HomeMy WebLinkAbout01199 V~_. " 1" (> ",,'J- r:~ .~ .- , . ~~rl ~ l',\,( '., 1 ~'i . ~ " 3D/Zl I (I . I, . r.': ( . APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PAID .. JUN "3 1913 Per .h!.?z/1f:.~ ,.. to THE CITY' ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: . ~ :!S"!" ,,' . ,.' . '. . 1.,... '. ' ,; .~j . .:.'. . ;Piirsuant :to the'pr,o~isionsof" OrdfmmceNo. 3140 ,:New~ Sedes>'~'f' the;CHy of' ..,', ',.': ; t; ,'Bakeriiffe<IT.d, the ':underSigned' applies' for a permit .t'o place, ere~t. a~d/or' maint~ih.. ' :'.?n., enc,t6!it'I.1m~nt Jq,n. public prqperty or ,right of .way' as 'therei.n "~efi'ned. , '" .' " . I: ',- I" ".":, ,::',', ..,0:"'< .;:~.:~,.,"': ."', ''''. ;:'. '. '.' " . ':'. ",.:.-,,:. .", Lin'es"~ '. ,.>:.. I~ ..."" '., "''.:''.fhE! name'-i.rid-:a.i:ldress of 'applicant iljl :: SouthernPacific.1r..~tiB1pf;'M:li1t.li~R"~~'l\ ~. ~. . d ,:..i"':.~J{~~X'Br,XK:l3~X'BIi~1fli>e11>a~~=ef1'l1:li>f:\;'li'tt~JiiXX~~~S CWU Corporate C~I1te:r Dr.. i " . 'Monterey Park.CA 91/':>4 t The n,ature or description of the encroachment for which thisapplic!lt{on is made is as follows: Construction and ma.intenance of a railroad tra'ckin and 'across Ashe Road. ", '" ;' "\.,. .. .,~. .~.~ ,_1 ," ; .1 '.. , ;'\ 'i , I The location of the pr6posed encroachment 'is: '.",,~.....', '---u ,. ';...nQ~:t;h~:t':~Y \+iA~,Qf i,pi~~d&t.L...B.ly4~ _<: :; :"_';l,," L') : J -, t I ,i.. '<I. I -'...----; or' . ~ ,,: \.. . . "1 . ,;;, ." \, '\,'. I" \" '"AI>P'li:-~an,:t~grees that if this applic\:ltion is granted, applicant will indemnify" . .dE!,f~~nd and hOld\ harmless tl].e City of: Baker~fiierd, . its agents, officers and . employe~.~ again~' ~;t~d/{~m.. all damag~s ".)~dgme)its., claims, demands, expe\~ses, cost's...,and expen"dft:llpes".and against C},..U'.loss or liability which the'C:tty of ~ Bakersfield.,or such 6fficers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be " ,"""-; 'recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such' officer;.~, .;..., .~gents or, employees, proximately caused .by, growing out of or' in any way '~\:'1:('.i,;:~~'0J;inected wi.th ,the,.,placing, erection .or maintenance of said encroa~hment., the... , " ".,... " , " .' . . . . ',' . ',' :,''';a'ppl~,~~nt.::f':1rther ~grees, to maintain 'the aforesaid encroachment during. the. .1if~ \ of;.the ;,safa~:encroac;:hment.or'un,til . suc;:hqple.that:, t,his !'permi.t is revoked. ,.'; : ',l; , .:'<:;:":i:f: ';.\: ,;,,;.' .... . .j',;.," .,:,:.,.:.,.. . '>>, .~::: .,'::: ..... ",:," .'.' " .... .:. :' ". ."', '::,';. " , .' .' .~ppH'c,al].tfurt.B.er'~gtees ~:that';. upon th~:expiraqon of fhepermit ,forwhlcn this .,app1i'catiori is made,'if grant~d;, or'upon the,revoc~,(t(m..ther,edti,by'the City Engin~er, applicant will at hlis"(jwn''"cost and expense remove the same from the public ~roperty or right of way wher~ the same is located, and restore said pub1ic property or rlghtof'way to the condition as nearly may be in which, it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence' of said encroa~hment. J I 1 i . 1 " ~ ,1. ~She Road, 740 ft. north of the ". -,---.::;.- ,r' !~ - t: ,; i.,. '.. l:t<. l i:.\ " d' i: , .' ,~'f -'" oawf//J) Iff-; / 'F";; ~ ;k- :~,- . . ~.,~.l, ,. "'.'" .... .::/ if :~..:..-': c . '~.-:j~n~~~""'~~l;:t.~~..-~~~' "~f'oLlf\: .. Sigrvatuf€ AI}- e'r or Repre.~.entative') ; " ;.' INDUSTRIAL PROJ S ~ .' AGER ." . t. .. -.-. . , I, :,t~~ ....:.AJk.. if _.,1;',; '.,;,;'!~4:;.~~f';~'~f!~:f,~: :;', ;:i(f'f:'-f'-l''7~}"-"'< PERMIT . . , ,-..... . "'0- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF 'SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THEfUBLIC ~LACE WHERE.THE SAME IS.TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL i~ (NOT) 'CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID Il ~", .... APPLICATI,ON ISTH~REFORE,. (qRANTED.) (~) ;" '1....: . \' . I; . .',:~ai:~:">O:~':;J~;y:;~::{~;'~~,v)3':" '\ '(;~,',0..\ c~~-A~~~~~v"" "':\,,.,.i I~:.". .:~:,; 'c... ,: . ,}ic' '.... ,Sigri~t;~r:e of Ci~?~E~~l~eer:: ;":feV,,;";. E: '~_.."" "No':"{~~li.. Cl9'.: 2> ..>" ..' .,.,', \:'1';:' ': J... '. '.' .).1, _\1 ", " ' Ii' '; -Co- . ~I"' ~ f'~?:~ , 1 -'," ~ ,:,>f\: . . 1'0':': . ~ -._.' , , < " . , " Distribution.: . " Original Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Ye.llow - Public Works i/ ."'/:, REV6/90