicant fllrther a.grees to maintain 'th'e aforesaid encr9achment during the life 'of t,he said encroacjjmentor until such time. that this permit is revoked ;': .' ~~~~ "', - ~ i , <,?~;'.'.':, ~ ,Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for"'whi.~.h this' application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public proper,ty or right of way to the condit as nearlJ".may" be in which it was before the pI ing, erection, maintenance 0 .ist ce f, s ~ cr-oachinent. , \ 1. '. .. ' i. l' l~ :,L '~" J I" I ~ " , " 11 ,i.. I I ,', ~ . , : J. 'l It --........- .- -- ...- ,'\ '__., .... "" ' ~.' .' r .... .>( :.-.~ :~:~~-~~ 3zA > ~Lo~",(:::~ ., ,I <0- t!5 .,... / 0 -9~ ' ~"':>/2'7 APPLICATION FOR ~NCROACHMENT PERMIT 't'.... ~ Date: Sig~ature ir'~ '3 . " ,..--.',\\.. (' \ ~\.. , :"~ ";T;'~~~~~ . .'. ,1, l,' "-~ r "", \k':: -t,. . -' ~ ' t ".,. , , , ~~I! ' ." "~ " :J. PERMIT! ~; ,_/;, , " . '" ".jh;": .1.-! ... I.j.... l' Date: 1 .: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE RACTS 1 """, .... STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND T~f THE MAl NiENANCE OF SAID. ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF ,THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE AJHAZARD'TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLlj:: PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) ~U). . /1 ~ I; ,. LA) >-.......--~ _t.~, _. of City Engineer q n /'.1. (j Ii vc"us-r /993 ""'E"J ("0 Signature .~/- <~~., " " ,'~:;i; ~~,(d ,*~ .,,' . ;." ,... '~o':, 1205 Distribution: Orig;fnal -'Applicant ,~, Gold~nrod - City Clerk Yellow -Public Works REV6/90 , , .) .t , .~ ij t i :!: \ \ \\ , ", '- " ......~ -'- 1 of " " ~. " 'r ,. h " "