HomeMy WebLinkAbout01170 ,.t'" . , d;'e-#~\' r ;~ t ~/\--. 24 B ~ ,IfNi:: ~}e7 ...: I... ,_ -.,,:; ...:1,. '~\- :~l' . 'i ,: ~~!'<t-:....- 'APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT " TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: ':/t' Pursuant to the provisions of (jrd~nance No. 3140 ~ew Series of the.c~:t...?~,.,~_L':'~:.:.... . Bakersfield, the undersigned appl1es for a permit" to place:, erect ani:W or mal.ntain~, . ," __...""v' .. l! an encroachment on public property or right of waya,s4there~n def~?,~a. !~ J " h l t The name and a-ddress of Jpplicant ~s:Se....s~S l\:Jm;r-ez:.. '~,' '; ) ( .: 5 I.QJ De b.hj S!: '63 (p -8 ~ 0 ?~{ .~ I <;r:t3 ~tJ4:_ -Tti~ n;t:;e. or descA'l Yf~ 'PPlication~~ i~ made is as foIl ws: ~ fI ' ~~~~ I ! , \ l .~. " '1 . : Th~,~'ocation of the proposed encroac~~n~is: ~on),~, LHbh~?, ~,P~ S~~_, :" ,e' Applicant agrees tt\~t if this application is granted, applicant\~,will indemnify, defend and hold har1hless the City'of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against ~hd\ from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liab~lity which. the City of Bakersfield or sucij; officers, agents or employees/fuay suffer, oi'wh!_~hl may be recoverable from, <XI' obtainable against the,g,!,.tJ1,t of Bakersfield or suc;h officers, agents or employee~j~p~~:i,Wc~tely caused by, !growing out of or in any w~y ,: connected with the,:pJ:'pf~ng, erection or mairi;tenance of said encroachment, lihe applicant further a'grees to maintain the afo'resaid encroachment during'enet"life . .' ! ...,.lj ~ of the said encroac~h!nent "or until such time ;that this permit is revoked. ! f~ ~~ 1 ~ Applicant further l:(grees that upon the expir'ation of the permit for which this appiic'ation if> mad~;, if granted, or upon thef revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applican,t' will at his own.cost and{ expense remove the same from the public property or\ ;right of way where th~, ~aIne is located, and restore said public pI\pperty or! jright of way to the:.Jcop iFion as nearIY';.may be in which it was before the" placingi,} erection, maintenanc ' orj existence of said encroachment ~ I: Date: I 7- ,,$0- fe- n ii' I,. ~" ' . ' I \', , I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS l (. .' ~ . STATED IN TH~ iFOREGOING APPLICATION AND~FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE! . ' ; " OF THE PUBLIC ~LACE WHERE THE SAME IS,TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTl UTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAIDJpUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION S~THERERO~ (GRANTED) (UENfEV"). ! J .f' ' ../ l" '"" Da t e : B-1 -, - 'Z-- ...!..... 5/0/ lJeb)v"" 57 r r (Owner or Representative) j \ i :.~ " PERMIT i ,J , c.. L-.L~ Signature of City (:..> No . 1. 170 M:08/17/92 Distribution: Ouiginal - Applicant G~ldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV6/90 . --~ -.- ',' "-'7'-" .--.~_. .. :-~_:,?:;~*":-\_, ':~-r::~:;'?.~:~~~-f:-~~;];;,~,~':.~~-w.:.~r.:t~F~~\ ::~~~::,~:::"?~::~.:: .:~ ~'/":::'. .~ .~':. .~'-';" ", . - . =".'~''{':' -- .. ."~ . ~ ~ ~ ~' !' I I ! . ,."'..-.. :- -:"1'. I ,'"" i . , ,..., F'r ----...----"! c~ ~. '~ F- ~l I .mmmm I I ~ .--. ~---.; .., I$" ,.~ .. ,j . .. .'J' ~ . :. ;::: w~ - !:- I J_-l I !_~J j Emmm_ I, ~ ~' I" boo :e ~..... i----~.'. ~===-----~ ,t :. ",~-,- 51/)1- De bby,sr. ~ ~ ~ ~ " - r \!) -\ -:::.... ~ I 7<;;)1 ~ ~ 1 i j \ I ..~ ~:':.,';"''''''' ~;l~'~:P!l 't .~ I I ! I 1 ;~ ~; .....: j . it I, - . ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: JULY 31, 1992 Ffz.()H~ ED W. SCHULZ, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~~: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEE~ SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION JESUS RAMIREZ 5101 DEBBY STREET We have reviewed the subject encroachment permit application. The applicant is requesting approval to construct a 4' high wrought iron fence with brick pilasters along the back of sidewalk in his front yard area. (see attached sketch). Based on a field review and attached sketch, I recommend approval of the subject encroachment permit. saved under d:\wp\encroach.mem