HomeMy WebLinkAbout00659 ,-.. -. ::.:-=- ~ ~..-- ~ f'""", . ._''""-(~ rPW -644030 ., e. \ Ot\-e cQ f2S~ ",qfzl FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT . . APPLICATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and lor maintP.inan encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: />~'::' ~ / .~? ./' J.$ ;"""-~" . l~/ '<U, 'It- ;F' fJ~ . ,,/.;J /" /< '/' t.~,. ~;. J /.;t. "".J ' / '/f.l , ' . ,/",:/' i .~, )1'" , )V~) /r~~j), ('r '::" ~(/" 7 ');t _ ..,,~... ""''';r,.l (J.. /. .r';~"".,_.,~;J' tf.~' ...::::i.-, ~ ~ q. ~,.. ~'i' A ~ . , "..'::;;' €,J'~'" The nature or description of the~ncroachment for which this application is made is as follows:. ,."~ ~ " . /):. (/ ,. }'.1.) I' ~ ./j :.1'~'" ~:I~,-,...,r.~~ -_ / .,./>!f: A". ,/.1'1"# /"",,,,i' "."!t:...".::,',;, ~':.. ,;''''.'~ .6;;'. 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'City of Bakl:!xsfield or ';:":~>'::;;fluch:officers, agents oremJllpyees may suffer, or which . ni'aY'~JIi~c,'cre~Qverable f.rom, or obtai~8;9Ie;ag~tnst I' ',;':<r~'the:City' olf Bakersfield, or'sJich';officers, agents or employe~s;.pr.0xi:ih.~tely c.aused. by, growing:':9ti~:~QfJ'QI;' .in t : ""~"~:"9~f;1,;~,~y~.~ay connected wif.~it~?'.'~I~G~t~'~;~rectipn or main tena~c~,'~?P;~~i:~MrcJo~c.l1ment: ",;1j;t{~i~;fr;~d:': ;<~ r" ,c'-~~;;~#~;}i':".:.J~pplicant furthe~.;)lgre~s/~~l!I.t~pon the expira~i ono(.:~h,e,~R~gpiJt.'jo:r ''Yhich : t?is applica~g~,~n~'},imMe, . . 'F~';G(lf.'granted. or upon therevocatlOn.thereof by the CIty Gouncll~'::aIHlhcant'wlll at. hIS own cost'and:texpense . . }~iJ~~titli~ep;~~e~~~~:rr~~~1'~f'p:~~i%1t.~~e~~~d~ri:~g~; ~ ~arl;r~~~tW&~~~hi~~ft '~~~i~~:h:'.~r~~~~~~~.{t~~~. ',:: ',' ',,;'::;:ttoh, : mainten:~ e~i",eiice, of,' said encroachment, ~),;,~,,' ," ", " " '.' 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