HomeMy WebLinkAbout01181 ,:-:; t'!-. .... "i;'" " J( ...,. ::.... '~1 ---- ;~ t~ ~i' ~: ,4 _niL/fA- JfJ' 30)28 , ~r ,..,j ~' ~", APPLICATION...E.OR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT .~.,.",-",,~ t" ~,~~,. : . . I ~ TO THE ciTY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: ..,iJ Purs~ant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Ba~ersfield, the undersigned applies .~or a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an ~ncroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The" name and . I .. '~\ne~:;:::~-,or description of the encroachmen't for which this application is made F ~ is as follows: ----. J - t'1~I~" ~ ~ ~~ ~Jt ~Yi::s:f1~~~~Er~: The of the p~oposed /'~~ >. r Applicant agrees that if this ,application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, it~ agents, officers and employeesag~nst and, from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expens~s,' cos'ts and expenditures, and against all loss or" liability which the City of BCj!kersfield Or such officer,s, agents or emplqyees may suffer, or which., may be /'~' recoverable from, or oQtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officer.~'; agen'ts or employ~'s, proximately c,i'(Jse'd'by', gt6wing out of or in a,ny-' way' . connected with'thk pla~ing, erection or maintenance of said encro~chm'ent, the appl1.cantfurther agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life. of the said encroachment or until such time that thi$ permit is revoked. " \.,' : , , 1 APpl~ca~: . f.~~~el~;' ,agr.~~es ,;~~a~??cQ~, tgeexpirati~n of. the/~ftm;i~ for ~~ha-hiS app11cat10n,',H,!,4atde ,:.:I:f '~g;rantea, 'or"upon.. th~ revocat1()n thereof by the City En ineera l.ica.n ~illi $it his1 own co~'t'-.-.a'ii.c;I"""~..x ense remove- the same from the pubHc propert:Y"!or r~fght':CdF-'(wl:fy/.W'neT-e"-W i:}ie sam is located, and r~store said public proper,ty or right of way to the. condition as nearly may b~ in which it was before the placi~g, erection, mainte~ance or existence of said encroachment. , :.~. .~~, . ... Date: /CJ- ;b/--.92J I I ~ I 7et83~-1~f' " " -" PERMIT ! I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGA~ION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPL-ICATION AND FIND THAT THE;MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (I) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF T~ .PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED ANn (2) WILL (:NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSON~ USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID '.. ~PLICATION IS THEREFORE (GRANTED) -(~)SUBJECT TO mB CONDITIONS OUTLINBD IN THE. A'lTACHED MEMORANDUM, D~UD OCTOBJ;R 2$, 1992. (EX IBIT "A") , Da t e : I ~ - -Z 8 - e; "'1-- ~, . I . Signature of City Engineer ,"' No . 1181 DC/mro Pi~ked up 10/30/92 Dist'ribution: '\ Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Cleik Yellow - Public Works REV6/90 -., i' EXHIBIT "A" .... 'I' < ..,r, M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: OCTOBER 28, 1992 TO: ED W. SCHULZ, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR .FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SALVADOR BURCIAGA, 1501 WILSON ROAD We have reviewed the subject encroachment permit application. The applicant is requesting an encroachment permit to construct a fence in his front yard at the back of sidewalk. Staff has reviewed the application, location and sketch and recommends approval based on the following conditions: 1. Applicant pay the fee of $95.00. 2. The maximum height of the fence within the front yard set back area shall be no higher than 4 feet, 3. The gate at the driveway shall either swing imvard towards the house or shall be the roll type. saved-uiider- d:\wp\encroach.mem ; CITY OF BAKERSfoIELD DEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS To Whom I t ~Iay Concern: .J We, the undersigned, have no objection to the construction of a fence or wall behind the sidewalk on: !tJ)lstJ J'-' /2) (Street) By c~/.v)<J-"~o rL Evr ~/ ~\')'1- (Owner1s Name} ~ of / (tJ I WI ~ "N 72 ~ (Address) Phone ?39 7~cf~ , SIGNED: 1) NAME: DATE: I DJ 1'7/q d- q~4 DATE: /0 - Ie; -9 Z- 2) DATE: )tJ ,,/ Y _. p-e.. r.......-.", _ \ bJI. DATE: DATE: DATE: \ J J~ ~c{, ,.t-. . ,( '. ! // " 'f{(. (i)/ J=; '. Q) .~~~ - - - N, ~ ..~-~ ~~<<::~_......./ ;' -- . 1'/ ',' OJ --., --~- .~ .I .,.--'- ..._.,L'--. - ------.... ,. 1- I JJ1d/f ~ " t., '~ /-' ../ c;- r--,--_~ .,' ,~_.-----/ -.- ~ '~. .- - -----~ fI!aJc j / ./' (' ,,'=--'-'.~ ~ - 7ckvA- .... ',- ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ \~S! .'. <". ,. ~ 1/ /1 / I ) ) ) t--:_ _/ \ j ----- ..(;" .r .' ,S l ~ -1-- '\\, --1---+---.- -~--.- I -1--- ) \ '~ --tL-c-. ~.. ." . ~l At1 '7 ~ 1\ tF\ . .!"~. .-' __ <,_'-=F/I _--I 'l :-- , , ~ .. 1', ~.,;.,. :;-~ ill 1" ,.-ut.- . c~ '- ~~. . .._._..,,~ '~.' r.'l =.~ I', 7 I I r'1 , ~"-2L:~ , , -~ - - \. r JfiW I " - I , \ .~ tt. l:1. ' ! .~. _' .of: -.. .-- I" " ~.-r:r.--. . 1 . - .- n--- -- / ft-1.\ ~-"-",, I ':>.),> .:~~~d,,"~ \ \ \ - ~, ; ,;I~ <g(~! ~ ~ W . . . ~" Dr8 ~\ -1 I VJJ ~ .- .... -- ~ - ~ - -~I --l-- ->