HomeMy WebLinkAbout00666 ..,. - .-:. .'it_ PW-644030 . f\ c+kJ e . 3o!zg I<3E APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place,. erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. . The name and address of applicant is: ...J L) I it;"./,,) ;\1/), 'VI..:.. ~? IV. () ~,'n~ t....... e-::-'..d' 1,.~J~r.'"' !.' .....) I :;/ ;:,{-;i(')ii...';.. :)C) :,::",,..J,~ I y L-~,~;,,~l.t \'(r:;.~ t~ ~1~t t... \ -..' 'o....t;o:<'l" ~ j . . M i "" -~ ,..,- e, ) S . '. 0<:. , L ~ "'. ~ ""1 ". e) ~"""f . .,.""? f . The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: /" (~. I , . , _... ,f r , Ii ,,' ...,' If, " I ! 1 1.,. -... f ." ,. (,,~ "r 1'; : l..KjCL..J. ~'r f;; V'j (~f.::'"~ . .,[~ L (\{j :::! (',E,.": it.;., rt i. ,t.\ \ ,I,;);~ '.. ,"-. (. -~. , , .. f . L 1 .'.' .,:;;:;:.. z....... 1'\ r.f"~. ~~. 'J '1"" 1"-r I';. t: -tl; _:< 1_., 7 / e:.,:(=-1fiKJ.:~{Gle(,.A.)4' .1..'- ') _...... t"'~.J ".._ if.:; .f / I'.', .....( :J}' ~ '--t ~ r .~ I .-,. ? t~h:.6..."1 f' e." '":) r,,:d1\~ , { . I L. r..'. . ",,'.t. ,," I ,..I T''-''~:: f" ....f \ <- '\ y 4 "~'k '2 0 The location of the proposed encroachment is: ::"'" ..:... ..,,' ~ -~. :("("" ~.: /"'., - .., A ,....- \, . (')/'1 if,:;" ..e \_'1.:U-\: I : rut-I.- f:" I~ .<.-!') Applicant desJres to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the following time: , :/\'" {.,~ ((;, ~! J i" il' , ! r !.."~' -1; . <, I ,.(' \ 'I ' .' . Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, ,. '>';.'" :c..demands". exp_ens~s, ~(),~~. l:l.J111 eXI>en.ditur~s, an~again st all loss. or liability which the City of Bakersfield or ",-, :::~s~ch officers, agents or employees may suffer, or wh ich may De 'j'ecoverable frortr;'-'or"'obtainable l:!-gainst '}J;".:~::tYie::;City of Bakersfield or such 'officers, agents or employees,proxiin~Jelycaused by, growing outoCor in ':.<~)( ,ahY'way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said,: encroachment. ...' .: ,'~' ;...... .,. .'" ~ " '. ' . , .. . . ~:::;i:)}~:.;':";:.;Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit .for ~hich this application i~'.made, :;'>'Y:<~';..if;gl-aJ1~(L.or upon the revocati.on thereof by t~e City Councilif\applit:~ant,vvill ~t his own cost and e~pen~e :,;...:::..remove tnesame from the publIc property or rIght of way wn~re the same IS located, and restore. saId .7::';:.r\ .p'u?lic p~operty or right. of way to t~e condition as nearly may\ be in .;w/' hich it was before the plac;ilw;':'erec- :::;i ,'.:> tI~~, maIntenance ?r eXIStenCe 00 saId encroachmp-nt. .' .\) .;.., ',-,_"",,/ . .; ,.:." :C..1.,'" .,:....,.,~. .'.l,. , ?' /1' -., I ,,"....." , d\.. fl.. '1 ^ ,",Il'~O" .1, .~'l.'''..::;-.:~.'_.,./.J;.., J-'{' '''., ~/ ~. .' 4 .../~ ",' /J~ A;J' ,}'~L/i J~lA- . . .,,::..,):-.;.',.';',:,>,:Date: .'..-' J 0, l.;./'....-...I""f;"""!"> / .,.i~(""'~. v.......',.. .'" .'i,;; :.i~:,." I I . ("! Sigmit!lre of Applicant .. . ""'I?/ t"'::!,'i.~?::':'.\'.: I ~ereby c:rtifY that I have made an investigation of thU~cts.~tat;e(i;in the foregoing appiication a~~ -", :.~< .....;I~:;'..,.firid that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with theuse of the \:, ir" "~.?'/rY{: .:,,'ptI6lic place where the same is to be located -and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using'sai4 pub- r <;).'/.:y,:J,i~place; I. therefore recommend that said application be (granted- . . .. ",~ r.:r ,~/{/,.\ ;,,;:"";-~-r._'- . . _'. , ' ~ . . <,,; .' ;:,'t;;y.))(./';\., Date. . /f}-Z'I'" ! It, Ootober28 ,1881' ! .t' . -;' ~ '~. I hereby certify that the foregoing application was of the City. Gouncil :,,1:." ~:,~;~~~:f;' ~~~~~~~:~~: 93$O~ :;::.)/,' /:y pur application dated / () - /.? - g I ~ >::~7~,:..._,;':'.."'~,. ~ .;;.::'~.' . :;;~.!,~!{';:~;..~N~;~ 904 New Series, was, (granted) 'a_le~l) by the i'~i:/~~t~!,;.;~:.k~.:: 666 .' ,; ~(': Date 11-12-81:":.. .:\! .\,i /~{ ~~~..::~:. -: '.... ,~. --, 1: ;~-:':,., 'e . . . " -,' ;f for an enc roachment permit under the provision of:Ordinanc~' . . I', City ~ur;;s4~.~:J:;J I- :fI...~,.~. ; ., f .t.J','f. . I I j " .~ ~ ~ '~T'l i! _, I ; __ ~__---rr.-; .. ,;,r ej)\,; ; ; , 1"1 , J. ,f '''c;/;' ::21 I "~';~.i. '. ,'1, ~ ,~: i 64 L-.. fCOO '"'~~4-: I : ~ ~ I -r !I. c.... 'C,5:J t I ~ ry..<( . ." C I. . ,," 5': -:; " ~ , ~ . , . <,', ,J4, '",I L-_____._l,_--- '" (, .... A9 V' ~I r--- -- -:-r-...,' .....Q..~~. fO ., -," .~ 'I'll <(r, '" I..C 0. ',' ',i 145 J , '''', c B r';" if.,;'-. ,_,~ ~ I ::.= __'l:_L ~ _. ~("("' ~, ~ - .' '! : $ /. I .. 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