HomeMy WebLinkAbout00697 ~, PW -644030 . . , fa \{e-& . zq I z,-;~c- ., . ..-:r APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT. PERMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and lor maintain an eJ1c.roachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The ~ame and address of applicant is: FR A }\I 1<. ~A-)<'~..-Rc.r-=-IVI-D) CALtP. q:~s{)q VA~~10[~ ' , 77 () 't ~AnnL;gAL.J( Dr? The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: COl\Jt;7~ur:r- L'~AHJ LlI\IK Ff.NI-C' FRoM. kr>PLl('4A:l-r~ ~PP5!.'7Y "fJ r" A.) U,.Gt", Wrrl.l WAl~ 1-1 All( ~/I.\JC€ B1)JZD~l< I k~ ,r<L>YChlJ A-V{::'AJUf:' ~ F~6JG€. IS? I q 11 J ~~JVh--r;H The location of the proposed encroachment is: S(::f:: c; ]((:'7rlf A-'TA{,-#~1':) AliJn <fHf)TDG12 A-.p~ ~ Applicant desires to maintain the aioresaid encroach ment during the following time: 't.UDE--~lIJtTe-kY-If)PB;V~UT uA]A-{)-rHDRI7~'" us~ r:Wn IP7?'2'F'J::'P~VI'F_ N17'H' T1?.AJt1:::::Jc..... Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employeesTjTI'a.y, suffer, orwh ich may be, recoverable from; or obtainable against the City oIf Bakersfield or such ofI-f,cers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placi~~,;,'~rection or main tenance of said encroachment. , Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation'thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said , , .."~,,,;;;,..;,;,: ,""public property or right of way to the condition as n early may be in which it was before the placing, erec- t,,:c"i,;;~~,tion; main", ,t,ena~e or existence of said. encroachment. '~. .f, ~" ;& , .,,' ;:f~"" ;, "DatEr: t:J.&1 L /1; J982. ' --'q. ~ - . -.,.- ~" ~;.,~. f ';l:' ( SIgnature 0 Apphcan ':;""""'" ,~w.'_~o~ 1 I hereby certify that I have' made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application arid" find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted-~) . Date: 'f-~e-Vz. ~ ..,--crtY..Eng~ .. I hereby certify that the foregoing,application was (granted) . X by 0 d of the City Council dated. Ap"i1' ?~, H=lR? TO: ,Frank Valente 7709 Sadd1eback Dr. Bakersfield. CA 93309 Your application dated 4-14-82, No. 904 New Series; was (grante~) (~~J:by the Date 5-3-82 "!:.'>l. . ;', ,. 0 No. 697 of Ordinance N (7 (6 ~ " t:c ~ '" ~ ~ (}l , , ,', A ,g Iq If r:t3J4C~ ' 1Y'o, pO"" .' -P' if;5 1(81v-tf;.fecf (-or wh,ck I e"'" '. { ~ "J1. c-- r^e-ie.- 'J!; locJz- ' /" re.eC.e- :'~J (t':- :~'l I.~' I " t.-. -' ';,-;,;u-~-:",,""''' e;' ,e e e -~~~~;~~\=~=- :~'~';'r' ',~;~==~, ,-~',-~'-' ~f~~~~:)J;;t~~ -l~.::~",~\;~:,:~.:,,:~~'~"~~~~:.;,~~~~~::.I;~:W~;~~.. 1,:1.: ~ .~..: ,~f\' ~ .t'~,.e :,' ,!1',' ~~f~~/.%'~~"I-L"('~"~}>""'.;A<&~.-,1-t"tl;;:~t.:~.':'~,~~t?'.r!.t?;f~!..,~i;~~~:-.~~:.lI~...l.A..~.... .~'"Q\--~':'" "-'~!".""'~..;) ;~'. ~~ ....;)' ',,-.... ..... /', '''~Ji,/4.~\''~~,!'.(~1j;'>\~-:..'~\.:.tS:'/'.:i..J:.~:lh:~ /~:J,l_~:,?~,~~t~:,~":-~~""r",-.:.t.....-:"'Ct_T.;'~"'t.~~:j,)"~~.J'; t~"!...; -,"~. , ~!""", ... ., j. ~ l~~ ~,......_4~ILt\..,:i. ""i.^~...~ 'i""" ~~l:-00(....1~~..\~..... 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I # {, , '""", ',. ~. :tr:t.tJ.lt .lit~:i4' t<1'(;)}~' ,~~~~ f ,/J.:~,\ .~t~~ (~../ ;~, r"< '~N~}~~\~' {;~\~~r:,~t~~~"~ ~} !'l'... :"':J:' I' j ~'j,! /~ ~:!Sf;t ":,: U~,;.,} '1~11.' ~\ t; : ~:, '1 ;"f.-, , ~.^ " ,.. , , :^ "~~~,':'*,,,.r.:....., ~H"""1.:~\r",''!rt~;'''+'~-'~~i'1~~tI}'r;l~~<,;-;f),,~:';,.. ,~.h .'1,V"f~"'~'it",""""""~.F''.' , ,'~~ ',' . ~t. ::' "', '. ':f~ ~ ~.,., ~~", It'rq '"i~' - y,<< ._'-.1;J"~~-,,,,~Vt...~___~ ~; .:(~~f.lf-",r ~.h:-l.t.&;7'o1''';,I",,'l"':'~.j'''.:r~j;~:, ".p ;;r...~/ ;'4.;: ,~I. .(, ..,) - ....' "-" . , ,- -, ... ' --'-JfJ-~,j[" ir' " , ~-,". , ,..:':,~ .~::,i ,-~' --,- ~--, --: . ~., :..r~~.--:-....--;----".'O ",.; i ~. ::kf;;~';~1~;;;r.~~)3" ""~:' -, ' ,( '. '~ .4;", \);( ':-'''l~,: " I,~,fi, '" ,r,:j;#::'("~ '."", J]~~ '~:,.', ~~~f,f,~,~,?-,:,{,f,r,:,ti,::,':~," r~)i'~:i:';'<~i .' . 009'_." IrJl ~.~. .,,'<,',,~,' ~t,' i '" ' .' / .!"~~ ~~~t~~.~~:::~~" -:h~ ::::~~:" ..::::;~y ..::~ :~~~~~t ' ;t~~~f~ ~~;": ,,:;. t~~l~~~_~~t,~~t~~:~~~ion with the caatcrly dght-of~y 11m! " :~. -"\~)t~,~~tr: :,:.~.':,,;.;,.:,"i:':""';"":""~'::"":'i';".~,:~,:'"',',.:'",:,',',:.".,""',.",::",:,:;.~,, 1 " \) , =:E :~~~;c~if :!~i~~;~:~~:;~~!~~; :f~~~~~~~:~ii[~ ~~::::~ . \ '\',\. \1' ' ' ,c "': \''.:.,: : , ~~. . ,: l ,~and f.... f_ huild'""" .nd ..ro.tu.... of .ny KIiid-Ox.!'J1T~<iiC'~~ . \ Ii. '~. lr'Z:3fi'ICt: ingrees Q~ egres~ of ;vehi(l~.~e. , , .. .-'" " '" , j I ' 25. Deeds of conveyance of any lot sub,1ect hereto mDY contain the o~ ~ . ~!c~ions by reference to this document, but whether or not ouch ref~' ',:,'.,.,~,~,(,,:,l,;,,;...,.,,::',i,':, """"".:',:~.: 1; .; ~~d:e ~a~~~h a~:~~~~p~~e~:f ;e:;~~t~~: ~;n~:C:~C\~:~~~:~i~~ ~,;e:~ 'I' .'.: f. Ol" ctllre of such covenant-s may be restrained by any court of competent jurisdi- {.1'1..., ',,' 1 ~1ml I.lloodmages awarded as:;ainst Buch violator; provided, however, that <l violLstim1 :,~."~,',,,',1t,',i,;"":":,~~,:,\' ':':'@ftheselt'CStrictivecovenantsoranyoneormoreofthem,shall ntIt defeillt or ' '," ': r, i ,: 1roIli1tar invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of,trust now of rccoro, oX' vhich :~;1;"i:: '';..' .' ' ~i;~h ~b;o~la~~e~f record, upon said lots or any pert thereo~ made in ",,"1 ' ;Ji':, ,'. . ;'(' 'r:f' , i;;f ' f~\'" ,I ~11'~ ' "if .' ... f- )'i.",d " ,1, l~,f ,) '\ 'f~~~~; ,'_,,', r ~'..~:.~ ) ""~';l ,~~:1~ .('l::~ , ~6o Enforcement of each ~ov~~nt ,set, forth.in these reetl'iCUQIlS...Qhall..be "the .1t~~oCe,~<:ill-Tof~€!.i:'..:' 8,~~!:..C::;_.h~~~~, ei tner' to enforce these covenants 'il:Jlnr.ougln due process of law or in equity against IUlj person, persons. firm arr corporation violating or attempting to violate any covenant, either to restrain 'vio].Qtion or to recover damages. In addition, such enforcement shall be a right er the Environmental Control Committee which shall have the same rights lilS sny ,@tner property owner for enforcement of these restrictions. :a. The provisions' 'hereof shall be deemed independent and severable. Glrtd ~ inwlidity or partial ,invaH,dity or unenforceabi11ty of anyone' provision <iW portion thereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of ony other ~vision hereof. l' ,28. All the provisions shall supersede end be superior to tha prov1a!onri'J 'Gf,~ny lesse, sublease or contract affecting the lends covered hereby. ., ':,.:1' I , ' j I~ , '.I .... ..' r i \~ ," j' I,: I i i: ;~_" -. 29. Except as otherwise provided herein. the provisions of these restrictions cny be emended by an instrument in writing signed and acknowledged by record Oionera having fifty-five (55) percent of the totol lot ownership subject hereunder, tiM.ch amendment shall be effective upon recordation in the Office of thE! Recordor of the County of KernQ provided, however. that Articles 11. 23 and 24 may not be c:mended in any munn~r without tho consent in writing of Ownare hoving not less thGln ninety-five (95) percent of the totel lot ownership subject hereunder. ...' ."" 3D. The rights, easements and servitudes r~served herein shall at all times be end remain a continuing right. easement, servitude which may be exercised, uoed, &vailed of and assigned. st any time end from timu to t~Q. 'and the :GXercisa. use ~nd ossignment of any such right, easement end survitude sholl never affect or impair the power of the Declarant grantor, its successors or 8S6!gnS. to @gain exercise. use or assign each and every of Boid rights. eoaumentm Qnd oervitudee et any'subsequent till1l/l. becuted thie 21st day of. Jalluary, 197). j By TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION d:~/ipt Vice l'Too idcnt .... by ~t - , Anaiotant S~Ntory , I -'I I. I. I: ....;. '~