HomeMy WebLinkAbout01204 ~~~. '\~;'}l~( ,.,: " ..?'t~~ !~.';,;,r'll,f\; 1, " ':;,' r , .. U.!' ,It ' APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT , C.,' ':./ THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: \, , ..rA () , Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of th: City o~ ,~ Bakersfield, the undersigned applies :f0~a permit to placet ,:erect and/or main"tatn, " an encroachment on public property or right of w{iY ,astherf:!i'l1 defined. The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is,a5"f,c:>.~10ws: Locate KJinderqarten chain a tfhtAnelllll ()f 71-6" street e'Orb encrOach In Into e er to.,attached drawln"'5'-; \Q;. . 0, The loc~:~ion of the propq~'ed encroachmeri~' j:s::: . I. 1 . .>"'.' Road at 'fts I ntersec Iwi th Abbot Or . (!;.. ,....... .. f. " -~:t:. /J()~.r eAGHA~A. '/ '~'.....oii8!r.';,br4(iJO~6E-"'/ luE5Jf.itJF:.:' :S6~'lt.;:~1'-~iNCitl11if$tOe.)' ,... '...,:. App'lic'ant agrees that if. .th~s applitati6p. is gr'anted, aJplic'ant wil( indemnify, '\. ...,:~:;:~:.~',:. defend'~d hold;,harmless;."\he City of Bakersfief'd, its a~ent!s?, office,rs_;~n~ ....~.. emploY.~f:!'~ again;st and frb~ all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses', costs and expen'ditures ,;,?ri'd against all loss or liability which the City of Baker'~Jf"jJld 9r ~uch off~:~'ers'~ agents or employees maY'suffer,.or which may be recoverable "from, or obM;imable aga,inst the City ,of Baker,sfield or s\lch'officers, P ,', . " ,I' ", agents or employees, ':proximately caused by, gi'owing o,;rt of or in any way connected with the placing,' erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain"'theaforesaid encroachment during the life of thf:!; said,ehcrOachml:!nto~.unti~:.slic:h,'t~~ethat, ~r~$. per,mi( is 'revoked'.' j. . -. '_ ':"" :.t~'~.~~_;',~:,'>';~',:-- '-~'._'>;"",,,,: _ ">i~,':,:"( :'.!"\<:"":"',;":~.'.'..::\:~.;-~I :.'>.' :~'~.';,i; ,':: ,,'., Applicarlt.further ,agrees' t~haf'up~ri. ~dlee'x:P.irafiori ~o1i/the:'~'p~bnit .f'or"wh.ich~ t.hi~": appl~cadon is Utade, ' if :igriinted, or;uponth~(;r(!'ir6({ati'ond:hereoj bythe..-City; ,,',.. " Engineer, appiicailtwilla.t his 'own 'cost and' expense remove the same fI"o!D the jf!~qbliC property or right of ",ay where the same, . s loc,;ated, and restore'said" .;p~blic property or right of way to the condi 0 as riea y y be. in which it was '~::e ~~;a~~erection, maintenance e s ,nc of s' ncroachment, I Signatur , " I'~' .1. I. I' t t I r I; --, (: -.l . "~"I ! ..', ", ~. . . Vi.? ~-..- , . ~ - { :\-';.; ,~' ',: , ,. :.,"".' t t ;: 1". V a, r ~, " ~. if It.;, . ~. \~"'" f.. :~. :Ji..: 11: 1:~' l .,' ~~. I~' I r~ . ! ~ 1. ~.,* ,/7 ~....... \: .-" --:-. 2JA '... ..- 'f~~'. -.-:;----- --- , " , . "::' T . ~ .. . . ' Thenaine and address ofapplicarit is: FRUITVALE SCHOOL DISTRI ci t 2'114 CalloWay:, Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93308; Or. Carl Olsen, Superintendent I "~ "''l :1;' ";4 ),1;. .rl -11\ ;~, ~ I I, '1 .l ;, .,1 ~, :$ ", \..' ~ .;,f- .' ." ~"..!. ."~'" ~~, ." . .... f" '}, '" ' ,,}j3:,~ ; I I I ~. ~.P! ~ , 'I .....j ';'~,,\ ji il ,'I ;~I J ':1 .....t' :;'~:tr;:{"" ~'~!:"f\,~h'.,.L'~::, ..., ,~ l .~ 'i_I:,'1 'i,.' ,,:t" ~ ;,. l ,. -<, PERMIT:!' "-'Ui";""'~, ,," ,'I:. J : '_'~'"'''' .... ;;J' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE , J' J OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED ANt> (2) WILL t~ .'~ I,~' ;;~~~c~~~~~Ii~T~H:RE~~:D(~~:~~.~~~~~:;)~AID PUBLIC rLACEj SAID Datei"ZZJv,-~ 1~P)3 . 8,t.:~~VCi;)".: ,.< . "" ' " Signature 'o.fCi,ty No. .J ~oLl ..:'..., ~I \ j .J Distribution: .' E. Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow -, ~u~lic Works REV6/90 ---""""".'--- .~ "--~ _. -'-:;:'''~~i~'~F_:'_' . ............ ~ '" .-=-~,.,,~. .<........-..