HomeMy WebLinkAbout01168 6U Tc /,J-E. ) r-I ~J) " /0 :5b/c...;> ~ . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 ED W, SCHULZ. DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER July 20, 1992 Mr. Darwin Davis, Vice-President KERN CITY CIVIC ASSOCIATION 1003 Pebble Beach Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO. 1168 Dear Mr. Davis: Thank you for your letter of July 10, 1992 regarding replacement of the Kern City entrance sign by Mr. Jack French of Cal-Granite. We understand that Mr. Jack French no longer acts as agent for your association. Also, since there appears to be no organization or person wishing to be responsible for work proposed under our Encroachment Permit No. 1168, that permit is hereby revoked. No work shall be done in the Sundale median as proposed by Mr. French. Please contact me,if you need additional information. /' Very truly yours, ED W. SCHULZ Public Works Director ~~~4fA-- FRED L. KLOEPPER Assistant Public Works Director -' ,I ~ .~ D6/=0 F cc: Mr. Jack French Cal-Granite 421 North Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 1-: P 201 807, 02.7 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL' (See Reverse) I(l r-- '" SENT TO Mr ,T~rk Erenc:h STREET AND NO. 421-North Chester Avenue p,o,. STATE AND ZIP CODE Bakersfield, CA 93308 POSTAGE $ CERTIFIED FEE X _rP"r; ~ SPECIAL DELIVERY "lY M1' cc: RESTRICTED DELIVERY l~q: lr 7- cc: CI) w SHOW TO WHOM ANO r; w w u OA TE OElIVERED ... u :; CI) :; 00: cc: ffi :I: w CI) SHOW TO WHOM, DATE, ... CI) AND ADDRESS OF r; CI) Ii: ~ .... DELIVERY 00: ii:i z ... Q u SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE .... w => f cc: DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED r; CI) Q Z DELIVERY Z cc: 8 => SHOW TO WHOM, DATE AND lu cc: ADDRESS OF OElIVERY WITH r; RESTRICTED DELIVERY TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $ POSTMARK OR DATE July 20, 1992 " ..; ,0. <: 8" 0() .., E ... & CI) Q., STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE. CERTIFIEO MAil FEE. AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (see front) 1. If you want this receipt pdstmarked, stick the gummed stub on the left portion of the address side of the article, leaving the receipt at!ached, and present the article at a post office service window or, hand i: to your rural qarrie,r. (no extra charge) . 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub on the left portion of the address side of the article, date, detach find retain the receipt, and mail the article. I 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified-mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits, Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUES'TED adjacent to the number. . ' 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article, 5. Enter fees for the services'requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt, If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in Item 1 of Form 3811, ' 6 Save this receipt and present it if you makt1~~ii'n,~' ^GPO' 9 0 0 . . "I 7 ~ . 1 8 331-0 3 ,. ~ H l.- E" '\ . KERN CITY CIVIC .OCIATION 1003 PEBBLE BEACH DRIVE · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 (805) 831-2035 R,JECJEJIVED JUL 1 4 1992 '"'~II>I"""'.'~Ilj(~,,~ /- July 10, 1992 /PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENT Mr. Ed Schulz, City Engineer City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Schulz, This letter is to cancel the authorization we previously gave to Mr. Jack French to act as our agent regarding the replacement of the Kern City entrance sign on the Sundale divider at New Stine Rd. It is our understanding that, due to the fact that the names of Sundale Country Club and Tavern by the Green would not be allowed on the sign, the owner of Sundale Country Club has withdrawn his offer to pay for the sign. We wish to make it clear that we have never agreed to and do not now agree to pay any expenses related to this project. If th~re is anything further required of this office please let us know. Very truly yours, 1-'- ---- ,- - - --, :E~N~JTY_~OARD O~ DIRECTORS _.-y.,Je~ !~ Darwin Davis, Vice-President DD/jc cc: Mr. Jack French Cal-Granite Mr. Fred Kloepper Assistant Public Works Director Gerald G. Claassen Construction Superintendent 1.116 FeE'\? '7b lZ~e() ~b ) CA U-Ce-L. AJ-J1f P ey2..J--t L'-S L '5 S u eb . 7-t+-'fz-. ~ . .,'~ ~ "-"f~~---""-r~c->':"-.' . ,:';' ...", ~~ ~,,~,__t,?~~4.~-':1~<:t-~-~i~ji<I.',;' ~ .". ...,;: """..."'~- IJ" :},<'- .'~ , "P. ~ , ,; ~ 0:\--- ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKER~FIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain \ an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. I I I ,\ I The name and address of applicant is: K e ...1") I 00:s. Rd::' L..l e $ e .;;u, J... 0,...., c' fa~~ Ci ",ic;... CA As;.{; 0<: id h f>>1 ~ 3c:::P:> . The nature or description of the is as follows: t./Po/t:;<t?J::>G PE.:/e A- 1'7)I9cI+E /.::;;t ., The location of the proposed encroachment is: Aye t H.l e... tA.I (" s.f- ot- N (I> (.A.) M eel'. clVl on s -H J'\ C. r<: d Su Il J .Q Ie i~,," ! Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees a, gainst and from all damageS!' ~tdgments ~ claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against ~ l~ss or liability which the City of Bakersfield 'or such officers, agents or,employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable agains~ tfu~/C'ity of Bakersfield or such offi,cers, agents or e!llployees, proximately caused{ by~ ?row~ng out of or in any way , connec'ted with~the placing, erection o!:/riaintt,~nanC'e. of sa-id encroachment, the applicant 'further agrees to maintain {h~/aforesaid' encroachment during~the life of the said ene~oachment or until J~uch ft6.e that this permit is revoked. "Applicant furthe',fl,t,agr,ees that,JPL' n(,,\heeXPiration of the permit"fOr which this application is made, if grant ~ or)upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, app.1icari):ii'lwi~n at 1:1;1$' own cost and expense remove the 'same from the ublic ~o. eh;_,'0.t'--""r~.g;~9 of way wh~re the same,,~_~__..~ocated, and restore, said public Pt~:~er.,y l~; fr.~,~t?"~f way;:o .1~l:1e'.~S>'pditlo,n as nearly ,m,~y be in which it was , ", . before I th'~,1, 'p Pla~,,~~,,~;""'~9~fion~;o:ni::~,~t.ena~ce 0 existence Of.. d, encroachment. ,r ~" . /!/'l~:~-~-(:" ,: V " ./ ,Date.fP'~..,;J1 /~, ~ ".., /, t ? ,/', #Lll .,' "'S1.gnatu (Owne.r or Representative) V /' { ~'~ r ' ' , Ii/~j> lk~,~~ -PERllIT '. - .If '" Jf'~ v I " " ( ) , '~ , I HE~B~ . '~I~v'T~T I QVE 'MADE :N INVESTIGATION OF THE F AC~~ STA:~Ej)../IliiT&E ,l!'ORE~~<~~PPf::fCATION AND FIND THAT THE MAIm:ENANCE OF SAIplENCRQACID1ENT, (:i)l W,!;.LL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY Irn:~~ERE WITH "THE USE OF THE PU,LIC PLA~E ~ERE THE SAME IS TO BE~OCATEO~D (2) WILL ' (NOT) CONS\I~UTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING S~ID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION I~ THEREFORE (GRANTED) D). Date: 7"~ ''1~ ~;A;f' of Ci,;ty (N"~& 1168 ' ' I o>l1(tJ(. >1,;1') No. - ~ J J fY'1 J J. 'j).J/~ ~~ .#" df/b',., jloJ \ ..... ' / fJ.-Yti.L) ,r'~'1, ~11o"\. a-tlfl~~pp~.lr JJr ' Distribution: Original - Applicant ~ ~(1 ~l 'rl'tf'[J'llaII Goldenrod - City Clerk be-"e1~se' " . ~~~h be pe1~~tI)lr'{ Yellow - Publi'c Works ~I~(I ~pDt\ t;~ ,('~~pv(~ l'1Jit/7 j EV6/90 I ,.,1((1 Slr'.--l 'J:jS tl\,t. IJ 1/", 'T Yl,'s ,I ,qv ~ (e,$'I~ I {l I ()' f-,1' " . -!.'" .4l", i", i.;'\, . ~ __"i ~ ~ . BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT \50\ TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 9330\ (805) 326-3724 ED W, SCHULZ, DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER July 6, 1992 Kern city Civic Association c/o Mr. Jack French Cal Granite 421 North Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: KERN CITY MONUMENT SIGN Dear Mr. French: In regards to the Encroachment Permit No. 1168 issued July 2, 1992 a few items need to be emphasized: 1. Prior to any work being done in City right-of-way, you must give at least 24-hour advance notice to Gerald Claassen, Construction Superintendent, at 326-3049. 2. Prior to placing concrete, the forms and reinforcing must be checked by Mr. Claassen or his representative. 3. Any damage to existing facilities such as median paving, landscaping, landscape irrigation must be repaired at your Association's expense. Very truly yours, ED W. SCHULZ Public Works Director vJrz-~ FRED L. KLOEPPER Assistant Public Works Director By 05/mro -"'\ cc: Gerald G. Claassen Construction Superintendent (with permit) Kern City Civic Association 1003 Pebble Beach Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 If 81 ~'b ~ (~I VVELCO ME 10 yL City A ~eni or Adul-t CI?r'Y\ MU'" ii-yo FINAL COpy APPROVAL KERN C}27 ,~OA~D ~~~~DIR:CTORS BY: ~izUfL;_"'::::.l:p-~-'-~L4-~-- DARWIN DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT j ':1 t,.! ""., '1- r. " .~.i I' ",. '\:,''\' ',"" : . ;. . r:,<~'"" J~: . . ~, . .. . '" " "":'i;"'"'~-Y1~i:;,-,~" t~, ", ;~.." ~ . , r.'a:' :(," , ';ilite"'.~""':'", ,". ",.... tf'"~ '1 .~. .~... ~ ~ ,\.,: ", :: f'.'. " ._:l~'~::II:~=.I:t~:::(.=I, _ , . 1i.,..nl.II:Il.I~-.I--"~I.. '. -~--_.-:'-:-:-. ,~ : :, '" r' .. , .'. l' , ~. ,'" _' I, - ,< 1'-.. ~ '"' l ~ , '., " )::,~".,' ':, \ jacK Fre,nc" . " ."",' . .":',,7,'-.';'"" !'. ON' \". ,.,,;',' ,>,,':':::".~,,~~r~:{':; ,>:',": " ~:,' ,', ,:';' 421 N.:Chester Avenue:: '.; .. 'i ' ';:. ~: ,':'" Bakersiield. CA 93308 " " r~~:::~;:' ?\: :~~(:>~'.;~~: : ,<' ~.:,~~O~ ..:99-2t1~ ~~~:, " .) ;"J -- "' -~ 7-1-12 ; "f'^, " ,."""" 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' , , ,I ~ ' t i, 'i; i, :J..~_ "I, 'SIGN :FdR' K8R'N CITY!"'! ~UN6A~~ AV~NU~' I i:- \' , .' $AKERSFIELD!,' tA I I ,GJE:SIGNER: MR;' JACK , OF · CAL' GRA~ITE 7/2/9? ,,' ,i 'JOB '# 7 e77 : SHEET:t OF ~ : ' ! l j \ i , FRENCH i I I i i I ~*IL-l. ~;.fl f )( ~U HbW: FII..I.- 1.11 ~~fV)(Y I P~OJ.. fA!! ~~'( jU~t !"f2lofl fp , F'}.J.c.1~ ~J?AHilE: b.leF2 OolJet..~ ! ~ , 4- c.orlf. i : I ,~ vef2'f,i ~~I~ ~HOloJtl It-l fLI?V, \ i ! i j , , I tt 4- ~ ~"; dIe: i I ?"#4 'L:~H~ir i ; ~+ e Ie,":,;': , , ! i i '--i ... "". I ! I I ! ' 11'11 II ,II 1'1 ::: "0 , 'I , I , I I I I I I ; Ii, , , ! L.IHe or , I f1CI~ ~rz~l!. I ~-ij:? v~r:' I , I i I , ! : ~~tlln:: -=:.J4~ i ' I ! i i i I , :OTL. \1'211 ~II-o" t j , \ ------.-- '< '. .. ~ -..- SIGN FOR KERN CITY SUNDALE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA pESIGNER: MR. JACK FRENCH OF CAL GRANITE- 7/2/92 JOB # 72, 77 SHEET ~ OF 4- GENERAL NOTES 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE GOVERNS DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. THESE GENERAL NOTES SHALL APPLY TO ALL SHEETS IN THIS SET OF PLANS. SAFETY REGULATIONS - CALIF. ADMIN. CODE, TITLE 8, GENERAL SAFETY ORDERS ("CAL OSHA") IS APPLICABLE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT AND PROVISIONS THEREOF MUST BE FOLLOWED. ENGEL & COMPANY ENGINEERS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION, NOR FOR SAFETY ON THE JOBSITE. THESE RESPONSIBIL- ITIES ARE INTENDED TO BE AND TO REMAIN SOLELY THOSE OF THE BUILDER. ALL DIMENSIONS WHICH ARE DEPENDENT ON EXISTING CONDITIONS SHALL BE FIELD VERI- FIED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN ENGINEER OF RECORD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THOSE FOUND IN SECTION #307 OF THE U.B.C.. FOUNDATION DESIGN IS BASED ON UBC TABLE NO. 29-B, CLASS 4 MATERIAL. .CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2500 PSI MINIMUM IN 28 DAYS. USE NO MORE THAN 7.6 GAL. OF WATER PER SACK OF CEMENT. STRUCTURAL STEEL ALL PLATES AND SHAPES SHALL CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A36. BOL TS SHALL BE ASTM A307 UNLESS THE PLANS SHOW OTHERWISE. BOL THOLES SHALL BE 1/16" LARGER IN DIAMETER THAN THE BOLT. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE INTERMEDIATE GRADE (FY=40, 000 PSI MINIMUM) DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM A615, GRADE 40. SPLICES SHALL LAP A MINIMUM OF 30 DI- AMETERS IN CONCRETE. WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY A CERTIFIED WELDER USING THE SHIELDED ARC PROCESS AND E70 SERIES ELECTRODES. WELDS SHALL BE FULL SECTION, FULL PENETRATION AND SHALL DEVELOP THE FULL STRENGTH OF THE SMALLER OF THE PARTS JOINED UNLESS THE PLAN~ SHOW OTHERWISE ~ / /// / !-t-"~ I j ! I \ i ! ! -=t.- ,I : ! I 1{,1l rt . ; I 4, . ; ! ! ; ; I I ! 1 ! 'Dtt..:. ~' . ..~~ - 4 .. r. , I , I LIHE' of, ' FAcIl'~ ~~ ~Jt~ -r1l~4;' ~ IN Tofi ~I' I ! I ; . ..~ -neJa ,cd' "ie , I ' , ' I ! , , , I, ; \1 , I , i ,I " ,I '\ 1 , V, :SEctION . I ...' ! j 4.11 1 -, I i 11/1.- Illfl -}; I I I ! , I , , . I ! I 1 ,{ j -...... "'::1' ! ! I I ! ,: I , I : -,i;;t : I I ,., ! : ! , , t :. , t , ... t ; ! ~ l , I I,:--,----~.,. I ; ;'; , '1-:. ' , I : , I : 1 ' ! ' i I , ! , \, ! !. " . , SIGN-;pdR !KE~N ;CIJYi ,SUNbALE:A~ENWE; j, i , BAkE~sFiELd;:cA ! : , , bEStGNE~:' MR.' !J;A.CK' bl=! tAL, GRANITE' ! ' 1. . 1 l' I : 1/2/92' I ' : ilos II: "j i 7 .., , ~t4~Et; ,4 . OF 4- It' I I I I i I I " [ i i I ' , : ' I: , ~ILL- ~)+I.f)( c}l t01.e "i oti ~ OF 0PAHlrt: e.:..tA~ , . ~urtJo!e~y F'1~roL-rAtl; : ~f"Ol(Y' 4 f"l..Ac$ 6~" f)( 11.:.0" r::blJel. IN I-to\...e I ~~ tJ~Ll? ~ ~'f3'r:- fir' I' \!V ',II ::(I.dl I I t ! i : j i . : I I I . ! lJ$"~ ~ IQI , Att:~. ~rt7 w/1.11 I-ldoJl ' ! : i , I I , I I I I I I I i I : i I , I , I ii, , , I : .:. '~} ~ ('_Oil , ! ." : t ; : j i I . , , ' Ii' , , , I I i I I ! I i i : i ' ! t I i : , I ' , ! FRENCH I , ! I 1 I' I I ! i , ; iYr I I ! i I I I I ..:- ~.. .~ .. CO DE.... . , I ; 1191 'ui3c... -t , i i S,C;N FO~ K~A.N C.ITY ,<; () N DA;l..E. A ve:. , I ~A K E.1l$ F , e.. L.. D I Ic..A PESIGN E.P-..: C~I.L G~AN.\TE.. . I. I ~A.. : ~ACK FP--ENGH I j , , i 7/Y c=t 1- , CAL..c..1SHi ~' OF ,JO"BU:! 72.. 77 I , , . i jJ.INO, ,L,OA~: . :. . ~,~.~ r' \ p ::. C-e,. Cq '[., I :::'. (C '2-x I , t X 10 X- I Se.'SM'~' FACTO~ Ii,!: . . : V:: 00 e.1 ; W ~ I f,x .4--xl ~ W ~LE.VAT,o....!o,r;S,~~: , , ::::- () _I cO ~ () _I -= ( I a- _I I .~ , '" z;'-o ~&. ! ' i I i , , I \ . : l :- 9 PS F : ; =, ,2-hl . , ' I ., I. II 1,-,"i0 , , ! SI'(,N "I : ; I ' G~~t4 ri' ~ S L..o A, ~ 12-11 .,.:i+\<. <12- ~A~e.. II ' 'e, ~HK (i2..... "to P . ! \ 1 ; : , . : I : ! . . , I , ! : : ; i . i , . -- I L.: !' . ! ! ' , ! , 2- , i Z~O' SQ i ' I I .. , . j " I CoNi Cbv€...lt-O 0/ ' I l : ; ; ; ; 2,..IITtft< G~A~''T'e I " ; 'FA.C.~N6- 5'~J<:'K .! ! . r \., . f " ," )' ' . I , i ; , ~ -Gc:Lc- FtN~ ~ , I . I I If ': 'z~ ,X 3 <P '3 I' I . 1 i I 0-1 , I I I ' I ! i ! ~\-- i ! J ; I _.I, I I i i \ , : i ' I , I ~ ~ ~~ .. SIGN FOP- t<,.EIl-N CI-rl( CALc:.. ~ H r ~ C'F 2- ' . -"~-. ;t ,I;';' ..f .. :; ,'" -FOOT/He", , I WT OF .::; I&N -::: ,r;"" k ~ (ctoJt.- 4 Cre..NI'T'a.,. 1,..1 'i 0 F PIl,i..l-AIa.. ~ h z 1.. X 3 x. '2... X . I' = 3. B t< W T 0 Fe ~s L :: 2'2. " 1'2. X . I (. = 7. 7 K , ' , K: Fio. : ~''': -r 3. 8 + 7. ~ = I 8. , ',. ,I K ' C>TM:: [~:" >< ',7'5,; ,+.,3,B)($.'Z.~ + 717)<.2.7t7JX..~= '7.1 i >- T p.. Y F T t-4 6-" I '2. : '7' L .x. 3 ~ 2.,~ 'W )(., I. 7 7 ' [/ , : Jaou- p~'~~:: I. 41:e> ~ $ F! '< ,.? t<5 F)( ~J :; Z. Op"" F' (D fCj : ' ~E.NG-TH I ,0 F Ptt; fi.I;:, W E.~(;E.. ~ 3;, t M ; ~1 ftN& ~,6, ~8 J. t. 75-x I /7).x. I," 2.$ '" x. '7,~ .77 l;/;i . 77 :, II ~~ : . i II ~~ At,:: ',i A....tl :' '7N~:: ,; 02.3/ Ft <:: I f 3 3:,/ rr i ,-r-'~ "'~5 !' : b P;;' ~ i ',' 'i C A: I i. I i 3'- ~ /, . ?I'EI N F ~ . .tt-j,:@... -(;, Y-"~ M ';J .P~~~C::- (!) FiN,,: " I _. I ' .. ' I ' ! ' . - 1.48 t'~r: i ' i ,I , ,I i ' ~ .. << " 9 J rj) J ~ ~ ~ I "\11 I ' - tv , .......... ~ - U) I' ~L/ rN 1 ' I /' r /- ,~ '" . ~ ,,~~,.~ .,cr.,- Q~ ,- c-. ,..,= 'I '-; , {:--~ ,~ '~ :: ,,' ,~;'N r ~~~ : .. h. '~~a ~ " ",..".-,,,,: ;:.'~-' .." ; i' ' ,.~' 'q..{., ,..~ ~_~~'~ '~ '.~-':"'~ 1003 PEBBLE BEACH DRIVE · BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93309 W:'~',~~_ (8051831-2035 ':':..._~1.:.,."" '~ ~ ~ KERN CITY CIVIC ASSOCIATION June 30, 1992 Mr. Ed Schulz, City Engineer ,City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Schulz, At Mr. Jack French's request, I am writing this letter to advise you that we are discussing with Mr. French the design of a new Kern City sign, replacing the existing sign on the Sundale divider at New Stine. Mr. French is coordinating the sign design with the owner of Sundale Country Club. The existing sign is quite old and somewhat deteriorated and its replacement with an appropriate new sign would appear to be of benefit to all concerned. We are therefore authorizing Mr. French to act as our agent in this regard. Final approval of the sign would be jointly decided by Sundale Country Club and Kern City Civic Association. Very truly yours, KERN C7JdITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS i '/~J) By: ,WL1~ {f<<(~~ Darwin Davis,' ice- resident DD/jc 1.115