HomeMy WebLinkAbout01165 0' J ! .t~)'t-}.'~l: ",~'~.,~f? ~------ ." , -,' Y.ttJ. " ."io,', " try! 15') ~_.~ ~ol L 7 ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY,ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: L,IIt/,.f~# Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield. the unders~gned appli~s for a permit to place. erect and/or maintain an encroachment on pUblj.tp'\propebty 'or right of way as therein .defined. The name a~ddre~s O~lica9t is: f!2;z. 4'?/~A~ff) ~ 3~OCf ~ .... .aoc-. / ,} , . .. c..i -. , l' '), ? '. The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: :FOVR FcoT C.f-IAINLINI<FENCc UJI1"'/,..} Fol)(<#fi)r.H C.uRB AIVO me (A) STI<I R i/ The location of the proposed encroachment is: FRoNT l.fAf?O OF 3CPo9 I-J CU7./tfA- t<ot\d. Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify. defend and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages. judgments, claims. demands. expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all-loss or liabi~ty which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from. or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers. agents or employees, proximately caused by. growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment. th~ applicant further agrees 'to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Date:~3()/9Z was '-" Signature of PERMIT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTS STATED IN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION AND FIND THAT THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID ENCROACHMENT (1) WILL (NOT) SUBSTANTIALLY INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PUBLIC PLACE WHERE THE SAME IS TO BE LOCATED AND (2) WILL (NOT) CONSTITUTE A HAZARD TO PERSONS USING SAID PUBLIC PLACE; SAID APPLICATION IS THEREFORE,. (GRANTEf?L(,DENI:ED). Date: ""l t8,/'-I'I-' <:2:"- ./ r.l::::~ rf,.",~1. , ~ nature of City Engineer No. 1165 M:05/29/92 'Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV6/90 -( c:,../ M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: MAY 22, 1992 TO: ED W. SCHULZ, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER/~ SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION ) ERNEST D. REYES, 3609 HARRIS ROAD {Cj.3313 We have reviewed the subject encroachment permit application. The applicant is requesting approval to construct a 4' chain link fence along the back of sidewalk in his front yard and along his side property lines as shown on the attached sketch. Mr. Reyes was unable to get written permission from his westerly neighbor who opposes the use of material rather than the fence itself. Mr. Reyes apparently is trying to create a posi ti ve barrier to keep certain neighborhood minors from damaging his property. He has attached a copy of a court injuction which bars certain minors from harrassing him. He feels the fence would provide a more s~cure front yard area. Based on our circumstances, permit. field review, attached I recommend approval of sketch and the subject extenuating encroachment PER.'MIT NO. 1165 saved under d:\wp\encroach.mem -' ;' /.- '2 ~f5} ;~,~' . 4/ =;0,/91.. '-b- 0':"" . ." , . -. . - .,1' ..~"'. ; "...... .... ~. --, '~""", i . "'..." i-~ '3 ({;! _/ 4/ 3.~';/? 2. / ['; !-,f' -:2 " .,// ~-':""'. ''2 -=? c;: ~ ..-' -' 4/30/'1z. @ ~ ~ ~ 7-{A~~(S ~(' \,' 3(Pl3 \., 5\R'EWALk;:' '~I~ DO \ . ,<,</9<\1 f'-V . "x"J\Y-~~~i' L.=l~ ~-Q--- 7' 0 1 UlIl./7lE> -5UcefNC1 C:iA're i ~ ~~ ~' ~S? ~ &1?A9;;\ 'GR\V€C1'PjJ.ss y~ <1 ; ~ q I vJAY ~ '. ~ [ , ~ /1 f J. ( ~~~~i ,~_~< i !~ ~--- _ I\; . ~ . :1 3G:05 ~ \ ,I, (/'\, 1\\'1' Ii -- ",l ,," -F, ;:1 .;,.sJ\ ~~,- - ~ ~ I ; III ., ,6tA'ft 16A'$\! \ ---iI ~ '1' 3~o9 " I :1 !I \-cP'- . - , 'j I J I Ii . ~ 5\'C'E ~I~~ - I . OI<\VE Witt I I ' , I I I I , i I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS To Whom It May Concern: We; the undersigned, have' no objection to the constTliction of a fence or wa~l behind the sidewalk on: ~ (~() 0 {-I aJVu);___ R(l~d (Street) By'~~r ' (Owner's Name) " " of 3(;,o1'.fd~ ~ct'd, (Address) Phone ,3cr7-7983 , " '. SIGNED:, , .,' , :::::~~-:):~~I~ ~-:~? j.~rrP~ 4-/vtlr~ ADDRESS: 3~oS- 1f-1H>--<Z--~5 JZV 'BIt1GtrrsFftfZ-7) c...A- q3 '31..3 2) NAMERcrt-~~~ DATE: q - ~ cr'-~ ~ ADDRESS: ~bO~- '\r\~ ~:~~'~ cy-53 \.3 DATE: 3) NAME: ' DATE: ADDRESS: 4) NAME: DATE: I - ADDRESS: 5) 'NAME: DATE: ADDRESS: 6) NAME: DATE: ADDRESS: J j - J 4-/~o/rz- I ' I c..OkYO\e-'f€:O tvIi<. At./O N1 RS Rl>eerz:r PAUL CC>AJC€RlJIN{, A c.J.iAIN, LINk ~GIJCE. 'Tlt€-y ~l (hv60 ,HE r00 0 6Jtv'1l or--' S'1A'fEMEtJr. MR Awo MRS PAVL HAvE A OEcoRkr1vE ff/JcE LVff,cf)- ~~IJDS (OMPLfCTE.LY ARoulVO 111€R. 'FRoIVO YA~'D. I CAUFO MARK. )As~ AtJO ~Pc..AJtJf3:0 --rn4T ....L-~ To puT uP A c HAl,.) wAlle F6#J ce J AlJ'o 'i1b1r-r :;: wou~o PA <t -PO( 11ft F€IJCE. ttE Ot 0 NO r o6J€Cr '\0 1"'He- rruce I But t+f SA\ 0 1l+A'l H-E PfCEftR~O A wR"UC1 Wr (~C)tJ 'FfjJce. ApPA~~ Mrz... .JASPER- ~s \111\T'\l1€~ ~13 1-\1 S P(<o~R1l1 IN VAL()f:. f10WGVB<-/ iHE WOOD Fe:uCE ON '1ftE 6 ppos lIE 51 O~ 0 ~ HIS f=RotJr Y A'i<--o l5 ~'--C/' I'll (;.H / Al?JAcfSJJT 'TV A VAcAtVr tF1 EL"O) AtJO f3,c-Tfi;:lVDS Ufi;A:R.L-'1 TO 11ft S/OEw~L<- HE FeeLS -rHArT rtliE C HA,/J-LuJIC. FelVCE l S EQv~o 'loA- FbOR.. I tvell1U(30CZ-.\1ooo lAI/-rH ~\(1H C~1\I1~ ~ AC5D1 t+E FeE-LS --n-tE~as R8DvCES my PRoPE=~ VAJ.-.u€:.. M~, JAsPER. DoES ~T UVE IN 11ft:.. NE\n \-\\3DR-\-\oo 0 ) ,,?vT l-\LS f\~tJ'T1SQ.\-=OES. ftE l<tJoWS ~TH/f\JC1 AewT -n-\ts ClZ\ME ~P(\f;: I tJ 11-HS A\<.pA. W~ HAVE HAD 1ltREc \\'RSS lee -Plct<'eo IN ouR Pt<\VE. WAy. We Af<~ 13U'(ltJG O()~ t-\OVSt AWD WE vJAtJ~ our< ttAfLO FENceo OFF So?eDR-E WI(..L ~OT P^MA-C.,E our< VEt\-\C,L.,ES) Awo PLA.~ OR WAUc:: It-J OUR. ,Af20 Awo OP4vEWA1. .:c-FBCL MR. Jf\s?ER'5 A1\\\VOE. l S lklAPPf<oPRI#\, r-::::- Avo jV\)01Mf&vrAC.. WE.. WAtJI A cttA/lJ -lHJ1< ~tVCE ~AvSE. lTts AA:::ot~DA'BcE "To v S. MR. hlO MRs, ')A5~R.'.s t-\oM~ 'Pttowe f\lVMI?~ 15 51l-?7'J7 Mt,. .JASPr2=-'R ~ o~C(E: J./(/M1?erL \ $ 871- <<12.0'2.. ~4~ . " . . i , . ---, ~.A If, nu'f ....ICM 'fnu: DI. CD. e,. No. ...... No. 1071227.' LoIn No. !~G498M 1644 RECORDED BY GALE S. ENST AD KERN CQI;my, HECO~ER Pm r~\.~ 18 "', e: 00 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 0 3 2 3 3 2 JWIIt UD IDUID "una 1711 CMDI) PltDlAVDA IUBJSPDtD, CA' ' 93306 ORS IIlJEP REC.FE 1..OO F,. OIR(;E ;). iA) 11156660 COOl ROl 7081.3 PACI AIOVI THIS LlNI '0" "ICO"OI"" UN 3.00 1.00 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: DOCIIIBn'MY ,.,.,.,.... TAX . 2.20 - CcInIIIutIlI- .. .................. -...... .. III'IIII"Y -..- Oft D~-~~f\~:\\;-=_.- ~..Ooc..._..~~......_-,_ FIllST J\llIERICAN TITLE INStJRMCE COMPNrl SAMB AS ABOVE [ill] GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby acknowledved. JERRY L. JOHNSON and GLORIA B. JOHNSON. husband and wife; and CHARLES D. JOHNSON, a single man, all as joint tenants hftby GRANT IS) to T1AX #I 411 FA 2.20 FA cwa 2.20 11156670 COOl /?Ol T1)8:43 MARK JASPER' and LOUISE JASPER, husband and wife aa joint tenants the real property in the City of County of Kern Bakersfield . State 01 California. described . Lot 186 of Tract 4642. in the City of Bakersfield. County of Kern. State of California, as per map recorded April 2. 1984 in Book 33. Pages 59 through 63 of Maps. in the Off1c~ of the County Recorder of ' said County. EXCEPT all oil. gas. petroleum. other hydrocarbon substnaces and other minerals within or underlying said land, or that may be produced and saved therefrom, together with the right of ingress and egress to prospect for. mine and remove the same, as reserved in deed dated December 14, 1950 from Agnes A. Villard, recorded January 16. 1951 in Book 1763, Page 145 of Official Records. IKTPfi7;3~ o:ill' I ~ - I PA~_I ~.I Dated Februa,ry 26. 1991 I STATE OF CAlIFORNIA, I... COUNTYOF~_I On.- HAROI 13, 1991 bel..... me. the UNlerIlgned, a Not.ry Public in .nd lor laid Stale. per- aonaIly 8llPfllIred.>J~ L. .Johnson......G.lc.tia.-li~ Johnson and Charles D. Johnson .................. . e' Ornc:w.1IAL ~ ': ,. . R. L YlSSEIJ ,~ ~ /' .. NClTAIl't PUIUC.-.c.wn_u :: ~ ' tfOT"'" 8llIC) fUD. , : IlEIII COUIQ'f, ,YO, My ~ ~ ..........1In ,. .......... penonaIIy known 10 me (or proved 10 me on th. buI. 01 ..b8lactooy _110 be the perwonCo/ """*' na......llol... out>oer1tled to .". wllItln -.ument and adlnowtedgecIlO me ,hat he/lhellhey _eel the ..me. " . n r.a . t" .f.---~~~'. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 9 I ' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 --------- - - - .:_- -,+--~.--.. ...'.. "...._':'i:,..-, -.- " ~--=.",-~-' +_:.....__. ,'--".-~ '-c;:...~ -"..;.c.::~"'_-_<~ .' - EO (SPACE BE:LOW FOR nu~c ST.ufP O~L\") HULSY Be HUl..\SY L.AW OF'FlCES \ .1% TRVXTUN AV~N P. O. Box 8Z:S BAKER5F'U::LD. C"LIF'ORNIA 8330% (805) 324.11475 r: t\ : J,\ Li, i1L.'OR(\Cr 92 MAR:5 P 4 :~1U Attorneys tor Plaintiffs :,:,;. _E ~ F~I~T"'.); !::~LI',' r. t i~~. ~~ C l. '\ ~ L C t.ll f\ ~. L __, _~ tE.PlTV SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF KERN THERESA TALLONE, et al, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) vs. ) ) BOBBY CAMP, et al, ) , ) Defendants. ) ) NO. 216689 STIPULATION FOR DEFAULT OF DEFENDANTS AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION IT IS HERE~\ STIPULATED by and between the parties hereto, and their respect~1e counsel, that thp default of the defendants be entered upon the same terms and conditions of the temporary injunc- tion, thereby making it a permanent injunction. DATED: February 2. '1..-;- 1992. DATED: HUL~Y & LSY LAW OFFICES, ~ - ~ By ,(~ ,,__-- . -__, - J~ R. HUL~Y, Attorney ~!'aintiff~/ February .~y, 1~~2:___ '..X~ ~x...R- ~__.,C:::..-:-_ ,.' THEJfSA TALL~aintiff February ...:J-s-: 1992. ~--t~z,o C?0n~ ---- TELMOACTIS, Plaintiff '~ '2k '/' , . , ~--'- (/-1' -..-/ :etCTlS_' p~ai~tiff 'tL ~~~ ROBERT PAUL, Plaintiff for DATED: DATED: .;) ')" , 1992. February DATED: 7-5 ---- , 1992., February -1- '. , . '. ' .- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 " 12 o n n > .. 13 t1) · ~ .J i z 1ft :J ~ ~ :: II: ~ 14 :r:!:!o(Cl~~ "-z"-., I ciS"':l 0 ~ N 15 ! 0:; III 0 n I >~iOcia !t1)o(~. 0 .J ~ III L ~ e 16 :J ; i.: I :r: : I ~ 17 18 - - ~~~ - ...,____~:::. ~_......~_._.__'""'.~~___"..<_- -~_' ~.".;; _...,.~.::.=__~___~_____=...:.-':. ....~~ 1.- -~, I DATED: February ~,~, 1992. 1 2 3 4 DATED: February ;L~, 1992. DATED: February C?S , 1992. CJC-' DATED: "February._~, 1992. DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED,: DATED \ February , 1992. February ~, 1992. I' i February eJLJ , 1992. February ~, 1992. February lo , 1992. 19 DATED: February~, 1992. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10....~. , DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: February AO , 1992. February~, 1992. February ,<:j.C, 1992. February :t) --- .. , 1992. February :']C>, 1992. Q(}i~l~ ~ ~~ PATRICIA PAUL, Plaintiff hnu '~--0.-- ERNIE REYES, aintiff ~,~~~ ELAINE REYES, laintiff ........., ,.., .' G' .,/-/ J ' .' .' " / ~., "/,k." ";-.- ,~., '''-'''''r' ;;-JEN~IFER STA6TMILLER, Plaintiff LAW OFFIC~S n~ u ~NNIS BEAVER, <"'~ By H. DENNIS BEAVER, Attorney for Defendants, BOBBY CAMP, MARY CAMP, LISA CAMP, a minor, BRANDON CAMP, a minor, JEVON CAMP, SHAWN CAMP, WES WAYNE ABRAHAM, LOTTIE ABRAHAM, ANNETTE ABRAHAM and WAYNE ABRAHAM. ~~De-fX:::: VO~ f1/)~ MARY C , efen nt c Defendant Defendant SHAWN CAMP, efen an ~ tu~~ Jh~ ES WAYNE RAHAM, Defendant -:L..w'( , c:~ (L (.<..:..ic; \0 r- LOTTIE ABRA~~, Defendant J\\ 1 Ii i IL, --ill P'l:) -'n I ~C\. ANNETTE ABRA , Defendant IJb~._- ,/(/;,~/~,..,. WAYNE ABRAHAM, Defendant y"")\ . -2- '!-.--/, ..., -- , . 10 11 Of 12 o " " >- G 13 U) · 00( .J i Zll ::> :: ~ : II: ~ 14 J:~OO(lle~ "-z"-., "'''':>0..1", ""o:;lII~" 15 >~iociii U)OO('-.o .J ..I III L;! 16 ::> . ~ J: : ~ 17 00( II . - ~,.. ,,-~_<;_ - "__~''''::'~~~~'~;:'';;::-''_''-~:~;-_';'''.:''_';,"~,'--"-~~'.':: _"~>=' ....'.:-;.;..~-".,..:o...o'_;.~_'. ~ . ~ -~ . ---: -....:.: ..; -.~": --...:>--.-. ~ I .,-_~_~':"" ~'_J""":'''':::''--'-;::..o:..o::.'.J..;'."'--'''.__- ......:.._.....:.._.;".~,_:....-"__.,..-'-'....,~:..;,:~ .~,.. .._.~ .c' , . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e DATED: February '<1 , 1992. LAW DATED: February ~~, 1992. By ROBERT B. VANDERNOOR, Attorney ~~an~~:VERA' LI A RIVERA, Defendant 9 IT IS SO ORDERED. MAA - A 1992 DATED: pq~ I. ' ~~ _" ROGER D.-RANDAlL JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- ~---~Y'-'.~~' ....-<___...__... ... k,\ . _ . , I - -.~'i.."-'.'.-:..-~~ . :~\ - ~."'_ . .~ ... 'r .... ~ ,.. 10 11 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .21 22 23 .24 ,25 . ~ -'.. '-. '.'< '" .:,. :,.26 .27 .28 I~~:~~~:::~$~ ,.:i ~{~. . " t....~{-,:\ ....,. '~7..\ .'~ .. ............ ~-~. --- - -. ~_. ~- -- ."-- ~.~ ~ ~-, ~--. ~~ _ --;::;-_. ._ ,,-_~_,_ _ ~'.......____... ._.~ _ ._ u _ __...,. ~ . -. .~.._.. --.... -..-'-..-. . L-' "..... '. - ~,. oEe 31 lqq1 (SPA(:r; P&LOW roa "LING STAMP ONLYI 1 . : ~___;.._.,..__-....J:f~ DORSED .2 3 4 HULSY & HULSY ~....," LAW 0fI'..ICk8 " 412 ~UXTUN AVWNU. P. O. 110. aalS IIAICER...IELD, CALI..O..NIA ...oa eaos) 3.4.1147. .:; :: c ;; ~] il j: : LJ 6 Plaintiffs 5 Attorney lor 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALXFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN 9 THERESA TALLONE, TELMO ACTIS, ) ROSE ACTIS, ROBERT PAUL, ) PATRICIA PAUL, ERNIE REYES , ) ELAINE REYES, and JENNIFER ) STADTMILLER, ') ) ) ) ) ) ) )' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 216689 STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF ORDER GRANTING A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION PROHIBITING HARASSMENT PURSUANT TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 527.6 AND JUDGMENT THEREON Plaintiffs, vs. BOBBY CAMP, MARY CAMP, LISA CAMP, a minor, BRANDON CAMP, a minor, JEVON CAMP, SHAWN CAMP, WES WAYNE ABRAHAM, LOTTIE ABRAHAM, ANNETTE ABRAHAM, WAYNE ABRAHAM ,and LINDA RIVERA and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Defendants. COMES NOW, Plaintiffs, THERESA TALLONE, TELMO ACTIS, ROSE ACTIS, ROBERT PAUL, PATRICIA PAUL, ERNIE REYES , ELAINE REYES and ,JENNIFER STADTMILLER by and through theircoun~el JAMES R. HULSY, Defendants, BOBBY CAMP, 'MARY CAMP, LISA. CAMP,' a minor, BRANDON CAMP, a minor, JEVON, CAMP, 'SHAWN CAMP ,WES WAYNE ABRAHAM, ~:LOTTIE , j , '~J'\~ifAB~!~l1d'WAYNE';.a~ b;" andthrOU~~'~~ir.' ] ~-~l:'~' . counsel DENNIS H. BEAVER ,and Defendant ~NDA RIVERA by and through her counsel ROBERT B. VANDERNOOR and hereby stipulate and agree to 1 . . ~ . .~_. I";' ~..' ~'.H~:. ..-:. -' .. . ~ - -!:... ~ ... .. f 8 9 10 11 ... 12 o ., ., !)o GO 13 en .. 0< ..J i z" :J e ~ : II: ~ 14 X!:!O<lIe~ ~~~:;: ~ 0 :;II~'" 15 >l~oci; en <I- 0..10 ..J ..I ... L ~ ~ 16 :J :; ... :t : ~ 17 0< II 18 19 1 have the Court enter an Order granting a Preliminary Injunction 2 prohibiting all parties from harassing any other party, pursuant 3 to Code of Civil Procedure 527.6 and on the additional specific 4 terms and conditions specified herein below: 5 1. That the parties to this action are all residents 6 in the 3600, and 3700 block 'of Harris Road, Bakersfield" Kern 7 County, California. 2. That the parties hereto have agreed to request this Court enter an Order granting a Preliminary Injunction which provides for mutual and reciprocal protection from each other party from any and all harassment by any other party on the specific terms and conditions specified herein below. 3. The parties hereto agree they are not settling, compromising, releasing or dismissing any rights or remedies each may have 'against' the other to recover money damages for any injuries or losses' proximately caused by the other parties' harassment or other actionable conduct or for any other legal or equitable relief provided by law. 4. The parties expressly agree and understand that any 20 willful or intentional disobedience of this Preliminary Injunction 21 is, in addition to exposing the disobedient party(s) to civil 22 liability for damages, including punitive damages, Court costs and 23 attorney's fees, punishable pursuant to 273.6 of the California 24 Penal Code, a misdemeanor. The parties hereto acknowledge they 25 have all ,received a copy of 273.6 of ,the California Penal,Code ,j ,\ i .j 26 ~romtheir attorney and that they have read it and that'they 27 understand it and have discussed its relationship to the' 28 Preliminary Injunction with their attorneys. ;r"x,:~::.' ..... 2 .t '., J ... 12 o ... ... )0 G 13 U) ~ ~I) .J z z :> Zl ~ : II: ~ 14 1J:!:!O(CDe~ ...z..-ow ~"'::1 0..1 N o :; II n'" 15 )o~ioQ;; \1)0(1- '..10 .J ..I ... L W ~ 16 :> ; i;: X : i ~ 17 i : I I ~," ".:., .... '. . ':" . 10 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .' ._:':~.:.'_:..::_....:~-.:..:.:-i__:-::.__ .,.__._...._0.'._0._-..... :....___. . ....:.;:_.___...:...~,.~~.:. ~" .:. ___.__.,..... : ...:......:..-.:'__-:.._.._..,_--..., ,_' ,v_...._ . ,._ >. . . .~" '. .,-~ '. .' 1 s. The parties hereto agree that a copy of the 2 Preliminary Injunction shall be delivered and lodged with, the :; Bakersfield Police Department, the. Kern County Sheriff's Department 4 and the Kern County District Attorney's Office. Further, that 5 these law enforcement agencies shall be requested to make the 6 information in, the Preliminary' Injunction and the Stipulation 7 available to any and all law enforcement Officers responding to the 8 scene of any reported harassment by the parties to this Stipulation 9 from any other party. 6. The parties agree the Preliminary Injunction shall prohibit all parties and any persons acting directly or indirectly by, through, with or for them from alarming, annoying, harassing, tormenting i teasing, threatening, striking or making physical contact with the other parties or any family and household members, guests, pets or farm animals of the other parties: and shall preclude the parties from following any other party or telephoning any other party or blocking any other parties's movements in public places or on the streets, the sidewalks or any thoroughfares in the neighborhood or anywhere else and that no party shall speak', scream, yell or gesture to the other party in any obscene, foul, offensive, provocative, violent or threatening manner, nor shall, any party trespass or allow their children to trespass on the real property of any other party, nor shall any party or their children block any other parties I access to, their driveway or garage by ska te boarding, rollerskating, rOllerblading or any other 26 activities related to'the same. 27 28 .I,: '';,''~ ;..:.-..2:::':(-:L . _ ,. 7. That none of the parties shall use their property, specifically including, but not limited to, stereos, car stereos, 3 - - '~.." ." , . 't'___:: .._ _ ~... ~____",":.___ ___"'''" I... . _. . ._"Jl . \ . .f.. ",> .. ':_ " ". ... .. '. ......' 10 11 .. 12 o ~ ~ )0 ca 13 en .. < ..J :> -WI '.... II ~ WI ~,.. 14 ,.J '" > .. 0 . :r:~<II...~ ...zw~. I~l)=.g~~ 15 >~ioo; CI)<....,JO ..J,J..L..,~ 16 :J . i:: J: : ~ 17 ~ . 18 19 20 ., ..~ ... .' , . ---_:.-, -." - "~._-. " . 1 portable stereos or any other property in any way, which 2 unreasonably interferes with any other parties' health and/or use 3 and enjoyment of their property and specifically, no party shall 4, store, keep or maintain any containers or vessels of explosive 5 liquids such as gas, diesel or other fuel in violation of local 6 zoning ordinances, the local Fire' Code or any other applicable 7 laws, rules or regulations. No party shall engage in vehicle 8 refueling operations at any time within the 3600 or 3700 block of 9 Harris Road, except that any employee (except for a party) 'of Southwest who is driving a Southwest vehicle identified by the company logo, who needs fuel from Bob Camp's truck, this will be permitted as long as permitted by local zoning ordinances and local Fire Code and other applicable laws, rules or regulations and it is done so safely. 8. The parties hereto, agree they shall not play loud music from their vehicles, their homes or portable stereos, blare their vehicle horns or race their engines in the neighborhood or cause, solicit, encourage or request their friends, family relatives, guests, children or other people to engage' in said acts of harassment in the neighborhood. Normal testing of vehicle 21 engines while engaged in their repair can be expected. 22 9. The parties and their small children shall not walk 23 nude in the neighborhood, nor indecently expose their genitals in 24 public in the neighborhood, urinate in public in the neighborhood, 25 defecate in public in the neighborhOod, masturbate in public in ::: I .o.t , , . - . - . - 26 the neighborhood, fornicate in public in the neighborhood or in any 27 way make lewd, offensive or foul gestures or comments to any other 28 party in the neighborhood or anywhere else. ','. "~.' ~~'_.J~~::t. ;. .t ~~f;:. .;':' :' , ~--- ."'-"'-.~:;~.~._... ,~.'.. ._"__-""', -~~ "_ ...:....:........ ._,.,-__.,'...",.". ....-... _~-""_-h"~,~:..:.!', ,;:~.. ._ "~::'='~_-'''''''''~'_~_' __~'_'_~_"':""M''-"","-,-,,' ....,. ";~__:"-'ot'- ._.._ ,..,."_,'_'~_.._.,,..:,_...........~_.':'_. "_ ~,. .._. _ ~ ~__._'_..... '_.'+ . I" ~ . 1'- ,~.-:... r. .. , .' .. i' ~ '; . .. 12 o '" '" >- ... 13 U) .. ~ ..J i i" ::l e ~ :: II: ~ 14 J:~~lle~ "-zw-. .3<k.:>o:;!rc 15 "'o;;llu'" >~ici -ii IJ)~" 00 '..J ...l .. .: d e 16 ...,. - i;: .J . 1ft J: II: ~ 17 ~ II ~i!:::L/. "i" 1 10. The parties agree to supervise and monitor their 2 small children at all times and shall not let them run or play in :; an unsupervised manner on Harris Road or trespass on any other 4 parties' property or disturb the peace and quiet enjoyment of any 5 ' other party. 6 11. The parties agree not to park their vehicles in such 7 a manner as to block the fire hydrant designed to. service the 8 parties' homes in the event of a fire or other emergency. 9 12. The parties agree to obey all laws, rules and 10 regulations specifically including, but not limited to, the 11 applicable County Zoning Ordinances, conditions, covenants and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 restrictions, Fire Safety Code, California Vehicle Code or any other ordinances, rules, laws or regulations related to the same. 13. The parties agree the stipulation shall not prejudice any party from applying to this Court for further or additional Temporary Restraining Orders or Preliminary Injunctions, if that be necessary to keep peace in the neighborhood and other eliminate any further or continuing acts of harassment. DATED: i HULSY & HULSY LAW OFFICES, December , 1991 DATED: for December DATED: % // 4- ~~-r-~ r ~.c lj/~ TELHO ACTIS,' , // "') . -7~_ cA~ ROSE ACTIS - ? December DATED: 9 , 1991 December 5 .=..:::..:~..,.;...--:-=.~--- _,::,'~~. --.. .',: :..:.:'~-.':.~~ -. . :., . . . t ( .. '~ i~ ~ ~ 8 9 10 11 .. 12 o ... ... >- .. 13 en .. ~ -' i :in be!: :: II: ~ 14 J:~-<lIf~ ~~~:;: ciS 0 :; III ~.., 15 >- ~ ::l' _ en~~~ci~ -' .J I'll L ; ~ 16 o ; i;: J: : ~ 17 -< II 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ., , '.' - '_.,,:,~:, -.,'," .::'.......~..:;.- ._~~~ .;'>._:,,_... ~::''': :';".=~'_:"_~.. ~ .~-.L;;; :'~.- _-::; :'~;':--...i~?:~'~ ..::....;,.,t:;....____. , _.:~-,!~ .....:. __.,,;., '_::'_~.-,._._.:~___1'_~':. 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: December ~, 1991 December ..3...., 1991 December -L, 1991 December 9 , 1991 December L, 1991 (0 December , 1991 December 10 , 1991 DeCember~, 1991 December. /;l-; - 1991 December (l , 1991 December /~ , 1991 .'--~~_..':.:.:: ~-~~ ROBERT PAUL ~o\~~~ PATRICIA PAUL ~tu ~P!A---- ERNIE REYES . ~\2& (',C7~ /~ ELAINE REYES ,.' .~, ;'. , ~..,.,..." - ,/ 1./ . \ / / /" .... , ./ 4."""".-' -.,? .. , a;; ,(. L4r0"~~ ((..J-- ?1ENN~~R STADTMILLER LAW OF~CES OF ";?- BEAVER, _ By . H. DENNIS BEAVER, Attorney for Defendants BOBBY CAMP, MARY CAMP, LISA CAMP, a minor; BRANDON CAMP, a minor, JEVON CAMP, SHAWN CAMP, WES WAYNE ABRAHAM, LOTTIE ABRAHAM, ANNETTE ABRAHAM and WAYNE ABRAHAM <0~~ BOBB P -BM..y~~h1 ~/ BRANDON CAMP,V a minor . A/~ ~r ~ON CAMP 0 6 ..' "_._~.._.....__~,_..~....;.:..':"___..-.~"":_. _~__'H__".'~..' _, . ~~'. -...___.____,-'-. _.,..~.~.. ._L_.......;-=__,;.__.__-~_ ....:._.~~_.._~_.__~.. _ . ~ i, .. ...:\,~~ I~': ~' , 'r. 'Ii . .- .~' . . r) .. .c: J i i 1ft :> :l ~ : II: ~ 14 ~~.c:Cle~ tz~:;: ~ 0 ~ II ~" 15 .~ici .; ) .c:... . 9 0 J .J N L ~ ~ 16 ~ - ... .. III ~ 17 .c: GI 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N o ~ " Go 12 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 DATED: DATED: 4 DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: DATED: December \\ , 1991 December --L1-, 1991 December December /I , 1991 I I , 1991 December --LL--, 1991 ~~~,-v C'~~ SHAWN CAMP . tJ~, .1J,.4Ya:if?'tf? ~ WES W AB~ ~B~ -Ann ttl, ~o.tDJ ANNETTE ABRAHAM wi~~~~'la.!o- ,/'J LAW OFFICES OF R. B~ VANDE~,tR/ By ~,I!( ________ RoaERT B. 'VANDERNOO~, Attorney 1991' ,for_D~d~A R.I~RA /~C2~//cc~ ;./ ~ RIVERA\ "u DeCember~, 1991 December .l..f-., IT IS SO ORDERED. ARTHUR E. WALLACE JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ."....... 7